< Flander's Company

Flander's Company/Characters

Flander's Company

Tropes applying to the whole company:

  • Card-Carrying Villain: It says something that their motto is "We do evil and we do it well".
  • Punch Clock Villain: The whole point of the organisation; though a lot of them are indeed sociopathic.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: The reason behind the Company's existence; as explained in the series, it has been created after heroes and villains alike realized how dangerous for the supers' population it was to slaughter each others without any rules. Villains agreed it was more profitable to them to play as villains for money in exchange of letting the good guys always win.
  • Weird Trade Union: a company trading Supervillains.
  • Villain Protagonist

Armand Trueman

Hippolyte Kurtzman/Sadoman

Caleb/Professor Chaos

Cindy Trueman/Freya

  • An Axe to Grind
  • Axe Crazy: Litterally.
  • Barbarian Villainess.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Damien once invoked this trope by strongly hinting there was one between her and Caleb. While the animosity between the two has often been used as a running gag, it has never been confirmed there was anything beside dislike between them (though you got to wonder how she is able to say the size of his penis in "Once Again With Evil"). In season 4, she describes their relationship as a "Hate-Hate relationship" to alternate Caleb.
    • Considering the age difference, however, it's unlikely Damien's words were meant to be taken seriously.
  • Book Dumb: She is not completely dumb, but she still lacks any understanding of maths and complex schemes.
  • Celibate Villain: She appears to be extremely disgusted at the idea of getting a boyfriend, and rejected Truicidator when he attempted avances on her.
  • Catch Phrase: "BOUCHERIE!" ("SLAUGHTER !").
  • Cute Bruiser
  • Dark Action Girl
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She truly cares about her uncle, and is infuriated when the C.C. Corporation fires him.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: She acts as Shipper on Deck to Alternate Hippolyte in his attempt to seduce mainstream Carla, but she is fully aware he doesn't stand a chance, and only does it because she finds it hilarious to see being rejected.
  • Little Miss Badass
  • Super Strength
  • Tomboy
  • Would Hurt a Child: In the Noel Special. To be fair, the children apparently weren't really humans.

Dr Damien Parker

George Trueman

George:Deplaced demonstrations of virility aren't exactly my cup of tea.

  • The Load: Lampshaded in season 3, when he gets mad that Hippolyte feels useless :

George:You're telling this to ME?! Listen, my brother owns all the company, my youngest daughter could crush my head with her finger, and even Gringo can make a better coffee than me ! Honestly, apart from smiling like a dumbass and making the company more sympathtic, I don't bring much here!

Gladys Trueman



  • Body Horror: Played for laugh. He is made of multiple persons' parts put together.
  • Genius Ditz: he might appear to be dumb or crazy, but he is at least as smart as Caleb.
  • The Igor: Of course. To Caleb to be accurate.
  • Mad Scientist

C.C. Corporporation

Tropes Applying to the whole group:

Chantal Connasse

  • Asshole Victim: Let's face it, no one can really blame Aegis for blasting her.
  • Bad Boss
  • Big Bad: Officially, she was in season 2. In practice, she was never seen and didn't do anything, leaving all the work to Carla and her team.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: She is first seen mourning about her son's death, hinting that Even Evil Has Loved Ones... Then she quickly reveals she is mourning because his death forces her to look sad so she can stay a Villain with Good Publicity, and complains that it's ruining her makeover.
  • Meaningful Name: Her family name is a french insult that can be traduced either as "Dumbass" or "Bitch". While the first can't be confirmed, the second sure is true.
  • We Hardly Know You: She appears for only one episode before she gets killed by Aegis.
  • You Have Failed Me...: Threatened the other CC members with this after their failure in season 2.

Jocelyn Quimjoy

Carla Brunelle

Nadege Pruneaud

Deborah Levinsky

  • Cloudcuckoolander
  • The Ditz: Believe it or not, this is actually her power. Her head is so empty it makes her invulnerable to any form of psychic attacks, including Damien's telepathy and Silver's psychic powers.
  • Fashion Victim Villain: Invoked in-universe. Her and Maxcence's poor sense of fashion is so extreme that Carla was able to use it to harass Cindy into demission.
  • Human Shield: An unusual exemple of the trope: Damien used her, not as a hostage, but as an actual shield to Silver's telepathic attacks. And it worked.
  • Killed Off for Real




Tropes applying to the whole group:

Liam Campbell

  • Badass Normal: Apparently, this is what he was initially, since he had no power known.
  • Heroic BSOD: According to Professor Shredder, he went through one when Silver got injured in their backstory.
  • Knight Templar: Taken to the extreme in season 3 finale, where, realizing the system he is trying to stop is required for Earth to stay, he attempts to destroy Earth.
  • The Leader
  • Villainous Breakdown: When he finds out Pyro got killed. And it's scary.

Isis Pyro

  • Axe Crazy: She seems to be the one whose personnality was alternated the most by the formula, resulting in her laughing insanely when figthing, shooting almost everything in sight and taking a sadistic pleasure to kill villains. She even appeared disappointed when Kevin agreed to talk without being tortured first.
  • Dumb Blonde: Invoked by Melo.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Toward Silver.
  • Fashion Victim Villain: Invoked: She is described by Hippolyte as a "Godzilla a la Drag Queen".
  • Pyromaniac

Dana "Silverfox" Campbell


Alternate Flander's Company

Tropes Applying to the whole Group :

  • Good Counterpart: To the mainstream Flanders' Company, litterally. Though arguable (see the above).
  • Good Is Not Nice: It's strongly implied this version of the Flander's Company, despite being heroes, is quite sinister behind the scene. Plus, George Trueman is a businessman and only offers his service to those who can actually pay, which doesn't include Africa.

Alternate George Trueman

  • Bad Boss: Threatened Gauthier and Caleb to throw them in an acid pool when they pissed him off.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Not as much as mainstream Armand, though. He is just unscrupulous in delivering his services only to those who can pay the price.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper
  • The Napoleon: To the point he forces Kevin to kneel when next to him in his desk, due to Kevin being taller than him.

Alternate Kevin

Alternate Armand Trueman

Alternate Hippolyte Kurtzman

Alternate Caleb/Über Caleb

Alternate Cindy Trueman

Alternate Carla Brunelle

Gauthier Trueman

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