< Haven


Audrey Parker / Lucy Ripley / Sarah

Played by Emily Rose

A young FBI agent with an eye for the supernatural who arrives at the small town of Haven, Maine on a routine case. After seeing an old picture in a newspaper of a woman who may be her mother and discovering that she has a knack for cases involving the Troubles, she decides to stay for a while to try and learn more about her past and help the Troubled. She later resigns from the FBI to remain permanently with the Haven PD.

Nathan Wuornos

Played by Lucas Bryant

A Haven PD officer and the son of Chief Wuornos, he quickly becomes Audrey's police partner and friend. In season 2, he becomes the Chief of Police after his father's death.

  • Berserk Button: If he thinks you've harmed Audrey, start praying.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Around babies.
  • Disability Superpower: Because he has no sense of touch, his sight, hearing, smell, and taste are boosted.
  • Feel No Pain: He cannot feel pain, heat, cold, or any touch other than Audrey's.
  • Happily Adopted: When it comes out that Max Hansen is his biological father and not Garland Wuornos, he continues to consider the Chief his real father. Which is somewhat ironic considering the rather antagonistic relationship the two had.
  • Healing Factor: Any injuries he takes seem to heal in a matter of hours, with no scars.
  • Inadequate Inheritor: His father is trying to make him tougher so he'll be strong enough to handle the Troubles when he is gone. He doesn't exactly think he's inadequate, just not ready.
  • Only Sane Man
  • Screw Destiny: His reply when his father's ghost warns him that if he and Audrey fall in love, Audrey will die.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Averted. He hold a great deal of respect for his father despite their rather-distant-on-both-sides relationship, but he doesn't need his approval or compliments. Of course, it didn't help that said compliment was on his ability to shoot a shapeshifter impersonating his partner in cold blood.

Duke Crocker

Played by Eric Balfour

A local smuggler, amongst other things, who is often caught up in the investigations. Nathan dislikes and mistrusts him, and he's not too fond of Nathan either, but he becomes something of a friend to Audrey and is more often than not their ally.

Garland Wuornos

Played by Nicholas Campbell

The Chief of Police in Haven, he knows more than he is telling about Audrey's origins.

Vince Teagues

Played by Richard Donat

Runs Haven's newspaper shop with his brother Dave. He knows more than he is telling about the Troubles and Audrey's origins.

Dave Teagues

Played by John Dunsworth

Runs Haven's newspaper shop with his brother Vince. He knows more than he is telling about the Troubles and Audrey's origins.

  • Dirty Old Man: Though him ogling Audrey may be justified as it is implied that he loved her back when she was Sarah.

Reverend Ed Driscoll

Played by Stephen McHattie

A former drunk who turned to religion. The Reverend is extremely influential and does his best to spread his beliefs that the Troubled and those who sympathize with them are unholy abominations who must be destroyed in the name of God.

Evi Ryan Crocker

Played by Vinessa Antoine

Duke's estranged wife and former partner in crime, she has her own reasons for returning to Haven.

  • Consummate Liar
  • Redemption Equals Death: She tries to make up for lying to Duke and betraying his friends to Reverend Driscoll by getting him the information he needs. She doesn't get past demanding that they tell him or she will before she is shot and killed by a sniper.
  • Wild Card: Even more so than Duke.

Dwight Hendrickson

Played by Edge

A mysterious man formerly employed by Garland Wuornos. He works as a handyman in Haven, but joins the heroes in protecting Haven from the Troubles.

  • The Archer: Carries a crossbow, since his Trouble prevents him from using a gun.
  • Badass
  • Blessed with Suck: He's a bullet-magnet. He found this out when deployed in Afghanistan.
  • Cleanup Crew: When he says he "cleans things up," he means he gets rid of the evidence of the Troubles. Though it sounds more mysterious than it actually is; Audrey remarks that when [he] looks like a viking, people will believe anything he says.
  • Determinator: His response to being caught in a bear trap while carrying a little girl to safety? Pull the chain out of the ground and keep going.
  • My Greatest Failure: Is haunted by the memory of his dead daughter, Lizzie. While helping the wendigo sisters, the Teagues ask if he's doing it to try to atone for Lizzie's death. He angrily replies that he's doing it because it is the right thing to do.
  • Papa Wolf: Toward the wendigo sisters.
  • Parental Neglect: According to him, his father and Duke's father are pretty much the same. His father didn't even bother to warn him about his Trouble before he enlisted.

Chris Brody

Played by Jason Priestley

  • Blessed with Suck: When he inherits his father's Trouble, everyone starts adoring him the moment they make eye contact. As a cynical loner who just wants to be left alone, he absolutely hates it.
  • Charm Person
  • I Love You Because I Can't Control You: He falls in love with Audrey because she is immune to his Trouble and thus acts normally around him.
  • Knight in Sour Armour: He grumbles, complains, and just plain doesn't like people, but he also threw Audrey out of the way of a car and was hit and killed in her place. Thankfully, it was a Groundhog Day Loop.
  • No Eye in Magic: His Trouble doesn't affect people who don't look directly at him.

Audrey Parker (the real one)

Played by Kathleen Monroe

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