Go Get a Roomie
Go Get a Roomie is a comedy webcomic narrating the wacky hijinx of Roomie, a Not-So-Innocent Fanservice Girl, and her friends, most of whom are girls with whom she slept as payment for letting her sleep over at their place.
While not full-out porn, the comic is definitely NSFW. It is published by batlesbo (formally nana-51) on Deviant ART and, since recently, on its own website. Here is the first strip.
This page is in need for more love. Roomie, however, is alright.
Tropes used in Go Get a Roomie include:
- The Alcoholic/Lady Drunk: Roomie can't hold her liquor, but that never stops her (including a highly suggestive ode to beer).
- Allergic to Love: Played for Drama with Roomie, whose turbulent lifestyle inevitably causes anguish to anyone who has serious feelings for her.
- Art Evolution: The art has evolved big time from the early strips.
- Beneath the Mask: Apparently, being as loved and idolized by everyone as she is get's a little suffocating for Roomie. It's part of the reason she's so drawn to Lillian.
- Bi the Way: Allan, definitely. Possibly Roomie, but this is subject to a series of Unreveals, and she's only been seen with women.
- Can't Hold Her Liquor: Jo the Barman has some interesting stories to tell about the drunk Roomie. About himself, too.
- Cats Are Snarkers: Lillian's cat is very much like a muted form of her owner.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Matt. Since Lillian took over his role as Straight Man to Roomie, Matt seems to have disappeared from the surface of the Earth. (The Unfortunate Implications of Roomie and Matt's interaction probably had a part in it.)
- Completely Missing the Point: That, or Roomie is just good at Obfuscating Stupidity here.
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: Roomie's punishment to someone not willing to wake up is covering them up with love bites.
- Cooldown Hug: Roomie gives one to Matt to resolve some of the tension that built up between them by strip 24.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: In time Lillian finally warms up to Roomie.
- Deadpan Snarker: Lillian, full stop.
- Distracted By the Shiny: ITJUSTLITUP! [dead link]
- Does Not Like Shoes: Roomie doesn't seem to like them most of the time.
- Double Entendre: Roomie needs approximately three seconds to come up with one.
- Comes back as a Brick Joke when, at a later point, Lillian is given the option in a game of "Truth or Dare" to either tell the truth of whom her "first" was, or make up a double entrende on the spot, with a time limit on three seconds to make up her mind. She decides to go for the "think like Roomie" approach and delivers a combination of both just as the three second time limit expires.
- Drunk on Milk: Roomie apparently gets herself drunk on water.
- Truth in Television: Particular types of alcoholic beverages (Red wine being a classic example) will leave alcohol in a person's liver; a sudden intake of liquid will thus flush this alcohol out, causing intoxication. Similar effects can occur in heavy drinkers.
- Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: Roomie briefly entertained the thought of thoroughly ravaging Lillian in her sleep, but settled for giving her a kiss on the cheek instead. D'aaawh.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Roomie seems to inspire this where-ever she goes. One character even explained that even though she is straight for the most part, she does make exceptions for shy little virgins who have never known a woman's touch... Roomie is an exception to that exception.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": No, it's not the actual barkeep (whose name is Jo), but Roomie herself. As explained in strip 3, it's a shortened for "Room-mate". He real name has not been revealed so far.
- Face Palm: It's not like Matt has much of a choice about it.
- Freudian Slip: While the Double Entendres are being flinged left and right, this is the only one that seems to pass as unintentional.
- Also Lampshaded in one strip, but it is quite possible that the "slip" was intentional.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: As Matt puts it, watching half-naked girls is more interesting than trees. Also, arguably the whole point of the comic.
- Girls Love: Roomie obviously prefers girls, and most named girls so far prefer her.
- Het Is Ew: Roomie jokes about being heterosexually infected by Matt's kiss.
- Hikikomori: Lillian, who sleeps the better part of the day and barely interacts with anyone. Which is why her brother set her up with Roomie in the first place.
- Hurricane of Euphemisms: Troll's attempt to explain to Lillian that Roomie is in the back room engaging in lesbian sex here.
- I Am Not Pretty: Lillian thinks she isn't. Roomie begs to differ.
- I Have Bewbs You Must Obey: Roomie manages to save Matt from her three odd friends with "The power of BEWBS!"
- I Know Kung Fu: Akido [dead link] actually.
- In-Series Nickname: Lillian will always be "Lazy Tyke" to Roomie. Roomie probably wasn't named such by her mother.
- Just for Pun: The title of the comic is a pun on "go get a room", an expression used to communicate to a couple that their... interaction compromises the dignity of those around them.
- Just Friends: This is what Roomie prefers her relationship with Matt to be.
- Also, it's all that her relationship with Lillian amounts to so far... Let's wait and see!
- Ladykiller in Love: Roomie seems to be downright enamored with Lillian. She has definitely spent more time focusing on Lazy Tyke than anyone else in the series.
- Lap Pillow: Roomie provides one [dead link] for Lillian, while she tells her story.
Roomie: My lap's that comfy, huh?
Lillian: Well, it certainly isn't uncomfy.
Roomie: Uh-huh.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Roomie... just Roomie.
- Love You and Everybody: Roomie's way of love is... complicated. Depending on how you see it, she falls somewhere between Allergic to Love and Anything That Moves.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Roomie, of the "very promiscuous, usually drunk and teasing everyone" variety.
- Master of the Mixed Message: Roomie seems absolutely dumbfounded that some people may misunderstand her sexual antics as anything serious.
- Mushroom Samba: Jak and his (unnamed) friend get really high at the party at Aggie's place.
- Naked Apron: Sported by Roomie, when she's baking a cake.
- Not a Morning Person: Lillian, Roomie's newest bed buddy.
- Only One Name: Every character so far. "Roomie" is not even a name.
- Please Put Some Clothes On: Interestingly, it's not the onlooker, but her current lover Aggie who is embarrassed by Roomie's nakedness.
- The Pollyanna: Roomie. Nothing can get her down. Even encountering homophobia makes her happy, since it drives lesbians closer together.
- The Promise: Aggie promises to never fall in love with Roomie. Take that as you wish.
- Really Gets Around: Roomie's promiscuity never ceases to astonish Matt.
- Especially when she learns Aggie's name the next day after bedding her.
- Shameless Fanservice Girl: In the early strips, Roomie had a habit of getting naked whenever she wanted to be comfortable (and it takes three hours to get her back into clothes afterwards), without care of who was around. Has been dialed back now that the comic is more relationship focused.
- Shipper on Deck: Allan, for Roomie and LT.
- Shout-Out
- Roomie once claims to be a Lesbian Pirate from Outer Space.
- Roomie's ringtone is a song from Adventure Time.
Lillian: Cellphone says your ringtone is too distasteful.
- The mugs in this strip: if you look at them up close, you can see the references to a certain famous TV show and an equally well-known video game
- The comic's banner ads on MS Paint Adventures.com often reference the popular Homestuck fan pairing of Rose and Kanaya
- Sleepyhead: Lillian, as mentioned before. It is heavily implied that sleep is an escape mechanism to her that she resorts to whenever life and/or circumstances starts getting uncomfortable.
- Spit Take: Check.
- Straight Man: Matt, both literally and in the trope sense.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Allan has definitely never had dreams about "steamy encounters with pink unicorns and dragons with rows of penis on its back".
- Transsexualism: Julia, who is now Jak, much to Roomie's confusion.
- The Un-Reveal: When Roomie is asked (somewhat obliquely) in an interview whether she likes men, she purposefully misinterprets the question. When she wakes up having apparently had a threesome with two men, she objects of the straighter one, "he's... Allan!"
- Visual Pun: This gem.
- Will They or Won't They? Roomie and Lillian.
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