Half Life: Full Life Consequences/YMMV

John Freeman: Gordon Freeman is now these hands... i must kill the next boss and live up to full-life consequences!
John Freeman: These birds don't have to see Gordon Freeman yet. It's not time.

  • So Bad It's Good - Djy1991's machinima takes this trope to "So Bad Its Awesome"
  • Tear Jerker - John Freeman, Saver of Humens
    • Gordon Freeman's really actually final last death.

In the machinimas

  • Alternate Character Interpretation - In the Djy version, the Dark Man is the same person as revived Gordon Freeman. In the Gaz version, they're two separate people.
  • Non Sequitur Scene - Plenty in the original writings, but the machinimas take this trope to extremes.
    • In the Djy1991 adaptation of Free Man, they added in a scene that lasts from 6:12 to 11:38, where they deviate from the original, making John Freeman into a badass god figure by showing him fighting through a number of memetastic locales. While it was praised by some viewers, others felt that it added nothing to the video.
      • Within that segment, while most of the fighting was more or less in line with the rest of the story and John Freeman's larger-than-life image, there is an indisputable BLAM when the G-Man, who has a Hitler mustache, shows up and kicks John Freeman into the sky, before turning into Saxton Hale. John Freeman goes flying over various locales from assorted Source-based games such as cp_gravelpit, ctf_convoy_v2 and gm_bigcity, ultimately landing in GLaDoS's main chamber, where John Freeman gets into a one-sided argument with her, blows her up and arrives back at the Citadel just in time to see the humens at safe place before the Citadel explods.
      • "the countrysides were nice and the plants were singing and the birds and the sun was almost down from the top of the sky."
  • Colbert Bump - Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time favourited the Djy1991 video. They would.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome - "Chateau" from The Matrix (Djy1911 version) or "Gonna Fly Now" from Rocky III (Gaz version) during the Grand Finale.
    • Not to mention Djy1911's excellent use of "A Kaleidoscope of Mathematics" from A Beautiful Mind in their final scene.
  • Crosses the Line Twice - The DJY adaptation of Hero Beggining manages to make Henry Freeman's Mom's death HILARIOUS.
  • Memetic Badass - John Freeman. He can pick up and throw a train, honest!
  • Narm - Several otherwise well-done bits in Gaz6231's Free Man film are ruined by the in-game death reports.
    • "I know bro but you are hero" John Freeman said back to comfart Gordon.
  • Tear Jerker - Gaz6231's take on the death of Gordon Freeman. The music just makes the scene work.
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