< Generator Rex

Generator Rex/Headscratchers

  • If Rex could cure the skyscraper sized EVO in Episode 1, how come he couldn't cure Weaver in 'Frostbite'?
    • Strong as They Need to Be? Power limits marching on? The skyscraper guy having a lot less nanites in him than weaver?
    • Skyscraper guy probably just didn't have the same density of nanites as Weaver.
    • Not to mention that Weaver was infested with deactivated nanites, so their coding is probably more unpredictable than the normal ones from freshly turned EVOs.
    • Weaver pretty clearly downed a good quarter of a tank of nanites, and you have to believe that said tank is probably designed to vastly exceed Rex's normal capacity. The skyscraper guy could not have had that many nanites in him.
  • An essential part of the show's premise is that Rex can "cure" EVO's. Circe is an EVO that feels like an outcast because of her powers, and doesn't want them. The fact that "curing" her does not immediately occur to Rex, well...it just bugs me.
    • Some EVOs are incurable, like the gang in rabble. I thought it went like this: You're either Incurable, or Curable. If you're incurable, that's it; case closed. If you're Curable and you want to be cured, Rex can cure you. If you don't want to be cured, Rex can't, but If you change your mind, he can.
    • Did she say she wanted her powers gone? I was thinking this was like Mystique in the X-Men movies; she shouldn't have to change just to fit in.
    • In addition, Rex's powers only assimilate the nanites that are causing the mutations, not every one in the body. Even if Rex "cured" Circe, Van Kleiss would still be able to have the Pack hunt her down so he could kill her by stealing the rest of her nanites, which would be a huge Kick the Dog on his part. (Kill her because he can, or because she didn't do what he wanted. Either way, Van Kleiss wins.)
      • First response: Entirely possible. However, the possibility was not presented, when it should have. A scene where Rex makes the offer but is rebuffed would have worked quite nicely, and added another layer of complexity to Circe. Second response: Possible, although your explanation implies that Van Kleiss can suck nanites even from "inactive" organisms, (I.E.: everything), which I don't think is the case—otherwise, he'd just be kidnapping random people. In any case, that Van Kleiss could have killed her doesn't change the fact that the the offer should still have been made and it was illogical for it not to happen.
      • If I recall, Rex seemed excited to find another EVO to spend time with, and was definitely pushing her to join the team. If he had cured her there be a high chance they'd never see each other again. (or worse she would become a load and would be in constant need of rescuing.) And he wouldn't want that to happen. With her powers not doing her much more harm other than her joining the Pack, an organization Rex is sure to run into a lot, not curing her would seem to be the most favourable option from Rex's viewpoint. But that's just my Alternate Character Interpretation.
        • Plus, she (usually) looks human and has a human personality. Rex considers himself to be an Evo, so when he finally met another Evo who seemed to be as human-like as him, his first thought wasn't "oh, I can cure you". It's "oh, awesome, you're just like me!" He didn't see her being an Evo as any sort of disadvantage: he thought it just meant she had cool powers like him.
    • Plot Induced Stupidity. If he cured her right off the bat, we wouldn't get to watch Rex try to get her to join Providence, now would we?
  • Also, if Rex can't cure someone who doesn't want to be cured then how come he could cure Van Kleiss, who DEFINITELY didn't want to be cured?
    • Van Kleiss probly couldn't resist because he just didn't realize he was being cured until Rex was too far into the process.
    • Again, the parameters of Rex's powers have been marching on for the entire series. In Rabble, he cures a bunch of the EVO mobsters who were supposedly Quarry's "loyal enforcers."
    • Looking back on the series, the only evidence I can see so far on the "cureable EVOs can resist being cured" theory is Peter Meechum, who, as you might recall, had some control over nanites himself.
      • In "Breach" he tried to cure the little girl, and couldn't because he said she was resisting him. His nanites have changed, though, so some of the old rules don't apply anymore (he can cure animals now, so maybe he can also cure unwilling people like Van Kleiss).
  • If everyone on Earth is infected with nanites, why do people have such problems with even the still-human EVO's like Rex? Do they not realize that whoever it is that's mutated, it just as easily could have been them? Or is this just Fantastic Racism at work yet again?
    • Evos are, by and large, dangerous, and Fantastic Racism plays a part, too. People do tend to ostracize those who are different.
    • It's more than likely a defense mechanism as well, considering they're all probably scared shitless that they could become just like them at any point.
    • There's also people like Hunter Cain, who verbally confirms that he doesn't buy into the whole planet being infected.
    • Have you read about how people have acted throughout history? During the Influenza pandemic of the early 20th century there were cases of entire neighborhoods turning on each other when the disease hit them, instantly kicking out or demanding quarantine for the infected even though they might well be next.
      • Or cancer. It's hard to imagine now, but in the early 20th century many people were afraid that you could "catch" cancer and would shun or attack cancer victims, even though, much like being an evo, cancer's something that can hit anyone at any time for no real reason. It's a coping mechanism for dealing with an intangible fear: if you can project it into something concrete like a person, it can be controlled and you don't feel so helpless. In the world of Generator Rex fear and denial have probably taken over many people's lives completely, making them obsessed with acting like nothing's wrong and violently hating the Evo's as walking reminders that their own days are numbered.
  • In "Lockdown" Dr. Holiday says that her sister is an incurable EVO. How do they know this? Rex is The Only One who can cure EVOs, and he shows no sign of having met Bat-Charlotte before.
    • Presumably Providence has some way of studying EVOs (perhaps based on technical knowledge of what goes on when Rex cures them) that lets them tell whether or not an EVO can actually be cured.
      • It's possible that the 'victims' state of mind may have a play in this, remember, the EVO has to want to be cured. Holiday's sis may be so far gone, that curing her may not be possible. Of course, it's likely that we'll see more on this situation at a later point, especially since we know White Knight is using it as his 'bargaining chip' to keep Holiday on his side.
    • Perhaps Providence has a method of curing people, it's just big, expensive, and to impractical. And it just doesn't work for her.
    • Thinking about it, it might be a case of For Me It Was Tuesday: Providence spent a week or two running Rex through all the EVOs they'd captured before they found him, curing as many as he could. Rex doesn't recognize Holiday's sister because it was years ago, and there were a bunch of EVOs he couldn't cure.
      • Or he attempted to cure her, but it was before his In-Providence Blackout Six (in "Waste Land") says Rex only has memory of the last 18 months. Considering they found him when he was 10 and he's now 15/16, that's a big gap.
        • They couldn't have found him when he was 10. He was 10 when the nanite event happened, and he still had time afterwards to hang out in Hong Kong. Considering that Providence seemed just as surprised as Rex to learn that he would have repeated blackouts, I believe it's safe to say that Rex never had a memory loss in Providence care.
  • Remember that sequence in "Breach" where Rex falls of the edge of Breach's dollhouse-town and has to scramble back on? Specifically, the part where his mechanical body parts start exploding and make it harder for him to get to safety. It made the sequence really cool to watch, but why did it happen? Breach is in control of the place to an extent, but it seems unlikely she'd endanger Rex that badly.
    • I thought it was pretty clear she was messing with him. It first happens when she smirks knowingly. She probably thought it would be funny.
      • That's what I thought. She was already a little upset by Rex 'breaking' her things, so this might have her way of 'disciplining' a bad dog.
      • Plus, why would she want to kill her "new favorite" "shiny thing"?
        • Since they're in her pocket dimension, falling probably wouldn't have really killed Rex. He would have just kept falling into nowhere until she decided to open a portal and send him back to Greenville.
    • I thought it had something to do with Rex being stressed out over driving off the edge of a cliff into a "big nothing" as he calls it. After all, in the first episode they make a point of Rex's powers fizzing out when he's feeling strong emotions. And didn't he say something like "Keep it together, Rex" after half his jetpack exploded? Or was I imagining that?
      • That might be it, too, but he's clearly surprised when the backpack goes the first time, and he has the effort to keep manifesting replacements.
        • It seems to me that Rex is always taken by surprise when his Psychoactive Powers crap out on him.
          • But he usually can't keep repairing the damage.
    • She severed the engine to taunt him. The rest was Rex destroying one set of machines so he could make the next. And the last glove was destroyed by friction as Rex started to slip back off the edge. You notice how he never has the jetpack, the gloves, and the boots at the same time.
      • Speaking of which, what's the deal with that? He basically has a Green Lantern ring, but he keeps making the same four items exactly the same. One could blame Character Model consistency, but this is one case where it'd be fine if they looked different each time.
        • Rex's power isn't a Green Lantern Ring. Part of the gimick is that he is limited in the powers he can manifest. Certain limbs make certain powers, and he can't make new ones.
  • Why does Van Kleiss keep trying to kill Rex? I mean seriously. Every time they're on screen together, Van Kleiss will tell Rex how "important" he is and how "special" and try to get him to join the Pack. And then about 10–20 seconds later, he'll change his mind and try to kill the boy.
    • Van Kleiss is smart enough to make a plan that doesn't hinge on a single outcome. If Rex can't be turned, he can be eliminated, and the plan should go on as normal.
    • Alternatively, whatever he wants from Rex is available via autopsy.
    • or, if you're a teenage girl, Van Kleiss is a particularly horrifying variety of Tsundere.

  • Can Rex manifest more than one device at once?
    • Probably depends on the body part the device comes from and how much concentration it needs. He probably can't use too much with the hover-jetpack thinggy or he'll be unable to concentrate on staying aloft, in all likelihood, and he obviously can't turn his hands into a sword if they're giant metal fists. (There's also obviously the weight problem with trying to manifest extra gadgets while trying to fly).
    • If he can, he never has, and seeing as how it might be helpful to do so, he probably can't.
    • Pretty much all his weapons appear to have similar mass, so if he could manifest more than one at a time, they'd likely be smaller, and weaker than they would be at full size. Although, if he were to try his fists, legs, and Boogie Pack body all at once, it'd probably look like a suit of Powered Armor.
    • Pretty sure he's used a fist and the BFS at the same time. Couldn't name the episode, though.
    • In a flashback he created an entire Humongous Mecha with a Power Fist, BFS, and shoulder mounted cannons. It's implied to be more of a Super-Powered Evil Side, so Rex can't do this normally—he doesn't even remember it ever happened.
      • As of the most recent episode, he can.
  • So, I was thinking. Rex's nanites are from an earlier, more stable batch, right? Well, if they were more stable, why the hell were the scientists screwing with them? Shouldn't Rex's better nanites have come from a more advanced source than the one that screwed everything up?
    • The batch that saved Rex (it was an Emergency Transformation per Rylander's account) obviously had unintended side effects (growing giant hands, feet, etc.). The new batch, had it not been released early, was likely intended to have no side effects, just cellular repair.
      • That would make sense, cellular repair I mean, with how all the other EVOs seem more genetically mutated while Rex is part robot-boy.
      • That would also make sense in that trying to strip away those side effects would probably be a typical next step in a streamlining process, in which they get rid of anything unnecessary. Unfortunately, if they accidentally joined or clipped the wrong biological protocols...
  • The new episode "What Lies Beneath", in which Rex has to deal with the concept of helping Circe. I liked the episode, except for the fact that Rex pulls a complete emotional 180 from rightfully hating her to liking her again. And then at the end of the episode, Circe tries to help Van Kleiss reach safety. While she justifies this, Rex immediately offers for her to join his side when she just HELPED THE BIG BAD. I know Rex is rash and impulsive, but can't he hate someone who should be rightfully hated?
    • He's in love. He's trying his darndest to convince himself otherwise, and trying his best to hate her as he knows he should... but his true feelings keep getting in the way of rational thought. Just as Chessmaster Van Kleiss intended.
    • Or Circe's EVO-luring powers are messing with him big time. That's probably why she won't go with Rex, she's afraid if he cures her, he won't like her anymore.
  • A meta-question: is the Hunter's name spelled with a K or a C? -ane or -ain?
    • I always thought it was spelled "Cain" for that extra symbolism.

  • If White Knight is the only Nanite free organism in the world, how does he eat? Wouldn't all the plants and animals have evos in them?
    • He probably exposes his food to fatal levels of radiation and possibly small EMPs before eating.
    • Another possibility, given that the series seems to be set Twenty Minutes Into the Future, is that he has some kind of food synthesizer, a la Star Trek.
    • Or they perfected the machine that "cured" him to sterilize his food.
      • According to "Payback", he has an electromagnetic field that's strong enough to rip nanites right out of EVOs bodies.
  • Did White Knight only become head of Providence because of his lack of nanites? That's a rather poor choice of credentials.
    • He was practically in charge already. They just made it official.
    • And again, he's the only human being on Earth without nanites, and therefore is guaranteed to never go EVO. No, I'm not exactly sure how that qualifies him, either, but it's the best they've given us so far.
    • Odds are, Providence didn't have a solid chain of command, as Knight was shown to be throwing his weight around before being bleached. When he was cured, he likely ran a campaign (implied when he calls himself a poster boy) going on about how he's "Pure" and uncorrupt, thusly can be trusted. Yea, it's like giving a monkey the keys to a zoo, but hey, it makes sense in context.
    • When he uses the phrase poster boy, he says it in reference to the council (whoever they are) having declared him such, implying that they're going to take advantage of his purity by making him a Providence mascot and figurehead leader. Apparently White Knight's such a good leader, or at least a skillful politician, that he gradually moved up from token leader to really being in charge.
  • The entirety of "Project Wingman". NOTHING made sense: not Noah's reactions to dating, not the rabbit evo's obsession with Rex, or its ability to escape him so easily, and most of all the INCREDIBLY bad luck the girl had with causing accidents (if she actually *killed* any of the guys who went out with her, wouldn't the police have investigated the matter?) And would Noah expose Rex to danger just so he could impress a girl? Not to mention the Mood Whiplash from the series' usually serious tone. I don't mind the Breather Episode but, come on, couldn't they write it a little more credibly!? Or should we ignore the whole thing as an "April Fools" sort of episode?
    • While admittedly much of that episode was Rule of Funny more than anything else, Noah gives a good justification for picking Rex as a wingman. He's superhumanly tough, so he can survive the jinx's accidents. Besides, it's not that surprising that Noah would put Rex in that position to get with a hot girl. There have been worse justifications, and the jinx was attractive.
      • If this episode had any logic the first thing people would have thought about her is that either she's doing it *on purpose* (possibly a serial killer in development) or that she's an EVO with the uncontrollable power to cause disasters. Neither thing something you'd like to date.
        • Rex: "But she is cute..."
        • I for one, hope that the bunny battle turns into a Once a Season thing for the show ala Peter Griffin's battle with Ernie the Giant Chicken. They Never Found the Body and that rabbit's dynamite. Come to think of it, thanks to Rex's Amnesia, they could even justify it by retroactively revealing that bunny's been dogging him for years.
          • It's a FAMILY of Mutant Rodents that's been dogging him, so: Wish Granted!
  • Why is Bobo even on the team? He has no unique powers or skills (except his feet) and in fact has caused more trouble than help by giving Rex bad ideas such as running away without warning. Heck I don't see why Rex cares about him, considering that he has humiliated him after losing a bet (in "The Swarm") sold Rex out for a pizza (In "The Architect") and has expressed his disdain for the very human race several times (and no I don't think he was kidding). For us he may be Comedy Relief, but I don't see why the team puts up with him.
    • Bobo's on the team because he's Rex's friend. They were friends since Rex showed up on the team. Plus, he's better than your average mook in a fight. Those incidents are all mostly comedy, and beneath that Bobo's a decent guy.
    • Again: in an organization like Providence, that makes very clear EVERYONE, even White Knight himself, is expendable, and *has* proven it (see the battlesuit made specifically to destroy Rex in case he went rogue in "The Plague") why is Bobo not considered more a problem than useful? I'm not saying he's not good or hasn't helped, but he is *not* better than most Providence Red Shirts (unlike Agent Six, whose Wuxia-like skills strain credibility). And everyone (even him) admits he's a bad influence on Rex. Even the humor rubs me wrong sometimes—selling out your best friend for a pizza might sound funny from the audience's POV, but imagine that happening *to you*.
    • I've thought about this a couple of times (mostly because I hate Bobo), but I think it has something to do with Holiday. In "Promises, Promises" he lets Holiday out of the cage so she can save Rex. I figured that in return, she'd give him a spot on the team. Instead of, y'know, being dissected or left to running around the Petting Zoo.
    • His sentience may have something to do with it, as may his being Rex's only friend in the world until he met Noah several years later.
    • The above, basically. It's implied that Bobo has been out and recaptured several times. If he can manage that, then he's got to have some useful skills. Sure, he sold Rex for a pizza, but that was at best a minor matter. Rex ran away from home, it wasn't anything terribly big. Him calling himself a bad influence is clearly tongue-in-cheek. Rex was leaving the building one way or another.
      • And Rex wasn't terribly shocked or upset when Six told him about Bobo's "betrayal". Kid probably saw it coming a mile away (and could be one of the quirks he likes about the chimp).
        • It wasn't so much a 'betrayal' as it was what Six said. Bobo was getting worried about Rex, so he gave Six the information to get him home. The Pizza was just an excuse.
        • Or the show could be doing some symbolism parallel thingy, using Bobo as a sub for Rex: threats won't make him do what you want, but giving him what HE wants will. Applicable for Bobo AND Rex. :D
    • Add almost causing nuclear war to the list of reasons Bobo should not be trusted (in "Promises, Promises") unless we assume he was kidding and never really intended to do it (they DID capture him in the Kremlin however which doesn't help his case.)
    • Because Everything's Better with Monkeys, even in a tightass organization like Providence.
    • I doubt Bobo was serious about pressing the button.
    • Think about it this way, Bobo is already a stable evo, and one of the only ones to ever actually agree to join Providence besides Rex. Stable Evos CAN'T go monsterous, as they already mutated. Thus, despite everything with Bobo, he still has one thing that makes him useful, he CAN'T go monster. Despite his untrustworthyness, he's still got the fact he can be trusted not to mutate and turn on them. White Knight became their leader BECAUSE he's Nanite free, Providence clearly values members who can be trusted not to mutate highly.
  • Why do there seem to be two different types of "unstable nanites"? First, there's the kind that fuels Van Kleiss' power, and seems to cause Grey Goo when uncontrolled. Then there's the kind in the newest episode which seems to have nothing special about it except shutting off when being jostled too much.
    • Instability of hardware vs. instability of software.
  • Okay, I get that Providence soldiers are supposed to be Red Shirts but COME ON! In The Hunter, Hunter Cain's men use weaponry that completely eradicates EVO's, proving that the technology exists (Yeah, I get Providence tries to cure EVO's first, but the procedure is Cure, Contain, Kill) and Providence continues to use weaponry that very obviously has zero effectiveness. Again, this would make sense if their job was to distract EVO's long enough for Rex to cure them, but they regularly run ops without Rex, so...? Also, we saw part of the training Mooks get in 'Basic' so they should be like Marines more or less, but in the latest episode 'Badlands' a group of enemy Red Shirts who probably had little training, are led by a psychopath, and have what seem to be salvaged vehicles and weaponry but can easily destroy both armored transports and dropships with a single shot, and overtake all of the Providence soldiers when Providence Mooks are using machineguns and the Pirate Mooks used knives! Sure, they were on bikes, but REALLY?
    • Well, from what I saw, those vehicles had some sort of microwave emitter mounted on them, which seem to be extremely effective against other vehicles. Other than that, they had the advantage of surprise, and numbers, and positioning. Still it is a bit excessive.
    • The Hunter Cain mook weapons probably aren't supereffective on most EVOs, only that one batch of manufactured EVOs that Hunter Cain provided. Against regular EVOs they're almost certainly no more effective than regular stuff.
      • The first EVO he shot, unless he planted that one, too, was just as susceptible.
      • In the one (whose name I can't remember) with the Mexican werewolves, Cain seemed to think that his 'magic EVO killing bullets' would work against Rex, since he makes a big deal out of having saved one to use on Rex. Might have been trying to psych him out, tho...
      • Providence is the goodguys? Cain's guns seem to make the Nanites Explode, that might make even White Knight squeamish...
        • Didn't stop 'em from doing it before they found Rex...
          • Payback shows us that, yes, it actually is possible for Providence soldiers to become even more ineffective at anything they do. The soldiers that went EVO were STILL much weaker than normal EVOs present. It's gotten to the point where you wonder why they even have guns at all...Then there was the fact that Six managed to literally punch out multiple EVOs by himself where multiple squads of Providence soldiers with machineguns couldn't even stop a single one. So. Amazingly. Frustrating.
            • Be fair now. The grunts were turning the tide when the Theme Music Power-Up kicked in. As for weaker Evos, of the three Van Kleiss turned, we only see one actually try to fight, and he was up against Rex. The other guy was beaten, but we don't know how they managed that.
  • What is with adding a new Pack member when they did not name him?
    • Because that thing wasn't a member, it was a tool.
    • They did it before, with that brown EVO from "Dark Passage". We probably won't see this guy again, either.
  • So Rex now has an in-story justification for New Powers as the Plot Demands in a similar way to another Man of Action character Yes, I get they're sticking to their strengths and Rex's moveset was getting a bit stale, it still rubs me the wrong way. On the other hand, Van Kleiss's new power suits him.
    • It's a bit similar, but also different. Rex presumebly still has his old powers, but now knows how their inner workings, likely meaning he can do things with the old set that he previously coulden't (more compacted version of the BFS, anyone?). I mean, he still was able to do the Boogie Pack, and they didn't seem much different. Of course, he probably lost a bit of power after fighting Van Kleiss (and likely got a bit too irrational when he chased him, thus why the pack starting smoking).
    • I just think they wanted to mix it up a bit.
  • I get that there's a lot of Fantastic Racism involved, but with each new episode, I get slightly more bugged that Providence doesn't recruit additional stable EVOs (like, say, Rex's Hong Kong posse). (1) They've already got two, after all. (2) Van Kleiss has demonstrated that it's possible to recruit a super-team. (3) Rex pretty much offered Circe a job - presumably he could do it for someone less hot. (4) Not having more EVOs is putting them at an increasing disadvantage against Van Kleiss, particularly given his new power set.
    • Who says EVOs want to join Providence? They're probably afraid they would get dissected if they joined. Providence is NOT an organization dedicated to promoting Fantastic Racism but they've probably got a pretty bad rep among EVOs. Every EVO who's had a chance to join Rex has rejected his offer. So maybe it's less 'Providence does not want EVOs' and more 'EVOs do not want to join Providence.'
  • Why aren't there any EVO rights groups popping up? I mean, if rational EVOs like the ones in Rabble exist, and White maintains that 'those bleeding hearts will get us killed', why isn't Rex getting any heat for being a traitor to EVO kind?
    • There is political pressure to keep EVOs from being killed, but presumably the population of sentient/high functioning EVOs is small enough that not enough of a movement has been organized outside of Van Kleiss - and even then it's debatable how many sentient EVOs are part of the Pack and which ones are just either humans that are too far gone or trained animals.
  • THERE IS NOW! Bobo comments on the Green Fist, "What is this, People for the Ethical Treatment of EVOs?!"
  • So is Gatlock an Evo or not? I thought he was one at first, but then I heard him say "Ooh, I have EVO envy." which could either mean he's envious of Rex's status as an EVO, or envious of the powers Rex gets from being an EVO compared to his.
    • I think he is just a Baddass Normal with cybernetic arms, pure cyber arms don't seem like a EVO power. Rex has to grow his and no other EVO has mechanica noises every time they move.

  • Agent Six is really starting to strain the limits of my Willing Suspension of Disbelief in regards to his supposedly Badass Normal status. There's only so much I can take, and it would be one thing if we saw other baseline humans pull off half the crap he can, but we don't. I really hope there's an explanation for this somewhere down the line.
    • There is one, before Rex he and White Knight were the elite soldiers of Providence (check the big Rex flashback episode) and it's implied before the Plague they were special ops. Now give it a few years of fighting evos.
      • Still doesn't explain Agent Six's Charles Atlas Superpower ness. Tons of combat experience doesn't turn you into a super ninja. On the other hand, the reason you don't see other people doing what Six can is because Six is the sixth deadliest person IN THE WORLD. I'd seriously like to see One, or Zero, if they go that route.
        • Would the animators survive drawing Agent 1?
        • Would the WORLD survive the drawing of Agent 0?
        • Apparently "dangerous" and "skilled" are not the same thing here.
        • Update - a recent episode allowed us to see #'s Dos, Trie, IV, and Five along with an EVO turned 1. They all appear to be Super-Humans on many..MANY levels... Dos is blind and can fight with a conductor wand, Trie is hyper-strong and bulky, IV controls bandages and is fast, Five is agile, wields a Instrument of Murder, and is highly resistant to damage. 1 must have been a Dragonball Z - style hero or assassin.
  • What's the deal with Noah? He doesn't seem to have any parents, he still attends school, he in general seems to be older than he first let on, and he's employed by Providence for reasons yet to be specified. Is he just a young-looking college student or is he really only 16? He seems to already be living by himself in a personal apartment. Why would Providence choose to hire him despite having seemingly no military, psychological, or other specialist training?
    • I think his parents were mentioned earlier. But yeah, you have a point. Perhaps his parents have some connections to Providence? He's still in high school, because he and Rex went to prom together.
      • I know it was out of context, but that last sentence made me giggle.
    • You answered your own question. Rex felt isolated, he needed friends his own age. Noah was that.
  • In "Lost Weekend":
    • They send Rex to infiltrate a rave. Makes sense, except for his being WIDELY KNOWN these days as Providence's cure/number one agent. Nobody recognized him until he used his powers? Not even the bad guys?
      • IRRC, about halfway through, Rex hung a lampshade on that point himself, when he told his partner that there was no point in the world's most famous EVO trying to go undercover at an EVO-fanboy party.
      • Rex was going to the rave anyways. It would be pretty absurd for anyone to go from "Rex is here" to "Providence is spying on us!"
        • There's a pretty small distinction between "famous law enforcement guy is here to party" and "famous law enforcement guy is here to observe. If you went to a party and saw your town police chief there, wouldn't you at least assume the police were going to be aware of anything that went on there?
          • Your town police chief is not a 15 year old boy who has been forcibly recruited and runs away all the time to engage in activities of questionable legality.
      • Also, why should they care that he was with Providence? They weren't doing anything illegal, and the entire reason they were there was to demonstrate that the evos in question were capable of living in coexistence with flatscans nondestructively, so they knew he'd have no reason to hunt any of the performers. Its no different from a police or EMT presence at a concert that uses a lot of dangerous pyrotechnics- there just in case things go pear-shaped, but not perceived as a threat by any of the patrons.
        • That's the point of the debate between Rex and whats-her-name. She wants to stay undercover, he points out that there's no such thing and that his cover basically is "Generator Rex is here to party, and also to investigate anything suspicious."
    • Why include Bobo in this episode if he spent most of the time in the bathroom (and then unconscious?) I get that they wanted to focus on Rex and Agent Jones, but in that case why even send Bobo along?
      • To get him out of Providence HQ, of course. He's kind of a nuisance, if you've noticed.
    • Not to mention the hint that Jones might become a regular character, replacing Bobo (thought I would not mind that much).
    • So... a human scientist and an EVO work together to ruin human-EVO relations... at a rave, instead of, you know, a big rally or something. In a plot that will kill them both. Anyone else thinks this was hairbrained?
      • If you didn't notice, the lady was quite clearly out-of-her-mind nuts, and the EVO was probably only semisentient. Its surprising it went as well as it did.
    • Look! An EVO Rex couldn't beat! How convenient for the new regular character to showoff!
      • Not really. Hows it any different from any of the times things have been perfect for Six to strut his stuff?
      • Jones doesn't have a Charles Atlas Superpower comparable to Ozymandias
  • Rex's past timeline is kind of confusing me. He started out on the show as 15 but in season 2 I'm guessing he's now 16 (his "birthday" in Promises, Promises). And then in Waste Land Six says that Rex can't remember past 18 months before, placing the flashbacks of Promises, Promises only a year and a half ago. So when they initially found Rex he'd have been roughly 14 and a half years old (the pilot likely taking place 6 months after the Promises, Promises flashback) but he looked so much younger and shorter than that compared to his current look. Yet in Rabble he looks the exact same while he had to have been, at the most, 13 at the time...
    • It's not so much the events or words that confuse me, 18 months 3 "weeks" into season 2 isn't that hard to believe for "promisies, promises" flashback. But the Art Drift from showing Rex's age does.
    • When they were celebrating his birthday in Promises, Promises was that the first anniversary of finding Rex or the second? Six seems to be surprised Holiday chose that date so I'm assuming at that point Rex had been with Providence for only a year. If it had only been a year that means Rex was about 15 when they found him, then why did he look 13?
    • I thought Providence found him when he was 10, and that he's lost his memory since then, which is why his memory is only of the last 18 months. The flashbacks from "Promises, Promises" were Six's, not Rex's, after all.
      • My take on Rex's timeline is similar to this, except I don't think Providence found him at 10, because that would be directly after the nanite event. I'm pretty sure a few years passed, at least long enough for Kiev to be declared a no man's land, during which time Rex was in Hong Kong and possibly in other places between other memory blanks. It seems to me Rex was found by Providence at around age 13, but has already once blanked out while in Providence's custody. It's a possibility.
    • Answer to all? Puberty + nanites = weird biology.
  • I have a problem with everything in the episode "Basic". Honestly; if Providence mooks undergo such hellish training, how come they can't handle a single EVO without Rex's help in the other episodes? I mean, the guy that couldn't take on EVO-Weaver all by himself got kicked out immediately. I can understand why the mooks treat Rex like shit, he can knock out EVOs out pretty easily with no training, it figures they wouldn't like him too much. But they're completely useless when it comes to fighting, despite being trained so well! What's the deal with that?
    • I think they were trying to subvert the Redshirt Army rep the Providence mooks have been getting since day one. The problem is is that the mooks continue to still be useless during and after "Basic" resulting in Informed Ability.
    • It's an Informed Ability, but remember that, since the show's focus is on Rex, we're mostly only seeing situations where the mooks weren't good enough and Providence had to send in their secret weapon. Providence soldiers are probably having EVO fights around the world all the time, and most of those battles are won without Rex ever hearing about them. We only see the ones that don't go fine because half an hour of Rex and Bobo eating pizza in his room doesn't make for an exciting episode.
  • If One has been fighting off EVO infection for five years, why didn't Six bring Rex to him sooner, like as soon as Six discovered he could cure EVOs?
    • Because One is still pretty damn dangerous. No telling if Rex would even be able to get close enough to cure him.
    • Well, Rex has only been with Providence a little over a year, and it probably took a while for Six to build up trust in Rex. After that, Six would have needed to convince Dos, Tres, IV, and Five that Rex could cure One and that they should take the chance.
    • Six confirmed in "Waste Land" that Rex can't remember as far back as 18 months and given the flashbacks in "Promises, Promises" that was likely when Providence discovered him. Since One was able to still maintain some control over himself even after fighting the infection for so long, bringing Rex in earlier probably would have been less dangerous than waiting another year and a half. It's not like Rex's job at Providence is any less dangerous anyway. And why does Six need the permission of the other numbers to cure One? If they had their way, the guy would have been dead long ago.
      • One could manage his condition, but he couldn't guarantee he wouldn't snap. Remember, he lasted 5 years where most people last five seconds. And when you need enough free time to perform the cure, having 4 of the 5 most dangerous people in the world working against you is really dangerous.
  • If Number Agents are ordered according to how dangerous they are, now that the original One is dead, wouldn't they all automatically go up one? Shouldn't it work that way when any of them dies; everyone below them gaining a rank?
    • It'd be a seriously huge bit of douchery for them to mourn their fallen master then go "Yay, promotion!" Besides, I seriously doubt it's any sort of formal system.
    • Maybe the system for promotion just doesn't work that way. You might have to defeat the person ahead of you, having him die on his own just doesn't cut it.
    • Also, Six made it pretty clear that the numbers aren't important to him. The same may as well apply to the others since he and Rex defeated them in a 2-on-4 confrontation.
      • Having re-watched the episode and listened to Six's dialogue more closely, it becomes apparent how the numbering works. You don't get your number by defeating other agents. Rather, you get your number via the number of people you have assassinated meaning Number One was probably responsible for the most direct killings of anyone in the world for his time. That is why Rex is not eligible for a number despite defeating all of them - he's never killed anyone. That's also why their numbers don't change now that One is dead - his "record" needs to be beaten.
  • In "Mixed Signals": Wasn't it incredibly risky of Rex to go with this stranger who claimed to be his brother? It could've been a carefully built trap by Van Kleiss, who is, after all, a Magnificent Bastard. (In fact, considering Rex's amnesia, I'm surprised he hadn't tried something similar already.) Why not demand that the guy prove his story first?
    • He has exactly the same face. Even with EVOs, you can't really fake something like that that well. Especially with EVOs, actually, given how monstrous they tend to be.
  • Outpost, nothing, I mean nothing, in this episode made a lick of sense.
    • Sending Rex alone on a mission that needed a diplomatic touch? White Knight knows Rex is the opposite of subtle and that he needs a babysitter most of the time, why in all that makes sense would he send him on this mission alone? It's not like Six is the only Providence agent, send someone else with Rex! Why not Doc Holiday? Or anyone else?
      • I suspect Rex was sent precisely because White Knight hoped he'd screw up and gave them a reason to stomp Green Fist. Besides, he's the Mexican in the group.
      • Mission accomplished. And they were in Brazil where the language is Portuguese not Spanish. Hell, Mexico isn't even in South America.
    • Green Fist chick claiming Providence is disturbing with the "natural order" of things by catching and caging Evos. She does know that the Evos are the result of mutation from nanobots aka tiny machines made by people! How is cleaning up after a man-made accident messing with the "natural order"?
      • Maybe she thinks that it's the next step in evolution, a la X-men.
      • The X-Men were not created artificially. But yes, it might be a matter of some weird philosophy.
    • The locals disliking Providence but being friendly to the Green Fist group. Providence spends their energies on catching deadly and destructive creatures that would make life miserable for all who live there (as we have seen in almost every single episode so far). Green Fist lets them roam free in these people's own backyard, the place where their children play and live, why would Green Fist be in their good graces and Providence not?
      • I think what the Green Fist does is police the region without capturing the EVOs, basically treating them like every other wild animal in the Jungle. Providence taking the EVO animals away probably messes with the ecology of the jungle or something, making them more likely to attack the village.
        • Plus, did you see the small cages the EVOs were in? Not all Providence Facilities have big garden-like Petting Zoos for the EVOs to roam relatively free.
      • They specifically said the harmless ones would stay caged forever. No excuse for freeing the dangerous ones, though.
      • Are there harmless EVOs? Because so far we've seen two types: Chaotic Evil destructive animal types and sentient human types. Harmless animal EVOs would be a first.
    • Letting the chupacabra go. WHY? So what it wasn't an Evo, it was a deadly creature that had already attacked and possibly killed several people (and one goat) up to that point. The locals should have been even more pissed at them just for that act alone.
      • Unlike the Evos, the Chupacabras was really a natural part of the environment. They could have at least transported it further away though.
    • Letting Green Fist chick go. They didn't come to any understanding and she will continue to release deadly creatures into the jungle causing more problems for Providence and the locals in the future. Rex pretty much accomplished nothing in this entire trip by letting her go.
      • That's how Rex flirts. Remember Circe? I try not to.
    • Finally, no one calling Rex out for his stupid decisions in this episode. Everyone seemed to find everything hunk dory despite the fact that he royally screwed up most of the time. What the hell?
      • How exactly did he screw up? I thought was a bit like that Fullmetal Alchemist Episode, the one with Ed and Al in Orlintown.
      • Except they established at the beginning that the EVOs they had weren't dangerous, they just needed to be contained for PR reasons.
      • Not all the Evos were dangerous. It only takes one to ruin your day. And not sure what PR reasons they were since the locals didn't seem to like them anyway.
        • Because, it's not about the locals (which the locals and The Green Fist know), it's about who's funding Providence. They have the 'Cure, Contain, or Kill' doctrine, remember? Not the 'Leave it alone unless it tries to kill someone' doctrine, which the Green Fist probably does. Basically, the first world nations were interfering with the third world's, and that's not cool.
        • Really? I must have missed when they mentioned that because no one did. That part of Providence was being run by local people as far as we saw (the soldiers attacked at the beginning had South American accents of some kind and the agent Rex worked with was from there). But I get that there are reasons for the locals to dislike Providence, the organization can be pretty shady sometimes but Green Fist seemed far worse to me. They carelessly let that incredibly dangerous chupacabra out into the jungle to roam free without even checking to make sure it was safe to let go. These guys obviously don't care what types of Evos they let out. To be frank, it's hard enough to live in these places as is. The reason most rainforest in real life gets destroyed is because the local people need farmland to live, most don't care about a picture bigger than keeping their family safe and fed. And given what little sense Green Fist's arguments make (Evos are not part of the natural order, unless GF is some kind of cult that believes the accident was an act of God somehow, which would make them even more unsavory to me), I see very few plausible reasons why the locals would help/like them.
    • Was anybody else annoyed by the whole "South Americans are dumb and angry" aspect? I know they were shooting for comedy, but it was too unsubtle.
      • They didn't even speak Spanish correctly. (It's "muy bien" not "muy bueno" for example.)
    • Once again, Rex gets owned by an animal that happens to be very fast, like the EVO rabbit. You'd think he would have a countermeasure by now.
    • How convenient that the poison of the chupacabra could weaken and kill Rex; just what the guest character needed to be trusted!
      • Would you have prefered that Rex be immune to every possible kind of poison/disease?
      • If his nanites can eliminate poison, it's ridiculous that this would suddenly work. Rex isn't immune to anything, he has nanites actively killing foreign material. The poison working was a contrivance.
  • For somebody who was (1) recruited by White Knight to spy on/manage Rex and (2) passed Providence basic training, Noah is not actually that competent. At first, I assumed that anyone White Knight recruited for the assignment would be Badass Normal at least, but it looks increasingly like Noah is just some guy off the street.
    • He is. In Basic, they said Noah had never taken or passed Providence's basic training but that he might be able to do it if he tried.
  • Three-parter for Moonlighting. First, what exactly did R&L do with the EVOs? All it ever showed them do was wrestle with them (And lose most of the time). Their car/van was a paddy wagon but it didn't seem like they had the means to do...anything. Did they just release the EVO somewhere else? They did consider the Frog EVO leaving the area to be a victory...Also, after R&L 'beat' the frog EVO, both of them felt the need to sit on it's back. You know, where it 'was just shooting acid out of.'. Why didn't the EVO just melt 'em? Finally...'Why did we never find out what was in R&L's 'bag of tricks'?'
    • I'd imagine the Bag of tricks probably wasn't anything special, just some weapons that would have made their day a lot easier. Of course, given the show's penchant for holding back on some surprises, it's possible that Rambaur and Lanski may play a big part in the next season finale.
    • Also, R&L beat the Evo (which coincidentally only they were in a position to do) by taunting it. Even if the creature could understand human language, how would they know how to taunt it into their trap?
  • So. In her titular episode, Breach takes care to point out that she doesn't always work for Van Kleiss and sometimes she does what she pleases. Since then, she hasn't spoken a word and just follows Van Kleiss' orders. Is there something I'm missing here?
    • For what it's worth, Breach isn't really a main character. She may well be running off and having multidimensional adventures with an alien sidekick and negative clone for a rival between appearances. Unless an episode focuses on what Breach does away from Van Kleiss (Like the titular episode or a Day in The Limelight for the Pack), we probably won't see what she does in her free time.
  • In "Without a Paddle", why wasn't Rex using the giant paddle from the beginning of his match with the Twins?
    • Probably trying to be sportsmanly, especially since it was (at least in the physical sense) two against one (with two heads). Also, the episode was clearly meant to be more of a joke/breather than anything, explaining how the twins seemed to magically accquire 4 more paddles and two extra balls.
    • Well, since you asked...
      • Rex gets into the school way too easily (how did they make those fake documents?) but let's allow that one since otherwise the plot wouldn't even run (Bellisarius Maxim)
      • A super powered Evo is allowed to train and compete against normal humans? Sure he was paired against Rex *at the end* but the rest of the time it was him against normals. (To think of it, Rex shouldn't have played against normals either, using his powers or not, he's thougher than normal.)
      • Insurance or not, who allows players that wreck the field around them and endanger the audience?
      • Speaking of the Evo, it turns out that it was TWO kids fused into one. And they NEVER CURE him! Nightmare Fuel, anybody?
      • Oh, and the father was never punished for his acts. In fact for all we know he's as abusive to his sons in their piano-playing career as he was with the ping pong! Karma Houdini! Not to mention the Broken Aesop of forgiving your abuser if he really loves you.
      • Speaking of Karma: the trig professor, not only absurdly talented but also a Jerk who then claimed he wasn't a jerk. YES HE WAS!
        • How was he a jerk? He gave a test (shock and horrors, only the worst teachers do that!) and didn't give a jock a pass on it. Other than mumbling under his breath about hating bad test scores, nothing he did was even slightly jerky.
      • Rex gets stuck with the blame and expenses of the fight? The Hell?
      • The whole trig angle was annoying. It was both an Ass Pull and a Deus Ex Machina.
      • How did that two-bit coach know how to weaken Rex? Where did he get those pads??
      • I know the whole episode was making fun of taking sports too seriously, but jocks throwing themselves in mud puddles for you to walk over?? (Oh and he didn't get dirty! Off-Model?)Not to mention the girls, the school staff...)
      • in conclusion, it's better to just think of this episode as just a part of the story Rex told in the end.
    • So.... just because the episode was a little more silly than most, it can't be canon?
  • It bothers me how Rex absolutely refuses to even try to learn anything from Van Kleiss in 'Written in Sand'. I understand that Rex hates him, but I can't recall a time when Van Kleiss actually -lied- to Rex, he just omits information. The only two people in the world (probably) who could help Rex uncover his past are Van Kleiss and Caesar, but Caesar obviously isn't answering any questions that Rex might be asking and Van Kleiss straight up offered to answer any question! That's another point, obviously. Shouldn't Caesar have already gone over Rex's past with him? If not (And it really seems like he hasn't), then isn't that a reason to be just a tad suspicious? Like the incident with ZAG-RS. Even if the data was erased, he should still know/remember it.
    • It could just be Rex being stubborn. If this troper remembers correctly, he did something really similar by destroying his electronic diary in "Rabble," and for absolutely no reason at all. Now there's not a way of knowing what he did in China because it occurred sometime between the Nanite incident and his memory wipe before he joined Providence.
    • Van Kleiss is a Magnificent Bastard who *has* manipulated others precisely by "omitting information"- not to mention tried to kill Rex! I wouldn't trust everything he says without proof (still, playing along to get some clues wouldn't have hurt. But Rex is BOTH smart AND an idiot at times, as we can see in the examples above.) And Cesar seems to 'have already told Rex everything' claiming he doesn't know the cause of the accident either. Obviously there's more to know, and the truth might actually be somewhere in the middle of Kleiss and Cesar's claims. (It would be a nice twist if it ended up being Rex's parents that caused the incident on purpose....)
    • If Zag-Rs was rebooted in the end, they why did it still have the voice of Rex's mother?
      • Same reason it still has a vocal English-speaking interface. All that's just part of the OS.
    • I'd say he's just stubborn and also suspicious. Van Kleiss tried to act all kind and benevolent when they first met, then suddenly revealed his true nature by nearly turning Rex into a lawn ornament. As for Cesar, it's starting to become pretty clear that there is something up with Rex's older bro. Of course, whether he's really just a little touched in the head or definitely hiding a darker motive is yet to be seen.
    • Also, Rex knows Van Kleiss is one incredibly Manipulative Bastard who, if given the chance, can seriously Mind Screw him into doubting everything he knows. Knowing that, Rex recognizes Van Kleiss's sudden generosity as looking for an opening to start playing mind games, and Rex refuses to give him the chance. Rex not only doesn't trust Van Kleiss, he also doesn't trust himself not to get sucked in if he lets Van Kleiss talk, so he's not going to take the risk. And it's not uncalled for: Van Kleiss managed to plant some serious, maybe even justifiable, doubts about Cesar's motives even while Rex was doing everything but covering his ears and singing "I can't hear you".
  • Where exactly did Hunter Cain find a small army of men who were potentially willing to gun down children? (Surely Cain and his men knew something about 'La Familia', since he was able to guess that Frederico was one of the EVOs, and were willing to kill him even though they hadn't seen him turn into an EVO yet) Not to mention how suicidal they must have been. Since when has normal ammo worked on EVOs? EVER? It's not like that should be a secret, either, especially with all the news footage we've seen of Providence soldiers' guns having little to no effect on even the smallest of EVOs.
    • You'd be surprised how easy it is to gather a small group of fanatics that want a certain group dead. It'd be even easier for Evos.
  • Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but does Cartoon Network even have censors any more? The last cartoon I followed was Avatar (I know that's Nickelodeon not Cartoon Network, but still) and the non-lethal fights really pushed willing suspension of disbelief at times and they were only allowed to say the word kill on special occasions and season finales. Then I watch this show and in the first episode the main character cuts the bad guy in half without anyone batting an eyelid. The bad guy then rebuilds himself from the skeleton outwards. Then in episode two the good guys are threatening, in no uncertain language, to kill everyone in Manhattan if Rex can't contain the monster of the week. It's not that I don't like this (hell, if I had kids I don't think I'd have a problem with them watching it) it's just that it's a bit of a shock that Cartoon Network apparently don't care. I'd expect this from Warner Brothers but not Cartoon Network!
    • Adventure Time. Regular Show. Batman: Brave and the Bold. Chowder. The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack. I could do this all day. Also, you forgot to mention the piles of corpses of the Providence Soldiers sent to retrieve Rex in the first episode.
      • Yes I did. Well it's nice to know that Cartoon Network executives are growing enough balls to start having shows that have content that rivals an unusually clean episode of Doctor Who. Still amazes me that the Daily Mail (or the US equivalents) aren't running campaigns to get the show banned.
  • In 'Hard Target' Why did Breach take Quarry instead of the tape recording? Wouldn't Quarry just blab about what Breach did the moment he was dropped in front of Van Kleiss? Even if Breach didn't do that and just dumped Quarry into her 'doll house', then Van Kleiss would still know that she failed since the weapon was destroyed and Quarry's rampage probably made it to the news...
    • Why would Kleiss believe Quarry, a petty crime lord? The news shows exactly what Breach needs: Quarry betrayed her and rampaged with the weapon until beat by Rex. He can't talk his way out of that.
  • Why was Moses stupid enough to do business with Providence? Wouldn't he have suspected Holiday was a Providence spy or something trying to investigate his company?
    • Providence has all the top-shelf killer Evos under lock and key. Bit of a risk to pick one up, but Holiday went to him direct and he couldn't exactly refuse.
  • Why did Knight call back the Keep from the hunt for Moses, wouldn't the whole weaponized Evos auction be something he'd want to stop?
    • He did send the Keep anyway, so it's likely he just wanted to remind them who gave the orders.
    • Also keep in mind that they didn't get that piece of intel from Five until after Knight ordered them back. Guy's not omniscient.
  • Is Rex a paladin or something? As of now, he can only cure or influence machines by laying on hands. Why does that matter? He does that through gloves anyway, so it isn't that his hands are uncovered skin. Can't he use any contact-making body part? It'd have helped if he didn't require his targets to be completely subdued and still for curing, either. Unless beating them up somehow weakens their nanites as well and that's a requirement, although considering some people were cured without tenderizing...
    • Because it would be ridiculously awkward to do it with his feet. And let's not even get into other body parts. He uses his hands because he needs prolonged contact. There's no other way to hold something.
    • What the troper above me said. He needs to beat up most EVOs because they normally don't stay still and let him try to cure them.
  • What was up with White Knight in 'Exposed'? He was acting...strange. Hard to put my finger on it, but his attitude towards the whole situation seemed a bit out of character for someone portrayed as very uptight.
    • He doesn't want bad press. Providence only works because the governments of the world tolerate it.
  • Why does Van Kleiss keep getting sent/killed off? It feels like the writers have a love/hate relationship with the character...
    • In a parallel to Transformers Animated's liberal use of the Decepticons, not having a certain antagonist appear every episode makes him that much more scary and/or threatening when he does show up.
  • What happened to Nightshadow? Did they just forget about him?
    • I would assume that he either escaped when Black Knight took over and is now on the lam, or he's being mind controlled and we just haven't seen him yet.
  • So the steroi- sorry "specially charged nanites", the punks were using in that street racing episode were poisoning them and they needed to stop before they die, but racing at triple digit speeds while shooting and stabbing each other is a-okay. Rex was right when he said the first wipeout guy was lucky to be alive, yet seems to forget that the reason the guy was in need of medical attention was as much GETTING FUCKING THROWN AT A CONCRETE COLOUMN as it was getting an overdose with toxic nanites. Rex was acting rather self-entitled in this episode, so I'm not surprised that he was out of touch with reality enough to see nothing wrong with reenacting Twisted Metal live as long as you don't use performance enhancers while doing it. Bobo and, more head-bangingly, Six however, see the faulty logic and skewed priorites being exhibited by Rex and his new gang, but decide to let it side. Or, more hopefully, were praying for one glorious pile-up to eradicate the entire group of Too Dumb to Live adreneline junkies out of the human gene pool.
    • Rex might forget how durable normal humans are sometimes (Since he's always had superhuman durability), and the new Six probably doesn't care if some kids off the street end up killing each other. If anything, I'm more surprised that Doc Holiday didn't say anything about it.
    • Without the nanites, chances are they'll stop the fighting and just keep the racing.
  • Is Heroes United canon? Because if it is...then...No-Face died when the Bug Jar was drained of nanites.
    • I thought about that, but due to the 6 month time skip, we don't know how long the shield around the bug jar has been down, he could have escaped a while ago.
      • The dialog is clear the shield dropping is not something that happened a long time ago. Alpha broke it down.
        • White Knight simply says "not anymore" so it's hard to tell. You are probably right about their intent, but if they later decide to bring him back, they have a cop out.
    • A character is not mentioned dying or escaping returning later on is not a cop out, just flimsy writing. A cop out would having him be mentioned as likely dead, then saying "Nope, we never SHOWED him dying..."
      • Plus, Alpha had no reason to destroy the shield, and in fact leaving it up would probably have made it easier for him to absorb everything, so it is pretty likely that it was destroyed without Rex there to stop the plot during the time skip.
        • Well...unless Alpha planned on staying in Kiev for the rest of his existence, then taking down the shield would have been in his best interest (if it was up). Also, if the shield wasn't up, then why would Alpha go to the Bug Jar? The shield was keeping the nanites in. With the shield down, Kiev would not longer have an extremely high concentration of nanites. So if the shield was down, wouldn't Alpha have gone to Abysus instead?
  • Why didn't Ben try turning into Nanomech in the crossover? I mean, it was how he defeat nanites in his universe, it should have been one of the first things he tried when battling Alpha, and definitely when they figured out they needed to attack the Alpha nanite directly.
    • Because Ben used it to defeat Nanochips, which are not nano in any sense of the word, and he only had to fight the one queen. Even if Ben could shrink down to the requisite size, what's he gonna do? Its one against untold trillions of nanites.
      • But here he only has to take down one of them, too: The Alpha.
      • NANOchips are not nano in any sense of the word?
        • The Ben 10 nanochips are actually about the size of your fingernail. They ought to be called MICROchips, but that would be confusing.
          • Yeah its hard to find concrete info but it looks like you're right, still he warranted being mentioned. How big are the Nanites though? Nanomech to Alpha may have been equivalent to Waybig vs Humanoid.
            • Equivalent size matters not. No matter how small or big Nanomech is in comparison to Alpha, Alpha still has direct control of trillions of nanites. Can you say Zerg Rush? Nanomech was never an option, and only worked against the Nanochip queen because she never thought to call for backup.
  • Why is it that everyone is against Black Knight? This isn't me trolling or playing devil's advocate, I've seen her methods and they are no more questionable than White's, maybe even less. I know, I know, she was brainwashing left and right, but the evos are all non-sentient, so what's the problem? Rex was being paranoid and sneaking when there was no cause for alarm, and Robo-Bobo is an ass whose mind control only went as far as calming his temper and teaching him manners. She treats the Providence agents with more respect than White ever did, and hasn't even done anything damning like ordering a nuke on Manhatten.
    • In Rex's case, it probably has something to do with her ordering Cesar to brainwash him. And at the time he thought Bobo was the one who was brainwashed.
    • That's the thing, the only reason Black Knight was going to brainwash him was that for some reason he didn't want the E.V.O.s to be brainwashed. The reason why is beyond me.
    • Rex wasn't being paranoid and he had a good reason. Until the worm, he had no idea how they got control of the Evos. These guys came in and started blasting it with a brainwashing ray, which got his attention. Then they herded them into tiny cells to be collared like animals. Then they used it on Bobo. By this point it's clear: they aren't trying to help the Evos, they're exploiting them.
  • It's been stated by multiple characters that Van Kleiss wasn't exactly a super genius (He was just some lab tech); but he was able to replicate all of that extremely advanced technology back in the ancient past? Also, wouldn't the world already be 'infected' with Nanites if Van Kleiss was going around making them? (He made a door out of Nanites, made the Mummy EVO, etc).
    • Nanite generation is explicitly Rex's domain. Assuming Kleiss is even still alive, he could only have used his (probably vast) supply of nanites to do the job. As for the know-how, Kleiss has clearly designed working nanite reactors before (it's how Rex resurrected him the first time). Even in the distant past, he can use his own nanites to build the technology he needs. The world wouldn't be infected because it took a huge reactor set to a replication cycle to make the Nanite Event happen. By all indications, Van Kleiss was working on a smaller scale. He also probably wanted to avoid temporal paradoxes.
  • Why do they treat the origin of the Ancient Egyptian nanites like a big mystery? I mean, there were three people inside that Timey-Wimey Ball that sent Rex six months into the future, and one of them had the power to create EVOs. Is it really so hard to make the connection that he might have gotten sent back in time to Ancient Egypt?
    • Because that's quite a far-fetched assumption to make. There is no indication that it was Van Kleiss, really, who did it, aside from the hieroglyphs depicting Van Kleiss—which our core cast does not have, because Black Knight took it and destroyed all the remaining evidence. To come to the conclusion that it was Van Kleiss would be, from their perspective, like Wild Mass Guessing with very little evidence.
  • Rex's flashbacks in Double Vision, which showed him as a kid with a younger Agent Six. At first it just seemed like discontinuity, but Rex references Six 'finding' him at the end of the episode. So...the heck?
    • I thought he looked like he did in the Flash Back episode (Promises, Promises).
    • There was also a subtle but significant Art Shift. Rex was describing his memories instead of just having a straight-up flashback.
  • While otherwise I loved the episode "Black and White", there was one small part, only like two seconds long, that really bugged me. When they showed the two grunts Knight kicked taking off their hoods... One was Noah. While I appreciate the attempt at giving him screentime that isn't in a filler episode, it brings up several problems. For one, Noah wasn't with them for any other part of the episode. This means either he was wandering around on his own, which is hard to believe, and if he was, they left him there on his own. So... why not use, say, Calen, instead?
    • It was a pre-recorded video. That's why Rex was in it when he was physically talking to Caesar, and why White Knight wasn't actually in the room.
  • Did anyone else feel like the whole meta-nanite business is just something they kind of decided to throw in? And if White Knight is so against anyone obtaining that kind of power, why doesn't he just destroy the nanite in his possession? Since they need all of the meta-nanites to activate the program, wouldn't destroying one end that whole feud?
    • It's not exactly something you can smash. It's one single nanite. Besides, even if he doesn't want them to have that power, that kind of knowledge is not something you want to destroy. He most likely wants it used for good.
    • Apart from the potential for good of these things, there is also the Consortium's reaction to the destruction of the nanite to take into acount. For all we know, they might decide to utterly annihilate White and his little operation in retaliation. As it is now, the nanites could even make for prime bargaining chips or blackmail material in case Providence really gains the upper hand.
  • If Black Knight wants Rex, why doesn't she just hold Noah hostage? He still goes to school and he has a regular job, so he's not exactly underground. I can only assume she's worried about the bad publicity if word got out.
    • It's such an obvious target that I would be really surprised if White Knight didn't have some sort of protection measures. Also, Black Knight tried for a long time to have relatively cordial relations with Rex despite the fact that he quit, taking Noah hostage wouldn't have helped. Who knows, now that the gloves are off, maybe Noah will become a target in a latter episode.
      • Which raises another interesting point: Technically, Noah was an employee. Providence paid him to hang out with Rex, but I don't think it was ever shown that he stopped taking the money after they became friends for real. Was he "let go" when Rex disappeared for six months? Is he still being paid due to an administrative oversight? Why did he take the job in the first place? So many questions.
  • I'm surprised no one has brought up this yet: Remember in the episode "What Lies Beneath" Abysuss was getting a nanite plague after VK disappeared for three months(?). But now six months after he got sent into the past, no world threatening crisis. Is there dis-continuing going on?! or did the writers forget to mention something?
    • I assumed that the land of Abysus was 'cured' as the same time as Van Kleiss. From his resurrection on, he isn't dependent on the soil of Abysus to survive anymore, so some stability must have been brought to both him and the land by Rex.
    • ^^This. Abysuss was unstable because Van Kleiss was unstable. Fix that latter, the former takes care of itself.
  • Does Breach doubt reality because of her powers? After all after Rex got transported into college he thought he still was in a different dimension and thought Black Knight was fake when he was sent forward in time six months.
    • Rex thought college was a different dimension because he'd just been through several weird ones. He thought Black Knight was fake because he was in denial. Breach is just insane.
  • What's the age difference between Rex and Caesar? I assumed it was a pretty big one, at least 10 years considering Caesar looks at least like 5 years older than him, and also spent 5 years not aging by our perspective during that time thing. But in that video played in "hermanos" he didn't look all that much older than rex.
    • Unless there was a different video, didn't it just show Caesar's back? He looked about as tall as he did in the present time, just wearing a t-shirt.
  • Why, oh why, didn't the Meta-Nanites control the Four Fundamental Forces? They used 2 of them, gravity and electromagnetism! And then temperature, time, and ...machines? It's just so odd. Especially since the other 2 forces, strong and weak nuclear forces, could be easily handwaved as Elemental Powers and I Love Nuclear Power respectively. Could the writers not think that up, or were they just totally unaware of the Four Interactions?
    • Because it's more obscure, Rex needed an Evil Counterpart, and time travel is cool. Besides, the mechanical one is somewhat necessary if you intend to build machines that tie the forces together. It's like the glue.
  • Are they ever gonna show this on TV again? Some of us don't have the option to buy the episodes on iTunes. WTH, Cartoon Network?
  • Why did Breach save Van Kleiss from being cured, after everything he had done to her? I can assume she saved the rest of the Pack out of a sense of loyalty, but I'm pretty sure Rex opened her eyes on how wrong Van Kleiss had treated her before. This question goes for the rest of the Pack as well. Are they are going to just return to being terrorist group with Van Kleiss leading them? After everything they were through and their alliance with Rex this seems to be to be quite unlikly.
    • It's possible she just wants Van Kleiss for her Dollhouse. On another note, I want to know why she took Skalamander, since his mutation looks kind of painful and he might want to be cured. In any case, all of Abysus is going to get turned on its ass, since it was populated by EVOs and Biowulf was a good ruler of a nation of Evos, rather than a nation of cured evos. So who knows what the pack will do with their lives anymore. The only thing you might hazard a guess at is that they sure as hell won't let Van Kleiss call the shots anymore.
    • Regarding Biowulf and Skalamander - I think it's possible they may have been sapient animal EVOs like Bobo, which means them getting cured would mean reverting back into a wolf and a lizard, which would kind of suck.
  • Am I missing something? The recap page has the rest of the episodes and the main page states the series finale. The last episode I watched was "A Brief History of Time", and after that the show just stopped airing. Was there some sort of channel/schedule change I'm not aware of, did they decide to just finish the sereis on DVD, or do you guys just have some info resource on the episodes I'm not aware of?
    • Digital downloads such as iTunes
    • So they didn't even bother to finish the series on T.V.?
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