< Gargoyles



Coyote, the Trickster Mentor, is Elisa's grandfather on her father's side.

What, you think Coyote tries to win back every disillusioned Hopi native? Thus, his taking Peter Maza's younger form in the episode Cloud Fathers wasn't just symbolic. Peter and Elisa don't have any magical powers (so Oberon's not interested).

  • She's not completely devoid of mystical stuff. She's clearly a Weirdness Magnet. Think of all the things that have been brought to light in her presence. But it's still not active enough to interest Oberon.
    • I'd say it's more likely he's a more distant relative but otherwise the theory makes sense.

Xanatos knew where the Gargoyles' Clock Tower was.

He has on several occasions placed trackers on the Gargoyles without them noticing. During the episode "Eye of the Beholder", where he had placed one on Goliath earlier, it was likely Goliath had stopped by the tower when Elisa changed into her Belle costume. Why didn't Xanatos do anything? That wouldn't have any style or class.

  • He found uses for the Gargoyles even after they had their falling out. It's extremely likely he knew where it was, but just kept the knowledge to himself in case he had to contact them.

The whole show is a holonovel that the crew of the Enterprise-D enjoy

It would explain how many of the voice actors are also crew men on the Enterprise.

The holonovel was created prior to the Voyager's mission. Picard and Sisko have met in canon; doing this show together was their way of patching up their differences. Uhura was frozen or in stasis or stuck in a transporter buffer or caught in a black hole's time-dilation field or in the Nexus, etc. Or it was her identically-voiced granddaughter.

  • Or a holocharacter based on Uhura. Remember, by the 24th century the TOS crew were all seen as legendary historic figures.

The creator of the show has a fear of heights.

Explains why a lot of early character deaths were related to falls. Even the faked deaths, when death by fall should've left a lot of blood or rubble on the scene.

  • Behind the scenes, the co-creator explained that Disney Standards and Practices would not allow stabbing, shooting, strangling, or other violent death on screen, so everybody on the show had to die in a fall -- except the gargoyles, who get smashed to pieces in their sleep, but with no blood; and Duncan, who died from the magical equivalent of a bomb-blast to the face, but that act couldn't be duplicated by kids watching the show.
    • Except Macbeth clearly was stabbed in the back the first time he "died" (except he didn't really die) Duncan's death was also re-created in "Future Tense" with Alexander Fox Xanatos (Except that was a fantasy). It seems there are exceptions as long as said death isn't "real."
    • So Standards and Practices at Disney have a fear of heights, and are making their dramatic cartoons as scary as possible...

Xanatos is an Alternate Universe incarnation of Tony Stark.

He's a rich genius with a flying robot suit and similar stylish facial hair to 616-Stark. If he isn't an alternate universe version of Tony, then the series may just take place in the Marvel Universe, and Xanatos is a drunkenly designed secret identity for Tony to play around with. Who's going to care that much if some guy picks on creepy rock monsters? Okay, who other than the Thing?

Gargoyles are from another planet.

A planet called Draenor.

  • The question of whether Gargoyles were alien in origin was touched on in the episode "Sentinel." Greg Weisman said that he intended the episode to be definite proof that they are not aliens, but he also admitted that he failed miserably. Perhaps he couldn't prove it because it wasn't true.
  • Word of God stated that the Garygoyles evolved from Cretaceous period dinosaurs - or were created in the Garden of Eden depending on your personal spiritual beliefs. So, this WMG is true if you go in for panspermia.
    • Not dinosaurs, just something that lived at the same time. Greg Weisman admits he isn't an expert on palaeontology and isn't making specifics.

Maggie is Driven to Suicide by Johan Liebert.

Have you seen the part of the episode, "The Cage," where Maggie plans to commit suicide by taking the poison Dr. Sevarius has created?

Johan had manipulated her into thinking that no one would ever like her again if she was a mutant. With this, she tries to commit suicide. The plan is foiled thanks to Talon.

The Jersey Devil is a Gargoyle. Maybe even one we've seen.

At least in the Gargoyles universe. The series has never told exactly what Demona was up to for that millennium that the others slept through. It's clear that she made her way to America sometime after her pact with Macbeth; and anyone who's ever watched the show knows how much she hates humans. Maybe when she got to America, she went through a reclusive phase living in the woods and frightening humans whenever she came into town for food.

Why not just hunt? She enjoys scaring them. Maybe she was finding allies or artifacts to set up future schemes.

Most descriptions of the beast make it sound more like Brooklyn, or maybe a meaner version of Una, but we've seen that the Manhattan clan AREN'T the last of their kind and that time travel works if you have the Phoenix Gate -- you just can't change anything. There was an unmade Spin-Off that involved Brooklyn getting lost in time. He wouldn't be the first person to go a little crazy after such a trip. Even if he WASN'T crazy, humans have been known to react badly to the gargoyles under the best circumstances. The Puritan era in which the Jersey Devil first appeared would almost certainly NOT be a good place for a gargoyle.

The Gargoyles are the alternate-universe counterpart of the Autobots from Transformers Animated.

Just look at them:

  • Brave, noble leader with a buff build.
  • Big, dumb-but-loveable lummox voiced by Bill Fagerbakke.
  • Slim Lancer voiced by Jeff Bennett.
  • Old, battle-scarred veteran as second-in-command, with a beer gut.
  • Little guy (this one's the biggest stretch).
  • Female human sidekick of an ethnic minority, who helps explain things about modern human society to the other heroes. Becomes the same kind of non-human being as the others at some point. Also has a close male family member who gets used for evil-doing by one of the villains.
    • Not to mention a passionate love between the leader and another woman who he was forced to leave behind for years and in their time apart the woman had time to broil a hatred of humanity and plot their destruction and the fact that they've turned into the things they hate most (Demona into a human and Blackarachnia into an organic mutant spider).

The Goliath Chronicles are a Show Within a Show

They are a cartoon produced sometime in the late 2000s-early 2100s as a (rather disastrous) attempt to make an Aesop driven show using famous individuals from the past.

Lexington has genetic evil tendencies

Not only does Puck's illusion in "Future Tense" portray future-Lex as an evil mastermind, but also, in the comic continuation to the story, Lex's clone is the only one of its clan who chooses to rejoin Thailog when given the choice between that or peaceful life down in the Labyrinth.

Lex's clone is gay for Thailog.

This is not compatible with the "genetical evil tendencies" WMG because "genetically evil AND gay" would be so politically incorrect that the world would probably end. Or be forcibly ended if any of Lexington's line heard it.

  • Lexington is gay according to Word of God (the show was cancelled before they found a way to introduce it in a way palatable for Disney), so that's not really far-fetched.

David Xanatos is Gendo Ikari.

And soon there will be a photoshopped picture of Xanatos with Gendo's glasses and arms.

Elisa Maza is an Alternate Universe Misato.

Just look at the hair and jacket.

  • If this is true, and if "Xanatos is Gendo" is true, then there's a major disaster in the making here.

Xanatos revived the Wyvern Clan survivors as part of a deal with Demona.

Xanatos' stated reason for the astronomical expense moving Castle Wyvern to his building; "Just to see if it worked" is really lame. More likely, Xanatos met Demona, started their partnership with Demona demanding one price: "Release the clan from the stone sleep spell." Considering Demona convinced Xanatos that she could magically lengthen his lifespan almost indefinitely, that would be a good enough incentive to move the castle from Scotland.

  • This theory has been confirmed by Word of God, and Demona was involved. But clearly, the gargoyles were useful to Xanatos: they stole the data he needed to build his robots, and at the end of Season Two, they return to the castle to guard his skyscraper, just like he wanted from the beginning.
    • So he had multiple reasons. Including, probably, wanting to see if it worked.
      • There's a reason they named a gambit after him, after all. He never does anything for just one goal.

Shari is Scheherazade, the storyteller from One Thousand and One Nights.

Her thing seems to be spinning tales. She looks somewhat middle-eastern. She's high up in an ancient organization with several centuries-old members. She's on a series by an admitted fan of world mythology. Magic 8-Ball says the outlook looks good.

  • I support this theory now.
  • This is plausible. I'd almost say it doesn't belong here.

Hyena is a trans woman.

If you know much about hyena anatomy, you'll probably have a pretty good idea why. Also, despite hang-gliding in a Stripperiffic dress, we never get any pantie-shots from her... Of course, they can't do anything to prove/disprove it, since even for Gargoyles, that would be pushing it.

Dr. Savarius was a sorceror or alchemist of some kind

He was adept at science: he could figure out exactly how the Gargoyles maintain their energy despite them not devouring three cows a day. However, there's no way a simple injection could alter humans the way he made the monsters. Even for a Mad Scientist, that seemed a bit odd. So how?

Easy. It was magic, and those were potions.

It's also never explained just how he survives being electrocuted by all those eels.

Whether he's a human sorceror or a member of The Fair Folk (or hybrid like Fox) is unknown.

  • He could be a descendant of the Archmage.

Xanatos knew about all these theories, and we're only writing them because that's how he planned it.

The Director in charge of the Redemption Squad is actually Matt Bluestone.

The Director wants to take down the Illuminati and Matt wants to take down the Illuminati. We don't really know why Matt became so determined to find the Illuminati, and his past in the FBI could have provided him with a means to set up the Redemption Squad. Matt is currently a member of the Illuminati, preparing to expose them to the world, so he could probably have gotten the location of Falstaff's island with relative ease.

We get a brief glimpse of the Director in "Losers", but his face is hidden in shadow. His haircut is a little off, but from what we see, he's not that different from Matt. Now, why would they bother hiding his face unless he was someone we know? Granted, I don't know what Matt is doing in Paris, but doesn't this make at least some sense?

Lexington has a brother on Avalon.

There's a gargoyle among Angela's rookery brothers on Avalon (Let's call him "Zadkiel") who has big horns and a striking resemblance to Second. Second's mate, Sacrifice, looked a lot like Lexington. Could Zadkiel be Lex's little, er, younger, er, whatever brother?

    • Somewhat Jossed. According to the official time line, Sacrifice would be too young to be Lex's mother. She could be his aunt or older sister, though. And "Zadkiel" could very well be her son by Second

Hudson's Mate was Blonde.

The only "proof" we have of this is that Broadway had blond hair when he was turned into a human. Still, many fan artists and writers like to portray her as having blonde hair and aqua skin.

    • Somewhat closed to being Jossed, since the design that Greg would like to use for Broadway's biological sister is hairless, suggested that their mother might also have been bald.
    • Alternatively, Hudson was blonde when he was young. Admit he looks pretty damn good that way.
      • His facial structure in that picture looks like Goliath's.

Xanatos planned TV Tropes

He planned how people would be addicted to informal wikis. And he is getting closer to his ultimate goal: ruining life.

  • What does he hope to gain from that?
    • After years of misery he'll swoop in and make everyone's lives better, and a grateful society will declare him ruler for life.
  • No, no, no. He's helping us all do better in English. Once he reveals himself as our benefactor, he can use his army of Dangerously Genre Savvy indebted literary critics (who willingly put themselves through Training from Hell) to get rid of his Shakespearean and folkloric enemies without getting his hands dirty. Face it, we owe him now.

David Xanatos is God, and the universe and all sapient humans ran the way it was because that is the way he planned it.

Xanatos is real

And everything you see on television (such as the War on Terror) was actually according to his plan.

    • This troper doesn't think he's that evil. Though of course, that might just be what he wants us to think...

Following the events of Gargoyles Owen was given a special assignment by Xanatos

He was told to work as the CFO/manager/PR person for a new band that The Illuminati had taken interest in. As part of the mission he changed his appearance and took on the role of Charles Foster Ofdensen and lead the band to huge success. The reason why The Illuminati took an interest in them is still a mystery.

The Lost Fourth Race are Dragons.

The Lost Race is the earliest sentient species to evolve on planet Earth. They survived up until the rise of Oberon's Children at least, but are now extinct, but had powerful magic and left behind several large magical objects hinted to be the Megalith magical power conduits.

Promotional materials for the Gargoyles: Dark Ages spinoff showed Hudson and Goliath fighting a dragon, apparently still extant in the middle-ages. However, that's the only "real" dragon shown in a universe where All Myths Are True.

Ergo, the Lost Race, the first species to achieve sapience on Earth, are none other than the Dragons, who probably went extinct during the Dark Ages, fighting against both Gargoyles and humans.

The Gargoyles were created by the Children of Oberon.

The Third Race can interbreed with humans; and note that most powerful human magic users on the show have pointed ears (Magus, Archmage, even Crow's Grandmother took a human form with pointed ears), suggesting possible Fae ancestry. The C of O crafted a guardian species to protect their less-powerful and therefore more vulnerable hybrid offspring, but over time, the specifics of just who was descended from whom got a little blurry, and the Gargoyles' protective instinct was transferred to whoever happened to be nearby. Why do they turn into stone during the day? The OC's wanted the kids to develop some self-defense, but were too lazy to train the kids themselves, so they only provided protection at night, when sleeping mortals are most vulnerable.

    • Jossed according to Greg Weisman, the gargoyles were the first of the three races to evolve, the humans were the second, and the Children of Oberon were the third. Gargoyles are also a natural species, and came about the same way we did (God? Evolution? Pick your poison).

The Tasmanian Tiger will join the Pack in the future.

Gargoyles eyes glow when they have an orgasm.

This is one WMG that will stay a WMG since Weisman is a bit shy when talking about the private lives of gargoyles. He does admit sex happens. (Eggs aren't delivered by storks, after all.) It's an unusual effect that shows up in a lot of adult themed fan fiction and art.

Oberon planned EVERYTHING.

Oberon is the lord of Avalon. Avalon sends people where they need to be, clearly meaning it shapes destiny and fate. How did it get this power if not from its lord and master? If he seemed arrogant and so forth in the series, it was because he was testing everybody else, to see if they had learned anything, and would stand up against him.

  • I would have to argue that Titania planned everything. Oberon really didn't care if his children had learned anything, having not learned his own lesson about arrogance. Titania easily has the highest moral standards of the fae and has been shown to have some level of control over Oberon, and thus has some control over Avalon's magic though him. She sent the gargoyles around the world to bring her children in line and sent them back to Manhattan when Oberon threatened Fox and Alex.
    • That's what Oberon wants you to think. He was playing Titania too, by convincing her that she was the one manipulating him. He was the one who started the exile after all. In the series, he used himself as the Dragon.
    • Oberon sent them into the world to learn humility. For the most part they did, Banshee did not, at least not sufficiently, and was punished for it. Titania learned her lesson and that allowed her to realize that Oberon had now fallen woefully behind . Naturally, she set out to teach her lord the lesson, for his own benefit, while protecting the mortals she had come to care for. So I guess what I'm saying is that it's a mix, Titania was behind a great many things but only because of Oberon's own actions leading her there.

Xanatos really wanted to save Goliath in "The Cage".

As soon as he watched Talon from his office saying that Goliath and Sevarius will die together, Xanatos has realized that he has gone too far manipulating him like that and must save not only Sevarius, but also Goliath. This is because if he is killed, Xanatos will cry for him. When Sevarius says about having created the "antidote", Xanatos plans on using this as a diversion to put on his red armor and go to the Cybernetics underground lab with his gargoyle robots to save Goliath and Sevarius. After saving the two of them, he says "Oh hello, Goliath. Didn't even noticed you there." as a compliment for saving his life.

  • After Goliath struggled alongside Xanatos to save Fox's life in "Eye of the Beholder" and agreed to help Xanatos stop Demona in "City of Stone," Xanatos may well have realized that Goliath was more useful to him alive than dead. If nothing else, saving Goliath's life was Pragmatic Villainy, and Xanatos is nothing if not pragmatic.

Derek/Talon is autistic.

It explains why he can't tell that Xanatos is evil.

    • care to reword that?
      • It explains why he takes what Xanatos says to him, and does in front of him at face value, and is too trusting of Xanatos.

Puck was enforcing the Extra-Strength Masquerade.

The Gargoyle's cover should have been blown out of the water during The Mirror, City of Stone, and The Gathering, but everything was back to normal after each of these episodes. The connection? Magic was involved in each event, so someone with magic must have been responsible for keeping everything underwraps. Puck was the person doing the magic in The Mirror so he was clearly modifying everyone's memories during and after the episode to erase all traces of it. In City of Stone Puck's human form as Owen was turned to stone, but Puck could have just left a stone statue behind while secretly saving lives that would have been lost when everyone turned to stone (car/plane crashes) and preventing the outside world from noticing whats going on. In The Gathering Puck could have been saving lives again when Oberon put everyone to sleep and preventing the world from noticing New York shutting down for the night.

Of course, once Oberon restricted Puck's magic to training/defending Alexander, Puck could no longer enforce the Masquerade and the Gargoyle's cover was blown during Hunter's Moon.

    • More likely the Weird Sisters and Oberon himself maintained the status quo during their own actions. The Weird Sisters wouldn't want anything interfering with their plans and they were shown lurking around the city dealing with the mortals during the episode. Oberon, despite his rage, holds no malice to neither human nor Gargoyle and while his sleep spell caused several casualties it also likely made them forget about anything strange they'd seen. After all, it's his own law that they not interfere directly with mortals, he even adopts a human disguise while among them until he runs into Titania.

Chernabog is a Gargoyle.

Think about it. Horns? Check. Wings? Check. Glowing eyes? Check. Appears at night and becomes dormant during the day? Big check. Made of stone? He's made of a fucking MOUNTAIN.

  • A Gargoyle? My bets on the first Gargoyle, or at least Gargoyle Adam, so to speak.

Demona later became Excella Gionne.

We never see Excella in any night shots, and Wesker's plan for Complete Global Saturation is pretty much identical to Demona's plan in Hunter's Moon.

Xanatos is a Time Lord.

He figured out some way to become immortal, then used that time to learn how to create technology that allows for more flexible time travel than the Phoenix Gate and then started playing around with genetic engineering, eventually making himself into a double-hearted humanoid with the ability to regenerate like a phoenix. He then went way back in time and took other genetically modified humans with him and set himself and his new race up as the lords of Time itself. His line eventually results in the Doctor, which is why the Doctor is so good at high-speed Xanatos, Batman, and Indianna Jones gambits.

Xanatos is secretly Adrian Veidt and Citizen Kane.

Schroedinger's Xanatos

The real reason Xanatos is such a ridiculously good schemer? You can't tell if something was one of his plans or not until he tells you. So he says they are, most of the time. This troper probably fails quantum physics forever, but eh.

  • It really is Schroedinger's Xanatos. It is objectively indeterminate wether or not some event was planned by Xanatos until it's revealed.

Gargoyles takes place in the same world as Illuminatus.

Gargoyles will be remade soon in order to compete with the new Voltron and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series on Nickelodeon and ThunderCats (2011) coming to Cartoon Network

I'm Hoping.

The Goliath Chronicles are stories told by Goliath

When the Manhattan clan had children, Goliath entertained them with stories some true some he made up but most having a grain of truth

The Batsquatch is a gargoyle.

Think about it: the so-called "Batsquatch" is a bat-winged, flying, purple or blue cryptid with claws, pointed ears, and glowing red eyes. It has a set of hands on its torso (the regular hands and arms) and another set on its wings (as some gargoyles do). The witness who described it as 30 ft tall and seeing it the second time during the day was clearly freaked out and remembered it wrong (he admits to having hit his head and not being in his right mind).

WVRN News reporter Travis Marshall is or will become Serial Killer Travis Marshall.

Demona doesn't think of Angela as her biological daughter.

She sees Angela as her rookery daughter. Gargoyles raise their young collectively. Yes, she knows Angela hatched from one of the eggs in the Wyvern clan, but she doesn't really care which one. This has never come up because none of Angela's rookery brothers or sister came to New York with her, so Demona hasn't had a chance to meet and bond with them.

  • I believe Word of God has confirmed that blood does matter to Demona more than she'd care to admit (one of the many signs that, ironically, her thought processes are sometimes a lot closer to human than gargoyle). I do agree, though, that Demona would feel a degree of protectiveness and try to "convert" any of the other Avalon gargoyles to her side, though she probably wouldn't be quite as overt about it as with Angela.

Soon after either Demona kill Macbeth or vice versa the killer is destioned to be killed either by the others friends or falling objects or by their opponent in a I'm taking you with me fashion.

When the three girls say when one lives they both live it sounds like they are immortal unless you kill them both at once. They then say that they will both die when one kills the other. This is the obvious solution the requirement of death is they are both killd at once but this is fated to happen after one kills the other.

Mistress Quickly will join the Redemption Squad.

  • She's one of Falstaff's minions and is captured by the team at the end of their miniseries. Since everyone on the team is a Boxed Crook anyway, and Fang joined under fairly similar circumstances, it's possible that she'll get the same deal.
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