< Gex
Gex is one of the most reference overdosed works of The Nineties.
The original Gex
- You fight killer tomatoes and chainsaw wielding psychopaths wearing a hockey mask in the cemetary area.
- The temple levels of the jungle area have you fighting other geckos wearing the trademark outfit of Indiana Jones.
- One of the enemies in Kung Fuville looks remarkably like Raiden, up to and including straw hat and lightning powers
- The rabbit enemies in New Toonland look like Fall-Apart from Bonkers.
Gex's quotes:
- "Looks like Beetlejuice threw up." (said in any of the Toon worlds)
- "That's for twelve years of Full House."
- "Scotty, shields up."
- "Yeah this place has all the warmth of a Dick Clark special." (Cemetary level)
- "Ah, Detroit. Pearl of the Orient." (said entering the Cemetary level)
- "This will be great for my collection!"
- "I'll take this! And this! And this!"
- "Need it. Need it. Need it!"
- "Soylent Green is good!"
- "This place is weirder than 4th of July at Rick James's place."
- "Geez, Scoob. Let's get back to the Mystery Van." (said in the cemetary level)
- "I. Am. Ironman." (upon collecting a Power-Up)
- "Rocket Man!" (when riding rockets obviously)
- "Welcome to the jungle!" (upon entering the jungle level)
- "Me Gex, you Jane." (upon entering the jungle level)
- "This one's for Keith Moon!"
- "They call him Flipper! Flipper!" (in a water segment)
- "Obi-wan has taught you well." (Kung Fu level)
- "So, this is New Jersey." (Final level)
- "Up, up, and away!"
- "Helium makes my voice do this."
- "Jane! Stop this crazy thing!" (on a Conveyor Belt of Doom)
- "When is Grace Jones gonna retire?" (while fighting Rez)
- "All this because of Rosebud?" (during the final battle)
- "What do you mean Darth Vader's my father?" (during the final battle)
- "Hasta la vista, baby."(after beating the final boss)
- "I wonder what's on HBO." (last line of the game)
- "Ooh, trick or treat." (Cemetary level)
- "Gex, there is no substitute."
- "Kill your TV, man."
- (shooting a tommy gun) "Say good-bye, little cock-a-roach!" (Rezopolis level)
Gex: Enter The Gecko
- Most of the level names are references. See the A Worldwide Punomenon entry on the main page.
- Gex can wear a variety of costumes referencing other works in certain levels:
- In the Toon TV world of Gex: Enter The Gecko, he wears a bunny costume in the same area you fight Elmer Fudd dressed hunters. Marked with a "Rabbit Season Open" sign. In the other Toon TV world, the Duck Season! Rabbit Season! gag comes full circle when Gex is put into a black duck costume with the aforementioned sign again, only "rabbit" is crossed out and replaced with "duck".
- In the "Aztec 2 Step" level in Gex: Enter The Gecko, he dons the trademark outfit of Indiana Jones.
- The Gilligex Isle level has our hero donning Gilligan's attire.
- The Rocket Channel levels have him wearing a Stormtrooper outfit. There, he fights green Greys wielding LaserSwords and dressed as Red Shirts from Star Trek.
- In the hub world and the spy themed bonus level, he dons a tux. The bonus level also comes equipped with flying robot sharks.
- A segment of the first Scream TV level in Gex: Enter The Gecko contains a Hellevator complete with stretching portraits.
- In the third Scream TV level, you can find a |Chucky-esque enemy wielding a kitchen knife.
- In the "space" level. "Has anyone seen Fox Mulder's sister?"
Gex's quotes:
- Some of his lines end with a very Austin Powers-esque "baby!". (Yeah!)
- "Keep your stinking paws off me you damn, dirty ape!"
- "HERE'S GEXY!" (in Scream TV)
- Gex Gecko chop! Baby!"
- And when he's not subtle: "Judo chop, baby! (Yeah!)"
- Flame On!
- "WIIIIIILLLLLLLLLMMMMAAAAAAA" (In the Pre-history channel levels)
- Another Planet of the Apes one appears in the secret scene from the "Lava Dabba Doo" Secret Level: Gex is in his loincloth attire and chained in a cage:
Gex: "You cut up his brain you bloody baboon!"
- "I knew Roswell would open up a casino." (in the Rocket channel level)
- "What's that mister bug? Timmy's trapped down a well?"
- "Lolly, lolly, lolly. Get your adverbs here!"
- "Captain. They are a bizarre alien race that find Adam Sandler funny." (in the Rocket channel level)
- "In a land or time, when Saturday Night Live is funny." (said in the pre-historic level).
- "Beam Me Up, Scotty."
- "Note to self. Don't drink the tap water at Jerry Garcia's." (in Toon TV levels)
- "All this technology still can't explain why David Hasselhoff is so popular."
- "How did I get in Bill Gates's head?" (in the Circuit Central channel levels)
- "I'm trapped in outtakes of The Wiz." (in the Circuit Central channel levels)
- "I ain't afraid of no ghosts."
- "I am most certainly not in the vicinity of Kansas anymore."
- "This place is bigger than Drew Carey's bar tab."
- "That's one small step for Gex." (entering a space level)
- "Aren't you a little short for a storm trooper?" (space)
- "Terminator? Phone call for a Mr. Terminator."
- "All this technology and Shatner still can't get a good hair cut." (The Circuit Central channel)
- Upon beating Rez:
Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko
- Gex has a butler named Alfred this time around.
- The Mystery TV "Clueless in Seattle", has Gex donning the robe of Sherlock Holmes. It also has him finding a Frankenstein-like machine which turns him into a vampire.
- The first secret level: Dial A for Arson.
- The second hub area: Lake Flaccid
- The Western Channel level: "The Organ Trail"
- One secret level based of an older Crystal Dynamics game Akuji The Heartless is named "Braveheartless". It even uses the same music as the other game.
- Emperor Caligula's sexual appetite was given a brief reference with a graffiti which reads "Caligula + Anyone <3 <3" in the "Holy Moses!" level.
- Two throw-away signs in the Slappy Valley hub area say "A Bug's Wife" and "|Troy Story".
- The Fairytales TV level: "Red Riding In The Hood" also stars Gex in the red riding hood costume. The level contains a huge beanstalk (complete with giant hens and stacks of coins), wolf enemies, candlesticks to jump, and the houses of the Three Little Pigs, along with its residents.
- The second boss battle: The Lizard of Oz.
- The use of special booths designed to give you superpowers may come from Superman's tendency to use phone booths to change his costume.
- One of the enemies in the Superhero Show level wears the same wrestling mask as Bane's incarnation in the Batman and Robin film. He even buffs up before fighting you.
- The Gangster TV level: "My Three Goons"
- The final Spacestation Rez level: "Rez-Raker"
- The wrestler boss battle: "Invasion of the Body Slammers".
- "Cutcheese Island" is a reference to notorious high-profile flop "Cutthroat Island".
- In "Holy Moses!" Gex has to find three staves and use the rays of light refracted through them to find the location of a hidden area, just like in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
- There is one graffiti that says "Fuggeddaboudit".
Gex's quotes:
- In Holiday Broadcasting: "Totally Scrooged":
- "The ice planet Hoth. The Rebels are there."
- "We've knocked down the generator Lord Vader, you may start your landing."
- "Where's that Wonka man?!"
- "Christmas Town? I'm Jack Gexxington from Halloween Town."
- "Oh, Hermie, I wanna be a dentist."
- "This place is colder than Eva Gabor's wig fridge."
- "Mr. Wonka! Veruca stole a gobstopper!"
- "My Name is Darryl, this is my other brother, Darryl"
- In Mystery TV: "Clueless In Seattle":
- "Granny? Jethro? Uncle Jed?!"
- "With this raincoat I make a perfect Sherlock Holmes... or a flasher."
- "For some reason I feel like... COUNT-ING, ha, ha! One... two... three..." (in vampire form)
- In Tut TV: "Holy Moses!":
- (imitating C-3PO) "Well, I'm not going that way - it's much too rocky! This way is much easier!"
- "Here we are. Pismo Beach and all the clams I can eat."
- (imitating C-3PO) "A transport? I'm saved. OVER HERE!"
- (imitating Luke Skywalker) Uncle Owen, this R2 has a bad motivator.
- "Dog-headed gods and the women who love them, on the next Jerry Springer!"
- "I'll kidnap all the oceans of the world, Underdog!"
- In the Army Channel: "War is Heck":
- In the Western Station: "The Organ Trail":
- "Do you feel lucky, punk?"
- "Go ahead... make my lunch."
- "Howdy! There's some doody."
- "A gecko's gotta know his limitations."
- "Rollin' rollin' rollin', rawhide!"
- In the Buccaneer Program: "Cutcheese Island":
- "Crank up the Gilbert and Sullivan, dude!"
- In the Mythology Network: "Mythstories":
- "Wormer? Dead! Niedermayer. Dead!". Gex will also sometimes say "Toga! Toga!"
- "Move over, Argonauts. Here come the Gexanots!"
- "I...am...Gexicus!"
- In the Anime Channel: "When Sushi Goes Bad":
- "|To Infinity and...uh..."
- "I'm in George Jetson's colon!"
- In the Superhero Show: "Superzeroes":
- "The Warriors got Cyrus!"
- "Warriors, come out to play!"
- "Eliot Ness tried to grab my untouchables."
- "I feel like I'm in West Side Story."
- "Top of the world, ma!"
- "I'm your friendly neighborhood super-gecko!"
- In Gangster TV: "My Three Goons":
- "Hey yo, my freaking name is freaking Donnie Brasco!"
- "Just put your lips together...and blow."
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