< Generator Rex

Generator Rex/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced:
    • Rex sums it up for us in one line: "Great. Breach is back." He was being sarcastic. The fandom wasn't.
    • And there's also the fact that the show seems to be going on past its original 20 episode order. Looks like it might get another season.
    • A lot of people were wanting a Crossover with Ben 10, due to them both being Man of Action's creations. As one could expect, the announcement it's happening got this reaction.
    • Better than that, it's canon for the GR universe! The no Reset Button policy continues!
  • Awesome Music: The Pack's theme song.
  • Broken Base: Albeit not as bad as its sister show, the older fans that are outside of the target demographic have made numerous complaints about how the 2nd season wasn't as serious as the 1st. The younger fans within the demographic, on the other hand, are completely fine with the show's current state.
  • Crazy Awesome:
    • Gatlock, the pirate leader in "Badlands", who spouts such lines as "Fire the Ion Cannon Thingamabobs!" while performing raids in tricked out ice cream trucks.
    • No Face, as well. He's clearly off his rocker, but he can kick ass when he gets involved.
  • Complete Monster: Van Kleiss. At first, he was this straight up; then, he had some supposed Well-Intentioned Extremist tendencies in that, like Magneto, he was trying to ensure the future of Evos. However, he threw all of that out the window when he crossed the Moral Event Horizon by using Breach as a living time machine. He did so by using a process that was both sadistic and nearly fatal to her. Then there's "The End, Part 1", which shows that Van Kleiss (indirectly) murdered Rex's parents.
    • Hunter Cain also qualifies, being a racist evo hunter with no qualms trying to murder children and endangering innocents. Brandon Moses is not much better, having kidnapped several evos to amplify their mutations and auction them off for money.
    • Quarry: Tries to kill numerous innocents and make more his slaves.
  • Draco in Leather Pants:
    • Van Kleiss seems to get some of this, mainly from fans who view White Knight as much more of a Complete Monster.
    • It's lessened as Van Kliess has crossed the Moral Event Horizon more and more and White has gone Defrosting Ice Queen on us (not to mention his replacement, Black Knight, being even worse than him, and his being kicked out of Providence giving him further Character Development.
    • Breach gets this treatment also. She's sympathetic and gets a Heel Face Turn, but that doesn't just change the fact that she's a pyscho who has done some really messed-up things.
  • Ear Worm:
    • Considering how short it is, the theme song is actually pretty catchy. The extended version is even better.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Everyone likes Breach.
  • Fan Nickname: "Sleevespace" seems to be the popular term for the sleeves in which Six keeps his fold-out katanas.
  • Follow the Leader:
    • A show about a young man who gains superpowers and travels the country/world in a team of three, fighting monsters-hey, wait a minute!
    • It's made by the same people; looks like they weren't done with making adventures.
    • The series main character, his powers and the title may seem rather familiar for anyone who's seen Generator Gawl, though the overeaching plots of the two series are wildly different.
      • And there are many similarities to Cybergeneration - ongoing global nanotech apocalypse, heavy-handed government agencies, and most of the EVOs with human intelligence are teenagers.
  • Growing the Beard: Many feel that the show has been getting better since the second half of season 1 started.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: At the end of "A Family Holiday," after Six nearly dies, he and Rex have a Heartwarming Moment in which Rex tells him, rather affectionately, never to do anything like that again. Seems like a throwaway line until "Six Minus Six," when we see what happens the next time Six jams his magnetized blades into a machine.
  • He's Just Hiding:
    • This pops up every time Van Kleiss apparently dies, due to obvious reasons, but the best example is Breach. When you apparently kill off the Ensemble Darkhorse, you better believe this'll happen! Note that while Dr. Holiday is skeptical that she's dead, Van Kleiss seems to have moved on and is looking for a replacement.
    • She's alive!
    • Some may be hoping that Rylander is still out there.
      • He is...though he's currently a deformed subject in a lab tank.
  • Informed Wrongness:
    • Characters increasingly get critical and distrustful of Providence despite the fact that EVOs present a clear danger to the entire world, Providence has two EVOs working for them (one with a criminal record), and Cure, contain, or kill really does seem like the only viable approach to problem EVOs. Not to mention we never see Providence so much as threaten to cure, contain, or kill a human EVO that isn't threatening others.
    • It's mainly due to White Knight's Jerkass tendencies.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Breach gets this status in her title episode. Sure, she's an evil, possessive kidnapper, but when her pocket dimension is being trashed by Rex and the Creepy Girl, they're essentially tearing her mind apart. Regardless of the situation, you had to feel sorry for Breach there.
  • Karma Houdini: Black Knight and Ceasar in the Grand Finale.
  • Magnificent Bitch: Black Knight, full stop. From posing as a Reasonable Authority Figure, keeping her own true power hidden to use at later date when necessary, playing politics with the Consortium, and pulling off a success starscream to gain supreme power, she's fit the bill big time.
  • Memetic Molester: Van Kleiss is very creepy when he tells Rex how "special" he is or how much he needs him.
  • Missed Moment of Awesome: Rex's two giant robot builds. The first form is obscured in shadows, and is only alluded to about twice in the series outside of flashbacks. He never uses it. It would have been nice to have a few episodes showing Rex being forced to use it in a desperate situation, and fully considering the ramifications of it, rather than seemingly rushing it in the final episode. His second giant build seems to be less a full use of all builds than a generic giant robot, which doesn't use any of his Omega-Nanite builds.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Providence under Black Knight crosses it in "Back in Black" when they employ Mind Control technology to deal with EVOs, even sapient ones. Cesar Salazar definitely crosses it when he tries to use this technology on Rex, his own younger brother.
    • Van Kleiss' treatment of Breach is definately this for him.
  • Nightmare Retardant: The series is pretty on-and-off on how seriously it treats its premise (which honestly sounds like something from a post-apocalyptic horror movie), but it definitely butts heads when the hero is fighting Lovecraftian horrors to a rock theme and stock sound effects.
  • Paranoia Fuel:
    • Nanites:
      • In the show's universe, they're everywhere, in everyone, and at any second you or someone you know could end up an EVO. Pleasant dreams!
      • It gets worse: The nanites infested every living thing. Meaning anything from algae colonies on up to trees and animals (this actually happens!) could turn into an Eldritch Abomination out to waste you. Suddenly your backyard looks a little more worrying...
      • It makes one wonder what would happen if something like a tardigrade or a mantis shrimp ended up becoming an EVO.
      • Or if the symbiotic bacteria that live in someone's gut suddenly went EVO without the person going EVO... considering how EVOs tend to get big and go on destructive rampages... *shudder*
    • Even worse. Grocery store eggs aren't even living nor do they have a Y chromosome to even be considered embryos, but they can still go EVO just as much as any living creature.
      • to the poster above, have you just not taken a biology class or are you geniunely saying that anything lacking a Y chromosome isn't an embryo?
    • FYI Eggs are a reproductive cell, so there's the horror of the implication of reproductive cells going EVO. But then this is taken a step further. It's common practice for some egg farms to incubate all their eggs for 3 days after Laying, those that show any kind of development get sent to hatcheries, those that don't get sent to market. it's not uncommon for a developing egg to slip into the market batch (it's not unheard of to find half developed chicks in grocery store eggs, this tropers own father actually found one like that). So think of the implications if this practise is still in play in the Generator Rex universe. Those eggs seen in "Moonlighting" could have been EMBRYOS. Think of a world where embryos could go EVO at anypoint in their development.
    • Then consider the implications of a pregnant mother going EVO. What happens to the fetus?
  • Relationship Writing Fumble:
    • Despite Circe and the rest of the Hong Kong gang denying it, they do seem to get awfully close to each other WHILE they're proclaiming themselves as 'just friends.' It helped that the boys decided to make their move after it, though.
    • Certainly intentional, as the Running Gag in that episode was basically them confusing the hell out of Rex.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: White Knight was somewhat divisive among some of the fanbase until "Plague", when he helps Rex and gives out some relatively justifiable reasons for being so distant and bitter, while also accumulating cool moments.
  • The Scrappy:
    • Some find Bobo difficult to tolerate because he's more a liability than a help usually and he does a lot of questionable things that he is never reined in for by Providence. Plus a talking, smartmouthed monkey seems a bit out of place at times when the show is dealing with some pretty serious and disturbing things.
    • There are also some who don't much care for Circe (alot of them being Rex/Holiday shippers.)
  • Squick: Rex's reaction after he cures the first monster, and the old guy hugs him. The naked old guy.
    • Circe's face when she's using her powers. Borders on Nightmare Fuel.
    • Rex's nanite overload and the nanite monster in "Frostbite".
    • A bit of unintentional squick, that hopefully the creators did by accident. ZAG-RS is programmed with the voice of Rex's late mother. He also has the hots for Doctor Holiday. Both are voiced by Grey DeLisle. So, when you think about it Rex has the hots for a chick who sounds exactly like his mother.
    • In Heroes United, Ben uses Upgrade to merge with Rex, becoming a full-body suit inside and out. One hopes his tactile sensation as Upgrade is rather low.
  • Tear Jerker: The majority of "Six Minus Six."
    • Breach's goodbye from "Lions and Lambs."
    • The last few minutes of "Assualt on Abysus".
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: "Operation: Wingman": Who else thought that Annie was the EVO-Bunny, and all of her "accidents" during the date were genuine attempts to kill Rex? Jossed since it was stated that she's like that with every date, but still...
  • The Woobie: Holiday after we find out what happened to her sister, especially in "A Family Holiday."
    • "Lions and Lambs" turns Breach (formerly a Jerkass Woobie) into a full-on Woobie. Oh so very much.
  • What the Hell, Casting Agency?: There's Hynden Walch as Breach for starters.
    • To be fair Hynden also voiced Ace from Justice League, so it wasn't that bad of a choice.
    • Also, who decided that John Cena got a voice acting role?
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