Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends/Characters
Here be the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends characters and the tropes they embody.
A creative, smart, and very warm-hearted eight-year old. Bloo is his imaginary friend.
- Absentee Actor: It is possible that his voice actor (Sean Marquette) was busy with something else during the making of the episode Pranks for Nothing.
- Adorably Precocious Child
- Author Avatar: Creator Craig McCracken based Mac on himself as a child.
- Adorkable
- Badass Adorable: He doesn't "fight" often, but when he does....
- Big Eater: Only when it comes to sugar.
- Birthday Hater: With a twist; Bloo giving him surprise birthdays on almost any day except the actual day of his birthday (with one exception), he's grown something of a hatred towards them. It's mainly because he's put in embarrassing situations.
- Break the Cutie: If Bloo is separated from him. Even if Bloo causes his most woobie-ish moments, he becomes an even bigger woobie.
- Cheerful Child
- Chivalrous Pervert: The pervert part is implied, the chivalrous part is clear-as-day.
- The Cutie
- G-Rated Drug: NEVER give Mac sugar. Seriously.
- Heroes Want Redheads: His crush on Frankie.
- The Messiah
- Nice Guy
- Only Sane Man: This trope, however, is wonderfully averted if he eats too much sugar.
- Out of Focus: Not in the show, but in the merchandise. Whenever merchandise of the series is released, expect Cheese to take his place (except for one shirt with both him and Cheese on it, and at least he did get a stuffed animal and figuriene of himself)
- Precocious Crush: His crush on Frankie.
- Puppy Dog Eyes
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Bloo's red.
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Savvy Guy to Goo's Energetic Girl.
- Shrinking Violet
- Squishy Wizard
- Sweet Tooth
- Vocal Evolution: His voice gets lower and somewhat scratchy after a while, due to his voice actor hitting puberty. This is very noticeable, escpecially when on the DVD Commentary for "Store Wars", you can hear him (the DVD came out during season five) talk against his higher voice in season one.
- Wise Beyond Their Years
- Your Size May Vary: In some episodes, he's as tall as Bloo, but in others, he's taller. Justified, as he's eight years old and was probably going through a few growth spurts.
Mac's reckless, hyperactive imaginary friend. Mac's complete opposite; however without him, Mac would do everything Bloo says and does.
- Anti-Hero: Type IV or V, Depending on the Writer.
- Attention Whore
- Big Eater
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Heroes Want Redheads: His (very shallow compared to Mac's) crush on Frankie.
- Flanderization: He started out being very protective of Mac. Then he became a Jerk with a Heart of Gold in season one, more of a Jerkass in season two, and by the later seasons, some fans were wishing that Mac would just leave Bloo already.
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In the earlier seasons.
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk
- Hidden Heart of Gold: When he though that Eduardo died he was devastated, and said nobody else deserved to be him. When Eduardo came back to fosters, he acted like he normally did, and said he didn't miss him at all. When everybody left, Bloo hugged Eduardo, and told him he missed him.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Mac's blue.
- Schemer
- Screams Like a Little Girl
- Send in the Clones: In "Bloo's Brothers".
- Small Name, Big Ego
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist
- Too Dumb to Live: On occasion.
- Took a Level in Jerkass
A one-armed imaginary friend desperate to be a nice person and gain acceptance.
- All of the Other Reindeer
- Apologises a Lot
- Berserk Button: Wilt is not a fan of tall jokes.
- Break the Cutie: Dear lord, his backstory.
- Cannot Tell a Joke
- Cool Big Bro: The best guy to have as a basketball buddy, but unfortunately his caring nature is exploited on one too many occasions.
- Extreme Doormat
- Fashionable Asymmetry
- Gentle Giant
- Meaningful Name: Named after Wilt Chamberlain.
- Nice Guy: Somewhat Deconstructed; his niceness is constantly exploited.
- Phil LaMarr
- Scars Are Forever
- What's My Line?: Wilt has trouble saying "No" when someone asks him to do something.
- Although, in the episode where Bloo was in trouble with "The New Guy", he says "No".
A palm-tree/aeroplane imaginary friend with a language based on her own name.
- Balloon Belly
- Bilingual Dialogue
- Candi Milo
- Cargo Ship: In-universe; she's shown affection towards a lamp and a mop.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- The Loonie
- Murder Is the Best Solution: While we can't really be sure, there have been three instances when her suggestions against a problem involve something that Mac and Frankie said "would get them into jail" or "be illegal", respectively.
- Out of Focus: Season 5
- Pokémon-Speak
- The Unintelligible
An imaginary friend resembling a huge, hairy monster with a heart of gold.
- Berserk Button: Just don't mess with his friends... (or former owner)
- Beware the Nice Ones: Cowardly and soft though he may be, when pushed, Eduardo makes it very clear that he's one of the strongest characters in the show.
- Cloudcuckoolander: He definitely has his "LOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" moments.
- Cuddle Bug: Gives (nearly bone-crushing)hugs to people he's worried about.
- Does Not Know His Own Strength: And with his hugs come complaints of wanting to be let down.
- Gentle Giant: His owner, now a grown police officer, made him to not ony have a playmate as well as protector from bullies, but to also have someone who was gentle enough to play with her baby brother.
- Cowardly Lion: However, having a protector backfired. Instead of teasing her, the bullies started to attack Ed, who was too cowardly to defend himself, despite his looks.[1] Ed's a natural cry-baby, and refuses to go into a suituation unless someone's beside him or he's in a group, and even then he's not going to be happy.
- Gratuitous Spanish
- Tom Kenny: Compare Eduardo's voice to say, Spongebob or even The Mayor, and you know Kenny's got range.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Potatoes, to the point that he curiously carries around a potato sack wherever he goes.
Mr. Herriman
Madame Foster's imaginary friend; a Victorian, upper-class rabbit obsessed with maintaining order.
- Anti-Hero: Type III - V
- Antiquated Linguistics
- Blind Without'Em
- Cold Turkeys Are Everywhere: His addiction to carrots.
- Fake Brit
- High-Class Glass: His monocle.
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He genuinely loves Madame Foster and children in general. However, he prefers to keep it hidden behind a stuffy no-nonsense exterior, as evidenced in "World Wide Wabbit"
- Literal-Minded
- Mean Boss: Poor Frankie.
- Nice Hat: His top hat.
- Tom Kane
- Why Did It Have To Be Dogs: Has a fear of dogs in "Who Let The Dogs In?", due him to being based on a prey animal. So great is his fear that he even called out "Frankie" instead of "Ms. Francis".
Frances "Frankie" Foster
Granddaughter of Madame Foster; caretaker at the mansion.
- Balloon Belly: The end of "Cookie Dough"
- Bare Your Midriff
- Butt Monkey: In a few episodes.
- Cold Turkeys Are Everywhere: Don't let her know that Madame Foster made cookies.
- Cool Big Sis: Takes this role wherever Mac is concerned.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fiery Redhead
- I Can't Believe It's Not Heroin!: Her cookie obsession.
- Nice Girl: But then again, even she has limits.
- Only Sane Employee
- Only Sane Man
- Psychopathic Manchild: Whenever Madame Foster makes her famous chocolate chip cookies, Frankie will regress into this.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Frankie can do hot. Oh yeah.
- Talking in Your Sleep: Frankie does this not once but twice in "Let Your Hare Down" when she has, err, fantasy dreams about action star Rod Tango.
- Talking To Herself: With Goo and Duchess.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Goes absolutely insane for Madame Foster's chocolate chip cookies.
- Tsundere: Really, really nice, but frequently has her buttons pushed when she's under pressure, especially when it comes to Mr. Herriman's insufferable nagging.
- Write Who You Know: Her whole character was inspired by Lauren Faust.
Madame Foster
Owner of the mansion; very lively for her age.
- Anti-Hero: Type III or IV.
- Candi Milo
- Cool Old Lady
- Genki Old Lady
- Miniature Senior Citizens
A cheese-based imaginary friend with a childlike disposition; likes chocolate milk and cereal.
- Blessed Are the Cheesemakers
- Candi Milo
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Cheese is extremely popular in certain circles.
- The Millstone
- The Ditz
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Talkative Loon
- Trademark Favorite Food: Chocolate milk and cereal
An extremely talkative girl who has imagined LOTS of friends.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Genki Girl
- Grey DeLisle
- Talking To Herself: With Frankie and Duchess, even though she has never interacted with the latter.
- Motor Mouth
- Out of Focus - In season 5 and 6
- Reality Warper
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Energetic Girl to Mac's Savvy Guy.
A small, cute imaginary friend with a dangerously obsessive crush on Bloo.
- Ax Crazy
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Grey DeLisle
- Love Makes You Crazy
- My Name Is Not Durwood: "You look more like a Heather."
- Stalker with a Crush
- Stepford Smiler: A Type C varient.
- Straw Fan: She was made as a Take That to The Powerpuff Girls Shippers.
- Yandere
An ugly, snobbish and downright mean aristocratic imaginary friend.
- Anti-Hero: Type V (at least after the pilot)
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Duh
- Art Initiates Life: possibly
- Rich Bitch
- Grey DeLisle
- Talking To Herself: With Frankie and Goo, even though she has never interacted with the latter.
- Smug Snake
Jackie Khones
A small, green, furry imaginary friend with a deep voice, one eye, and a cool personality.
- Ascended Extra
- It's All About Me
- Jerkass
- Name's the Same: After Executive Producer Khaki Jones.
- Official Couple: With Fluffer Nutter. Maybe. This is hinted in three episodes and the 2007 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Sandwiches.
- Unknown Rival: Has something against Wilt. A lot of things. If he dies, he wants to divide all his belongings between the house--except for Wilt. That sucker don't get squat.
- Vocal Dissonance
Mac's evil thirteen-year-old brother, and one of the antagonists of the series.
- Big Brother Bully
- Dumb Muscle: Although appearing very skinny and weak, he's punched a hole in a wall, is able to carry Mac with one hand, and is able to get up with Eduardo, Wilt, Coco, Goo, and Bloo on his back.
- The Ditz
- Expy: Of |Sid Phillips.
- Jerkass
- Leitmotif: He always has a metal theme play when he shows up.
- Out of Focus: In seasons five and six.
- Tara Strong
- Teens Are Monsters
- ↑ She eventually got sick of it and lashed out the bullies in return, and began to protect Ed instead of vice versa.