Harry Partridge
Harry Partridge (aka HappyHarry) is a flash animator, who voice acts, writes and scores all of his animations, as well as occasionally doing collaborative works with Chris "Oney" O'Neill (of Leo and Satan fame) and Stuart Ashen. He also happens to be the son of XTC's Andy Partridge. Your stereotypical Flash cartoon, his are not!
He releases his videos on his YouTube and Newgrounds pages.
Harry Partridge provides examples of the following tropes:
- Affectionate Parody: Almost all of his cartoons are parodies, if not, direct homages to, stereotypical Saturday morning cartoons of the 80's and 90's.
- Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?: "Michael The Terrible Boyfriend". In all likelihood, you're not.
- Bavarian Fire Drill: Stephen the Lesbian combines this with Mind Screw.
- Black Comedy
- Buffy-Speak: Animatery, Film-Makery Stuffery (Subtitle: Actual Technical Terms)
- Carrying a Cake: Subverted at the last second. The cake is unscathed. The guy who was about to fall into it...not so much.
- Creepy Child: Jimmy Tickles
- Curb Stomp Battle: The butch lesbian in "Stephen the Lesbian" has to fight in an arena against a dark phantom beast... which kills her in a single hit.
- Cutting the Knot: The Starbarians are challenged by Sciad the Snake-Wizard to a game of chance. Since he's able to manipulate fate itself, they instead opt to beat the crap out of him.
- Defictionalization: In a video advertising merchandise for his cartoons, Harry talks about Stephen the Lesbian, Gentlemen Clam, and Black Guy with the Brain of a White Guy, among others, then talked about merchandise for his real cartoons. Then came the Stephen the Lesbian cartoon.
- "Everybody Laughs" Ending: "Barrrlaaaaa!"
- Everything's Worse with Bears / Everything's Even Worse with Sharks: Bearshark.
- Evil Laugh: Jimmy Tickles, denying death-row inmates their last meals, then laughing as they're executed.
- Family-Friendly Firearms: Parodied. Bo-Starr's "Stun Ray" blows off Grassman's entire upper half because Bo-Starr forgot to actually set it to stun.
- Foreshadowing: In Chuck's New Tux, Chuck says he looks sharp in his new tux. He ends up impaled on a pointy metal fence at the end of the video.
- Gainaxing: Princess Bustilda
- Gag Boobs: Shows up multiple times in the Starbarians shorts. Even their (tyrannosaur-shaped for some reason) spaceship has Gag Boobs.
- Hulking Out: "THREE DEE!"
- Hypocritical Humor: Stephen The Lesbian's first decree as King of the Lesbians:
Stephen: "I shall bang each and every one of you! ...except the ones that look like dudes, 'cause that's totally gay!"
- Insane Troll Logic: Of course, this would imply that "Stephen the Lesbian" runs off of any kind of logic.
- Jerkass: The eponymous Starbarians. They agree to kill a dangerous beast on the planet of Mammoria in exchange for a month of alcohol, orgies, and plentiful food, because they'll probably die on the mission. They get their reward up front, and when the month is over, they renege on their promise after exiting the capital.
- They only get worse in Starbarians Episode 1.
- Large Ham
- Literal Genie: Hal the Misinterpretive Porn Star seeks to invoke this in every scene he does.
- Magic Floppy Disk: Apparently, all of Skyrim can fit on a single floppy.
- Man of a Thousand Voices
- Mondegreen: BYE OLD MECHANIC MAN!.
- Mood Whiplash: Harry's cartoon's are known for going from lighthearted fun to Nightmare Fuel in the blink of an eye.
- Nightmare Face: But the pain will be more than real...
- One of Us: His knowledge of Internet pop culture is unassailable, given his subtle incorporations of Sonichu in his more recent animations and his fanart of the elusive Amber Lamps from the Epic Beard Man viral video
- Plus, in his Skyrim video he shows some characters from Zelda except in their CDI counterparts, which can only mean he's either played them too or also entertains the occasional YouTube Poop
- And the backward, satanic sounding message at the end of "Twitter Twatter" is apparently "I choose you, Bulbasaur!"
- Out-of-Character Moment: Used deliberaly in "Saturday Morning Watchmen". Knowing the backstory, you'd be aware that Ozymandias beat up the Comedian and threw him out of a high rise building to kill him, yet Adrian inexplicably catches him to save his life in the parody, their preceding altercation instantly forgotten.
- Parental Incest: Presumably unintended in-universe-- The Comedian in Saturday Morning Watchmen wants a kiss from Silk Spectre, who is his illegitimate daughter in canon.
- The Power of Rock: Mordin's plan for defeating the Reapers in the Mass Effect cartoon debut trailer.
- Raging Stiffie: Look close (or don't) at the end of "Skyrim"...
- Save the Princess: Starbarians - Episode 1 had the two heroes rescuing Princess Bustilda. Only to end up kidnapping her themselves.
- Self-Deprecation: Some of his vids, but they usually make things funnier.
- On Nicolas Cage Wants Cake: "I promise I will never make anything this retarded ever again."
- Something Completely Different: Ace Ryder, an old student film of his that he rediscovered by accident and redubbed for his channel.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Animated Harry's parents, as seen in the Skyrim video.
- Stupid Statement Dance Mix: Nicolas Cage wants that chocolate cake.
- Subverted Kids Show: Seems to be a favorite trope of his. Examples include Bo Starr, a He-Man and the Masters of the Universe parody, and Chuck's New Tux, a bit of wacky Saturday Morning Cartoon hi-jinks that ends in Gorn.
- Inverted with Saturday Morning Watchmen and The Elder Scrolls Adventures with the Dovahkids.
- And now Mass Effect.
- Inverted with Saturday Morning Watchmen and The Elder Scrolls Adventures with the Dovahkids.
- Surreal Horror: The Justin Beiber Show.
- Take That: This video takes a major jab at "animation" programs that use canned animations and text to speech functions to create "animations" easily.
- He's also amongst many of those mocking a certain Christian Weston Chandler, having the manchild appear in several of his animations.
- Talk to the Fist: The Starbarians are challenged to a game of chance by the Snake-Wizard, Shiat. They promptly beat him senseless.
- Unfortunate Names: A lesbian bar called "The Big Dyke". There's even a giant billboard right next to the building attempting to explain it:
Billboard: "Dyke", as in a natural or artificial embankment which regulates water levels. -The Management
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Numerous viewers of The Justin Bieber Show want to know: who did Justin see at the mall?!
- X Meets Y: Watchmen meets Saturday Morning Cartoons, plus several delicious helpings of Irony.
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