< Persona 4 Endurance Run

Persona 4 Endurance Run/Funny

  • Jeff and Vinny's impersonations of Igor, often being extremely profane and involving lots of slang.
  • Vinny casts ice on a boss that drains ice. Yep. It's every bit the hilariously bad mistake it sounds.
    • He will never live down casting Bufu.
  • When a capsule machine becomes a greater issue than saving your friend's life.
  • The principal reveals to the school that Saki Konishi has passed away. He tells the students that the police are currently investigating:

Principal: "If they ask for your cooperation--"
Jeff: "Don't tell 'em a damn thing! Stop snitching, snitches get stitches!"

Ryan: "Have there been lots of awkward boners?"
Jeff: "Yes."
Ryan: "I meant in the game, Jeff."
Jeff: "Oh . . . well then, no."

Jeff: "Chie's the kind of girl you go out drinking with and SHE gets in a fight."

  • When the guys get to the level 10 social link scene for Chie. They "roleplay" the whole thing as a drug trip that culminates in Chie pretty much seeing stars and gaining a new persona. "And then we really started tripping out."

Chie: "From me to you."
Jeff: "Um... Herpes! A gift that keeps on giving."

  • Popularity leads to intimacy Vinny.
  • Dojima calls to tell Nanako and Charlie that vacation is cancelled

Jeff: "Charlie, listen to me. Kill the kid, torch the house, we gotta get outta here. Alright, alright, I'm gonna tell you some stuff that's gonna seem really heavy, you need to not react 'cause the kid's there, alright?"

  • The episode where Dave sits in.
  • Various comments from Ryan Davis off mic.

"Because the Dutch are cheap."
"That is NOT appropriate."
"You're talking about sex, right?!"
"Nothing stops the money train!"
"Do you guys need some dog poison?"
"It's called a Prince Albert."

  • Yukiko's Level 10 Social Link:

"Now we can create 'Scat Hatch?!' WHAT?!"

  • The end of episode 150 (specifically, the encounter with the Silent Nyogo and Pure Papillon) had this troper laughing so hard she cried.
  • There was their horrified reaction of accidentally rolling Abaddon.
  • "This game knows me a little too well."
  • The end of Episode 110 has them getting caught by Yukiko with Ai. The guys end up asking their co-workers what to do:

Brad: "Don't admit fault."

  • Their reaction to the power going out and their battery backup holding, especially "Nothing stops the endurance run, motherfucker."
  • The mysterious fox appears at Junes:

Jeff: "Oh DUDE!"

  • Similarly, their reaction at Teddie turning human.
  • Meeting the mysterious fox:

Jeff: "Hey mysterious fox."
P4: 'Does it live at the shrine?'
Jeff: "You know, these are not the questions I'm asking about mysterious fox."

  • During the camping trip:

Jeff: "Yosuke suck all the way. he messes everything."
Yosuke: "Ta-da!" (whips out swimsuits for the girls)

Vinny: "Girl never read Nancy Drew?"

    • The Reveal that Naoto is actually a girl is treated by the guys with a "surprised"-sounding:


  • The first episode since returning from E3 has Charlie getting killed by the Insta-Death Hama spell while the guys put the game on Auto-Fight. Cue absolute shock.
    • Similarly, Vinny accidentally hits the Auto-Fight option while fighting the True Final Boss of the game.
  • The scene where they face Adachi, The True Killer and "Creepy Raper Guy".
  • Anytime the guys impersonate Morooka, Dojima, Nanako, Kanji or Adachi. Hell, even Rise's!
  • Their reaction to Andra, aka Naked Owl Man:

Vinny: "Dad, put your pants on!"

  • The guys start Naoki's social link in September. This causes a problem since a student tells you Morooka has drafted you into the health committee. Even though Morooka has been dead for a few months. Their reactions make it even better.
  • Episode 153:

Jeff: "Ryan, we're gonna summon Satan!"
Ryan: "Have fun, kids!"

  • Chie learns the spell God's Hand, something that had been used against them by shadows in the past and had done a lot of damage. Vinny and Jeff get pumped up about it, debating during the first fight after she gets the spell whether to buff it to max or not before using it. They fire it off by unbuffed, but it crits and one-shots the enemy. Cue maniacal laughter from Vinny and Jeff.
    • A short while later, they try to use it buffed...and do 2000 damage in one hit. Cue another round of maniacal laughter.
    • It turns on them not long after getting it. They use it on an enemy only to discover it Repels Physical. The framerate drops just to let them know that that was a hilariously bad idea.
  • Ryan Davis stealing things from Jeff's desk while they're busy playing Persona 4.

Jeff: "Put my video camera down...Stop filming yourself messing with my desk!"
Vinny: "Are we going to put this picture-in-picture?"

  • Vinny's name for the various personas on the Shuffle Time screen, like "Guy on Fire." This leads to some great out of context quotes:

"I like Bad Alucard Cosplay."
"A monkey reading a book? PERFECT!"

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