Half Life: Full Life Consequences/Headscratchers

  • Why is this in videogame section?
    • I think it's because it's a subset of Half-Life.
  • What was up with the Cameos in the Djy1991 version, what was Spider-Man doing there? How did the Sniper get in?
    • Why not?
    • It's their style. A lot of people don't seem to like it, but whatever.
      • Sorry.
    • Spider-Man appears both in the human group and on the Combine ship. Is he a double agent? Or is this just another cameo?
  • How did John Freeman shoot the headcrab officer if he didn't have wepon?
    • Maybe he had a camera.
    • He disarmed the officer and shot him.
    • Correction: he did not have wepon. I theorise that 'wepon' refers to a specific kind of gun; thus, even though John Freeman didn't have his Wepon Of Choice, he still had a pistol which he used to shoot the headcrab zombie officer. When he found his beloved wepon, he discarded this pistol.
      • This theory is shot down by the fact that earlier, it was said that he had to avoid zombies on the road because he didn't have weapon.
  • How do we know Mattimer is squirrelking? He just gave a link to squirrelking's fanfiction.net profile with no explanation.
    • He was asked the same, and he modified squirrelkings profile info as a response to the person who questioned him. Yes, he might have just hacked his account, but anyway...
  • When exactly does John Freeman turn off everyone's computers? Apparently it's in What Has Tobe Done, but the only line that could be relevant is here:

he turned on off the computer and wet on the platform again

    • This clearly mentions only one computer, which apparently he's turning off and on again. Where are all the others?
    • He turned the computer on and off at the same time causing a rip to be formed in reaality that sucked in all computers.
  • What does it mean to live up to Full Life Consequences? What are they? What does living up to them entail? It seems to have to do with living up one's family name, but apparently there is a distinction.
  • If John killed the 'final boss', then who would the 'next boss' be?
  • Why are people seriously discussing plot holes when the whole fic is so ridiculously bad?
    • Potential pythism.
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