< Haven


  • In the episode "Fur", why did the animals become inanimate corpses again when the woman died but her son didn't?
    • One would assume it would be attributed to the same power that kept the woman alive when her own father died... Which brings up a whole new light of problems now that I think about it...
    • She told them that she was the one they wanted. Maybe by some law of the woods her life was equal to their vendetta so when she died so did their reason for living.
    • The animals were inanimate until the resurgence of the "Troubles" while her son was active and living, so there is something different between the cases.
    • It's probably something like a self-sustaining power within the family. If you have it, you use it to keep yourself alive even if you aren't aware of it (much like other troubled use their powers without realizing it). So the mother was alive, died, got stuffed but wasn't aware of such, and so kept herself alive for all intents and purposes. The power was inherited by the son who ended up the same way. As far as things like her giving birth or whatever... chalk it up to the power itself as presumably it allows things to mimic something unless injured. As for the animals... it might be a sort of 'hell' for the animals - imagine being alive but not and 'trapped' with the people that killed you. She was their freedom from that. Or maybe the power is sort of selfish and self-seeking; it wants to be self-contained (stuffed into one container). And as the animals weren't related, the power wasn't given to them to self-animate.
  • The EFFING TIMELINE. If Nathan's Dad wasn't in jail during the Colorado kid's killing, and was suspected for it, that would make Nathan about eight before being adopted. They do not recall being adopted. WHAT? >.<
    • Pretty much every character has memory issues. Who's to say he's an exception to the craziness in the town?
    • The time line is pretty messed up. Nathan says he's "been with" women before his curse activated in one episode, but then another episode establishes he was cursed when he was 8 years old! Even that episode suggested he was interested in girls at that age, which seems a little precocious by itself.
      • Nathan was cursed in 1983, as he says in "Butterfly. This is the year when Lucy was in town, trying to stop the Troubles, in which, as we know, she temporarily succeeded. So Nathan's affliction subsided for a time and returned later, although there are pieces of conflicting information as to when it actually returned.
  • In "A Tale of Two Audreys", why doesn't Nathan turn on his headlights when the plague of darkness hits?
    • Probably because the scene was shot as "day-for-night", in other words, a scene is shot in daylight, then darkened in processing so that it looks like night. This is done for a number of reasons, such as a time issue making it impossible to wait for actual night at that location - or, in this case, the sudden fall of darkness during the day. This being the case, it would have required an expensive special effect to adjust only the headlight beams so they weren't darkened too.
    • Also, it was suppose to be Darkness not just night. That is, it's magical 'stuff' rather than simply the absence of light. So headlights might not have worked anyway. And in the following scene, we can see that it's not so dark that people don't cast shadows/they can't see what's going on. So... a a wizard a troubled did it.
  • How did Dwight survive Afghanistan?
    • Good luck and good doctors?
    • Also, we don't know how the bullet thing works. If it alters their course but doesn't really cause the bullets to do really wierd things like make 90 degree turns, then by proxy of being trained to take cover and such, much of the bullets would hit something on their way to him. Also, he would still be wearing body armor as a soldier. Also again, his Trouble started in Afghanistan; he didn't go there with it active. It may very well be that his Trouble started and he -was- hit by a bullet (or several) and was hurt hard enough to be given a honorable discharge (or was given one after several such injuries).
  • Where the hell was Dwight during the Second Season Finale?
    • Dwight is called in to clean things up. Nothing to clean up there.
  • How did Lucy kill Simon Crocker, when he was looking for her after she disappeared?
    • We don't know where she goes. Maybe he got too close and she offed him.
    • We only know he was looking for her after she left Lucy Ripley. It isn't stated that she had definitely disappeared by then, only that she was on the run. Also, Simon Crocker suggests she didn't necessarily have to kill him with her own hands - maybe it was someone acting on her behalf.
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