The characters of the manga and anime series Heroman:
Main Characters
Joseph Carter "Joey" Jones
The Unlucky Everydude protagonist and the Kid Hero With The Remote Control for Heroman.
- Alliterative Name
- Always Save the Girl: When it comes to his Love Interest Lina and his Cool Big Sis Holly.
- This bring a tiny bit of conflict in Episode 21, where Joey and Psy are led to believe that Lina's brother Will kidnapped Holly. On one hand, Joey admits that he would hurt anyone who hurts Holly, but Joey doesn't want to indirectly hurt Lina either.
- Barrier Warrior: He comes up with uses for his energy shield that catch his less canny foes offguard.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Mess with him, he wont bat an eyelash. Mess with his family, friends, or giant robot, you won't know what hit you.
- Blue Eyes
- By the Power of Greyskull: "Heroman... Engage!"
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Disguised in Drag: Invoked when he (or rather, his older sister insists that) he needs to sneak into a hospital to talk to one of the patients. Interestingly enough, he didn't have to alter his appearance much; he just needed to put on a dress. Which leads us to...
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: He greatly admires his father and strives to be like him. Alas, genetics being the fickle bitch that it is, he favors his mother instead. Greatly favors. As in, looks exactly like her.
- Force Field
- The Hero
- Indy Ploy: A dab hand at on-the-fly improvisation and inventive use of his and Heroman's powers. Forget the Kamehame Hadokens and Force Fields - it's when he brings out the magnets that you should really be worried.
- I Will Definitely Protect You: Towards Lina in Episode 23. Too bad the helicopter came at exactly that moment.
- Kid Hero
- Kid With the Remote Control
- Ordinary Middle School Student
- Parental Abandonment: Both through death. Joey idolized his father for being a hero.
- Right Hand of Doom: His bulky control gauntlet gives him this appearance. Not to mention it's red colored 'upgrade' in episode 26.
- Super Speed
- Taking You with Me: He attempts this against Kogorr. He's stopped seconds before he can go through with it, though.
- Took a Level in Badass: At the start of the series, he spends most of his time hiding behind his Robot Buddy. By twenty or so episodes in, it's the other way around.
- Unlucky Everydude
- Viewer Gender Confusion
The titular character and Joey's Robot Buddy who comes to life after getting hit by lightning.
- American Robot
- Berserk Button: Don't hurt Joey. He will make you regret it.
- The Big Guy
- Cool Toy: Very.
- Gentle Giant: Unless you hurt Joey, which is a good way to invoke his Unstoppable Rage.
- Humongous Mecha: Although his usual size isn't that big, (he can fit inside some buildings if he crouches) he transforms into a ,ore generic case at one point in the anime.
- Empathic Weapon: His power growth seems to be directly related to Joey's Character Development. Also bears more than a passing resemblance to Joey's personal hero, his father. Hmmm...
- Living Weapon
- Lightning Can Do Anything: His origin.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: The sonic emitters on his Powered Armour, which pack a vicious punch.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: His NIA-sponsored Powered Armour.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: Not as much of a drawback as one might think.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Robot Buddy
- Shock and Awe: What most of his powers are based around, in accordance with the whole 'coming to life after being zapped with alien lightning' thing.
- Unstoppable Rage
- The Voiceless
- Wave Motion Gun: The O Spark.
Simon "Psy" Kaina
Joey's Handicapped Badass best friend.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Anime Hair: One of our own has described it as Spike Spiegel's hair on crack.
- Disguised in Drag: Does this to sneak into a hospital.
- Dude in Distress: Had a few occasions of this.
- Green Eyes
- Handicapped Badass: Being unable to walk properly does not seem to impede him from riding a skateboard, assisting the professor in his plans, and even kicking ass right alongside Joey with a sweetass guitar.
- Ho Yay: A not-inconsiderable amount with Joey.
- Hey, It's That Voice: Akira from Eden of the East.
- The Lancer
- Musical Assassin: Most of his contributions to battle consist of interfering with the Skrugg Hive Mind using sweet guitar riffs on a modified guitar.
- Ordinary High School Student
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Shout-Out: His orange jacket seems familiar somehow...
Lina Davis
Resident cheerleader, Damsel in Distress, and Joey's Love Interest. She is the sister of Will.
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders: A rare inversion: it's our cheerleader who really wants the average, "nerdy/loser" hero, much to her brother's chagrin -- Lina is more to take the initiative on her feelings, while Joey's a bit more subtle and reserved about it.
- Blue Eyes
- The Cheerleader: Averted. Lina may be a cheerleader in name, but she is certainly no Brainless Beauty or Alpha Bitch.
- The Chick
- Conflicting Loyalty: Develops this when she grows torn between heeding Will's warning to stay away from Joey. That, along with Joey lying to her about seeing Will again, only settled her doubt in him.
- Damsel in Distress: she was this even when she was only a child
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
- Hair Decorations
- Girl Next Door
- Hair of Gold
- I Know You're In There Somewhere Fight: The gang -- but especially Lina -- towards Will and Nick.
- Limited Wardrobe: Only ever seen in her cheer leading outfit or a swimsuit.
- Locked Out of the Loop: Constantly. She is very miffed by this.
- Love Hurts
- Magic Skirt: Very brief panty shot during her introduction in the manga
- Moment Killer: Goes through great lengths of this in Episode 10.
- Morality Pet: To Will.
- Plucky Girl
- Tagalong Kid: Insists on following Joey and friends into the city during the Center City invasion arc, despite being the only one to not join in the fight against the leader of the Skrugg. This fact allows her to avoid becoming The Load, however.
- The Pollyanna
- The Power of Love: Being Will's Morality Pet, Lina is able to break Will's Skrugg-infested brainwashing numerous times.
- Rebellious Princess: Not technically a princess, but she's the closest thing we've got to one.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man
- Spoiled Sweet
- Uptown Girl: Which is why Lina's Overprotective Dad wants Lina to stay away from Joey -- that, and it's implied that Will told their father about Joey.
- Victorious Childhood Friend
- The Woobie: Lina's progress in her relationship with Joey tends to get dampened by her separation from her brother Will and by constantly getting Locked Out of the Loop by Joey and the others. The latter doesn't sit too well with Lina in Episode 23 when she discovers Joey kept it a secret that he previously encountered Will.
Matthew "Professor" Denton
The science teacher at Joey's school whose successful contact with aliens led to the Skrugg attack on Central City.
- Adult Child: Often seems rather less mature than his teenage friends.
- The Atoner: Mild case. He feels it's his responsibility to help Joey fight the Skrugg. After all, he told them where Earth was in the first place. This being a light-hearted kids' show, he doesn't spend much time angsting over it.
- Catch Phrase: EGUZAKTORY!
- Crazy Awesome: Half the stuff he comes up with simply could not have been conceived by a sane, rational mind. Doesn't limit its effectiveness, though.
- Gone Horribly Right: His attempt to contact aliens probably wasn't his best idea in the world...
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Brooke the Musician Skeleton from One Piece
- Large Ham
- Mad Scientist: A benign one, mind you.
- Megane
- The Mentor
- My God What Have I Dne: Goes into a brief Heroic BSOD when he realizes that it's his fault that the Skrugg found earth.
- Otaku
- Screams Like a Little Girl
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Whenever he's busy formulating his latest demented/brilliant scheme.
- The Smart Guy
- Team Mom
Joey's family
Holly Virginia Jones
Joey's ladette-ish older sister who returns to Central City following the Skrugg invasion.
- Annoying Older Sibling
- Berserk Button: Do not hurt Joey in her presence. Even if you are the strongest guy in Central City.
- She gets really pissed when she finds out Joey is fighting alongside Heroman and that everyone knew except her.
- Blue Eyes: It's more of a teal-ish color, though.
- Bratty Teenage Daughter
- Cool Big Sis: Shows very faint glimmers of this on occasion.
- Crazy Awesome: Investigating serial kidnapping in Central City? Forcing Joey and Psy to dress like stereotypical detectives? In attempt to lurk into hospital forcing them all to Recursive Crossdressing? Drinking so strong coffee with so much sugar that her head would explode?
- Fan Girl: For Heroman.
- Jerkass -> Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite her attitude, she truly does care about Joey and helps him out whenever she can.
- Parental Abandonment: Unlike Joey who was too small to remember their father, Holly can't forgive him for dying in an act of heroism, which she saw as abandonment.
- Perky Goth
- The Ladette
- Tomboy
- Woman in Black
- Wrong Genre Savvy: At times.
Virginia "Grandma" Jones
Joey's grandmother.
Brian Carter Jones
Joey's deceased father.
- Disappeared Dad
- Epileptic Trees: Heroman is kinda looking like him, hmm...
- Expy: Big guy with blue-black hair and a Lantern Jaw of Justice? Who does that remind you of...
- Lantern Jaw of Justice: A particularly impressive one.
- Posthumous Character
- Tear Jerker: Everything about his death.
Catherine Mae Jones
Joey's deceased mother.
- Missing Mum
- Posthumous Character
- Stepford Smiler: According to Holly while her mother was always cheerful in front of her children, she had to cry when she was alone.
- Tell Me About My Father: Inverted, she was always telling Joey stories about her husband, what affected him a lot.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: While we did saw a grave and date, we still don't know how did she die.
Center City residents
William "Will" Davis
The Bully and Lina's protective older brother who gets turned into a Skrugg.
- Anti-Hero
- Anti-Hero Substitute: After his return in Episode 19, he has Skruggified versions of most of Heroman's powers, all the way up to wall-crawling and the Face Palm of Doom, as well as a thoroughly uncompromising attitude.
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Brother Instinct: Seems to be the main reason he doesn't like Joey.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Or easily manipulated by the Skrugg.
- Body Horror
- Blue Eyes
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Break the Haughty: Dear Lord. Not only does he pretty much lose everything he's ever had in a moment of jealous spite, but all the power he's gained hasn't prevented the Skrugg from doing one damned thing.
- The Bully: To Joey.
- Expy: Of Flash Thompson.
- Venom later on.
- Interestingly enough, Flash Thompson became Venom less than a year after Will got his power. Coincidence?
- Venom later on.
- Green-Eyed Monster: He was driven to infiltrate the Skrugg Base because he became jealous of Joey's new power. That doesn't go well for him.
- Hair of Gold
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Jerk Jock -> Brainwashed and Crazy -> Sixth Ranger -> Well-Intentioned Extremist -> Anti-Hero.
- Hidden Depths: Yes, he bullies Joey for seemingly no reason, And That's Terrible. But at the same time, he truly does bear sincere love for his sister, and really only wants to protect her and be her hero. He is also revealed to have a strong sense of the responsibility when he stepped down as Captain of the football team, not considering himself worthy after he indirectly caused Psy's disability.
- Jerk Jock -> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- My Sister Is Off-Limits: He doesn't want Joey anywhere near Lina, even after he's exiled from his house on account of being an alien hybrid.
- Nice Hat: Goes with the Badass Longcoat.
- Rival Turned Evil: Well, not evil, per se, just a bit...extreme.
- Sixth Ranger
- Took a Level in Badass
- Was Once a Man
- What Happened to the Mouse?: We never saw if he survived the final battle.
- The implication was probably that he's really dead.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Is pretty much the king of this on this show.
Nicholas "Nick" de Carlo
Will's Cowardly Sidekick who also gets turned into a Skrugg.
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- More Than Mind Control. He started liking it.
- Cowardly Sidekick
- Drunk on the Dark Side: Having no real power as a human, he went a bit crazy when he got Skruggified.
- Killed Off for Real: Quite thoroughly. First he got squashed by falling rubble. Then Joey found his mangled carapace under the resultant pile of debris. Then the base exploded. Given that that's the last we hear of him for the rest of the season, without even the Not Quite Dead moment that Kogorr gets after his first defeat, it's safe to say that he's very, very dead.
- Never Found the Body
- Number Two: To Will.
- Rival Turned Evil
Vera Collins
Hot Teacher who teaches math at Joey's school.
Stan Lee
He wants coffee.
American government
Axel Hughes
A member of the NIA sent to Central City to gain information on Heroman.
The President
The President of the United States.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Not So Stoic: His stern, contemplative appearance takes something of a dent in Episode 16, when he reacts to Heroman obliterating the MR-1 with a loud, enthusiastic, Hiro Nakamura-esque "YATTA!" See also: Crowning Moment of Funny.
An aide to the president.
- Ridiculously Average Guy: He looks just like a generic politician.
- Smug Snake: He is the one who was putting pressure on President to do "something" about Heroman. And he also without knowledge of the President ordered research on Koggor's eye, what didn't end well.
- Evil Chancellor: Subverted, despite being clearly a Smug Snake he warns President about Skrugg attack and escapes with him to the bunker.
The leader of the Skrugg and the resident Big Bad.
- Bad Boss: All the way up to eating his subordinates. The Skrugg really ought to charge for workers' comp.
- Big Bad
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: In a series filled with Dangerously Genre Savvy antagonists, he takes the cake, starting with little things like failing to ignore the big nasty robot chewing through his forces, and going all the way up to faking an obvious weak spot in his Eldritch Abomination form in order to lure Heroman into a trap.
- Disc One Final Boss: Subverted - he got taken out within the first nine episodes, and then returned in style for the series climax.
- Eldritch Abomination
- One-Winged Angel: His combat form. His resurrected form, meanwhile, is something else entirely.
- Spell My Name with an "S": The Japanses site calls him 'Gogorr', but Stan Lee himself uses 'Kogorr'.
- Took a Level in Badass: While he was a formidable foe, some fans were wondering if he didn't end as a victim of Villain Decay. Until he returned from death and turned into an Eldritch Abomination world eater... whilst keeping the Dangerously Genre Savvy attitude that made him such a threat in the first place.
- Villainous Breakdown: During his first defeat.
- Why Won't You Die?: Says this when Heroman shows up again to stop Joey's kamikaze attack. Considering that Heroman had his entire abdomen annihilated moments prior, this is understandable.
Dr. Minami
An Evil Genius with connections to the White House and the military.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Does not ignore the flaws in MR-1 and actually improves upon them. He's also capable of spotting and ruthlessly exploiting Heroman's own deficiencies.
- Dastardly Whiplash: He twirls his mustache quite often.
- Evil Counterpart: Him and MR-1 to Joey and Heroman.
- Also, he's the evil Mad Scientist to Denton's good.
- Evil Genius: Yes.
- General Ripper: Does a rather good job of being this despite not actually being a military officer, thanks to his ties with the armed forces and obsession with Heroman.
- Large Ham: Rivaling or beating Denton.
- Laughably Evil
- Mad Scientist: Oh, lordy.
- The Napoleon: Takes increasingly-ridiculous measures to compensate for his diminutive stature, culminating in dangling from his team's tilt-rotor like a tiny green-and-white marionette.
- Obviously Evil
- Punny Name: "Minami" sounds almost exactly like "Mini Me," a reference to his height.
- His name is also related to the fact that Bones president's name is Masahiko Minami.
- The Starscream
- Ted Baxter
Amanorich and Stallion
Those Two Guys who work for Dr. Minami.
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Not So Harmless: As demonstrated during the end-of-season prison break.
- Those Two Guys
Dr. Minami's assistant.
- Dark Action Girl: Surprisingly enough.
- Emotionless Girl
- Enigmatic Minion
- Karma Houdini
- Servile Snarker: One of the few deflationary pressures on her boss's massive ego.
- The Stoic
- White-Haired Pretty Girl