Garulfo is a french comic series written by Alain Ayroles (also Author of De Cape et de Crocs) and illustrated by Bruno Maïorana , taking an humoristic take on Fairy Tales like De Cape et de Crocs did for the swashbuckling genre.
Garulfo is a frog who cannot stand being at the bottom of the food chain, and worships mankind as the epitome of God's Creation. Inspired by the tale of "The Frog Prince" and with the help of a witch, he succeeds in being turned into a prince by the kiss of a handmaid he mistakenly believes to be a princess, and manages to make his entrance at he king's court. Unfortunately, he soon discovers man's true nature, and his ignorance of human society puts him in bigger trouble.
The second Story Arc is based on the unwilling cooperation between the innocent Garulfo and Romuald, the irascible and vain prince turned into a frog to learn humility, so that Romuald kisses a princess and both beings find back their respective forms.
- Affectionate Parody: Of fairy tales.
- Aristocrats Are Evil.
- Baleful Polymorph.
- Berserk Button: Just don't break anything in the Ogre's cristal collection.
- Blind Without'Em: Anjalbert de Gonfalon is renown as ?The Famous Dragon Slayer? because he is too short-sighted to pick on monsters smaller than ogres.
- Carnivore Confusion: lampshaded.
- Cats Are Mean: After turning into a frog, Romuald comes across an Affably Evil cat.
- Character Development: The point of the whole second Story Arc is making Prince Romuald a better person. Princess Hephylie also gains more depth.
- Chase Scene.
- Chekhov's Gun: The sword of Earl Hégueulard.
- Climbing Climax.
- Combat Pragmatist: Romuald.
- Complete Monster: Earl Hégueulard de Guezberques.
- Dark Is Not Evil.
- The Duenna: Noémie.
- Decade Dissonance: The realms of Brandelune and Miralonde are Renaissance, whereas Lambrusquet looks rather like the late Middle-Ages.
- The Dung Ages.
- The Eeyore: Enguerrand's horse.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Jean Tortecagne the bandit has respect for the orphan of hanged ones.
- Everything's Better with Princesses.
- Fish Out of Water: More exactely rather Frog Out Of Water.
- The Fool: Garulfo.
- Fractured Fairy Tale.
- The Frog Prince: Inverted.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters.
- If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: The reason of Noemie's inimity towards Garulfo.
- It's All About Me. Prince Romuald.
- Karmic Death.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Deconstructed: apart from Anjalbert de Gonfalon, most of the knights are either incompetent, either conceited bullies.
- Magic A Is Magic A: The Law of Conservation of Magic: for every frog that turns into a prince, a prince turns into a frog , and ??vice-versa??.
- No One Could Survive That: Once. Afterwards, people are Genre Savvy enough to assume that Garulfo has survived.
- The Power of Love.
- Prince Charmless: Prince Romulad.
- Rags to Royalty: Deconstructed with Pipa the handmaid.
- Seeking Sanctuary.
- Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Garulfo starts with a much idealized vision of mankind. He learns better.
- Talking Animal: Except witches and fairies, humans can't understand animals. However, when in frog form, Romuald retains the ability to speak, and so does Garulfo when he reverts to his former self.
- Totem Pole Trench: in order to get by unquestioned, the heroes wrap themselves in a moldy shroud, shaking a clacker and moaning "Leper! Leper!". Then they meet a Genre Savvy guard, who knows better than to back away, and knocks off the hood... to see a pair of bulbous yellow eyes on a wizened green body. He runs, fast.
- The Un-Reveal: Today, the Black Knight will show you his face?
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: In a simple frog's perspective, a humble peasant catching a pike appears like a titan vanquishing a fearsome monster.