Quinn in Wonderland
Quinn in Wonderland is a Crossover Alternate Universe Fic written by jackiekennedy that combines Glee with Alice in Wonderland. The story revolves around Quinn Fabray, the Lovable Alpha Bitch from Glee. In this story she has just recently moved to Lima, Ohio and is angry over the move. While trying on a beautiful blue dress her Stepford Smiler parents have bought her in an attempt to buy her happiness she sees a peculiar boy in a wheelchair rolling across lawn. She follows him and ends up falling Down the Rabbit Hole and ends up in Wonderland. There she meets a tiny girl named Mouse and a kind man named Mr. Dodo. Mr. Dodo reveals to Quinn that Wonderland is in a state of distress as the evil Queen of Hearts has manipulated the Red Queen and taken over. He claims Quinn can find her way home if she can gather up an army and help turn the Red Queen back. Desperate to go back, Quinn agrees. As she builds up her army she meets an eccentric group of new friends (and someone who may be more than that) and realizes she may be a part of something far greater than she ever expected.
Quinn in Wonderland is a well written crossover, selecting the best of both creations and making an exciting and romantic fanfic. Plus there are great twists. The story is complete and it can be found here. Has a character sheet.
- A Lighter Shade of Gray: The Red Queen. Despite being thoroughly unlikeable and one of the causes of Wonderland's current state she is not evil, she was just easily manipulated after her heart was broken. Almost all of the inhabitants of Wonderland agree that she's not too bad as well.
- Alternate Universe Fic
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking
Quinn: Do you even have the slightest idea what you have put me through? I've been attacked, sleep deprived, stuck in quicksand... I've been losing my mind, and it's all your fault! And you ran over my roses!
- Battle Couple: Quinn and Hatter become this by the middle of the Battle of Wonderland.
- Because Destiny Says So: Quinn finds this out from Humpty Dumpty
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Quinn and Hatter
- Beta Couple: Cheshire Cat and March Hare, Mouse and the White Rabbit, White Queen and White Knight
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Justified in that Quinn gets several baths along her journey. Averted in the Battle of Wonderland where she is repeatedly wounded.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: The Queen of Hearts and the Red Queen although most point out that the Red Queen's more of The Dragon then an actual villain.
- The Big Damn Kiss: Quinn and Hatter have share a huge lip lock on the battlefield following Quinn's Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Bittersweet Ending: Quinn leaves Wonderland and Hatter and doesn't remember it. However she retains her Character Development and all the characters have Doppelgängers in the real world, including Hatter/Puck.
- Blondes Are Evil: Subverted. The Queen of Hearts is pure evil, however our protagonist is also blonde. The Red Queen is a "Dark Is Not Evil" type, and Tweedledum is a Sixth Ranger Traitor.
- Brutal Honesty: Cheshire occasionally, as she cannot tell a lie. Caterpillar, on account of being himself.
- The Cameo: The Wonderland Jury which features cameos by not just Glee characters but Alice in Wonderland characters.
- New Directions
- Cannot Spit It Out: Hatter
- Can Not Tell a Lie: Cheshire
- The Cheerleader: The Deck of Hearts (plus Tweedledee and Tweedledum). Quinn is one herself back home and briefly wears a Deck of Hearts uniform
- The Chosen One: Quinn. Hatter, to a lesser extent.
- Cloudcuckooland: Wonderland
- Cloudcuckoolander: Despite Wonderland being a Cloudcuckooland, most of the characters are not this but more like their Glee counterparts traditional personalities. However this definitely applies to Tweedledum, Cheshire Cat, and the March Hare.
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: During their trials The Queen of Hearts has the defendants slushied before she takes them to be executed.
- Cool Sword: The Vorpal Sword
- Crossover
- Dark Is Not Evil: The Red Queen.
- Deadpan Snarker: Caterpillar and Duchess. Quinn and Hatter also throw in a bit of snark here and there.
- The Ditz: Tweedledum and March Hare
- Doppelganger Replacement Love Interest: Puck
- Down the Rabbit Hole
- Dragon-in-Chief: The Queen of Hearts and the Red Queen officially rule, however, it is very obvious that the Queen of Hearts holds most of the power
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep" / Known Only By Their Nickname / No Name Given: Everyone but Quinn
- Everyone Can See It: Quinn and Hatter know of their feelings...they just can't figure out that the other feels the same
- The Exile: Mr. Dodo and Humpty Dumpty. The Duchess is confined to her home.
- Five-Bad Band:
- Big Bad: The Queen of Hearts
- The Dragon: The Red Queen
- The Smart Guy / Token Good Teammate: Gryphon
- The Brute: The Deck of Hearts
- The Dark Chick: The Mock Turtle
- Team Pet: Jabberwocky
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: Tweedledee and Tweedledum
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Quinn
- The Lancer: The Mad Hatter
- The Smart Guy: Cheshire Cat and the White Rabbit
- The Big Guy: The March Hare, The Oysters
- The Chick: Mouse, Caterpillar, and the Duchess
- Those Two Guys: Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Walrus and Carpenter
- Team Mom: Mr. Dodo and The White Queen
- Genki Girl: Cheshire
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Quinn and the Vorpal Sword.
- Her Heart Will Go On: Hatter
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: The White Rabbit is a normal sized boy. Mouse can fit in a pocket. Quinn wonders what their kids will look like.
- March Hare and Cheshire Cat are often mocked for being this
- Ivy League for Everyone: Quinn's sister is attending Dartmouth.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Hatter
- Info Dump: Chapter 19 Her Destiny
- Knight in Shining Armor: The White Knight is a classic example. Double subverted by Hatter as he leaves the knighthood in order to fight the prophecy...only to turn out to be the true Knight of Wonderland.
- Love Makes You Evil: The Red Queen
- Love Triangle: The one between Mr. Dodo and the Red and White Queens is what started this mess
- Mini-Dress of Power: Quinn spends most of the story in two different mini dresses.
- Motor Mouth: Cheshire
- No Man of Woman Born: Subverted. The prophecy explicitly states the means to tell who The Chosen One is. Unfortunately Humpty Dumpty doesn't find this out until too late.
- Only the Chosen May Wield: The Vorpal Sword
- Perpetual Smiler: Cheshire actually fits this better than a Cheshire Cat Grin
- Punny Name: Tweedledum
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: The Wonderland Army, much like New Directions
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Hatter
- Ship Tease: All of the Official Couple pairings of course but we also get Gryphon/Quinn and Gryphon/Cheshire
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Gryphon claims this is why he and Cheshire would never work out.
- Shrinking Violet: Mouse
- Stepford Smiler: Quinn's family
- Terrified of Germs: The White Queen, much like the real Emma. This keeps her from leaving her castle and why she can't stop the Queen of Hearts herself
- The Big Damn Kiss: Quinn and Hatter have an epic one during the fight in the Queen of Heart's garden.
- Time Master: White Rabbit
- Trapped in Another World
- Tsundere: Quinn
- Your Cheating Heart: The White Knight/Mr. Dodo
- Zettai Ryouiki: Cheshire