"If an alien who had just landed on Earth cornered you one day and asked, "Hey, what's with all the Internet jokes about Japan being really weird?" you could show him this movie and he would say, "Oh." Then he would leave planet Earth forever."
1977 Japanese horror movie by Nobuhiko Obayashi and considered the Spiritual Predecessor to The Evil Dead, Hausu is the story of seven girls who decide to go to the country home belonging to the aunt of one of them, when all their summer vacation plans fall apart. Strange things begin to happen as it seems that evil forces are at work to Kill'Em All. It can be best described as a drug-addled David Lynch's version of an even more colorful Suspiria remake.
It was released in North America in 2009 as House. Not to be confused with the other horror movie House, or that other House, or Cards, or Leaves.
Tropes used in Hausu include:
- Agent Mulder and Agent Scully: Fanta and Prof., respectively.
- And That's Terrible: During the piano scene, Melody's disembodied head shows up to comment on how "naughty" and "indecent" the situation is.
- Aside Glance: From Auntie. Very creepy.
- Ax Crazy: Auntie
- Badass: Kung-Fu.
- Non Sequitur Episode: Really, it's basically a BLAM movie. Although, the partially animated and poorly green screened montage in the beginning, set to an overly cheerful English language song is probably the most inexplicable.
- Butt Biter: Mac's head
- Cats Are Evil Incarnate: That fucking cat...
- Dead All Along: Auntie.
- Deal with the Devil: Auntie
- Death by Sex: Inverted. Had the girls had sex, they wouldn't have been in danger.
- Dem Bones: There's a doctor's skeleton hanging around; it occasionally dances for some reason. It's there because Auntie's Dad/Oshare's Grandpa used to treat patients there. So the haunted house is technically also an Abandoned Hospital. That's...that's super.
- Demonic Possession: Oshare
- Dull Surprise: Some of the acting, is, uh... a bit shaky.
- Everything Trying to Kill You: And we do mean everything.
- Fan Service: Tasteful (is that anything like the kind of word you'd use for a film like this?) for most of the film, then there get to be pretty random boobies all over the climax.
- Five-Man Band: Seven, actually:
- The Hero: Oshare, before, y'know...
- The Big Guy: Kung-Fu
- The Big Eater: Mac
- The Smart Guy: Prof.
- The Chick: Melody and Sweet
- Final Girl: Fanta is meant to be this, but she gets killed offscreen a few minutes before the ending.
- Gainax Ending
- Haunted Headquarters: The titular House.
- Kill'Em All: And in the most bizarre ways ever.
- Losing Your Head: Mac. Her detached head laughs, flies and and bites Fanta's butt.
- Medium Blending: Animation is used throughout the film in place of a lot of special effects, due to its low budget (and being the 70s and all).
- Mind Screw: There are pianos and lampshades (no no, not that kind) and bedsheets. And they attack people.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Every character in this movie has a nickname.
- Right-Hand-Cat: Shiro, to Auntie; Really, people should have known something was up when the cat that walked in on Oshare when she was writing to her Aunt turned out to belong to said Aunt.
- Shoot the Shaggy Dog: Sort of.
- Sliding Scale of Comedy and Horror: Sliding crazily all through the movie.
- Surreal Horror: Woo boy.
- Too Dumb to Live: All the surviving girls when they meet a possessed Oshare and fail to notice it despite the glaring clues.
- WIDGET Movie.
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