< Giant Bomb

Giant Bomb/YMMV

  • Awesome Music: Found Me the Bomb by Buckner and Garcia.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Luchadeer is watching you while you sleep.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Davis' hatred of the NDX-press is funnier when you realize he brought it on himself. Originally the Nintendo downloads were read on the Giant Bombcast by Ryan with no backing music, eventually they started having the marketplace music, and Ryan got tired of reading the releases and passed the job onto Jeff. In the end the Nintendo downloads were cut to save precious time, leading to Jeff singlehandedly creating the NDX-press and Ryan's anger.
    • When they suggested that Sega stop trying to appeal to mainstream American audiences with the Yakuza series and just bring the series over in the original Japanese with subtitles, with all the niche-y Japanese quirks intact. Guess what Sega ended up doing?
  • Ho Yay: There is a high contingency of this during the Whiskey Media Happy Hours, especially when Screened.com's Matt Rorie is involved.
  • Memetic Mutation: Brad's "Space Neon Lobsters, who have to work cooperatively" line during one of the Bombcasts. One of the others comments that it would make a great T-Shirt.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Many sitegoers were less than ecstatic when the crew decided to include intern Matt Kessler in on some of the Quick Looks. It got to the point where he seemed to have gathered quite a hatedom. It seems to have calmed down a bit recently, but there will always be the one or two people complaining about Kessler's inclusion in just about any video he's featured.
    • A similar case has been made for the inclusion of news guy Patrick Klepek in some of them.
    • The site has been purchased by CBS Interactive and is being put under the same leadership as the Gamespot site most of these guys got away from. Naturally, this trope is making the rounds.
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