Good Luck Girl!
Binbougami-ga! is a comedic manga written and drawn by Sukeno Yoshiaki that started publication in 2008 in Jump Square. An Animated Adaptation has been greenlit for the Summer 2012 Anime season.
Sakura Ichiko is a high school girl who is smart, strong, beautiful, wealthy, and otherwise talented in just about every way you can imagine. So much so that the Japanese gods are concerned: Ichiko is unknowingly absorbing the "happiness energy" of everyone and everything around her that she threatens to accidentally warp the balance of karma in the entire world. They decide to dispatch Momiji, the God of Poverty and Misfortune, to Ichiko's hometown in order to suck out some of her good luck and restore the balance of energy in the world.
Unfortunately, Ichiko becomes quickly aware that Momiji's trying to suck out her good luck with a giant hypodermic needle, and not even Momiji's status as a god can save her from Ichiko's over-abundance of good luck as the world constantly finds ways to help Ichiko escape. Even so, Momiji continues trying to suck out her good energy, while Ichiko tries to send Momiji packing, and other characters find themselves thrown into either side of the conflict between the two girls.
- Bifauxnen: Ranmaru
- Born Lucky / Lucky Bastard: Ichiko
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Repeatedly invoked throughout the manga, with various characters referring to Ichiko (directly or indirectly) as the main character.
- Chick Magnet: Keita, just by being himself, manages to snag the affections of three girls. Alas, he's Oblivious to Love.
- Cluster Bleep Bomb: Chapter 6's title. "As Thanks She'll [XXX] You And [XXX] Your [XXX] As You Shiver In [XXX] You'll [XXX] Until Morning."
- Combat Pragmatist: Ichiko both intentionally and unintentionally
- Combat Sadomasochist: When it involves a woman Inugami, especially because it helps him transform.
- Dirty Old Monk: Bobby.
- Familiar: Ichiko has the ability with her somin shourai to transform her good luck/happiness energy into cute representations of the Eastern Zodiac to aide her.
- Lethal Chef: Ichiko. Luck doesn't help cooking apparently.
- New Transfer Student: Momiji and Ranmaru. Lampshaded in Volume 3: When a student in Ichiko's class asks the teacher why so many transfer students are getting placed in their class, the teacher responds that a main character from a manga is in their classroom.
- No One Should Survive That: After Ranmaru accidentally falls out a 13-story window and lands back-first on a car's roof, she still has the strength to get up and challenge Ichiko to a duel with no more than a little temporary blood on her face. Both Ichiko and Momiji are impressed as they invoke this trope.
- Passionate Sports Girl: Ranmaru Rindou, especially after her father beat it into her to become the heir to his karate dojo.
- Perpetual Poverty: Keita and his family.
- Power Tattoo: Momiji's right hand
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Momiji, Rindou.
- Shout-Out: Ichiko somehow dons a Kenshiro-like face to avoid being spotted by a girl she ratted out to the police earlier in the same chapter.
- Several characters don masks of One Piece characters.
- Ichiko is so paranoid of Momiji's abrupt niceness that she imagines herself in a critical scene from Death Note.
- Slapstick Knows No Gender
- Too Kinky to Torture: Inugami Momoh
- We Want Our Jerk Back: Ichiko for a chapter. Momiji, sort of.
- When You Coming Home, Dad?: It's not that they don't love her, it's just that they're so busy, they haven't been able to come see her since she was a baby.
- Weirdness Censor: There're some reactions to the antics of Momiji and co., but mostly brushed off afterwards.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Ichiko is prone to use submission moves on people when she gets physical.
- Momiji does a German suplex as a wake up call to Ichiko.