Ghastly's Ghastly Comic
Tentacle monsters, and the women who love them.—Tagline
Ghastly's Ghastly Comic was an adult webcomic that ran from 2001 to 2006. Inspired by a Not Safe for Work Sexy Losers strip, the series is about tentacle monsters living in our world, and the people they interact with. These people include a chibi, a girly guy who speaks broken-Japanese, an Attention Whore Cosplay Otaku Girl, a Flaky New Age Neo-Pagan, Baby Cthulhu, a Cloudcuckoolander who looks perpetually stoned, a furry, a guy transplanted from a Hentai game who has an invisible penis, a guy transplanted from a 1970s Blaxploitation flick, and Drunk and Bitter Jesus.
The series can be found here. This Web Comic is Not Safe for Work, and be careful about the examples.
Tropes used in Ghastly's Ghastly Comic include:
- A Date with Rosie Palms
- Ambiguous Gender: Shota Versus Loli.
- Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?: The very first strip.
- Art Evolution: Observe.
- Attention Whore: Bunny Boy and Cosplay Girl
- Author Appeal: Lots and lots of futanari.
- Blind Idiot Translation: On a dildo made in Japan, the words "Three year warranty" accidentally got translated as "Not recommended for three years and under".
- Brain Bleach: Alan Moore Yaoi. Note: Not Alan Moore characters.
- Your Mileage May Vary
- But You Screw One Goat!
- Cloudcuckoolander: The aptly-named Kwerki.
- Cosplay
- Creator Breakdown: The author's divorce, spending time in a mental hospital, and questioning his sexual identity played some factors in the end of the strip.
- Dead Baby Comedy: More like "Baby Having Tentacle Sex Comedy" though.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: This Crossover with Tang's Weekly Comic.
- Dropped a Bridget On Him Chick Boy and Freddy.
- Sholi-chan and Lota-chan manage to simultaneously drop Bridgets on themselves.
- Ecchi
- Eldritch Abomination: Fnanp mistakes the tentacle monsters for these.
- Everyone But Glemph Is A Pervert: And Peep, who's so young, he looks at sex toys and thinks they are ninja implements.
- Everyone Is Bi
- Expy: Freddy, of one of the artist's earlier creations, James With Tits.
- Exact Words: The commissioner wanted yaoi featuring Alan Moore's characters, but asked for Alan Moore yaoi. Ghastly provided Alan Moore yaoi.
- Eyes Always Shut: Hammer the barkeep.
- Fan Girl
- Filler
- The Fundamentalist: Chick-Boy.
- Furry Fandom: Bunny Boy, a decidedly negative portrayal.
- Genki Girl: Freddy. The girl aspect is debatable. The genki aspect is not.
- Good Angel, Bad Angel
- Gratuitous Japanese: Freddy.
"If I was a cat-girl, baka-baka-baka-neko-neko-neko-neko-dum"
- Groin Attack: Distressingly common.
- Her Codename Was Mary Sue: Zipper ninja.
- Hime Cut: Kiki.
- Hypocritical Humor: Glemph defends his cousin's homosexuality... only to flip out on discovering his cousin's boyfriend is human.
- Innocent Inaccurate: Peep.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: The Zipper Ninja.
- The Internet Is for Porn
- "It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It": When you have an extreme tentacle rape fetish, it's most likely not actually rape.
- Jack Chick: His tracts are parodied mercilessly. Firstly one of the tentacle monsters uses them for emergency toilet paper. Then later on Freddy makes Doujinshi tracts.
- Jesus Was Drunk And Bitter
- Jive Turkey: Brewster "Da Funk" Bombe.
- Local Hangout (The Spanked Monkey bar)
- Lovecraft Lite: Cthulhu, who is actually a baby, and his parents pawn him off to a babysitter.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl Freddy again.
- Mars Needs Women
- Meaningful Name: Kwerki.
- Meet Cute: Offscreen: F'ga and Bobby met when F'ga reached through a glory hole to ask for toilet paper because his stall had run out.
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Glemph.
- Naughty Tentacles: Probably covers every form of Playing with a Trope with this.
- Older Than They Look: Chibi Sue, who is
3436. - Orphaned Series
- Panty Shot: The rape-gasm is incidental.
- Rape As Comedy
- Rule 34: This comic is loaded with it.
- Running Gag
- The Loins Sleep Tonight: One of the tentacle monsters suffers from his tentacles not working once.
- Shrouded in Myth: Among other exploits, Hammer once rode the range and fought in a Sentai team... always alongside a masturbation-obsessed dip named Clem.
- Spit Take: Done dry in this strip.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders
- Stylistic Suck: The strips drawn by Freddy.
- Take That: Several aimed at Megatokyo.
- These lead up to a piece of Self-Deprecation: When he compares his vasectomy to a long line of people waiting to kick him in the nuts, Largo and Piro announce they've gone three times.
- Useful Book: Nort finds himself with no toilet paper, and starts yelling blasphemous things until Chick-Boy shows up and flings some tracts into the stall. Punchline "I knew there was a use for these things."
- Yaoi Guys: F'ga and Bobby.
- Yonkoma
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