Hazbin Hotel

Hazbin Hotel is a web-based musical-comedy adult animated series created by Vivienne Medrano (better known by her internet alias, VivziePop). The pilot episode can be viewed on YouTube. A prequel web comic can be found in the official site.

The show centers around Charlie, the daughter of Lucifer and the Princess of Hell. Hell faces an overpopulation crisis, which is currently managed through annual massacres of the population by angels. Charlie is dissatisfied with the status quo and as such she creates an hotel which aims to reduce Hell's population through reforming sinners/demons, sending the reformed souls to heaven instead. Whilst most of Hell's population finds the idea ridiculous, a powerful demon takes an interest in her project (primarily for his own amusement, not out of a belief it could actually work) and thus gives her dream a chance to become reality.

Recurring characters other than Charlie include Charlie's girlfriend Vaggie, Alastor (the aforementioned powerful demon who invests in Charlie's hotel), and the hotel's first guest Angel Dust (who happens to be a gay drug-addicted cross-dressing pornstar and prostitute spider-demon from a mafioso background).

Has sort of a sister-series called Helluva Boss, also created by Vivienne Medrano, set in the same continuity.

Tropes used in Hazbin Hotel include:
  • 0% Approval Rating: As might be expected, nobody except Vaggie (maybe) seems to think Charlie's idea will work. Even Alastor - who is funding the project - is only doing so because he thinks it has entertainment potential.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Sinners have to do something really bad to wind up in Hell, but with many characters, it's hard to say what. Vaggie is probably the most obvious case, as she doesn't seem evil at all. Angel Dust seems a decent type too, and Husk is a rude fellow with a lot of bad habits, but there's no proof he's ever hurt anyone other than himself.
  • Badass Gay: Charlie is bisexual, Vaggie and Angel Dust are both gay, Alastor is aromantic asexual, and Husk is pansexual (something revealed by Faustisse, one of the show's illustrators); LGBT themes seem common in this show.
  • Breakout Character: While Charlie is the protagonist, Alastor pretty much steals the show halfway through the pilot.
  • Cats Are Mean: Husk is a rude cat-like Sinner with a foul mouth. Supposedly, he used to be a soldier, he gambles, and is easily bribed by cheap booze.
  • Chaos Is Evil: Vaggie claims Alastor is an unpredictable force of Chaos, the reason he's dangerous.
  • Crapsack World: You expected differently from Hell? Gang wars are so common, the results are broadcast on the news with the way you'd expect them to report the weather. While cities seem to be loosely ruled by Overlords, those positions are only held so long as they can defend them from others. And then there are the annual purges...
  • Cute Monster Girl: Charlie and Vaggie, although the former does have a Game Face that she shows briefly when excited.
  • The Devil: Charlie's dad, called Lucifer here. Exactly how similar he is to the Judeo-Christian concept of Satan is not yet known.
  • Deader Than Dead: Most residents of Hell cannot die by conventional means, but the Celestial forged weapons the angels use during the annual purges can eradicate them completely.
  • Easy Road to Hell: Possibly, seeing as many characters identified as damned souls have not been seen doing anything truly bad. Angel Dust is a drug addict, prostitute, and drag queen, but he seems decent overall; Vaggie, aside from occasional rudeness and snarkiness doesn't seem evil at all. One of the biggest controversies of this show is the suggestions that some characters are Hell simply for being gay. Possibly because Heaven isn't as "good" as it used to.
  • Evil vs. Evil: Turf wars among residents of Hell are so common that the news reports them like they would the weather.
  • Fantastic Caste System: Hell has three types of residents: Sinners, which are damned souls of mortals (like Vaggie), demons, who were born the way they are (like Charlie), and a third that has not yet been named. It doesn't seem right now that this means anything in Hell's social structure, though; while most Overlords are demons, Alastor at least started as a Sinner.
  • For the Lulz: Alastor claims he has no doubt Charlie's project will fail, and that he's helping her because he sees entertainment potential in it. Having said that, he may see potential for profit too, but he hasn't outright claimed so.
  • God and Satan Are Both Jerks: Maybe. They are only seen briefly, but angels who conduct the annual purge are Humanoid Abominations who sport Slasher Smiles as they do their job. Word of God is, as yet, very closemouthed about what condition Heaven is in or who's running it.
  • Hate Sink: Katey Killjoy; rude, cruel, sadistic, and a homophobe, she's has no good qualities at all and is the most despised character seen thusfar. Given the setting, that's really saying something.
  • Horny Devils: Charlie is the daughter of Lilith herself, so technically, she could be considered a succubus, although she has yet to act like one.
  • Large Ham: Alastor's most prominent trait.
  • Laughably Evil: All evil characters to date, especially Alastor.
  • Might Makes Right: How the government in Hell (assuming you can call it that) works. Overlords are regional rulers who only hold their positions after seizing them, Lucifer keeping them in line mostly through intimidation.
  • Mugging the Monster: Charlie is a Nice Girl and all, but she's still Princess of Hell, and not exactly helpless if someone picks a fight with her, something Katey Killjoy learns the hard way.
  • Noble Demon: Alastor is this according to Word of God. He may be a Serial Killer, but he never pursues a fleeing victim and does not hurt children.
  • Number of the Beast: Charlie's interview is aired on Channel 666.
  • The Purge: Hell seems to have an overpopulation problem that causes the forces of Heaven do this annually. The first episode starts with a clock counting down the days until the next one, suggesting a time limit on Charlie's project...
  • Slasher Smile: Pretty much everyone can sport one if they have to, even Charlie.
  • Vice City: The setting for now seems to be Pentagram City, a virtual warzone for demonic gangs where every sort of vice - sex, drugs, liquor, and violence - are both openly available and cheap.
    • Hell has another known city named Imp City in the sister series - Helluva Boss - and it seems just as bad.
  • The Worf Effect: Used as Alastor's backstory. According to Vaggie, he appeared mere decades ago, and managed to topple Overlords who had been in power for centuries, clawing his way to the top faster than most demons could imagine.
  • Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Word of God claims this is true of Alastor, even hinting that he might even take custody of an abandoned one.
  • The Wonka: Lucifer - Charlie's dad - has not been seen on screen yet, but Word of God has actually compared him to the Trope Namer; he's also a talented musician who actually loves polka music.
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