< Gargoyles


  • In "The Price," right after Owen dips his hand into the magic cauldron-brew and his hand gets turned to stone, in the last frames of the episode he grips it in a way that is totally flipping Xanatos off, the full arm-gesture equivalent of flipping someone the bird. It's not even subtle. Now, one COULD argue that this was unintentional, since it would likely be completely out-of-character for Owen... but Puck?
  • It is not used as an expletive, but Xanatos says in "Awakening, Part Two," "Pay a man enough, and he'll walk barefoot into Hell." The line was edited out when the episode was put into VHS release, but the DVD version has the line uncut and uncensored.
  • Also the episode when Demona turned everyone in the city to stone and walked around smashing the statues to bits.
  • Hyena's decidedly unsubtle machine fetish is not exactly getting past the radar; more like making out with the antenna.

Wanna make sparks fly?

  • Also, the fight between Elisa and Demona at "High Noon." The exchange between Coldstone and Macbeth as they watch the fight might qualify as a Parental Bonus:

Coldstone: This is... diverting.
Macbeth: You don't know the half of it.

  • In a flashback scene of Bad Guys, young Dingo flat-out (albeit jokingly) asks John Oldcastle if he is a child molester. But then, the comics are pretty violent as it is.
  • "Eye of the Beholder" shows an unmarried Fox and Xanatos living under the same roof (In a Disney show no less) Given their previous behavior with each other, you CAN'T think that Xanatos ISN'T tapping that.
    • Notice that the first thing were-Fox does to Xanatos is throw him down on her bed.
      • No, she gets rid of the gun, then hugs him, and then she throws him down on the bed and keeps him pinned, even falling on him when Owen shot her with another tranquilizer.
    • Greg Weisman's timeline (and Alex's age in the comics) confirms that Alexander was concieved later on the same night David proposed.
      • So that's why they got married so fast...
  • In the Goliath Chronicles, Lexington saves Xanatos and Fox's baby, so Broadway comments something about "Now if only we could get him a set of wings." Now, what does THAT sound like?
  • In the first story of Gargoyles, Goliath asks to be turned to stone with the same spell that the Magus cast on his surviving clan. Since the escape clause of the spell is the seemingly impossible "Until the castle rises above the clouds", what he is requesting is basically assisted suicide. The fact that the story jumps ahead 1000 years to see David Xanatos fulfill that condition and release them hides that fact.
    • Speaking of Xanatos, he's one of the few Disney characters that actually has a line with some mild profanity in it in the second episode. Xanatos speaks to Owen about moving the stoned Gargoyles. When Owen says that getting the necessary manpower would be difficult because of the reputation of the castle being haunted, Xanatos answers with the line, "You know the answer to that, Owen. Pay a man enough, and he'll walk barefoot into Hell!"
      • Yeah, that's the reason why it's really hard to catch that particular episode outside of primetime.
    • Let's not forget that most of the Gargoyles are, well, mostly naked. And at least once (with Angela) there was enough slip with the back-flaps to reveal that they're not wearing some improbable underpants under there. So yes, our heroes are flying about the city with it all hanging in the breeze.
      • It's slipping cultural crap past the radar, in fact. Clan Manhattan and Angela were all raised in a medieval Scots manner, the boys actually in medieval Scotland, Angela raised by the Magus, Tom, and Princess Katherine (all from that same era) on timeless Avalon. In short, every single one of those gargs (and, likely, Demona) is playing up the old joke/UrbanLegend on what Scotsmen wear under their kilts.
        • Ahem... "[...]joke/UrbanLegend"? THIS. IS. SCOTLAND!
  • To this day, this Troper doesn't know how they got away with an episode where Demona murders innocent humans by turning them to stone and smashing them. Maybe there's a reason Disney wants to distance themselves from this show...
    • Along similar lines, this troper wonders why so many viewers of the episode "Grief" (Where Jackal becomes the avatar for Anubis and then kills a bunch of animals and possibly PEOPLE) seem to think that all the dead were resurrected by the real Anubis. In the the Toon Disney version, I don't think it's ever specifically stated or shown, and I never thought that the deaths were anything less than permanent.
      • In the original run at least, Anubis pretty clearly states that he can bring back those taken "by an abuse of [his] power", or words to that effect, but that all things have their time, and he could not return anyone whose proper fate had run its course. If the censors cut that out because they had him actually talking rationally and maturely about death, forget missing it, they defeated the entire point of the whole episode!
      • There's no difference between the original run and the Toon Disney version in this particular case. Word of God confirms that every death caused by Jackal!Anubis was full and permanent, as all deaths are in the "Gargoyles" Universe (well, barring ghosts and the like). You can read more about the difficulty they had getting that past the radar here. The line you may be thinking of is:

Emir!Anubis: "What is dead and gone cannot be restored. But the stolen energies can be rechanneled." (referring to the aging/de-aging)

      • In other words, everything that Jackal!Anubis did For the Evulz in those few moments, short of actually killing people, could easily be undone once the more level-headed Emir asserted control. But taking back those who have already crossed over, even if by an "abuse" of Anubis' own power, is the one line the god point-blank refuses to cross. Begin making exceptions like that and you open the floodgates; better to take the hard line approach, even if it seems cruel and unfair by our mortal standards.
  • There's the infamous "Kinky" line uttered by Fang upon watching Demona change from gargoyle to human. Greg Weisman himself admitted he wasn't sure how they got that one past the censors. Disney did eventually catch it and edited it out in the reruns.
  • In "M. I. A." the thugs who corner Elisa on the London streets pretty clearly have one thing on their mind.
  • Jackal's comments on Hyena lusting after the robotic Coyote?

Well, that's sicker than usual.

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