< Glee

Glee/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth singing about here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Glee fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Do warn when a fanfic may head into homo - wait a second, if that bothers you, why the hell are you looking for Glee fanfics? Just mark all incoming pairings, please.

Authors and Websites


  • Recommended by Super Troper
  • Comments: Does Gleek-a-Thons of ficlets to make it through the hiatuses. Is now on a 13th cycle of them and they are all wonderfully written and wonderfully catalogued.


  • Recommended by Super Troper
  • Comments: Miggy is just brilliant - probably one of the best fanfiction authors I've ever seen. She serves up the best Gen fic the fandom has to offer and every one of them is inventive, articulate and filled with emotion.
  • Miggy writes some of the best fic I've ever read, if you even slightly like Glee you owe it to yourself to read her fics.
  • Also her recent Glee Survivor and Glee Amazing Race have some of the best characterisation i've seen as well as being crazy addictable.
    • And absolutely hilarious.

Keitorin Asthore

  • Recommended by Zadia
  • Comments: Keitorin Asthore is a genius- she writes amazing fics and recently has been focusing on Kurt-centric fics as well as Klaine. Her OC's are well-thought out and well-written, the stories are believable and she puts a ton of effort into her them- it shows.
    • Seconded. Her writing style is beautiful and flowing, but the most amazing thing about her is the characterization. She does such a fantastic job pinning all of the canon characters, as well as creating well-rounded OC's.


  • Recommended by Orthographer
  • Comments: Characterizes Kurt and Jesse particularly well and does a great job choosing appropriate songs for her characters to sing.


  • Recommended by Ridderres1
  • Comments: Does a series of awesome Rachel/Puck/Santana pranking the school. With Pezberry in there too. I've been laughing out loud at some off the stories. Especially the one about murals made me laugh out loud for about 10 minutes. Simply awesome.

Dramaticks [dead link]

  • Recommended by Ridderres1
  • Comments: This author does a Faberrittana universe with polyamory involved. I've read somewhere that it is the best that this shipdom has to offer and tend to agree. There are fics about individual relationships between the girls too, also amorous. this particular fic got me tearing up halfway and totally in tears in the end. It does, however, include quite graphic sex scenes, so be warned.

Swing Girl at Heart

  • Recommended by Brdway Rokr 16
  • Comments: This chick writes beautifully. Right now, she's in the middle of a series she calls 'Expect the Unexpected'. Each fic focuses on one character and gives them a wildly outlandish story-line, ranging from comedic to down right tragic. She's also writing a great take on Cormac McCarthy's "The Road", using the Glee characters, and in McCarthy's writing style. It's amazing.

General Fics

Stories focused on... well, anything but romance.

From Both Sides Now by blueink3

  • Recommended by Thinks Too Much
  • Synopsis: That night, I learn that the man with the curly hair is named Will. I call him Mr. Will because my Mommy told me that that's the proper way to say it... Will's life as viewed by a young neighbor.
  • Comments: A really sweet view of how a little kid might see Will's life as heard through the walls. It's something I could really imagine happening, and the kid's got some great characterization going.

Mama Said by Mary Flanner

  • Recommended by Super Troper
  • Synopsis: "How can you be a Mama's boy without a Mama?"
  • Comments: A beautifully written Kurt oneshot. Have some Kleenex on standby.

Sensible Heels by losers day

  • Recommended by Super Troper
  • Synopsis: Thanks to an off-hand comment from his mother, there is only one thing Kurt wants for his third birthday.
  • Comments: With special guest, Aunt Mildred!

Expectations by Closet Geek

  • Recommended by Super Troper
  • Synopsis: "Quinn knew that she couldn't stay in the bathroom stall forever, even if it had started to feel like home lately"
  • Comments: A nice little friendship fic for Quinn and Kurt.

Five Things That Could Have Happened If Mr. Shuester Quit Glee and Became an Accountant by Lady Chronic

  • Recommended by Super Troper
  • Synopsis: Exactly What It Says on the Tin
  • Comments: Rated R for number 4, but otherwise PG. I love how the author really gets to the heart of how glee affected everyone's lives.

A is for Apple by cruiscin Ian

  • Recommended by Super Troper
  • Synopsis: Brittany angst. Saying anything else would give the story away.
  • Comments: A heart-breaking little drabble, and a wonderful piece of characterisation.

Quinn in Wonderland by jackiekennedy

  • Recommended by Capretty
  • Synopsis: Quinn has just moved to Lima, Ohio and is pissed about it. She suddenly sees a boy in all white rolling across her lawn in a wheelchair. When she follows him she ends up falling down the rabbit hole and ends up in Wonderland.
  • Comments: A great, well-written crossover that was written by an author who clearly loves both Glee and Alice in Wonderland. They immediately dive right into an exciting and original plot too that somehow still manages to feel urgent all while showing the usual walking around and meeting people formula the Alice story is known for. Everyone she meets is a Glee character but none of them are ever referred to by their names-her writing is so clear that you immediately can tell who everyone is. It does dabble into quite a bit of romance between Quinn and "The Mad Hatter" but for the most part it's a fun and exciting read.
    • I really like it alot, but I have a minor problem, who are the Walrus and The Carpenter supposed to be in the Glee Universe?
      • Matt and Mike
      • Now has a trope page and character sheet.

Just Like Last Tuesday, Except With Zombies

  • Recommended by Capretty
  • Seconded by redvelvetmock. Best. Glee. Fanfic. Ever.
  • Synopsis: Lima is infested with zombies, and McKinley High's glee club, along with guest judge Emma Pillsbury, hole up inside the school to combat the blood-thirsty hordes. Full ensemble fic with emphasis on Puck, Rachel, Finn, Quinn, and Kurt. Now has its own page.
  • Comments: An action-packed, romantic, tragic, and, at time, genuinely scary fic that keeps up major suspense. It occasionally meanders in the middle but when it gets dark, it gets dark!

This is What They Could Make a Glee Video Game About by Miggy

  • Recommended by Quindin
  • Synopsis: Will´s reaction to the new Cheerios´ routine.
  • Comments: This 500 word Crackfic manages to sound very IC despite Rule of Funny/Rule of Cool. Well, it helps that Sue´s in it.

And Innocents by Gandalf3213

  • Recommended by kirana44
  • Synopsis: When two boys open fire in McKinley, the Glee club has minutes to save themselves. And if some fall during the tragedy, can they recover? Is there a boundry to forgiveness? A time and a place for heroes? A limit for grief?

Never Again by dudsbud101

  • Recommended by Lyrical Enigma
  • Synopsis: But she has to wake up. But she wont. Never Again... This is a story about Rachel Berry's death bed, and what people have to say to her. Who comes to say goodbye... and who doesn't. (Author's summary)
  • Comments: An absolutely beautifully written fic. Written in a brief yet poignant style that inexplicably manages to capture each character's voices. Bring tissues. A truckload.

A Thousand Paper Cranes by lookninjas

  • Recommended by luckylucky
  • Synopsis: On the third Friday of every month, Wes sits in the basement of a community center in Columbus, drinks cheap coffee, folds paper cranes, and waits for the phone to ring. (Author's summary.)

Magical Thinking by kappamaki33

  • Recommended by Choo Choo
  • Synopsis: Two questions someone, someday, should ask that would give them all the insight into the mind of Brittany S. Pierce that they would ever want or need. (Author's summary.)

Solar Winds by Morkhan

  • Recommended by caelae and Sharysa
  • Synopsis: “Kurt Hummel, the current Avatar, finds a Firebending teacher in the young Prince Blaine. But is that all he finds? Or will circumstances conspire to push them into becoming more, to the world, and each other? Fusion Fic!” (author synopsis)

I've Got You Under My Skin by MotherGoddamn and LolaInk

  • Recommended by SpaceBetween
  • Synopsis: Kurt and Rachel mysteriously swap bodies and get up to all sorts of shenanigans. Like that movie with Jodie Foster? Yeah. Panic Room.(author's description)
  • Comments: Rachel and Kurt switch bodies; Hilarity Ensues. It pokes fun at the characters of Glee, while still showing it's love for the show. It's one of the funniest fics this troper has ever read.

The Weight of the World by Bellinaball

  • Recommended by Cuwi
  • Synopsis: AU: Blaine's parents have given him a present. No matter what Kurt tells him, Blaine knows that his gift isn't a person. (Author description)

Don't Touch my Goddamn Piano by Ophelia Violet

  • Recommended by Cheeseypoofs
  • Summary: Brad the piano player's opinion on the events of the glee club, taken episode by episode.
  • Comments: Hilarious fic that fits perfectly with Brad's Silent Snarker characterization. Also gets points for Lampshading some of Glee's flaws and for giving Brad more depth.

Extravaganza! by Keitorin Asthore

  • Recommended by Zadia
  • Summary: The Glee club and the Warblers go to summer camp. Embrace the chaos!
  • Comments: Though this is a work in progress (it's being written to tide Glee fans over until season 3) every chapter is amazing. As per usual, the characterisation is spot on, the humour's great and the author's skill really shows.

assured of certain certainties by thememoriesfire

  • Recommended by Danel
  • Summary: Quinn and Finn find themselves bodyswapped after an accident in the chemistry lab, and have to deal with the chaos and problems of each others' lives.
  • Comments: Still a work in progress, though there's plenty there already, and it's updated frequently. It plays the idea of bodyswap seriously rather than for comedy, though - as appropriate for a Glee fic - that doesn't mean there aren't some hilarious moments. Quinn and Finn try to cope while having no idea how to switch back, trying not to mess up their lives' more than they already are. It doesn't work so well. The main ship is Quinn-in-Finn/Rachel, though the author has also raised the possibility of eventual Finn-in-Quinn/Sam.

Course Corrections by Kivrin

  • Recommended by Lady In Grey
  • Summary: When Kurt Hummel was abducted by crazy time-traveling historians who live in bubbles, he never expected to find himself dealing with zombies. Or turning into a girl. Or living with his mother. Here there be angst.
  • Comments: First in the All Strange Wonders trilogy (AKA Weird Things Happen to Kurt Hummel) and one of the best fanfics I've ever read. The writing is gorgeous, the kids are all in character (which is an achievement considering the story's subject matter), and the original characters on their own make it worth reading. Make sure to read the sequels, Morning Shows the Day and Ten Thousand Remembrances when you're done. In fact, just read everything the author writes.

Special by Miggy

  • Recommended by Zadia
  • Summary: Being part of something special makes you special. (Also, having superpowers.)

Crossover Fics

Anonymity by Aquilus Nyx

  • Recommended by Eigen Locke
  • Crossover with Harry Potter
  • Pairing(s): Kurt/Harry
  • Summary: The war is over and Harry needs to escape. Remus decides the Boy-Who-Lived needs a chance to be a normal kid, and whisks him away to a small town in Ohio. Drama ensues. Harry/Kurt, AU after 5th Book and Duets, rated for language and violence.

Notoriety by Aquilus Nyx (sequel to "Anonymity")

  • Recommended by Mac Phisto
  • Crossover with Harry Potter
  • Pairing(s): Kurt/Harry
  • Summary: Harry and Kurt's relationship continues to grow. But while Harry is attempting to adjust to "civilian" life, Remus is doing less than stellar. Things come to a breaking point when Remus, who is heavily drugged most of the time, neglects to take his Wolfsbane and almost attacks Harry, escaping and eventually abandoning him. Darker and Edgier, turning Harry into an even bigger Woobie, and a major Tear Jerker especially when Harry is going through withdrawl from his medication, and the Hummel-Hudson family takes him in. Story in progress.

Fallback by Ireth R

  • Recommended by erics
  • Crossover with Harry Potter
  • Pairing(s): Harry/Kurt
  • Summary: Harry, with Remus as his guardian, has moved to Ohio to try and lead the life of a normal teenager. On his first day, he gets slushied. While he's cleaning himself off in the bathroom, he meets Kurt, who just took a fresh dumpster dive. Harry is immediately smitten, and decides to join the Glee club, hoping it will help him win Kurt over. Rated T for sex talk, and some minor Rachel bashing in Harry's inner monolouge.
  • Commentary: A sharp contrast to the above stories. Remus fills the Cool Uncle roll as Sirius had, though with more traces of an Absent-Minded Professor. Harry also gets to play Uncle Pennybags to help the Glee Club, when Sue once again tries to shut Will down over budget issues.

My Way Home Is Through You by Lucy Saxon

  • Recommended by erics
  • Crossover with Harry Potter
  • Pairing(s): Harry/Kurt also mentions of Cedric/Harry
  • Summary: Six years after the war ended, Harry and his adopted son, Teddy, have moved to Lima to escape the fame and just try to live as a normal family, changing their last name to Black in the process. Over the summer, they meet Kurt while enjoying a day at the park. Harry immediately asks Kurt out for coffee, and their relationship immediately blossoms. Burt is at first apprehensive about an older boy showing interest in his son, but the rest of the family gets him to warm up to Harry. Things are going great until on the first of his school, Kurt walks into English class and meets the new teacher -- Harry. Even though Kurt recently turned 18, Student Teacher Romance is still illegal. They contemplate going their seperate ways, but realize they have fallen in love with each other. Burt and Carol give Harry their blessings to continue seeing their son, with Finn also agreeing to stay silent. They plan on moving to New York together if Kurt gets into NYADA. Over Christmas break, Harry gets special permission from Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebot to break the Statute of Secrecy and reveal his (and Teddy's) true identity to Kurt. Rated M for (eventual) sexual content. Updates every Tuesday.

Shipping Fics

Dog Days are Over by Lila2

  • Recommended by Super Troper
  • Pairing(s): Puck/Quinn
  • Summary: Four times Noah Puckerman shows someone else his love for Quinn Fabray and the one time he shows her.
  • Comments: Really lovely. The author brings a lot of depth to Puck without losing out on canon characterisation.

Mike and the Mechanics by crackedaglet

  • Recommended by White Archmage
  • Pairing(s): Kurt/Mike
  • Synopsis: After bringing his car to Hummel's Tire and Lube, Mike Chang begins to see Kurt Hummel in a new light. Kurt is similarly affected.
  • Comments: An adorable fic with just the right amount of fluff and drama, with a good dose of humor thrown in.

More fun than your right hand by fakeplasticsnow

  • Recommended by White Archmage
  • Pairing(s): Kurt/Mike
  • Synopsis: Kurt is handcuffed to Mike Chang. It's not as kinky as it sounds.
  • Comments: Cute and fluffly like baby rabbits. Funny as hell, too.

Five Times Will Kisses Emma and The One Time it Counts by frickative

  • Recommended by Super Troper
  • Pairing(s): Will/Emma
  • Synopsis: Exactly What It Says on the Tin
  • Comments: Lovely. Nice mix of fluffy and angsty.
  • Link is to a friends-locked LiveJournal. Can we get a different link please?

The Long Road by Firithnovwen

  • Recommended by insubordinance
  • Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt
  • Synopsis: It's Spring Break and Kurt's going on a road trip that is if he can find someone to go with him...Dad's orders...Puck wasn't his first choice by far but life is funny like that.
  • Comments: One of the main positives about this fic is that it captures both Kurt and Puck in character, and not rushing right into the romance or having a onesided attraction to start with. The plot is fast-paced and sexy, with a dark undertone looming and some of the best humor this troper has seen out of Puck.

When I Mumble, You Would Say by summerstorm

  • Recommended by Thinks Too Much
  • Pairing(s): Brittany/Santana
  • Synopsis: Brittany likes it when Santana plays with her hair.
  • Comments: Short, adorable fluffiness. It's from Brittany's point of view, and is a very interesting and enjoyable idea of what might go on in her head.

Losing My Mind (Or, The One Where Mercedes Plays A Yenta by fist-and-bone.

  • Recommended by Thinks Too Much
  • Pairings: Kurt/Puck; Mercedes is heavily featured
  • Synopsis: Post-Laryngitis, Mercedes decides to play matchmaker.
  • Comments: Fluffy, funny, IC, and made me a Mercedes fan.

Curious by ibshafer (Slash, lemon)

Thousand Ways To Leave This Place by sotto_voice (Slash)

  • Recommended by Technic.Giraffe, moooomoooo
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
  • Synopsis: (author's summary): Kurt has to figure out how life works now, and where he belongs.
  • Comments: Two-parter quintessential Klaine fic. Kurt's adjusting to life at Dalton. This fic is amazing in that it has a slow and believable build up to Kurt and Blaine's relationship. The author pegs Kurt (for that matter, everyone canon) very well, and gives a plausible excuse as to how he's willing to leave his best friends and Glee club to go to Dalton (hint; it isn't because of Blaine - that's just a perk). This fic reads quickly because you can't stop, it just flows that well. Read it, then come back and praise!

Dreams by spawn_hell (Slash)

  • Recommended by Clandestine Clear
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
  • Synopsis: (from the author): Kurt may not believe in God, but that isn’t stopping his mother from trying to talk to him. It’s all Blaine’s fault really, not that Kurt knows that.
  • Comments: This fic is poignant and well-written and not only handles Kurt and Blaine's relationship in an amazingly sweet way, but also illustrates Kurt's feelings of abandonment from his mother's death. There's a really touching relationship between him and the rest of the members of Glee clubs, and is definitely worth checking out.

Dalton by CP Coulter

  • Tropes page: Dalton
  • Recommended by: Plokplok26
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine (teased)Not any more!!
  • synopsis: Post-Furt: Spinning off from Glee, Kurt begins an entirely new chapter in his life at Dalton Academy for Boys. Blaine, Wes, David and the boys of Windsor House make his life, for better or worse, far more eventful than he imagined.

Thursdays and I Have a History by audi katia

  • Recomended by: Hopeless Romance
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
  • Synopsis: "The first time Kurt kisses Blaine, it's a Thursday" (Author's description)
  • Comments: This is a beautifully written story dealing with Kurt moving on and becoming comfortable being himself on his own. Warning you now, Bring tissues. Trust me, you'll need 'em.

For Me It Isn't Over by The Sound of Sunshine

  • Recomended by: Hopeless Romance
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine, Blaine/OC
  • Synopsis: After years without any contact, Blaine asks to meet Kurt and catch up. Kurt writes him a letter explaining why he couldn't show up.
  • Comments: Bring tissues because this one is a major Tear Jerker. One of the most beautiful and simultaneously heartbreaking fics I've ever read. I definitely recommend listening to the song it was inspired by because it enhances the general feel of the story.

Swing Sets and Sandboxes by Beautifulwhatsyourhurry

  • Recomended by Hopeless Romance
  • Pairings: Kurt/Blaine
  • Synopsis: "Kurt Hummel is 7 years old. He makes a new friend, little Blaine, on the playground one day. This is their story." (Author's summary)
  • Comments: This fic is as adorable as it is tearjerking. Little Kurt and Blaine have the kind of relationship I wish I had.

All Those Who Wander Are Lost by stormy mayday

  • Recommended by: warriorhope
  • Pairing: Kurt/Sam (focus), various other
  • synopsis: A zombie apocalypse hits, and the glee kids must stick together to keep safe. (sorry this is seriously the best way I could explain it.
  • Comments: Extremely well-written. Everyone is in character. The story is heartbreaking at some points, but there's also a lot of moments of pure happiness particularly in the last chapter. Also, zombies and Sam/Kurt smut if that's what you're into.

Don't Trust a Man With Curly Hair by seaouryou

  • Recommended by: Quindin
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
  • synopsis: Blaine Sylvester. He had fallen in love with the cousin of the infamous cheerleading coach, local celebrity, and budding supervillain.
  • Comments: Blaine´s Dalton uniform is his tracksuit. Funny one-shot with parallels between Blaine and Sue of all people. (Regrettable lack of supervillainy, though)

Time and Again by Fyrewyre

  • Recommended by: Rainwolf95
  • Pairing: Kurt/Karofsky
  • synopsis: You wonder if you’re cheating, because something tells you that none of this can be real, that you haven’t earned this.

This Kiss by poetzproblem

  • Recommended by: kopernikus
  • Paring: Rachel/Quinn
  • synopsis: One pivotal moment can change everything. From a Faberry prompt, "Rachel and Quinn share a kiss during a game of spin the bottle. From that night forward both girls desperately try to deny what they felt; what they feel. The other Glee kids know what's up and attempt to play matchmaker."

Should Have Asked for Directions by Dylan Hart

  • Recommended by: kopernikus
  • Paring: Rachel/Quinn
  • synopsis: Spanning ten years, it tells the story of Rachel and Quinn's legendary love.
  • Comments: An emotional rollercoaster. You have been warned.

Wake Up Strange by Threepwillow

  • Recommended by: luckylucky
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
  • Summary: The summer right after Kurt turns seventeen is hot, and personal, and might kind of just maybe be the most important three months of his life.

Love Is A Burning Thing by lynnearlington

  • Recommended by glittertorn
  • Pairing(s): Brittany/Santana
  • Summary: Since before she can remember, Santana has always been mesmerized by fire.
  • Comments: A firefighter!AU. Beautifully written. The story has a feeling of being like a closed circuit; very insular to their relationship, which works incredibly in this context, and the author works in the imagery of fire—both real and metaphorical—to perfection. It takes place over several years and yet the pacing is perfect, and everyone is kept in character and believable. Although you might want to prepare yourself before reading.

"(con)sensual" by the_beccaroo]]"

  • Recommended by warriorhope
  • Pairing(s: Sam/Kurt
  • Summary: A story of Kurt and Sam's first kiss in the wake of Karofsky.
  • Comments: Beautiful and shows how Kurt's next kiss with anyone should be handled.]]

Rachel, Interrupted by Enchantedto Meet You

  • Recommended by Orthographer
  • Pairing: Rachel/Jesse
  • Summary: Rachel deals with Borderline Personality Disorder and with Jesse coming back into her life.
  • Comments: A really interesting and yet believable take on Rachel's character. It also features a nice friendship between Rachel and Quinn.

But with a Whimper by of_a_crescendo

  • Recommended by Orthographer
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
  • Summary: "Everyone is born with the name of their soulmate on their hand. The only problem? Kurt and Blaine don’t have each other’s names on their hands." (Author's summary)
  • Comments: An intriguing premise and a truly tragic fic. My heart broke not just for the main characters but also for Quinn, who only appeared in one scene.

Even Angels Have Their Wicked Schemes by Live 2 Entertain

  • Recommended by Lyrical Enigma
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
  • Summary: "Blaine was such a gentleman. So dapper. So sweet. So perfect... Blaine was such a gentleman. Until he got mad."

You Have Stolen My Heart by Lily M. Richards

  • Recommended by Lyrical Enigma
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
  • Summary: And Blaine sees the frustration in his eyes, the pain and the anger and he knows he can't do anything to alleviate it because the feelings are mirrored in him. (Author's summary)

The Lost Nightingale by MotherGoddamn

  • Recommended by: Sharysa and SpaceBetween
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
  • Summary: Kurt Hummel is missing in Tinseltown. And Blaine Anderson is on the case. 1940's noir-style AU. (Summary on FF.Net)

all the white horses by nthcoincident

  • Recommended by luckylucky
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
  • Summary:Seventeen years of [fearing, admiring, failing, loving] raising a gentleman. Kurt/Blaine, as narrated by Blaine's father. (Author's summary.)

Knife Going In by Keitorin Asthore

  • Recommended by Eatfoodzap
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine, minor mentions of other canon relationships
  • Summary: Blaine put the past behind him, telling Kurt to have the courage he couldn't. But the worst happened anyway, and Kurt is left broken. Now Blaine has to pick up the pieces, but if he couldn't have the courage three years ago, how can he do it now? (Author's summary.)
  • Comments: This is without a doubt one of the best fanfics I've read. What happens to Kurt is absolutely heartbreaking, and the story flows at just the right pace; not too fast, but not too drawn-out. The characterization has to be the best part though. All of the characters from the show, even the ones that don't appear that often, are just so perfectly in-character that you can hear them speaking in your head as you read.

The Kurtofsky IM Sessions by kurtofsky_ims

  • Recomended by Sparky Young Upstart
  • Pairing: Kurt/Karofsky, some OC/Karofsky
  • Synopsis: Kurt and Dave are able to form a tentative relationship with the internet serving as a well needed buffer. Their friendship grows through a series of events that could eventually lead to something more.
  • Comments: This is such a unique and adorable fic. Kurtofsky is famous for being a tentative pairing, but this so makes it seem realistic. Of course they start off abrasive, but you can tell that they are growing closer and Kurt is starting to see Karofsky for who he really is, without all of the drama from McKinley. Warning some situations have adult content.
  • Seconded by Lyrical Enigma. One of the few Kurtofsky fanfics that is witty, funny, and starts from the very beginning. Every second is absolutely believable, and the characterization is spot-on (well, Blaine's quite a bit off, but this was before we knew virtually anything, and it's amusing as hell, anyway). Not a story you'll be soldiering through until they get together, and while it is a shipping fic, there's plenty of friendship and laughs to be found. Simply epic. Oh, and did I mention I'm usually a Klaine shipper?

Hunting the Unicorn by CrossoverQueen

One for Sorrow [dead link] by TheSecretMichan

  • Recommended by Vellophone
  • Pairing: Kurt/Karofsky, a bit of Kurt/Blaine
  • Synopsis: "The rose was pink."
  • Comments: Heartbreaking.

Dapper and Dumb by Geminico

  • Recommended by Lyrical Enigma
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
  • Synopsis: Warblers Jeff and Nick give Blaine genius romantic advice. Hilarity Ensues. A possible explanation of Blaine's behavior from Special Education to Regionals.
  • Comments: NOTE—this is technically a fan comic from Deviantart, so I'm not exactly sure if it counts (feel free to delete it if it doesn't). Anyway, this basically pins all of Blaine's strange behavior on Jeff and Nick in the most hilarious way possible. To say more would spoil everything. It is well worth a read—this troper personally has a new head!cannon.

White Knight by LeJazzHot126

  • Recommended by Cannibalistic Skittles
  • Pairing: Kurt Hummel/Mercedes Jones
  • Synopsis: (From summary) ""When she leaves, you cry your heart out because you know deep inside that you don't deserve her, and probably never will." Kurt/Mercedes"
  • Comments: Honestly, I cannot believe this isn't already up here. The characterization is amazing, the situations are believable, and the whole fic really just makes you feel for them.

Newton's Law by TellNoOne

  • Recommended by Vellophone
  • Pairing: Sam Evans/Mercedes Jones
  • Synopsis: An opposing force is met with an equal and opposite force. Hope against defeat. Love against hate. When Sam's world is crumbling around him, can he find something equally great? Or maybe something even greater? Sam/Mercedes
  • Comments: Cute, emotional fic.

The Worst That Could Happen by LucyToo

  • Tropes Page: The Worst That Could Happen
  • Recommended by Vellophone
  • Pairing: Kurt Hummel /Dave Karofsky
  • Synopsis: Kurt tries to help Dave find his way out of the closet. When his words of encouragement backfire and things go more wrong for Dave than Kurt ever would have guessed, it's up to Kurt to help Dave pick up the pieces.

Everything's Made To Be Broken by clonedmemories

  • Recommended by dosala
  • Pairing: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
  • Synopsis: Both Kurt and Blaine have known from a young age that we all die. Now, that prospect seems much too close to home, as one of them falls ill and their bonds are tested to the furthest they ever will be.

Just Watch the Fireworks by heliotropelied

  • Recommended by Rose And Heather
  • Pairing: Wes/OC, Kurt/Blaine, Nick/Jeff
  • Synopsis: Wes’ senior year of high school is supposed to be a breeze: he’s got the perfect grades, he’s a shoo-in for the Ivy Leagues, he’s got everything under control. But then Kurt Hummel steps into his life and Blaine falls in love with Kurt and, really, what else was Wes supposed to do? The story of how Wes Warbler gets through his final year at Dalton Academy and, how along the way, he helps his friends, discovers some things about himself and learns to love life.

Rainbow Magic by Morkhan

  • Recommended by Sparky Young Upstart
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine, Finn/Rory
  • Synopsis: That awkward moment when you reailze the new Irish kid has a crush on your step-brother. And the even more awkward moment when your stepbrother seems to be returning the feelings with realizing it.

Shoelaces by AquilusNyx

  • Recommended by Rose And Heather
  • Pairing: Puck/Kurt, Burt/Carole
  • Synopsis: "Puck would forever blame his sexuality crisis on his shoelaces." Or: How Puck and Kurt Fall In Love Through Adam Lambert Songs, Booty Calls, Video Games, and Sick Little Sisters.

Story of Three Boys by patchfire, raving_liberal

  • Recommended by J Beckwith
  • Pairing: Puck/Kurt
  • Synopsis: "This is the story of a boy; this is the story of three boys. Two brothers, two best friends, two lovers." Or: Puck and Kurt fall in love as Puck improves himself and they get closer to Nationals and University.

The Only True Paradises by jeune fille en fleur

  • Recommended by benicetonerds
  • Pairing: Brittany/Santana
  • Synopsis: "The tortuous evolution of Santana's feelings toward Brittany."
  • Comments: Because someone desperately needed to rec this. Follows Brittana's lives from first meeting to post season two, and does an excellent job of adressing canon events without quoting verbatim from the show. Also, it's written in second person the entire time - and it WORKS. See also the companion fic Pas de Deux, which covers the same events from Brittany's POV.

Just a Little Crush by Belle Dissei

  • Recommended by picklevictory
  • Pairing: Kurt/Sam
  • Synopsis: Sam was willing to admit, if only to himself, that it was possible that he might have a slight crush on Kurt Hummel. Set after Kurt's return and written during the break before "Sexy" aired so no Klaine.
  • Comments: I haven't watched much of Glee, nor am I a huge fan of it, but I stumbled on to this story one day and was very much delighted. It's a very well-written, well-paced story. The romance is believable, the challenge provided to the club is interesting (sometimes sad, sometimes hilarious, sometimes adorable), and from the little experience I have with the show, everyone SEEMS very much in character (i.e. Mr. Schuester gets an obligatory Journey reference in there somewhere, Sam likes Avatar, etc.). It's a really solid, enjoyable story that I can honestly say is one of the best fanfics I've ever read (and I've been reading fanfic for years now). Check it out.

Underneath and Unexplored by [=icedwhitemochas]

  • Recommended by jakia
  • Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
  • Synopsis: Kurt and Blaine think they are straight and become best friends. Then they fall in love.
  • Comments: Brilliant take on Kurt and Blaine's courtship. One of the first things we ever learn in canon about either boy is that they are both gay—this fic takes that and spins it on its head. Both boys are still the same lovable boys they are in canon, with their personalities still completely in tact, with just one small difference: they think they are straight. It's amazing how coming to terms with their sexuality just a few years later can change things so much. Their friendship is brilliant, and just stays so true to the show. It's still a work in progress, but updates regularly.

The One About Dragons by Narceus

  • Recommended by: L Mage
  • Pairing(s): Klaine focus, mention of others.
  • Synopsis: Blaine's always been told that the dragon you know is safer than the dragon you don't. A spin on the Klaine romance inspired by Khal Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen's relationship from A Game of Thrones.
  • Comments: A beautiful work in progress that puts Blaine and Kurt in the roles of Daenerys and Drogo, respectfully, and plunges them into a original and unique fantasy world. It has a very similar feel to A Game of Thrones in it's blunt realist approach to Blaine's abuse and his budding relationship with Kurt while still retaining the voice of the Glee characters. It's also a breath of fresh air for people tired of Kurt always being the one painted into the role of the abused partner in need of rescue.
  • Tags: Lemon and Dubious Consent (though the fic hasn't reached them yet), physical and mental abuse of a minor, and an Arranged Marriage

A Drop In The Ocean by Phoenix from the Sun

  • Recommended by: Me 4 Justin B
  • Pairings(s): Se Blaine, Kurtofsky, failing/falling-apart Klaine throughout
  • Synopsis: Everything was perfect, until Blaine's desires start to gravitate toward Sebastian. As he and Kurt drift apart, will Blaine decide they are perfect for each other or will they discover that love comes from places they never imagined? (Author's summary)
  • Comments: An absolutely heartbreaking fic. It humanises everyone; Kurt, Blaine, Karofsky, and especially Sebastian, who has some SERIOUS issues. It begins lighthearted, but quickly becomes EXTREMELY dark. It's also a serious deconstruction of promiscuity, its effects on one's reputation, and the casual dehumanisation of promiscuous people through the derogatory use of words like "slut" and "whore".
  • Tags: Lemon, self-harm, attempted suicide, copious underage drinking, extremely strong language


  • Recommended by Goragora
  • Pairing(s): Brittany/Santana
  • Synopsis: When Glee club loses a friend, everyone feels it. But one glee member feels it so much more than the others and embarks on her own journey to discover how to move on. (Author's Summary)
  • Comments: A beautifully written fic that takes place over several years. Very true to the characters in show and brilliant at portraying loss, guilt and love. Haunting yet moving at the same time.
  • Tags: Frequent strong language, sexual themes, character death

A Yellow Rose Has Eight Meanings by Amaranti

  • Recommended by Tulli
  • Pairing(s): mainly Sebastian/Blaine, Blaine/Kurt, allusions to Kurt/Dave
  • Synopsis: After Regionals Blaine offers Sebastian a chance to restart their friendship and they try to make it work, both of them distrustful and unsure and having to deal with the sexual tension between them without actually resolving it. (Author's Summary)
  • Comments: Many Seblaine fics are AU or have an already established relationship, so they basically ignore how... complicated the canon relationship between Blaine and Sebastian is. But not this one. Even though you can feel that they really do like each other both as friends and in a sexual/romantic sense it doesn't have them get together easily. Sebastian has his asshole moments just like in canon but he is sympathetic, Blaine is flawed but also sympathetic and so is Kurt, who is not made a villain just because he is in the way of the main ship. It also touches upon Dave Karofsky's suicide attempt in a rather heartbreaking way.
  • Tags: Adult language, Sexual content
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