Godquest is an Interactive Comic drawn by Jovian, hosted on the MS Paint Adventures forums.
On a planet named Rixile, ten gods and their races try to coexist together, but it's very hard to do so when there are conflicting alliances. Confounding matters are demons who constantly plague the races by exaggerating their worst flaws. Can the gods try to work together to eliminate the demons?
Overall, an epic story with well-written characters, great worldbuilding, and plenty of humor to spare. Currently on hiatus after having completed its first season.
See also Jovian's second adventure, Superego, which is concurrently running.
- Original forum thread
- Mirror
- Current character spreadsheet (Contains spoilers)
Tropes used in Godquest include:
- A God Is You (Type A)
- Alien Blood: The demons have bright green.
- Blessed with Suck: The icends have a greater affinity for communicating with spirits...but at the same time it allows them to be possessed more easily.
- Body Horror: The forcol have plants growing in them. Nocturne particularly finds it disturbing.
- Chekhov's Gun: Terra's urn later turns out to be a makeshift demon detector.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Each of the gods is drawn solely in their representative color (e.g. yellow for Volt), while the demons have a colored aura corresponding to their initial.
- Disney Villain Death: Qince, thanks to a crumbling cliff.
- Dragged by the Collar: Cryos takes Sonata with her when the former wants to discuss the latter's supposed attack on her homeland.
- Eldritch Location: Nocturne's sanctuary, The Gateway, is pretty bizarre. Galvan's cave is also said to have tunnels which stretch on forever.
- Elemental Powers: Each god or goddess has one (being the embodiment thereof), along with a secondary domain (in parentheses):
- Shock and Awe: Volt (sky).
- Dishing Out Dirt: Terra (animals)
- Extra Ore Dinary: Galvan (time)
- An Ice Person: Cryos (spirit)
- Blow You Away: Aether (mind)
- Green Thumb: Phyll (the home)
- Playing with Fire: Ignus (justice)
- Making a Splash: Mist (emotions)
- Lunacy: Nocturne (space)
- The Power of the Sun: Sonata (balance)
- Eye Scream: Oberus tore out Galvan's right eye last time they fought. The latter wore a Cool Mask to hide this ever since.
- Fantasy Pantheon
- Gone Horribly Right: When Mist extinguishes the scorched parts of the forest after the rogue volkin attack, she goes overboard and turns it into a swamp.
- Gory Discretion Shot: Ignus cuts to the chase and rips Bryn a new one.
- Horned Humanoid: Terra, Cryos, Ignus, the earthen and (male) icends.
- Ice Palace: Cryos can sure build a mean one.
- Imagine Spot: Very often, to show what a particular god is thinking or conveying.
- Loads and Loads of Races: Ten of them, one for each god.
- Megaton Punch: Aether delivers one to Nocturne here.
- Morphic Resonance: According to Word of God, the demons will carry a similar appearance across all disguises.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Ignus razing his empire because of a corrupt emperor may have been cathartic, but when the realization dawns upon him that he has to rebuild everything from the ground up....
- Mythology Gag: The April Fools' Day gag sub-venture, Goddamned, suggests Rixile was the byproduct of yet another Sburb session.
- Our Centaurs Are Different: Terra's Bestial form.
- Our Demons Are Different: There are 26 of them, each for a letter of the Roman alphabet. Each one represents a negative human attribute, and can voluntarily shapeshift into a member of one of ten races. However, they retain some tells when doing so, making them easy to spot. Whenever one is killed, another one will come to replace the fallen in the space of a few decades.
- Physical God
- Plant Person: The forcol, at least symbiotically.
- Power Tattoo: Blitzers use electricity powers this way.
- Schizo-Tech: Played for laughs with Volt's ice cream.
- Sdrawkcab Name: Rixile is "elixir" spelled backwards.
- Shout-Out: Cryos pulls an "OBJECTION" on Aether rather impressively. Also, this comic was, as Word of God says, partly inspired by Wakfu.
- Silly Reason for War: Invoked between Terra and Mist. Their potent rivalry could make anything a reason for war between their nations, be it sports, literature, or even what the best drink in Rixile is.
- Thirsty Desert: The area between the countries of Nocturne and Sonata is a desert wasteland where both darklings and soli have to work together to survive in.
- Vestigial Empire: Ignus.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: The gods when they engage their Bestial forms, and the demons when they're infiltrating on mortal affairs.
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