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The ten gods and goddesses of Rixile, each of which are a patron to one race (which has a similar appearance to them, given they made them in their own image).
All the gods provide examples of:
The God of Weather and The Stars (or Lightning and Sky as he prefers). The patron god of blitzers.
- Adult Child
- Butt Monkey
- Idiot Hero
- Running Gag: Volt trying to hide his (supposedly shameful) Bestial Form.
- Shock and Awe
- The Archer
The Goddess of Earth and Animals, and the patron goddess of earthen.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Our Centaurs Are Different: Her Bestial form is one such.
- The Beast Master
- The Ditz
- There Was a Door: But Terra would rather do this instead. Hilarity Ensues.
- The Rival: To Mist.
- Tunnel Queen
The God of Metal and Time, and the patron god of all meks. His bestial form is a manticore.
- Cool Mask: He has one to cover the eye torn out by Oberus, though he finds it a bit embarrassing that his race is adopting this attire as well.
- Extra Ore Dinary
- Only Sane Man: He tends to take his job very seriously.
- The Comically Serious
- Time Master
- Time Police: He is a ward. A stabilizer.
The Goddess of Ice and Spirit, and patron goddess of all icends.
- An Ice Person
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Sure, she may be excitable and not all there, but she can exorcise angry spirits without so much as a huff. And she keeps her head cool in emergencies.
- Genki Girl
The Goddess of Wind and Mind, who also happens to have the most advanced technology compared to the other gods. Her bestial form is a garuda. She is the patron goddess of aronites.
- Blow You Away
- Crazy Awesome
- Decade Dissonance: Considering that her eponymous nation has what she believes is the latest in technology, she tends to exploit this trope.
- Diary: She keeps one, known as the BOOK OF SECRETS, wherein she writes everything she knows about technology, warfare, and her buddies/rivals. The former two have proven very useful for her race, what with the rivalry between her and Galvan.
- The Prankster
- Verbal Tic: CAW
- Wind from Beneath My Wings
The God of Plants and the Home. He tends to be an Actual Pacifist, but finds it hard to stay that way with all the conflict going on. His bestial form is a Pokemon-style gecko + World Tree. He is the patron god of forcol.
- Eyes Always Shut (for the most part)
- Green Thumb
- Heroic BSOD: When he realizes that he broke his vows of pacifism.
- Memetic Badass: According to the fans, along with power over plants and the home he also has the ability to shoot lasers out of his beard!
- Sensitive Guy: But woe betide the man who threatens his homeland....
- Unstoppable Rage: Phyll really hates those who harass his people or his land.
The God of Fire and Justice, and patron god of volkin (though he wishes they didn't act against his will).
- Berserk Button: Tends to get really upset when his race gets out of line, especially when they attacked Phyll's forest unprovoked.
- Chekhov's Gunman: His first appearance. He isn't properly introduced until much later.
- Honor Before Reason
- My God, What Have I Done?: Razing his empire because of a corrupt emperor may have been cathartic, but when the realization dawns upon him that he has to rebuild everything from the ground up....
- Our Dragons Are Different: Ignus's bestial form is a classic Western dragon.
- Playing with Fire
The Goddess of Water and Emotion, and patron goddess of aquatones.
- Fish People: Given that her bestial form is a sea serpent, it was pretty much expected.
- Making a Splash
- Morality Pet: To Ignus.
- Stock Ness Monster: Her Bestial form is a sea serpent similar to Nessie.
- The Rival: To Terra.
The God of Moon and Space (but not outer space--that's in Volt's domain). He is the patron god of darklings.
- Aztec Mythology: His bestial form is a quetzalcoatl.
- Butt Monkey
- Deliberately Monochrome: Not only him, but his race the darklings as well.
- Raymanian Limbs: He has no arms, just empty sleeves. Especially apparent in this panel.
- Teleporters and Transporters: His scythe allows him to travel through space at will.
- Unstoppable Rage: He ends up throwing a fit a mile wide at the darkling and solus rebels.
- Visible Invisibility: He can turn invisible (an outline of himself) to sneak around Rixile. Unfortunately, Aether can see right through that trick.
The Goddess of Sun and Balance, and patron goddess of all soli.
- Blue Eyes
- Demon Slayer: It's her job to ensure Rixile doesn't fall to the demons.
- Knife Nut
- Slasher Smile: Oh geez.
- The Power of the Sun
- Third Eye
The demons are beings who coexist with the gods, albeit not peacefully. They are responsible for huge surges of negative human emotions, and the gods find themselves needing to rout them every so often.
All of the demons have the following tropes in common:
- Alphabetical Theme Naming
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Unlike the gods, however, the demons have an outline that is black on the inside and a darkened hue on the outside, as denoted by their initial.
- Emotion Bomb: The demons have power over the negative attributes of humanity, and can increase them to devastating levels with the right timing.
- Rogues Gallery: Several of the demons have proven major pains in the asses for the gods, notably Bryn and Oberus, possibly among others.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Inverted from the gods; their true form is an animal, yet they can assume the form of a mortal, barring obvious tells.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: His/her true form is a bear.
The demon of destruction, whose true form is an elk.
- Demonic Possession: He has demonstrated this ability by forcing a forcol family to chop their own house down.
- Demon Of The Season: For Season 1.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has obtained a couple on his face after countless fights with the Gods.
- Killed Off for Real
The demon of impulsivity.
- Affably Evil: He's more of a nuisance than an actual threat. At least, according to Volt.
- Idiot Ball: This guy is the personification of this trope.
- Crows and Ravens: His/her true form is a raven.
The demon of deceit. Currently imprisoned by Galvan.
- Consummate Liar: There's a reason he represents deceit.
- Wicked Weasel: His true form is a (rather monstrous) weasel.
The demon of despair, whose true form is a dog. Deceased.
- Disney Villain Death: Thanks to a crumbling cliff.
The demon of indecision, whose true form is a chameleon. Killed by Sonata.
- Posthumous Character: His first appearance saw him dead at the hands of Sonata.
- Panthera Awesome: His true form is a lion.
- Giant Spider: Her true form.