< Giant Bomb

Giant Bomb/Funny

Recount the moments of videogaming insanity on the Giant Bomb website!

Endurance Run: Persona 4

Endurance Run: Deadly Premonition

  • Both teams dying to the exact same enemy in the exact same places for the exact same reasons. Yes, it happens more than once.
  • Thomas' death:
    • The teams have different reactions. Jeff and Vinny respond with maniacal laughter while Brad and Ryan respond with initial shock then admiration.

Ryan: "Bravo, SWERY. Bra-fucking-vo."

Team VJ:

  • While looking at their toolbox:

Jeff & Vinny: "Panda Bear?"
Jeff: "What."

  • In retaliation for his attempted murder, the Mysterious Capitalist backs into Jeff & Vinny's car.
  • Their reaction to York's character is awesome too, he's the gift that keeps on giving.
  • Vinny and Jeff spy on Thomas while he's at home.

Jeff: "Work it."

Team BR:

  • Brad's increasingly profanity ridden declarations of his hatred of the game, and Ryan's utter delight in his suffering.
    • To the point where he tells his critics to GTFO.
  • Ryan singing to the racing theme.
  • Brad and Ryan doing X-Factor during the lounge bar sequence.

Brad (with a fake Cockney accent): "That was complete utter shit!"

  • Brad and Ryan freaking out on seeing a giant demonic dog bashing around their car.

Ryan: "Man, Greenvale gets weird at ni-THERE IS A GIANT DOG IN THAT INTERSECTION!"

  • Brad and Ryan encounter fire in the Other World Galaxy of Terror.

Brad: It's all on fire! Everything's on fire!

  • Directly after that, Brad and Ryan discover, to their dismay, that the fire does nothing to the zombies. Keep in mind that, up to this point, the fire was a guaranteed insta-kill.

Ryan and Brad (at the same time): OH GOD!
Brad: That is not fair!
Ryan: *laughs* Since when can they do that?
Brad: I am calling foul on that.
Ryan: I call shenanigans. Jerk-ass, just hoppin' over the fire.

  • Brad and Ryan's reaction to a room full of fire and zombies in the Other World Police Station:

Ryan: Uh-oh.
(Zombies start running through the fire towards York)
Ryan: *starts laughing*
Brad: Oh god...
Ryan: That was awesome. I mean, it wasn't awesome but it was awesome.
Brad: I'm not sure... what that was... oh Jesus...

  • Thomas's profiling scene

"I brought some Nat King Cole!"

Quick Looks

Ryan: Those motions kinda remind me of, I dunno, riding a horse.
Jeff: ...No announcer, you'll notice... I like to think in some weird way that's your fault.


  • The Hollywood Squares Quick Look, with the guys fantasizing about various game ideas involving murdering Brad Garrett.
  • In the Shaun White Skateboarding QL, we have Jeff's reaction to the PC using his magical skating powers to turn a propaganda poster from the 1984-ish government into a Stride Gum billboard:

Jeff: Oh my God. The billboard went from saying "No Chewing Allowed" and then you freed it from the shackles of The Man and turned it into an advertisement for Stride gum. This game is already the worst thing I've ever seen!

Finally, Superman and B4tm4n side by side.

  • The Test Drive Unlimited 2 Quick Look has Vinnie, Brad and Alex MSTing the game's non-racing-related elements such as the superfluous first person navigation inside buildings ("How do I go to iron sights?"), the ridiculous cutscenes and the painfully awkward rationalization for the player receiving money for doing tricks; making the player avatar look like a gay bar fugitive with nothing more than the two starting outfits and their desperate attempts to start a multiplayer race ("I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEEEEEEEEEEND!")
  • Quick Look: Game Room for 12/22/10. Venetian Blinds.
  • The Quick Look of Cargo: The Quest for Gravity. There are no words.
  • The Duke Nukem Forever Quick Look, in which Jeff expresses his utter disgust at the game's sense of humor.
  • The Deadliest Warrior: Legends Quick Look. "Come now, we can be frieeeeeeeeeends!"
  • Fallout: New Vegas (Old World Blues DLC): Mistaking the K9000 Cyberdog Gun, which is the gun with the brain of a dog, for a gun that actually shoots dogs.
  • In the Tetris Axis quick look, Vinny was lying down with a giant AR card to help demonstrate a mode that projected a giant tower from the card. He decides to place it in an, um, (un)flattering position.

If your Tetris lasts longer than six hours..."

  • In the Hulk Hogan's Main Event for Kinect Quick Look, Jeff's created character KID MONEY from PARTS UNKNOWN enters the ring by jumping on to the hood of a truck and screaming, "I'M GONNA MAKE SWEET LOVE TO 'EM . . . FROM THE BACK!!"
  • During the Skyrim QL, they're running from a pair of giants when a sabre cat gets in the way. A giant smashes it and it goes flying off in the distance. See it here.
  • The Self Defense Training for Kinect QL has their reactions to the Hurricane of Euphemisms for Groin Attack ("Genital Triangle" in particular) as well as the announcer's incredibly clinical demeanor while discussing the subject:

Announcer: [completely deadpan] Deliver a kick to the genitals.

  • Family Feud 2012 Edition. One word: HORSEBACK

Ryan: Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...

"The puppet man on the right holds his Move controller up. Now he's gonna put it down and Ryan does the same thing. Now he touches his penis with it and he does the same thing."
"This is a 1:1 loading screen. (pause) It loads in real time" *cracks up*

  • The Binary Domain QL has Jeff struggling with the voice recognition tests. Then he discovers that (in theory) the game actually recognizes swearing...

Bombcast, Thursday Night Throwdown, and free Happy Hours

  • Ryan abandoning the rest of the invited players on the Red Dead Redemption TNT to find and eventually fight a bear with only a knife. He won.
  • The 2010 E3 Day 3 Bombcast was shot to levels of epicness by guest Leigh Alexander and her sassy drunken interruptions. People are divided as to whether it was so bad it's good or so bad it's horrible but none can deny how funny it was when she announced the recent Activision party cast $775 million dollars straight out of the organisers' own pocket.
    • The Sims gang sign (a diamond over the head) being flashed by the guys every time she went on for too long. <>
  • The event during a Bombcast that led to this website.
    • And the callback to that Bombcast while talking about Skylanders:

Jeff: I got Dark Spyro, Legendary Spyro, Spyro-Ass Spyro...
Drew: Spyrospyrospyro.com.

  • During the Bad Company 2 Throwdown, "inspired" by the games inclusion of the term "Epic Fail" for suicides Jeff, Ryan, Vinny and intern Matt go off on a united rant against the current generation of net speak. For the win, indeed.
  • POW block, anyone?
  • Jeff's reading of the Nintendo downloadable releases. Highlights include anything read in his (one) foreign accent and singing the description for Petz Dogz Family.
  • The whole Big Live Live Show Live. Special mention to the Tested boys who, after a slow start, stole the show with their "As seen on TV" product tests and John Drake for his (near)tireless and enthusiastic work promoting Rock Band 3 and Dance Central.
    • The After Party stream also gave us Drunk Will and Rorie, Dave's sister and side-scrolling Ana.
  • Jeff Gerstmann's answer to a Email question about being taken camping with one's dad:

Dave: Jeff I need to interrupt you. We are talking to a lamp.
Jeff: No we're talking to the world. The world is just beyond the lamp with the webcam on it.
Patrick (from offscreen): I don't believe you.
Ryan (Also offscreen): There's a world beyond the lamp!
Jeff: Get over and look at this and-
Jeff: -see the world as the lamp.
Jeff (In full deadpan): Alright lamp here's the story.

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