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Chizuru Yoshida is a high-school girl with improbably large bosoms and a very active, very heterosexual sex life. However when a new student, Azumi Yamada, awakens some unfamiliar feelings in Chizuru's heart, our heroine is forced to reconsider her sexuality.
Hen was created by Hiroya Oku, better known as the mangaka of Gantz. It was adapted into a live-action drama in 1996, and also into a 2-episode OVA in 1997. The OVA was released by Central Park Media under the title Strange Love.
- Alpha Bitch: Chizuru starts as one.
- Lovable Alpha Bitch: Quickly turns into this soon after she stops trying to deny her feelings for Azumi, and by the end of the manga almost all of her more loathsome qualities have almost entirely faded.
- Adorkable: Azumi and Ryuichi.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Chizuru to Azumi. Also, Azumi and Ryuichi give each other simultaneous declarations.
- Author Avatar: Oku[context?]
- Bait and Switch Lesbians: Nearly succumbs to this, but is averted at the last moment.
- Betty and Veronica: Azumi and Chizuru are this to Ryuichi. Subverted when the Betty and the Veronica end up with each other rather than the guy.
- Non Sequitur Scene: An extremely disturbing rape scene where Chizuru is raped by an 11 year old boy. This event is never referenced again, and Chizuru seems to have no memory it even happened immediately afterward.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Suzuki and Saena
- Catapult Nightmare: Ryuichi, though it's more of a Catapult Wet Dream.
- The Chikan: Chizuru gets groped by one.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Chizuru[context?]
- Closet Key: Azumi is Chizuru's.
- The Danza: Oku[context?]
- Date Rape Averted: Sugita's brother nearly rapes Chizuru when she's drugged unconscious, but he's foiled when she wakes up in the nick of time because she smells Azumi's perfume on the floor above.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Chizuru's huge tracts of land frequently have this effect on the male characters.
- Dojikko: Azumi[context?]
- Double Standard Rape (Female on Male): Played quite straight when Chizuru gets Ryuichi drunk and rapes him while he's passed out.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Sato[context?]
- Ecchi
- Erotic Dream: Chizuru has some extremely Freudian, extremely disturbing ones about Azumi. Azumi later has some much less disturbing ones about Chizuru.
- Erotic Eating: Sato eats a popsicle this way.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Azumi. Chizuru falls in love with her and is more than willing to make an exception for her despite being straight.
- Fan Nickname: "Titzilla" for Chizuru. Also "Elvis" for Suzuki and "Mouse-chan" for Azumi.
- Femme Fatale: Chizuru[context?]
- Gainaxing: It's a manga, and yet the female characters still manage quite a lot of bouncing.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: When Ryuichi's film script is reworked to include a kiss between Chizuru and Azumi, the drama club boys heartily approve.
- Girls Love: Sort of. It has a lot more heterosexual sex scenes than your average Girls Love manga.
- Gonk: Oku and the 11-year-old boy.
- Gratuitous Rape: The subplot where the 11-year-old boy rapes Chizuru comes out of nowhere, has no lasting effect on the characters involved, and adds exactly zilch to the overall story.
- Harsh Word Impact[context?]
- I Was Just Joking: Chizuru does this a lot, sometimes to the point of audience confusion.
- If It's You It's Okay: Azumi is the only girl that Chizuru is attracted to.
- Kick the Dog: Chizuru is prone to this early on while still in Alpha Bitch mode, being incredibly callous and condescending to people. Her tendency to do this drops off to nii by the end of the story.
- Ladykiller in Love: Chizuru is a female example.
- Love Triangle: Between Chizuru, Azumi, and Ryuichi. Later it expands into a Love Dodecahedron involving Azumi, Chizuru, Suzuki, Sato, Azumi's school friend, Suzuki's sister, and Oku.
- Marshmallow Hell: Again, Chizuru is usually the one providing the, er, marshmallows.
- Meganekko: Sugita[context?]
- Ms. Fanservice: Chizuru, who is drooled over in universe by basically everything male remotely interested in sex.
- Naive Newcomer: Azumi[context?]
- No Bisexuals: Chizuru gets confused because on the one hand, she loves Azumi (so she must be a lesbian), but on the other hand, she likes having sex with boys (so she must be straight). It never occurs to her that she might be bisexual, or that she is even aware of the concept of bisexuality.
- Nobody Poops: Averted; there are a couple of scenes showing Chizuru on the toilet.
- Noodle People: As shown in the page illustration, the character designs are very thin and long-limbed.
- Nosebleed: Chizuru has one after she sees Azumi naked.
- One Head Taller: Chizuru and Azumi
- Panty Shot: Usually Chizuru, who also provides other forms of fanservice throughout the story.
- Put on a Bus: Ryuichi[context?]
- Really Gets Around: Chizuru, who will sleep with practically anyone male early on in the story.
- Red String of Fate: Referenced in the plot of Ryuichi's movie.
- Replacement Love Interest: Sugita is this for Chizuru, when she's on the rebound after her disastrous public confession to Azumi.
- School Play: Actually a student film, but it serves the same narrative purpose.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians
- Shotacon: In a bizarre inversion, Chizuru gets raped by an 11-year-old boy.
- Shower Scene: Chizuru gets a few, and the two girls get one together.
- Skinship Grope: Chizuru is a frequent target. She herself does it to Azumi and Saena.
- The Tease: Chizuru, due to her hedonist tendencies, though the more her feelings for Azumi grow, this trait of hers fades away.
- Yandere: Sugita[context?]