Leo and Satan
Satan: Put your socks on, Leo! We're goin' out!
Leo and Satan is an animated comedy created by Newgrounds user Oney (Chris O'Neill), featuring the exploits of Leo, a preteen boy with a trapdoor to hell in his bedroom, and Satan, who's exactly who you'd expect him to be, although for the dark lord, he's pretty chipper and childish (but also quite bipolar).
The unlikely duo's first appearance, "Leo and Satan — Pancake Doomsday", is a simple introduction to Leo's love of pancakes and Satan's love of sugar. Nothing special.
"Leo and Satan — Algebra Aversion" is considered the first full episode, in which Leo's struggling with his math homework. Satan tries to help out, with disastrous results.
"Leo and Satan — Sugar Trip" is an overall improvement on length, animation quality and humour, as the pair discover to their horror that they're out of sugar. Whilst walking through town, they bump into a shady man who has what they need...
"Leo and Satan — Trash Hazard", has the couple borrow a board game from the neighbor's trash, which turns out to be a Ouija board.
"Leo and Satan - Battery Catastrophe" has the duo trying to find the batteries for their game controller.
"Leo and Satan - Leo Goes to School" It's Leo's birthday, and that means it's time to start going to school.
- Back from the Dead: Apparently, if Leo dies, he'll just go to hell, climb up a tall mountain, and come out through a trap door in his bedroom.
- Also, Leo's parents, who were killed by Satan a few episodes ago. The jury's still out on whether or not this is actually a good thing, considering they're both now Buried Alive and gasping for air.
- Creator Cameo: The drug dealer in "Sugar Trip" is Sean Kiely. He even wears the same garb and uses the same voice in an update video
- Everybody Hates Math: Satan tries to help Leo with his Algebra homework... it doesn't go very well.
- Mood Swinger: Satan is prone to them.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: "Trash Hazard":
[after Satan crashes through the window]
Leo: Whoa Satan. Looks like your stealth is out the window! *smile*
Satan: ...shut the fuck up, Leo.
- Nightmare Face: Satan does this a LOT.
- Number of the Beast: The answer to Leo's math problem in "Algebra Aversion"
- Ouija Board: In "Trash Hazard".
- Precision F-Strike: "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW. GOD."
- Satan:
- Speech Impediment: Both Leo and Satan are affected by this when they speak.
- The Stinger: "Trash Hazard": "Now how the heck did I end up in here?"