< Freudian Trio

Freudian Trio/Video Games

  • Ace Attorney
    • The (former) friend-trio Edgeworth-Wright-Butz greatly evokes this, even though we never really see the three of them in action together.
      • Miles Edgeworth: A rather serious person and great logical thinker, described as a "bookworm" by Larry, who, both, prior to his Face Heel Turn and after his Heel Face Turn 15 years later is driven by the desire to uncover the truth and serve justice, saving the innocent and punishing the guilty. Also prone to hold a World of Cardboard Speech now or then.(Superego)
      • Phoenix Wright: Obsessed with helping others to the point of basing his whole education and career around the possibility to slap some sense into a friend he knew for barely 8 months in grade school, but also a great Deadpan Snarker inside and professional Butt Monkey, who is often shown to be afraid of accidentally making a "too" wrong choice during one of his Indy Ploys. (Ego)
      • Larry Butz: A Casanova Wannabe and reknowned troublemaker, who mistakes every hint of attraction to a girl for "True Love", demands his desire to be fulfilled and reacts almost hysterical to rejection. (Id)
  • Aion
    • Seraphim Lords:
      • Ariel: Thoughtful and amiable. Is dissappointed that Azphel's recklessness ruined the peace talks with the Balaur. Leader of the Seraphim Lords. (Ego)
      • Nezekan: Contemplative, but decisive. Lawful Good. Nezekan is reserved and tolerant, but adamant once he reaches a conclusion. (Superego)
      • Vaizel: Playful, selfish, and cunning. Often goes off on his own in disguise to hang out with ordinary humans, and sometimes neglects his duties. (Id)
    • Shedim Lords:
      • Azphel: A decisive perfectionist who holds himself and his subordinates to high standards. Hates Ariel for being too weak-willed to continue the fight against the Balaur and believes that Ariel has failed in her duties. Leader of the Shedim Lords (Ego)
      • Zikel: Azphel's right hand. Once a friendly rival of Nezekan, they have fallen out of favor with one another. Zikel is violent, arrogant, and lacks self-control. Somewhat of a Reckless Sidekick, as he was partially responsible for the events that ignited the abyss war. (Id)
      • Marchutan: Quiet, respectful, and completely stoic. Also The Big Guy. Prefers rational planning rather than Zikel's impulsiveness. (Superego)
      • Azphel: (Ego)
      • Triniel: Composed and calculating, she prefers to strike precisely and accurately. Has a cold indifferent personality. (Superego)
      • Lumiel: Not much is known about her since she joined the Shedim Lords, but according to accounts from before the cataclysm, she is curious, innocent, and mischievous. Pursues magic studies with the same curiosity that a Playful Hacker applies to computer security. (Id)

Note that the Seraphim Lords and Shedim Lords each have one member whose personality traits best fit those of the other group as a way to show that Light Is Not Good and Dark Is Not Evil.

The average First-Person Shooter, particularly the class-driven ones:

  • The combat-classes, including the soldier and sniper, built for killing enemies or completing objectives (Id).
  • The support-classes, including the engineer and medic, built to support allies on the battlefield (Super-Ego).
  • The team-leader, who keeps his teammates in-check (Ego).

The average Role-Playing Game:

  • The physical-classes, including the knight and rogue, built for raw combat (Id).
  • The magical-classes, including the mage and cleric, built for supporting allies (Super-Ego).
  • The hybrid-classes, including the druid, built to balance between combat and support (Ego).

The average Real Time Strategy game:

  • The commander, keeps his armies in-check (Ego).
  • The units, built to combat enemies (Id).
  • The structures, built to produce and upgrade units (Super-Ego).

Perhaps the most core group of characters to the story of Baldur's Gate:

  • Minsc: Butt-kicking for goodness! (Id)
  • Jaheira: Be careful, child. (Superego)
  • The Protagonist: Quiet, both of you! (Ego)

A few other trios naturally form from the npc's:

  • Anomen: Hot-heated, stubborn, and proud to a fault. (Id)
  • Cernd: Detached, enigmatic, rational. (Superego)
  • Keldorn: Older, weary, driven. (Ego)

And of the romancable female characters:

  • Aerie: Driven to do the right thing, no matter what. (Id)
  • Viconia: Bitterness tempered by calculated ruthlessness. (Superego)
  • Jaheira: Honest, mixes regret with firm reason. (Ego)

You can categorize the evil npcs the same way:

  • Edwin Odesseiron: Brilliant, rational-logical, scheming. (Superego)
  • Korgan Bloodaxe: Passionate, violent, impulsive, mercurial. (Id)
  • Sarevok (or the protagonist, depending): Has elements of both, mediates between the two. (Ego)

Baten Kaitos Origins

  • Milly: Impulsive sheltered girl who is eager to see the world. (Id)
  • Guillo: Deadpan Snarker puppet thing who often acts as the voice of reason. (Superego)
  • Sagi: Young protagonist who often has to sort the other two out when they quarrel. (Ego)

The Bouncer

  • Sion: The friendly, yet confused protagonist (Ego)
  • Kou: The sarcastic loudmouth (Id)
  • Volt: The silent giant (Superego)

Call of Juarez: Bound In Blood - The McCall Brothers

  • Ray, wild and aggressive elder brother (Id)
  • Thomas, less aggressive than Ray, but not as moral as William (Ego)
  • William, religious pacifist constantly attempting to lead his brothers away from the path of violence (Superego)

Dead Rising

  • Frank West: Impulsive, eager for the big scoop, has more concern for results than authority (Id)
  • Jessie: Takes her job very seriously, trying to stick to her regulations despite the circumstances (Superego)
  • Brad: Firmly serious, takes his job very seriously but does realize that saving lives is the most important (Ego)


  • Laharl: Ambitious and irritable Noble Demon (Id)
  • Flonne: Laharl's self-appointed guardian angel and Love Freak (Superego)
  • Etna: Deadpan Snarker that is usually the first to call either of them on their immaturity (Ego)
    • Don't forget Gordon, Jennifer, and Thursday. The game supports this by giving all three of them a 100% chance of team attacks when together.

Dragon Boy RPG

  • Guil: Ego
  • Arazec: Superego
  • Blaze: Id

The Elder Scrolls, The Tribunal from Morrowind:

  • Almalexia (Id)
  • Sotha Sil (Superego)
  • Vivec (Ego)

Eternal Darkness has its Ancients, a set of gods who despite being mortal enemies have three so closely associated they fit here nicely:

  • Chattur'gah: God of Strength and Matter, brutal and the least mind-focused, overpowers Xel'lotath. (Id)
  • Ulyaoth: God of Magic and Spirit, the most intelligent - and arrogant about it, overpowers Chattur'gah. (Ego)
  • Xel'lotath: Goddess of Sanity and Insanity, brooding and, quite suitably, insane, overpowers Ulyaoth. (Superego)
    • It's hinted that there are in fact five Ancients. If the fifth were to be confirmed, throw in Mantorok and this could expand into a Five-Bad Band.

Exit Fate:

  • Daniel: Calm, rational, idealistic, and determined to solve the world's problems without fighting. (Superego)
  • Angel: Level-headed, loyal, and often the mediator between Daniel and Jovian. (Ego)
  • Jovian: Enthusiastic, sometimes impulsive, and a little hotheaded. (Id)

Fatal Fury:

  • Joe Higashi: Id
  • Terry Bogard: Ego
  • Andy Bogard: Superego

Final Fantasy VII:

  • Barrett Wallace: Loud, Commanding, can be calm but is very much a man of action. (Id)
  • Cloud Strife: Aloof, Calm, initially only in it for the money. (Superego)
  • Tifa Lockheart: Hopeful despite her emotional issues, good moral center to characters such as Cloud (Ego)

Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core:

  • Genesis: The poetic and philosophical one, he's prideful, arrogant, and jealous of Sephiroth's fame. (Id)
  • Sephiroth: The Stoic who maintains a calm, professional demeanor under any circumstances, even in the heat of battle. {Superego)
  • Angeal: The mediator who values honor and discipline, but has a casual and friendly side. (Ego)
  • These classifications are made quite clear in the FMV sequence of the three sparring--Genesis goes all out trying to overpower Sephiroth, who calmly repels him without even breaking a sweat, and the two are eventually stopped by Angeal when it begins to get out of hand.

Final Fantasy VIII:

  • Laguna Loire: A smart yet impulsive and offbeat man who often makes reckless decisions. (Id)
  • Kiros Seagill: Level-headed Deadpan Snarker who most often tries to get Laguna's head out of the clouds and back onto the mission at hand. (Superego)
  • Ward Zabac: Respects the other two's opinions, but will side with whoever's actually making sense. (Ego)

Final Fantasy X-2:

  • Yuna: Leader. (Ego, tending to Id occasionally)
  • Rikku: Genki Girl ditz. (Id)
  • Paine: Snarky monotone warrior. (Superego)

Final Fantasy XII. Though the main cast consists of six party members, Vaan and Penelo are Tagalong Kids, and Fran isn't given much spotlight. With them aside, the remaining three consist of:

  • Ashe: The Hero in practice who swore to see Dalmasca restored. A bit of a bitch when first met and often has harsh words for the Empire. Her desire for revenge and the power to fulfill it drives much of the plot, several times she's called out on blindly pursuing vengeance. (Id, but Character Development turns her into the Ego by the end of the game)
  • Basch: Ashe's bodyguard who swore to protect her, he's The Stoic and is silently devoted to doing anything he can to see her safe. In the meantime he's calm, rational and level-headed, acts as Ashe's voice of reason in her more heated moments, and keeps his emotions close to the vest. (Superego)
  • Balthier: A Sky Pirate and Gentleman Thief, he acts based on his desires and is concerned with his own interests. However, he tempers it with wit and cunning, has his own personal set of standards and morals that he keeps to, and is fundamentally a good man. (Ego)

Final Fight:

  • Haggar: Authoritative but is more concerned with taking care of those he cares for than following the rules (Ego)
  • Guy: Calm and studious ninja whom takes his role as a Bushin Ryu master very seriously (Superego)
  • Cody: Hot-Blooded and very eager for a fight, very easy to anger, later goes to prison (Id)

Final Fight 2:

  • Haggar: Still the Ego
  • Maki: Hotheaded and loves fighting (Id)
  • Carlos: Dedicated to his martial art studies (Superego)

Fire Emblem 7 (Or just Fire Emblem in the states):


  • Halo 3:
    • The Arbiter - Driven by rage against the prophet's betrayal, hunts Truth for revenge, and honor. (Id)
    • Sgt. Johnson - His professionalism as a soldier and ability to mediate certain factions are combined with his loud demeanor and fondness for shotguns. (Ego)
    • Master Chief - Cool as the other the other side of the pillow, stoic as can be, and all work. (Superego)

King of Fighters: The series uses this trope on a VERY regular basis in which even if you limit yourself to KOF introduced characters only there would still be a load of teams as these are just a few examples...

  • (Original Team Japan)
    • Kyo: Eager for a fight, can be Hot-Blooded, known for taunting opponents (Id)
    • Benimaru: Calm, Normally easygoing, likes to play up his "Smooth Ladies Man" image (Superego)
    • Daimon: Firm and old fashioned, often plays Team Dad to those such as Kyo and Benimaru (Ego)
  • (Original Women's Team)
    • Yuri: Energetic Genki Girl, often the most childish of the group, easy to anger (Id)
    • Mai: Cool Big Sis, can be quite dedicated to goals (especially finding Andy), can be a bit of an exhibitionist (Superego)
    • King: Team Mom, Is often in charge of the finances, normally the leader of the group (Ego)
  • (Original Team Korea)
    • Chang: Loud Dumb Muscle, Boisterous Bruiser, occasional lecherous side (Id)
    • Choi: Is the smarter and calmer of the two criminals, occasionally plans to get free from Kim (Superego)
    • Kim: Very much in control (even if his methods are a bit extreme), has a very proud sense of justice and leadership (Ego)
  • (Original Ikari Warriors)
    • Ralf: Hot-Blooded, very eager for a fight, quick to anger (Id)
    • Clark: Calm, stoic, loyal and dependable Soldier (Superego)
    • Heidern: Calm but very firm authoritative leader (Ego)
  • ('96 Yagami Team)
    • Iori: Very angry and brooding with LOTS of issues, but tends to mask them with cold attitude (Superego)
    • Vice: Temperamental streak a mile wide, very violent and sadistic (Id)
    • Mature: Calmest and the most rational of the trio here (Ego)
  • (K' Team 2003-recent)
    • K': While he deeply cares for his teammates, he's cold and tends to talk harsh (Superego)
    • Kula: Cheerful & outgoing young girl, tends to light up the team (Id)
    • Maxima: Team Dad and voice of reason, also usually the most calculating (Ego)
  • (Original Kyokugenryu Team)
    • Ryo: A Spirited Competitor who's longing for a good fight, also having unrestrained temper (Id)
    • Robert: Lecherous & lazy rich guy, also a close rival to Ryo (Superego)
    • Takuma: The Mentor of the group, the one who stops Ryo & Robert from butting heads against each other (Ego)
  • (The Sacred Treasures Team whenever they go along)
    • Kyo: Eager for a fight, can be Hot-Blooded, known for taunting opponents (Id)
    • Iori: Very angry and brooding with LOTS of issues, but tends to mask them with cold attitude (Superego)
    • Chizuru: Team Mom of the group and the one who brings both Kyo & Iori into working together to seal Orochi (Ego)
      • Later on Shingo takes the role of Chizuru in XI.
  • (Original Fatal Fury Team)
    • Joe: Hot-Blooded and a Boisterous Bruiser, also has a slight lecherous side especially towards Lilly Kane (Id)
    • Terry: While he's much of a Boisterous Bruiser just as Joe is, he's also shown to be level-headed (Ego)
    • Andy: The one who has the coldest attitude out of the team, also very serious in fights (Superego)

There are plenty of other teams and while certain characters remain consistent in which roles they play in the Trio, plenty of characters play different roles when they are in different teams.

Kingdom Hearts: The series makes a theme of this Trope, with most of the main cast belonging to at least one trio, and the sword/shield/staff analogies in each (even if the sword/shield/staff trinity don't always correspond to the ego/id/superego)

  • Sora: Impulsive and Passionate (Id)
  • Donald Duck: High-strung and Skeptical (Superego)
  • Goofy: Mediator between the two, often voice of reason (Ego)
  • Sora: Well-meaning but impulsive. (Id)
  • Riku: Plans and calculates. (Superego)
  • Kairi: The moral center. (Ego)
  • Axel: Cold and Calculative (Superego)
  • Roxas: Naive and Impulsive (Id)
  • Xion: Voice of reason (Ego)
  • Terra: Goal-driven and calculated. (Superego)
  • Ven: Impulsive and emotion-driven. (Id)
  • Aqua: The balance between the two, but sometimes her goals get in the way. Voice of reason. (Ego)
    • As the story goes on, however:
      • Aqua: Moral compass of the trio, follows Eraqus's orders to the letter. (Superego)
      • Terra: Anger-prone, has a hard time controlling his darkness. (Id)
      • Ven: Caught in the middle of Aqua and Terra's conflict. (Id, forced into Ego position)
  • Master Xehanort: Cold and calculating Chessmaster. (Superego)
  • Vanitas: Ax Crazy, being of pure darkness. (Id)
  • Braig/Xigbar: Falls somewhere in the middle of the two extremes. He's an Affably Evil Jerkass who enjoys Trolling other characters, but he's also the one who ensures the success of Master Xehanort's Evil Plan after the latter loses his memories.

Knights of the Old Republic

  • Carth: Id
  • The Player: Ego
  • Bastila: Superego

Knights of the Old Republic 2

  • Atton/HK-47/Mandalore/G0-T0: Id
  • The Player: Ego
  • Kriea/Handmaiden/Disciple/Visas/T3-M4: Superego

Legend of Legaia invokes this with the player party

  • Vahn - Ego. Although he shows only limited personality, he's clearly presented as being straightforward, steadfast, and heroic
  • Noa - Id. She is both hyper and impulsive - a girl literally raised by a wolf (who was a Ra-Seru). She shows little regard for social convention beyond her often simple views of right or wrong.
  • Gala - Superego. Always the one to admonish Noa when she gets out of hand, Gala is the most intellectual and disciplined of the group, as he was raised a Warrior Monk.

The Legend of Zelda, even though one of the three is the villain. Probably played straight with the goddesses, who represent each of them. It's even kind of Lampshaded because of the Triforce.

  • Link: Courage. (Ego)
  • Zelda: Wisdom. (Superego)
  • Ganondorf: Power. (Id)

Mass Effect - the human party

  • Ashley: Red-blooded, religious, and the single strongest fighter in the party except a Soldier Shepard, with a Hair-Trigger Temper. Impulsive and not afraid to speak her mind. (Id)
  • Shepard: Both Paragon and Renegade are a balance between the two. (Ego)
  • Kaidan: Calm, tries to think things through, and doesn't let his emotions get in the way of missions. (Superego)

Mass Effect -and the aliens

  • Wrex: Sarcastic, impulsive, and easily angered. (Id)
  • Garrus/Tali: Moderators, balanced personalities. (Ego, with Tali leaning towards the Superego and Garrus leaning towards the Id)
  • Liara: Compassionate and calm. (Superego)

Mass Effect - The villains

  • Saren: Impulsive, violent, and volatile, as well as completely dominated by his feelings and later those of Sovereign. (Id)
  • Benezia: Tries to moderate her compatriots and fight Saren's or, rather, Sovereign's, influence. (Ego)
  • Soverign: Operates entirely on a logic that is impossible for beings of flesh to understand. (Superego)

Mass Effect 2 - "Team Cerberus"

  • Shepard: Just woke up after being dead for two years, and is highly confused and off-balance. (Id)
  • Jacob: Careful, cautious, and something of a moderating influence, though he's still a very warm and friendly person. (Ego)
  • Miranda: Calm, cold, and overly logical. (Superego)

Mass Effect 2 - "Team Shepard" (Fan Nickname for Shepard, Garrus, and Tali)

  • Shepard: No matter how you play, both Renegade and Paragon are a balance between the two. (Ego)
  • Garrus: During the two years between the first and second games, Garrus threw out all rules and regulations to become a vigilante and hunt down the galaxy's worst criminals. (Id)
  • Tali: Though she does occasionally act on her impulses (her interactions with Legion and her romance with Shepard, for example) she is still deeply altruistic and perhaps the least selfish person in all of Mass Effect. (Superego)

The Lost Vikings - The titular vikings

  • Erik the Swift (Ego)
  • Baleog the Fierce (Superego)
  • Olaf the Stout (Id)

Mask of the Betrayer

  • Gann: Whimsical, obsessive sexuality. (Id)
  • Safiya: Honestly doesn't care much about the eccentricities of her allies, much more moderate in outlook. (Ego)
  • Okku (or maybe Kaelyn): Honorable and respectful. (Superego)

Mega Man

  • Dr. Light's robots:
    • Proto Man aka Blues (000): Superego
    • Mega Man aka Rock (001): Id
    • Roll (002): Ego
  • The three main robots:
    • Mega Man: Ego, energetic but reasonable
    • Proto Man: Superego, silent and stoic
    • Bass: Id, vengeful and obsessive
  • The Doctors are also identifiable as such:
    • Wily (Id)
    • Light (Superego)
    • Cossack (Ego)

Mega Man X

  • X: Is usually the one who has deep thoughts about most things happened around. But on the other side, he's a pacifist who's quite emotional, especially about fighting, and frequently thinks about all the enemy he fights. (Ego, but can shift to either sides at times)
  • Zero: The coldest of the bunch, only concerned in missions, likes to take shoot-first-ask-questions-later approach. It's all a facade, though. (Superego)
  • Axl: Likes gets on X's and Zero's nerves, and is also very eager and interested in fighting. (Id)

Mega Man Legends

  • The Casketts:
    • Volnutt-Trigger: the main character, can goof off during missions (Id)
    • Roll Caskett: Mission Control, tries to keep Volnutt-Trigger on track (Superego)
    • Barrell Caskett: The leader of the Casketts (Ego)
  • The Bonnes:
    • Teisel: The leader of the Bonne family pirates (Ego)
    • Tron: builds all robots and machines for them, in love with Volnutt-Trigger, has a bad temper (Id)
    • Bon: Unable to talk to Teisel and Tron (Superego)

Mega Man Battle Network

  • Lan, Chaud and Maylu/Mayl
    • Lan: Hotheaded, loves to netbattle, hates Chaud (Id)
    • Maylu/Mayl: Tries to keep the boys from fighting, in love with Lan (Ego)
    • Chaud: Acts calm, cool and collected, always there to tell Lan when he messed up (Superego)
  • The above 3's netnavi's
    • MegaMan.EXE: Has a personality similar to Chaud, but hates Protoman.EXE (Superego)
    • Roll.EXE: Like Maylu or Mayl tries to keep the guys from fighting (Ego)
    • Protoman.EXE: Like Chaud, he is always there to tell MegaMan.EXE when he messed up (Id)

Mega Man Star Force

  • Luna and the boys:
    • Depends on what's happening at the present time, but there are 3 lineups
  • Lineup 1
    • Luna: The leader of the group of four, tries to get Geo to come to school in the 1st game (Superego)
    • Bud: Loves to eat, a follower of the latest fads (Id)
    • Zack/ Geo: Quiet and shy, but not afraid to speak their minds and tell the other two what they think (Ego)
  • Lineup 2:
    • Luna: Reduced to being the Damsel in Distress (Superego)
    • Bud/ Zack: Clueless as to what's going on (Id)
    • Geo: Remains calm, cool and collected as he is forced to take charge of the situation as the other 3 are Freaking Out (Ego)
  • Lineup 3:
    • Geo: Takes charge of the situation, but is still not afraid to tell Bud and Zack what he thinks (Ego, leaning towards Superego)
    • Bud: The second in command, but he doesn't know what to do when Luna isn't around (Id)
    • Zack: Normally sides with Bud (Superego, leaning towards Id)
  • Geo, Omega-Xis and Mega Man Geo-Omega:
    • Geo Stelar: The voice of reason (Ego)
    • Omega-Xis: Acts without thinking, requires Geo to pull him back (Id)
    • Mega Man Geo-Omega: a combo of the other two, but the main head (Geo) is in charge (Superego)
  • Pat, Rey, and Gemini Spark:
    • Pat (human): Nice and doesn't want to cause trouble. (Superego)
    • Rey: Beats up people, and wants revenge on his parents, but he protects Pat from danger. (Id, sometimes Ego)
    • Gemini Spark: Reluctant, but goes with what Rey says. (Ego, leaning towards Id)

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty: Sons of Liberty

  • Snake: Cool, calm and collected. The one with the most field experience. He's a Big Brother Mentor to Raiden, and keeps Otacon focused on what's important. (Ego)
  • Otacon: The genius computer expert of the group, making all of the logistical decisions. (Superego)
  • Raiden: The rookie in the field, still trying to learn to handle his emotions in the field and reconcile his duty with his love for Rose (Id)


  • Sirrus: Calculating manipulative mastermind. When he and Achenar went rampant through their father's Ages, he satisfied his greed by heavily taxing his subjects. (Superego)
  • Achenar: Lunatic. Had ape people sacrificed to him. Enjoys macabre decor. Has a torture chamber. (Id)
  • Atrus: Logically minded but burdened with the death of his race. (Ego)

Myst IV: Revelations

  • Achenar: After being imprisoned in Haven, he had twenty years to realize what he'd become and how to change. Actually felt guilty after eradicating an entire species. (Superego)
  • Sirrus: Spent twenty years mastering his environment and hopefully redeeming himself in his father's eyes, but when his plans failed, he snapped and began planning his revenge. (Id)
  • Atrus: Same as ever. (Ego)

Narcissu: Side 2nd

  • Himeko: Impulsive, fun-loving, skips out on Sunday Mass to work on her Eunos (Id)
  • Chihiro: The good Catholic girl, quiet and demure, always quick to nag Himeko about her behavior (Superego)
  • Setsumi: Gets along well with both of the other two, able to see both sides, used as a go-between (Ego)

Neverwinter Nights Shadows of Undrentide

  • Dorna: Calm, tries to work things through logically (Superego)
  • The Player: Reins in the excesses of his/her teammates (hopefully) (Ego)
  • Xanos: Boisterous, grandiose, a bit of a braggart (Id)

Neverwinter Nights Hordes of the Underdark

  • Nathyrra/Valen: Both work to remain calm and detached, and to rise above their base instincts (Superego)
  • The Player: Reins in the excesses of his/her teammates (hopefully) (Ego)
  • Deekin/Aribeth: Both are ruled by instinct and emotion over logic (Id)

Neverwinter Nights 2

  • Khelgar: Egotistical, combat-obsessed, kills things at the drop of a hat (Id)
  • Neeshka: More reasonable, tries to rein in the excessive habits of her teammates (Ego)
  • Elanee: Calm, collected, sometimes overly logical (Superego)

Persona 3, Evil Counterpart group Strega:

Your starting team has this as well:

  • Main Character: Little personality, can go either way. (Ego)
  • Yukari: Responsible, rational, moral. (Superego)
  • Junpei: Slacker, fun loving, Idiot Hero. (Id)

Also, the founding members of SEES:

  • Mitsuru: Leader, cold, businesslike. (Superego)
  • Akihiko: Hot-Blooded Blood Knight, impulsive. (Id)
  • Shinjiro: Moral, determined, helpful, if somewhat bitter. (Ego)


  • The Lake Trio from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum
    • Azelf, representing omnipotence and willpower (Ego)
    • Uxie, representing omniscience and knowledge (Superego)
    • Mesprit, representing omnipresence and emotion (Id)
  • The main characters of Black and White:
    • Hilbert/Hilda: Main character, "leader" of the group (Ego).
    • Bianca: Energetic, upbeat, and optimistic, likes to have fun (Id).
    • Cheren: Calculating and a stickler for the rules (Superego).
  • The Tao Trio, also from Black and White:
    • Reshiram: Represents truth and yang (Superego)
    • Zekrom: Represents ideals and yin (Id)
    • Kyurem: Represents the boundary/balance between yin and yang, as well as Reshiram and Zekrom themselves (Ego). It should be noted that Kyurem also forms a power trio with itself, with its alternate forms Black Kyurem (Id, derived from Zekrom) and White Kyurem (Superego, derived from Reshiram).

Ratchet and Clank:

  • Ratchet: Ego
  • Clank: Superego
  • Qwark: Id

Rival Schools

  • Taiyo High:
    • Batsu: Hot-headed, brash (Id)
    • Hinata: Reasonable and outgoing (Ego)
    • Kyosuke: Stickler for rules and regulations (Superego)
  • Gorin High:
    • Shoma: Stubborn, loud, argues with Natsu (Id)
    • Natsu: Moral, concerned with neatness, argues with Shoma (Superego)
    • Roberto: Reasonable, cool-headed, has to mediate Shoma and Natsu's arguments (Ego)
  • Gedo High
    • Edge: Troublemaker, concerned about falling behind in school (Superego)
    • Gan: Obsessed with food (Id)
    • Daigo: Leader of school's gang (Ego)
  • Seijyun Girls High:
    • Akira: Calm, rational, able to deal with both Zaki's gang and the gang lead by her brother (Ego)
    • Yurika: Polite, neat freak, concerned with morals of her mission (Superego)
    • Zaki: Gang leader, confrontational (Id)
  • Pacific High:
    • Roy: Determined to work on improving relations between countries through cooperation (Ego)
    • Tiffany: Obsessed about impressing the opposite gender (Id)
    • Boman: Deeply religious, concerned about morals and spirituality (Superego)

Sengoku Basara

  • Date Masamune: (Ego)
  • Sanada Yukimura: (Id)
  • Katakura Kojuro: (Super Ego)

Shin Megami Tensei has a classic case of this in the beginning, though eventually things get worse and the player, as the Ego, is forced to either side with one of the remaining members of the trio against the other, or reject them both. Anyway, while the trio's still together, it goes...

  • Law Hero (Superego)
  • Neutral Hero (Ego)
  • Chaos Hero (Id)

Sly Cooper

  • Sly: Ego
  • Bentley: Superego
  • Murray: Id

Sonic the Hedgehog:

  • Sonic: Strong sense of justice and helping others, but impatient and impulsive (Borderline Id/Superego, but leans more towards Id)
  • Tails: Mediator, holds things in check and notices things his companions do not (Ego)
  • Knuckles: Strong sense of duty and commitment, but highly susceptible to manipulation and incredibly hard to gain trust from (Borderline Id/Superego, but leans more towards Superego).

Sonic Heroes, pretty much all of the other characters are broken up into their own Freudian Trios:

  • Team Dark:
    • Shadow: Brooding and spiteful (Id).
    • Rouge: Manipulative, but can work with anything she needs to get the job done (Ego).
    • Omega: Computerized thinking (Superego). (In Sonic Adventure 2, Eggman fits the same role being a mastermind)
  • Team Amy:
    • Amy Rose: Smart but incredibly protective and vengeful (Id).
    • Big the Cat: Stupid and strong, almost childlike (Superego).
    • Cream the Rabbit: Naive but understanding, holds the group together (Ego).
  • Team Chaotix:
    • Espio the Chameleon: Silent but brilliant loner (Superego).
    • Vector the Crocodile: Loud-mouthed firecracker (Id).
    • Charmy Bee: Upbeat and optimistic, mediator (Ego).

Soul Series Like many other Fighting Game series' this series also has examples like this...

(Kilik's Team)

  • Kilik: Studious Young Monk whom is rather regretful about his past (Superego)
  • Xianghua: Cheerful, Energetic and Hopeful even if she does have some romantic issues with Kilik (Id)
  • Maxi: Despite his anger issues about his dead crew is a fairly amiable guy whom is a bit of an older brother figure to Kilik and Xianghua (Ego)

(The Shop Girls of Soul Calibur 3)

  • Lynette: Cheerful, Friendly, the most Childish of the three (Id)
  • Hualin: Friendly, but the most intellectual and studious of the three (Superego)
  • Valeria: Friendly and easygoing and also a bit of a flirt with her Absolute Cleavage (Ego)

Street Fighter Also has some examples of this as well such as these for example (Ryu, Ken and Gouken)

  • Ryu: Calm and very studious man whom takes his training VERY seriously in which sometimes he takes it too seriously (Superego)
  • Ken: Friendly, flirty and easy-going, Not truly arrogant but the most boisterous of the three, Is only serious when the situation really demands him to be (Id)
  • Gouken: Firm, authoritative but a warm fatherly figure (Ego)

(Dan, Blanka and Sakura)

  • Dan: Loud-mouthed lovable goofball, likes to think he is a serious martial artist but is usually anything but serious (Id)
  • Sakura: Energetic and youthful but tries really hard to be a studious martial artist like Ryu (Superego)
  • Blanka: Loud and energetic but while he does take things more seriously than Dan he doesn't do that as much as Sakura though (Ego)

(Ibuki, Makoto, Elena)

  • Ibuki: Friendly, energetic, fun-loving, flirty, only serious in her exams (Id)
  • Makoto: Very studious and dedicated, trains diligently, occasionally temperamental (Superego)
  • Elena: Friendly, easy going, only fights for fun, peaceful, loves to make friends (Ego)

(Shadaloo, after Sagat quits)

  • M. Bison: Calm, calculating, strategic (Superego)
  • Vega: Vain, psychopathic, self-loving (Ego)
  • Balrog: Hyper-aggressive, greedy, vulgar (Id)

Suikoden III

Secret of Mana:

Space Channel 5:

  • Ulala: The Hero, driven and generous with dramatic tendencies (that in fact aren't uncommon among characters from her series, to be fair). (Ego)
  • Pudding: Ulala's rival-turned sidekick, jealous and an attention seeker. (Id)
  • Jaguar: Reporter who saved Ulala's life when she was a child turned rogue who calls himself the "voice of truth." (Superego)

StarCraft: Not a typical "character" power trio as such, but the different races do have elements of the different characters described above.

  • Protoss: Highly structured society, strong rules and customs. Tends to be the most righteous. Superego
  • Zerg: Driven by instinct, with an overall goal of absorb other life-forms and evolving into biological perfection. Id
  • Terrans: Have people who can go both directions. Most Terrans seem focused in achieving goals. Ego

Star Fox: The Star Wolf trio:

  • Wolf O'Donnell: Leader. Hot-headed, easily angered, but honorable and skilled. (Ego)
  • Leon Powalski: Cold, calculative, secretive. (Superego)
  • Panther Caroso: Seems to get along with others, and respects women. (Id)

Super Robot Wars:

  • The SRX Team:
  • From Reversal and OG Gaiden, Duminuss' Homunculus:

Tales of the Abyss has one in the Keterburg Trio:

  • Jade is cold, calculating, eminently logical, and thoroughly Lawful. (Superego)
  • Dist is erratic, prone to emotional outbursts, immature and self-centered. (Id)
  • Peony is selfish in a lot of little ways, but in the grand scheme of things, he's dedicated to the good of his country. He also keeps trying to make his childhood friends get along with each other despite their history and differences. (Ego)

In Team Fortress 2, this arguably applies generally to the three team divisions, with even smaller trios in each one:

  • Offense - Id
    • Pyro - Id
    • Scout - Ego
    • Soldier - Superego
  • Defense - Ego
    • Heavy - Id
    • Demoman - Ego
    • Engineer - Superego
  • Support - Superego
    • Medic - Id
    • Sniper - Ego
    • Spy - Superego

Touhou Project:

  • Perfect Cherry Blossom:
    • Reimu: (Ego)
    • Marisa: (Id)
    • Sakuya: (Superego)
  • Undefined Fantastic Object:
    • Reimu: (Ego)
    • Marisa: (Id)
    • Sanae: (Superego)
      • Debatable. Especially for Sanae, where in one path she becomes "obsessed" with youkai hunting.

The Ultima series - Though the Avatar and Companions can be shuffled a number of ways, the trio that stands out are The Avatar, Iolo, and Shamino. The majority of the games begin with the three of them together, and in all games Iolo and Shamino receive more dialog and plot significance.

  • Iolo - Bard and the model of Compassion. Tends to instinct and occasional crankiness, artistic temperament, and the only character with a lifelong love through the series. (Id)
  • Shamino - Ranger and the model of Spirituality. Though he can be a man of action, tends toward meditation, communion with nature and the higher order of human consciousness. (Superego)
  • Avatar - The Avatar is the role model of all the Virtues, and seeks to apply them in practical example for problem-solving. (Ego)

Valkyrie Profile - The conflicting natures of the three valkyries is not the focus, but it is a central part of their development, especially in the second game. They are even described as separate components of one greater being.

  • Hrist - Harsh, ditiful, gets the job done. (Superego. Labeled by Freya as the secondary ego.)
  • Lenneth - Balanced (Ego. Labeled by Freya as the primary ego.)
  • Silmeria - Emotional, rebelious (Id)

World of Warcraft - The major racial leaders of the various factions.

  • The Horde
    • Thrall: Charismatic and far-sighted leader struggling mightily to redeem his race and do the right thing, in spite of impossible odds. Balances the necessities of the Horde with the demands of its people. (Ego)
    • Sylvanas Windrunner: Coldly calculating Dark Lady of the Forsaken, breaking her quiet brooding only rarely in moments of extreme hatred and loss, over the terrible events that have created her newfound people. (Superego)
    • Garrosh Hellscream: Brash, arrogant young orc with a sense of invincibility-both personal, and of the Horde. Extremely aggressive, often disregarding the counsel of Thrall and the other leaders to act with caution and reason. (Id)
  • The Alliance
    • Varian Wrynn: Hotheaded human king with a vendetta against the Horde, orcs in particular. Slow to use reason or negotiation, but not without, and often violent. Having two minds in one body, sometimes approaches situations with unpredictable sense of honor. Id, some traces of Superego but MOSTLY Id.
    • Prophet Velen: Quiet, methodical leader gifted with prescience and wisdom, carefully plotting the best course for his people and the rest of the world, no matter what happens. Superego
    • Tyrande Whisperwind: Struggles to deal with internal problems before worrying about the Alliance, and attempting to guide the night elves through the new series of endless wars with diligence and respect for the old ways. Ego
  • Northrend Forces
    • Tirion Fordring (Argent Crusade): Trusts in the light and the forces of righteousness with unshakable faith, refusing to employ questionable means on account of the moral ambiguity. Perhaps the single greatest paladin alive. Id
    • Darion Morgraine (Knights of the Ebon Blade): Ruthlessly pragmatic fallen hero, liberated from the Lich King's control but still employs all the dark and forbidden knowledge and techniques he learned as a death knight. Does not recognize or value such follies as honor, righteousness, or valor. Only results count. Superego
    • Alexstrasza (Wyrmrest Accord): Operates by unknowable rules, wielding an Omniscient Morality License, but also deeply compassionate, and willing to work even with races that have done horrific wrongs to dragonkind.
  • Player Versus Environment (PvE) Groups
    • Tank: Initiates the fight and holds the attention of enemies. Ego.
    • DPS: Inflicts most of the damage on the boss. Id.
    • Healer: Heals damage received by the group. Superego.

Warcraft 3 has a few as well

  • Night Elf leaders, Reign of chaos
    • Tyrande: strong sense of who should or shouldn't be allowed in the forest, more traditional. Superego
    • Furion: More flexible, willing to work with outsiders, ego
    • Illidan: Seems somewhat erratically driven by a desire for power and anger. Id
  • Orc leaders, Reign of chaos
    • Grom Hellscream: Aggressive, would rather fight than negotiate. Id
    • Cairne: Calmer, more protective of others. superego
    • thrall: Handles pressures from both directions. Ego
  • Human leaders, Reign of chaos.
    • Arthas: Impulsive, driven by a desire for revenge. Id
    • Uther: Moralistic, follows laws and customs quite closely. Superego
    • Jaina: Ends up in the middle, personality wise. Unlike most examples, she is in a lot of ways less powerful than the superego and id, but she does make a major decision after seeing both of the other two make arguments and decisions. Ego
  • Night elf leaders, Frozen throne
    • Maiev: Becomes obsessed with tracking down Illidan. Id
    • Tyrande: the one who most remembers previous alliances and morality (see missions 6-8). Superego
    • furion: Seems to end up making most of the overall decisions. Also is again the most flexible. Ego


  • Fei(The coward persona): clings to a semblance of emotional stability (super ego)
  • Id: Chatoic, vengeful, seeks emotional release in the destruction of all that is around him (Id)
  • Fei(the avatar): Stable, seeks a peaceful solution, but will get involved and reach out (ego)

Penny Arcade Adventures

  • Tycho is the occult expert and brains of the Agency (Superego).
  • Gabe is the book dumb bare knuckle brawler who relies on impulse (Id).
  • The player character can alternate between agreeing with either member, or striking a balance (Ego).

Metroid series

  • The Chozo, a since-departed ancient race of englightened beings (Superego)
  • The Metroids, a genetically engineered species of insentient high-energy super-monsters (Id)
  • Humans (Ego) - By the time Fusion begins, Samus represents all three.

Solatorobo plays with this one two ways with the heros:

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