< How to Train Your Dragon (animation)

How to Train Your Dragon (animation)/Characters

Please keep in mind that characters and character tropes in the How to Train Your Dragon books and films should be differentiated, given that the films are significantly different from the original series. Beware of unmarked spoilers.

Main Vikings

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

Voiced by: Jay Baruchel

It's not easy being the brainy son of a brawny Viking, but Hiccup is too smart to waste time feeling sorry for himself; he's going to become a Viking warrior his own way. Unfortunately, in the crude world of the Vikings, Hiccup's sophisticated observations and wry sense of humor only serve to make him even more of an outsider. When Hiccup befriends his vicious enemy, an injured wild dragon, he begins an exhilarating and complicated double life.

Stoick the Vast

Voiced by: Gerard Butler

Stoick is the old-school chieftain of the brawny Viking tribe. A reluctant and confused parent at best, he doesn't understand his clever son. Hoping to bring out the man in his boy, Stoick sends Hiccup into dragon training, a dangerous test of battle strength.

Gobber the Belch

Voiced by: Craig Ferguson

Gruff, grumpy, and crass, Gobber is the seasoned warrior appointed to drill the new recruits. He is also the peg-legged and hook-handed village blacksmith and employs Hiccup to keep him useful in the clan. Gobber means well, but he's full of bad advice, which he dispenses freely and comically.

In the second film he hints subtly that he's gay.

Astrid Hofferson

Voiced by: America Ferrera

Striking, energetic and tough, Astrid embodies the Viking way. Her competitive, determined persona makes her hard to impress, but Hiccup can't help but be smitten. When Hiccup begins to show the strain of leading his double life, Astrid is the first to be suspicious.

  • Action Girl
  • An Axe to Grind: Seems to be her weapon of choice.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Canon Foreigner: Present only in the movies.
  • Cute Bruiser: Especially when her dere side kicks in.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen
  • Everyone Loves Blondes
  • Expy: Of Camicazi from the books, though Camicazi's much more of a Genki Girl.
    • Isn't she moving towards Genki in the shorts?
  • Gaussian Girl: Just check out her introduction.
  • Hot Amazon
  • I'm Not Here to Make Friends: According to Ferrera, Astrid follows the mindset of a competitive reality show contestant.
  • Jerk Jock --> Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She means well in that dragon combat is a daily matter of life and death in Berk, but she is very prideful and can be rather arrogant.
  • The Lancer
  • Leitmotif: An excerpt from "Romantic Flight" plays during her introduction; violins are also a recurring instrument for her.
  • Lethal Chef: In Gift of the Night Dragon, her Yaknog makes Snoutlout almost throw up INSTANTLY! For all her fighting talents, it would seem Astrid CANNOT cook.
  • No Guy Wants an Amazon: Completely averted; it's because she's such a strong and confident warrior girl that the guys love her.
    • If you look closely enough, she's slightly taller than Hiccup.
  • Peek-a-Bangs: As pointed out in the DVD commentary, her pushing back her bangs later on in the story signifies her being open with her feelings, especially around Hiccup.
  • Thigh-High Boots: Wears 'em, all right, but it's impossible to tell what, if any degree of Zettai Ryouiki she qualifies for, since those boots practically cover her thigh.
  • Tsundere: Type A; later more of a type B.

Fishlegs Ingerman

Fishlegs was Hiccup's best friend in the books, but this position has been taken over by Astrid. Fishlegs is nervous and frightened to do perilous things at the best of times. Despite his size, he's much more confident quoting stats than facing dragons... but that's not saying much.

Snoutlout Jorgenson

Voiced by: Jonah Hill

He's mean, he's strong, and he smells horrible....In other words, he's the perfect Viking. In a village where "Only the strong can belong!" he belongs, big time. He constantly hits on Astrid, but ultimately fails. By the second movie he's switched his attentions to Ruffnut, who if anything is even less impressed with him than Astrid was.

  • The Big Guy: With a rare dash of The Chick in the movies (he's the first one to accept dragons, setting the path for the other young Vikings to follow before the climactic battle).
    • Actually, he becomes The Chick by default; Ruffnut and Tuffnut are more effective at being The Big Guy, and Snotlout is more of a genderswapped Faux Action Girl, since his attacks almost never work, and even when they do, he still has to be rescued by the others. And as for accepting dragons, he's really the most scared of them at first, picking up a spear to try to defend himself before Astrid tells him to put it down; he also gets worried when Hiccup lets go of his hand to leave him with the dragon.
  • Hopeless Suitor: For Astrid. Even Astrid's voice actress agrees. When it's obvious Hiccup has won Astrid, he switches to Ruffnut.
  • Jerk Jock: He does get better though.
    • In the film. In the books he's this, period.

Tuffnut and Ruffnut Thorston

Voiced by: T. J. Miller (Tuffnut) and Kristen Wiig (Ruffnut)

Fraternal twins, they are fiendish thugs with ferocious intents and foul tempers, especially regarding each other. Viking adrenaline-junkies, no situation is too risky for their kind of dangerous fun.

Tuffnut: Wait, you mean read?
Ruffnut: While we're still alive?


Voiced by David Tennant

Stoick's Second-in-Command. David Tennant was previously involved with How To Train Your Dragon by providing narration for the original books on audio tape.



A member of the one of the most feared dragon species, a Night Fury, he is injured when Hiccup captures him and attempts to kill him. When Hiccup spares his life, and nurses him back to health, Toothless shows Hiccup what he truly is; a highly intelligent, curious, affectionate and protective creature. He is scaled up from his size in the book so he can accommodate the mandatory Dragon Riding component of the film.

  • Adaptational Badass: In the books he's a Basic Brown/Garden Dragon, one of the smallest, most common dragon species (the template for the Terrible Terrors in the movies) while in the films he's a Night Fury, a Lightning Bruiser phantom dragon nicknamed "the unholy offspring of Lightning and Death."
  • All Animals Are Dogs: Or more precisely cats; Toothless's look in the film was inspired by the black panther and he has several cat-like tendencies mixed with canine traits.
  • Badass Adorable
  • Berserk Button: Don't hurt Hiccup if you know what's good for you -- he made sure a Monstrous Nightmare got the message.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Movie only, where he is a Night Fury, a dark coloured species with a semi-demonic look
  • The Dreaded: implied to be this to (most) vikings by The Dragon Manual.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: In the books he literally has no teeth.
    • Kind of. Toothless does eventually grow teeth near the end of the first book (though he loses them in a fight), he started out with none because he is a very young dragon.
    • Non-Indicative Name: In the movies though, he has a full set of teeth that are retractable.
  • Expy: In terms of face and limb structure, he looks a lot like Stitch.
  • Genius Bruiser: Night Furies are amongst the most clever dragon species.
  • Last of His Kind: Speculated in the second film; to be sure, we never see any other Night Furies.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Not the biggest or most durable, but enough so that he can take some licks. His real power comes from speed, agility, stealth, and a flame blast second only to the Green Death in destructiveness.
  • Handicapped Badass: In the films, where one of his tailfins is lopped off by Hiccup early on.
  • Shiny Midnight Black: His body color in the movies.
  • Shipper on Deck
  • Silent Snarker: He takes after a certain someone.
  • Wave Motion Gun: He's basically got one built into his throat. Cute as they may be, Night Furies are feared for a reason.

The Green Death

  • Bad Boss: See I'm a Humanitarian.
  • Big Bad: It's the one forcing the other dragons to hunt for it, driving them to attack the Viking village and pretty much the entire plot.
  • Breath Weapon: Like all dragons it's got one, but it's one based on making pyroclastic clouds. Nothing near it stands much of a chance, until our heroes get into the fight.
  • Establishing Character Moment: The first thing this draconian monstrosity does on-screen is swallow a Gronkle whole for not meeting its feed quota.
  • Extra Eyes: Further emphasising its monstrous appearance in comparison to the smaller, Ugly Cute dragons.
  • Kaiju: A dragon the size of a truck would generally be considered large in this setting. The Green Death can (and does) swallow those whole.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Perfectly willing to eat other dragons if given the opportunity. This is implied to be one of the reasons they're doing its bidding; if they don't, or fail to bring it enough, it will eat them.
    • In the books he eats another seadragonus giganticus maximus. That was considered massive.
  • Lightning Bruiser: It's astonishingly agile for its size when in the air. But still no match in that department to Toothless.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Assuming the thing doesn't reach your boats first.
  • Non-Indicative Name: It's actually more of a sort of blue-grey in colour, though the name may be more to do with what happens whenever one shows up...
  • The Juggernaut: While the Green Death is chasing them, Hiccup and Toothless fly around, over and under large rocky outcroppings. The Green Death simply plows right through them.
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