Folie à Deux ♥ Pretty Cure!/Characters
Character sheet for Folie à Deux Pretty Cure! This page is currently under construction, so please be careful of spoilers, and have a nice dream!
The Cures (and their allies)
Momoe Uehara / C | Voice Actress: Kae Araki
"The dream of warmth in the coldest night, I am Cure Lumière!"
"I know it'll be scary, but all we can do right now is just try our best to help, okay?"
- Big Eater
- Blush Sticker: Seemingly a permanent fixture on her face, but she loses them when she gets serious.
- Cool Sword / Royal Rapier: Lumière Sabre
- Cloudcuckoolander: When she's not being outright clingy, she's being this.
- Finishing Move: Rose Folie Burst
- Genki Girl
- Idiot Hair: In both civilian and Cure form!
- Jack of All Stats
- Japanese Pronouns: "Jibun", both in and out of her usual Okinawan dialect, similar to Hibiki.
- Jumped At the Call: She jumped so hard, she probably suffered damage coming down.
"That's what a heroine is supposed to do, right~?"
- Lethal Chef: As much as she loves food, she just can't get even basic recipes right. At one point, she tries to make microwave noodles... and becomes so distracted that she forgets to put water in the container. Predictably, the result is a charred abomination.
- And to make things worse, poor Konacha is saddled with taste-testing her more "ambitious" attempts. It's a good thing fairies' digestive systems are much different than humans'...
- Light'Em Up
- The McCoy
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Signature Move: Pretty Cure Éclatant Tempête[1]
- Sweet Tooth: Momoe certainly isn't discriminatory when it comes to food, but she does have a special affinity for milk candy.
- Zettai Ryouiki: As Lumière, with stockings.
Sumiko Hasegawa / C | Voice Actress: Omi Minami
"The dream of light in the darkest heart, I am Cure Pétille!"
"Listen, I was watching variety shows and eating mochi. I just don't have time for your drama today."
- Alpha Bitch: She certainly seems to come across this way to her fellow students, though it's mostly a misunderstanding. Besides, Reina is much worse (and improbably gets far more positive attention for it.)
- Celeb Crush: Sumiko's secret passion is collecting merchandise -- photobooks, DVDs, you name it -- of popular Japanese celebrities. In one episode, she nearly has a heart attack when the Ryouma Baba calendar she had been pining for had sold out.
- The Comically Serious: Veers into this territory every so often, usually whenever her idol obsession surfaces or she's bickering with Reina.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Disappeared Dad: Her father died in an accident when she was younger, making her more hesitant to connect with others at first because she didn't want to breach the topic in conversation.
- Expy: When Kalle drew concept art of Sumiko, the similarities between her design and Hitagi Senjougahara became all too clear.
- Finishing Move: Héliotrope Folie Burst
- Glass Cannon
- Insistent Terminology: Sumiko will call you out if you dare call her Cure theme color 'purple' -- it's heliotrope, damnit!
- Insufferable Genius: On occasion.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Atashi"
- Only Sane Woman: You've got a clingy Genki Girl in one corner, and a space-cadet Woman Child in another. You try telling me this trope doesn't come up.
- Pet the Dog: Sumiko's kind treatment of Kukicha is one of the first hints that there's more to her than meets the eye.
- Picky Eater: She absolutely abhors vegetables and certain meats.
- Poster Gallery Bedroom: Her walls are plastered with pinups of her favorite actors and singers.
- Shock and Awe
- Signature Move: Pretty Cure Rayonnant Foudre[2]
- Simple Staff: Pétille Baton
- The Spock
- Tsundere
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: She has had a crush on Hayato since the two of them were young, but is hesitant to confess due to several insecurities.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
- Zettai Ryouki: With long socks in civilian form and Thigh-High Boots as Pétille.
Miyori Okazaki / C | Voice Actress: Rina Sato
"The dream of sweetness in the toughest exterior, I am Cure Guimauve!"
"Are you serious?! An old woman like me can't be a magical girl!"
- An Ice Person
- Barrier Warrior: Not by much, but she has at least one magical barrier attack.
- Brought Down to Normal: Before the series begins.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cool Big Sis
- Dojikko: She has a tendency to stumble about and scrape herself up outside of battle a little too often for her own good.
- The Fashionista: Not quite to the extent of Erika, but considering she's going to college for it...
- Finishing Move: Menthe Folie Burst
- Girlish Pigtails: In civilian form.
- Instrument of Murder: Guimauve Clarine
- Japanese Pronouns: "Atai", to play up her immature Woman Child nature.
- The Kirk
- Meganekko
- My Greatest Failure: She didn't take her defeat against the Death Dream Kingdom very well.
- Odango Hair: As Guimauve.
- One of the Kids: Miyori can certainly handle herself when it comes to fighting and the usual adult responsibilities, but in all other aspects, she's pretty hopelessly gone.
- Signature Move: Pretty Cure Moelleux Blizzard[3]
- Sixth Ranger
- Stepford Smiler: Type A. She acts sweet and cheerful on the outside, but her failure from before still haunts her.
- Stone Wall
- Support Party Member: Guimauve's magical attacks, save for Menthe Folie Burst, are based more around defense and dampening enemies' own attacks. That's not to say she can't throw a punch, however. (Although being out of the game for so long does hamper the impact a little -- she hasn't trained since she last fought.)
- Trademark Favorite Drink: Frappuccinos.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Matcha.
K | Voice Actress: Halko Momoi
"You're not gonna get very far in life if you keep sulking about a ruined bowl of ramen ~kocha!"
- Brutal Honesty: She's not shy about letting Momoe know what's on her mind, though she claims it's for her own benefit.
- Cartoon Creature
- Non-Human Sidekick: Momoe's partner.
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: The Pink Girl to Kukicha and Matcha's Blue Boys.
- Verbal Tic: '~kocha'
K | Voice Actress: Junko Takeuchi
"Nah... I dunno why you keep bothering when I'm tryin' to relax ~kucha."
- An Odd Place to Sleep: He enjoys making his bed in places like Sumiko's dresser drawers and school bag. Sumiko, for the most part, lets him nap wherever he pleases (and even provides him with cozy pillows on occasion.)
- Cartoon Creature
- Closer to Earth: To an extent, compared to Konacha; he's not interested in arguing with his partner, and finds his sister's attitude exasperating when all he really wants to do is nap.
- Non-Human Sidekick: Sumiko's partner.
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: One of two Blue Boys to Konacha's Pink Girl.
- Sleepyhead
- Verbal Tic: '~kucha'
M | Voice Actor: Yasuhisa Furuhara
"DIDJA SEE THAT?! Maaaan, Guimauve is totally cool ~maru! I betcha you two can't beat a guy in the face like she does ~maru!"
- Cartoon Creature
- Character Shilling: In-Universe, he has a tendency to gush over Guimauve whenever she's doing well in battle -- and she wants absolutely none of it. (Especially considering that most times, it borders on Unsportsmanlike Gloating.)
- Hey, It's That Voice!: ... wait a minute, Sousuke?
- Non-Human Sidekick: Miyori's partner.
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: One of two Blue Boys to Konacha's Pink Girl.
- Verbal Tic: '~maru'
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Miyori.
Le Grande Rêve-Reine | Voice Actress: Kaori Mizuhashi
"No matter what happens, remember not to stray too far from your dreams. Sometimes, they're all you really have."
- Big Good
- Cannot Dream: After her kingdom is destroyed, she is resigned to this fate as her spirit weakens.
- Eyes Always Shut: Though when she does open them briefly, they're red.
- Hair of Gold
- The High Queen
- King in the Mountain: The shattering of L'Étoile Royal has left her in this state until it can be reassembled.
- She Who Must Not Be Seen: Because her physical body has dispersed, she remains this way for a good portion of the series. She returns to form near the end, thanks to the Cures' efforts.
- Trademark Favorite Drink: She apparently had an affinity for green tea when she took physical form, which explains the fairies' Edible Theme Naming.
T | Voice Actor: Tomohiro Tsuboi
"All I wish is for this world, these people and their useless 'dreams'... I wish for them to wither into nothingness."
- Actor Allusion: At least once or twice, the King seems to be humming "ru ru ru" when he's on his throne.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: From what little is seen of him, he appears to have dark purple skin.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: When he does finally get off his throne, he's downright terrifying in a fight.
- Big Bad
- Black Cloak / In the Hood: He spends the majority of the series wearing a large hooded cloak to conceal his true form.
- Driven by Envy: He despised the fact that the Radieux Kingdom was so peaceful and prosperous, and set to destroy the land so that everything and everyone would be as miserable and twisted as him.
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Expy: Kalle based the King's design partially from that of Cygnus, a character found in Gaia Online's Chance Items.
- The Kirk
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Because a name like the Great Dream Demon King certainly inspires trust and confidence!
- Orcus on His Throne: Early on, he doesn't seem to do a lot but task his generals with sending out Akumuma.
R / Shou Yakyou | Voice Actor: Junichi Suwabe
"This will be the last time that I fail you, Your Majesty."
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: The first time he dons his human disguise, he projects enough of this aura that he has a small harem swooning over him from afar -- much to Momoe and Sumiko's dismay (despite not knowing who it is at first glance.)
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Similar to the King, though his skin is more grayish-lavender.
- Blade on a Stick: Umbra Lance
- The Dragon
- The Evil Genius: He has an eye for clever strategies, and tends to think long and hard about his plan of attack before heading off to engage the Cures.
- Fragile Speedster: His weak offense is the reason why he takes so much care to plan ahead -- he refuses to allow himself to be caught off-guard by someone stronger than him.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: His 'human' alias is a homonym for the Japanese term for 'night terror'.
- Pointy Ears
- Significant Anagram: His name is an anagram for 'Oneiros', the collective name for the children of Nyx, the personification of Night.
- The Spock
- The Stoic: At least, until either the Cures or Palenumbra push his buttons a little too hard.
- Undying Loyalty
P / Mei Museki | Voice Actress: Ayumi Tsunematsu
"Do you know how many times he's passed me over for you?! I'm sick of letting my talents go to waste here in this cave while you do the same crap over and over with the same results!"
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Unlike the others, though, her skin is more on the blue side.
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- The Brute / Glacier Waif: She's lithe and petite, but she hits like an eighteen-wheeler filled with bricks.
- Combat Stilettos
- Dark Action Girl
- Evil Redhead
- Green-Eyed Monster: The King tends to send Rosuneio out more often to attack the Cures, leading Palenumbra to believe the worst and assume there's some sort of gross favoritism going on amongst them.
- The McCoy
- Mondegreen: Her name is a corruption of the Latin term 'penumbra', referring to a shadow where the light source is partially blocked.
- Muscles Are Meaningless
- Pointy Ears: Shorter than Rosuneio's, but they're there.
- The Resenter
- Sexy Spectacles: As Mei; she freely admits to wearing them to catch male victims off-guard (it makes it easier to extract their dreams.)
- Significant Anagram: Her 'human' alias is an anagram for the Japanese term for 'lucid dream'.