< Forget About It

Forget About It/Funny

  • Talking about Albert Wesker while using clips of Tom Cruise.
    • "Alice died for our sins, can dodge bullets, and kicks koala bears in the face."
  • Comparing Gozer the Gozerian to Vanilla Ice.
    • When explaining how Egon is the smart guy of the group because he wears glasses, a caption appears saying “Michael Bay Approved”.
  • The Witch-King’s head photoshopped onto the body of a female dancer.
  • Explaining the main villains of the Back to The Future series: Bill, Biff, Biff Jr, and Bulldog Biff Bill Bibble.
    • Rollo T describing the plot of the film (keep in mind, he never saw it either) similar to the Spider-Man movie (Marty entering a wrestling competition to gain enough money for a car), until:

Rollo T: (we see a picture of Marty in a head-lock) Then [Marty] realizes he's not Spiderman, (Marty's head turns red, and goes cross-eyed) and gives up on that idea.
Marty: (we see a picture of Marty about to be bodyslammed, a "Gulp!" word balloon appears over him) This is heavy!

    • "Now, I can safely say that I really enjoyed these movies, my favorite part being when the Time Cop showed up. (we see a picture of the Timecop kicking the DeLorean, causing parts to fly out) 'cause he kicked the shit out of the car, so the franchise could die, probably. (we then see a piece of paper with scribbles) Michael J. Fox even left a note about it."
  • The Birdemic Video. All of it.
  • "Spider-Man is the story of Peter Parker, a young 30-year old college boy who will face dramatic love stories due to erectile disfunction."
    • The “Let’s Make Peter Cry” game.
  • And now a special message from Ed Glaser.

Hi, I’m Ed Glaser. And Sad Panda is an asshole.

  • Describing the different X-Men. It...just has to be seen to believed. [dead link]
  • Phelous'...rendition of the theme song.
  • Saying Orlando Bloom plays "Pirate Legolas" in Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • After all the Biting the Hand Humor against the site, Rob Walker shows up in Batman to threaten to fire Panda. Panda wins him over by calling him the more talented Walker brother...then cutting him off after accusing him of running the site like a chimpanzee.
  • The Harry Potter story (as Panda remembers it) ended with Harry "going crazy and showing his penis to horses".
  • "Top 10 TGWTG Reviewers":
    • The re-written Atop the Fourth Wall title sequence, claiming that the show is about lamps.
      • It wasn't just a random rewrite, either-- Vincent E.L. went back and actually re-recorded the song with new lyrics.
    • The Nostalgia Chick pretending to be SadPanda (very poorly, we might add) in order to get Todd naked. Todd only realizes it's her because Panda would never compliment him.
      • In the outtakes, Lindsay goes in to bite Todd's face just before the camera cuts away. Also adorable as well as funny.
    • Panda introduces Spoony, just to have Spoony introduce Oancitizen. There's an awkward moment where Spoony realises he's being ignored, and leaves.
    • The Self-Deprecation/Biting the Hand Humor at #1.
    • The reviewers left off the list (including Jew Wario, Jesu Otaku and 8-Bit Mickey pull Sad Panda aside to beat him up in the hallway. Then Panda appears next to them... it turns out that they've actually grabbed Oancitizen. They then proceed to keep beating on him, with one of them calling Trash Humpers a work of genius.
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