< Flander's Company
Flander's Company/Characters
Flander's Company
Tropes applying to the whole company:
- Card-Carrying Villain: It says something that their motto is "We do evil and we do it well".
- Punch Clock Villain: The whole point of the organisation; though a lot of them are indeed sociopathic.
- Pragmatic Villainy: The reason behind the Company's existence; as explained in the series, it has been created after heroes and villains alike realized how dangerous for the supers' population it was to slaughter each others without any rules. Villains agreed it was more profitable to them to play as villains for money in exchange of letting the good guys always win.
- Weird Trade Union: a company trading Supervillains.
- Villain Protagonist
Armand Trueman
- Affably Evil
- Badass
- Badass Normal: Deconstructed. Even though he is more than able to make up for his lack of power by his intelligence, he doesn't take well to be a muggle in a business where almost everyone has powers. As a result, reminding him he doesn't have one often serves as his Berserk Button.
- Badass Abnormal: Temporarily at the end of season 3.
- Badass Long Hair: And he is proud of it.
- Badass Normal: Deconstructed. Even though he is more than able to make up for his lack of power by his intelligence, he doesn't take well to be a muggle in a business where almost everyone has powers. As a result, reminding him he doesn't have one often serves as his Berserk Button.
- Berserk Button: Aside from the problem mentionned above, Caleb has an incredible gift to make him lose his cool.
- The Charmer
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Played with. He does indeed display traits of this, but he pretty much makes a rule of always satisfying his clients.
- Diabolical Mastermind: His main way to compensate his lack of powers (with his Charisma).
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He might lead a supervillain company, but he truly cares about his niece Cindy.
- Everything's Better with Sparkles: Often parodied to insist on how awesome he is.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Litterally. He once admitted he couldn't clearly understand the concept of saving the widow and the orphan.
- I Just Want to Be Special
Hippolyte Kurtzman/Sadoman
- Berserk Button: Well, technically, everything makes him angry, but Kevin has the gift to piss him off even more than usual.
- Combat Sadomasochist: µLitterally, as Sadoman. His power allow him to convert pain (both his and others) into pure energy he can use to fight.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy
- Deadpan Snarker: Oh, gosh, is he...
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul: when in civilian.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: to be fair, you'd be like this too if your job was to pass day receiving supervillains wannabe with ridiculously lame powers while expecting the new Doctor Doom to show up.
- Large Ham: probably the biggest ham in the whole series. And that's something.
- Retired Badass
- Sociopathic Hero: If by "hero", you mean "main character".
Caleb/Professor Chaos
- Berserk Button: Never mess with his coffee.
- Brilliant but Lazy: Whenever he is taking himself seriously, he is actually quite competent and can come up with actually good inventions. Sadly, he is incredibly lazy, resulting in him mostly passing his time drinking coffee or causing explosions.
- Heterosexual Life Partner: With Hippolyte.
- Mad Scientist: Big time.
- Superpower Lottery:
- Retired Badass
Cindy Trueman/Freya
- An Axe to Grind
- Axe Crazy: Litterally.
- Barbarian Villainess.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Damien once invoked this trope by strongly hinting there was one between her and Caleb. While the animosity between the two has often been used as a running gag, it has never been confirmed there was anything beside dislike between them (though you got to wonder how she is able to say the size of his penis in "Once Again With Evil"). In season 4, she describes their relationship as a "Hate-Hate relationship" to alternate Caleb.
- Considering the age difference, however, it's unlikely Damien's words were meant to be taken seriously.
- Book Dumb: She is not completely dumb, but she still lacks any understanding of maths and complex schemes.
- Celibate Villain: She appears to be extremely disgusted at the idea of getting a boyfriend, and rejected Truicidator when he attempted avances on her.
- Catch Phrase: "BOUCHERIE!" ("SLAUGHTER !").
- Cute Bruiser
- Dark Action Girl
- Deadpan Snarker
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She truly cares about her uncle, and is infuriated when the C.C. Corporation fires him.
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: She acts as Shipper on Deck to Alternate Hippolyte in his attempt to seduce mainstream Carla, but she is fully aware he doesn't stand a chance, and only does it because she finds it hilarious to see being rejected.
- Little Miss Badass
- Super Strength
- Tomboy
- Would Hurt a Child: In the Noel Special. To be fair, the children apparently weren't really humans.
Dr Damien Parker
- Beware the Nice Ones: His Damien Mode.
- Killed Off for Real: Played with: His body is destroyed in season 4, but both his personnalities are separated and survived... Only for Dr Parker to be accidentally killed again by Hippolyte, while his Damian personna Came Back Wrong.
- Real Life Writes the Plot: Due to the actor leaving the team.
- Put on a Bus to Hell: Word of God was pretty clear on the subject: Damien (at least, his ancient actor) won't come back.
- Real Life Writes the Plot: Due to the actor leaving the team.
- Mind Over Matter: the way Damian's power is described by Dr Shredder
- Your Head Asplode: the way he usually uses his power.
- Nice Guy
- Sociopathic Hero: The Damien side of Parker's personnality is terrifyingly sociopathic, to the point even the other main characters, despite being dangerous themselves, were initially afraid of him.
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- Token Good Teammate
- The Worf Effect: Defied. He didn't take his defeat against Pyro well and trained hard so he would be able to face her the next time.
- Villainous Breakdown: Goes through one after his defeat against Pyro.
George Trueman
- Nice Guy
- Non-Action Guy: As he put it himself:
George:Deplaced demonstrations of virility aren't exactly my cup of tea.
- The Load: Lampshaded in season 3, when he gets mad that Hippolyte feels useless :
George:You're telling this to ME?! Listen, my brother owns all the company, my youngest daughter could crush my head with her finger, and even Gringo can make a better coffee than me ! Honestly, apart from smiling like a dumbass and making the company more sympathtic, I don't bring much here!
Gladys Trueman
- Ambiguous Gender: If not for the haircut, everyone would mistake her for a guy. Done on purpose, since she is played by a guy.
- The Big Guy: She is taller and stronger than Cindy (despite being younger).
- Dumb Muscle
- Psychotic Man Child: Though she actually is a child.
- Super Strength
- Ugly Guys Hot Daughter: Inverted. Her father and elder daughter look both quite average, but her... Well... Let's just say she is even less feminine than Cindy.
- Younger Than They Look: She is 7, and taller than both her older sister and her father.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: with Caleb.
- Body Horror: Played for laugh. He is made of multiple persons' parts put together.
- Genius Ditz: he might appear to be dumb or crazy, but he is at least as smart as Caleb.
- The Igor: Of course. To Caleb to be accurate.
- Mad Scientist
C.C. Corporporation
Tropes Applying to the whole group:
- The Chessmaster: They put a scheme in place from season 1 to 2 in order to take over the Flander's Company.
- Enemy Mine: They team up with the Flander's Company in season 3 against Aegis.
- Incompetence, Inc.: other than Carla and Nadege, the organisation is pretty much this; their leader is a Bad Boss, their fashion designers are a duo a dumbasses with horrible sense of fashion (in a company in charge with creating costumes for Superheroes, moreover), the boss's son is a Spoiled Brat Handsome Lech, and their Sixth Ranger is a stupid supervillain-wannabe with a lame power. You gotta wonder how this organisation even works.
- Knight of Cerebus: To a minor extent: their introduction marks the point where the show started to have an actual plot.
Chantal Connasse
- Asshole Victim: Let's face it, no one can really blame Aegis for blasting her.
- Bad Boss
- Big Bad: Officially, she was in season 2. In practice, she was never seen and didn't do anything, leaving all the work to Carla and her team.
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: She is first seen mourning about her son's death, hinting that Even Evil Has Loved Ones... Then she quickly reveals she is mourning because his death forces her to look sad so she can stay a Villain with Good Publicity, and complains that it's ruining her makeover.
- Meaningful Name: Her family name is a french insult that can be traduced either as "Dumbass" or "Bitch". While the first can't be confirmed, the second sure is true.
- We Hardly Know You: She appears for only one episode before she gets killed by Aegis.
- You Have Failed Me...: Threatened the other CC members with this after their failure in season 2.
Jocelyn Quimjoy
- Asshole Victim: with his depraved behaviour, arrogant attitude toward Trueman and lack of obvious lazyness, it's hard to feel sorry for him when Cindy slays him.
- Big Bad: Officially, he was the one leading the Flander's after Trueman was fired. In practice, however, Carla did everything.
- Casanova Wannabe: At one point, he tried to get Carla and Nadège to rejoice upon their victory in "alcohol and sex". They agreed for alcohol, but clearly rejected sex.
- The Charmer: The only reason he was here was to use his charisma for business relationships.
- The Dragon: To his mother Chantal.
- Evil Counterpart: To Trueman. Both are young, dynamic directors to the Flander's Company, lack any super-power and possess hight charisma (though he sees Trueman as old). The main difference is a Trueman is a Badass Normal Magnificent Bastard while Jocelyn is a lazy Spoiled Brat who leaves all his job to his Dragon-in-Chief. They even have a fight.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Cindy cut him in pieces with her axe until only a spill of blood remains.
- Handsome Lech
- Killed Off for Real
- Smug Snake
- Spoiled Brat
Carla Brunelle
- Arch Enemy: Serves as this to the Flander's until her Heel Face Turn.
- Badass: She actually almost defeated the whole Flander's Company of her own in the season 2 finale.
- Big Bad: Of season 2.
- The Dragon: Technically, she was this to Jocelyn and Chantal, but...
- Dragon-in-Chief: She was pretty much the most active when it came to lead the CC. Even lampshaded when the Flander's Company is taken over, as she mentions she will be leading while Jocelyn will only sexually harass his secretary and go to parties.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Tried to kill the heroes without wasting time in Evil Gloating.
- She unfortunately also acts Genre Blind in season 3 by failing to realize Armand would betray her once Aegis would have been disposed of. Made even humiliating by the fact even Kevin and Deborah saw it coming.
- To be fair, considering the revelation from season 4, it's possible her feelings for Trueman blinded her.
- She unfortunately also acts Genre Blind in season 3 by failing to realize Armand would betray her once Aegis would have been disposed of. Made even humiliating by the fact even Kevin and Deborah saw it coming.
- Enemy Mine: She was the one offering the alliance.
- Faux Affably Evil
- Heel Face Turn: In season 4
- Manipulative Bitch
- Psycho Electro
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: She makes one in season 4 against Trueman after learning his Company is fragilised. It fails thanks to Über-Caleb's intervention.
- Surrounded by Idiots: After Jocelyn's and Chantal's death, she and Nadege are the only intelligent persons in their group; all the others are a bunch of morons who hardly realize they are supposed to fight (if they are able to fight at all, like Deborah, who spent more time whining than anything during fights).
- Villainous Breakdown: She goes through one during the Aegis story arc.
Nadege Pruneaud
- Badass Bookworm: Her informatician skills match Caleb's.
- Girls with Guns: Becomes this in season 3 to compensate her lack of offensive powers.
- Cloudcuckoolander: In season 4, after her experience in the Chorists' universe. Though more in a crazy, paranoid way than the dumb, silly way of her comrads.
- The Comically Serious: In season 2 and 3. In season 4... not so much anymore.
- The Dragon: To Carla.
- Intangible Woman
- Meganekko
- Put on a Bus
Deborah Levinsky
- Cloudcuckoolander
- The Ditz: Believe it or not, this is actually her power. Her head is so empty it makes her invulnerable to any form of psychic attacks, including Damien's telepathy and Silver's psychic powers.
- Fashion Victim Villain: Invoked in-universe. Her and Maxcence's poor sense of fashion is so extreme that Carla was able to use it to harass Cindy into demission.
- Human Shield: An unusual exemple of the trope: Damien used her, not as a hostage, but as an actual shield to Silver's telepathic attacks. And it worked.
- Killed Off for Real
- Butt Monkey: Especially in season 3.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Trueman shots him in season 3 finale so he won't try to get Caleb's potion for himself. Also, For the Evulz.
- Sidekick: To Deborah.
- Too Dumb to Live: Getting Cindy to wear a girly, horrible dress against her will was one thing, but promising to make more of it when seeing her crying in shock about it ? That was borderline suicide.
- Shout-Out: Toward the middle of season 3, he ends up bald, in a wheelchair and possessing psychic powers. He is inexplicably back to his original condition later however.
- Butt Monkey: to Hippolyte essentially.
- Cool Shades: Parodied.
- Dirty Coward: When captured by Aegis, he immediatly gives away the Flander's Company Building's new location rather than face torture.
- Fashion Victim Villain: Invoked several time as a constant running gag. His poor fashion sense has the gift to horrify Hippolyte, consternates even Deborah sometimes.
- Joke Character
- Make Me Wanna Shout: One of his superpowers. Backfires spectacularly the one time he tries to use it.
- The Ditz
- They Killed Kenny: Justified. It's explicitly mentionned he has the ability to resurrect after being killed. Hippolyte takes a sadistic pleasure in using this to kill him as many times as possible.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Played With. His main power (using his absurd dance to hypnotize people into dancing with him) sure isn't powerful, but it did allow him to give Hippolyte an hard time in the finale. Against Aegis, he didn't use any of his powers.
Tropes applying to the whole group:
- Four-Temperament Ensemble:
- Pyro is the Sanguine
- Liam is the Choleric
- Mello is the Melancholic
- Silver is the Flegmatic
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Started out as minor unknown superheroes with lame superpowers. Then turned into a Knight Templar group with ridiculously strong powers.
- Hero Antagonist: Though a Knight Templar version of it.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: They killed Chantal Connasse. No one will blame them for this.
- Knight of Cerebus: They were taken surprisingly seriously for this show. The C.C. Coroporation was just a corrupted group trying to take over the Company and had no known body count. Aegis attempted to destroy supervillains as a whole, and succeeded in killing 75 of them.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: The whole reason behind their motivation, with the Knight Templar aspect.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
Liam Campbell
- Badass Normal: Apparently, this is what he was initially, since he had no power known.
- Badass Abnormal: After he got modified by the formula.
- Heroic BSOD: According to Professor Shredder, he went through one when Silver got injured in their backstory.
- Knight Templar: Taken to the extreme in season 3 finale, where, realizing the system he is trying to stop is required for Earth to stay, he attempts to destroy Earth.
- The Leader
- Villainous Breakdown: When he finds out Pyro got killed. And it's scary.
Isis Pyro
- Axe Crazy: She seems to be the one whose personnality was alternated the most by the formula, resulting in her laughing insanely when figthing, shooting almost everything in sight and taking a sadistic pleasure to kill villains. She even appeared disappointed when Kevin agreed to talk without being tortured first.
- Dumb Blonde: Invoked by Melo.
- Deadpan Snarker: Toward Silver.
- Fashion Victim Villain: Invoked: She is described by Hippolyte as a "Godzilla a la Drag Queen".
- Pyromaniac
Dana "Silverfox" Campbell
- Beware the Quiet Ones: She appears to be the less crazy of the group... Until Hitomi actually pissed her off.
- Expy: Possibly of Jean Grey. She even has a scene where she and Maxcence parody X-Men 3.
- The Stoic
- Psychic Powers:
- Mind Over Matter
- Seers: Though according to Pyro, her predictions tends to not be reliable.
- Telepathy
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He acts cowardly and keeps goofing around, but when acting seriously, he is as dangerous as his teammates.
- Deadpan Snarker: Especially when it comes to his attitude with Pyro.
- Gravity Master: According to the C.C.'s datas, he could initially only "slightly change gravity". Now however...
- Monster Clown
Alternate Flander's Company
Tropes Applying to the whole Group :
- Good Counterpart: To the mainstream Flanders' Company, litterally. Though arguable (see the above).
- Good Is Not Nice: It's strongly implied this version of the Flander's Company, despite being heroes, is quite sinister behind the scene. Plus, George Trueman is a businessman and only offers his service to those who can actually pay, which doesn't include Africa.
Alternate George Trueman
- Bad Boss: Threatened Gauthier and Caleb to throw them in an acid pool when they pissed him off.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Not as much as mainstream Armand, though. He is just unscrupulous in delivering his services only to those who can pay the price.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- The Napoleon: To the point he forces Kevin to kneel when next to him in his desk, due to Kevin being taller than him.
Alternate Kevin
- Captain Obvious: Invoked by George.
Alternate Armand Trueman
- Cool Shades
- The Stoner: Strongly implied.
- Super Speed
Alternate Hippolyte Kurtzman
- Camp Straight: He is always clean, talks and acts in a very effeminate manner, whine constantly... And he has a relationship with his universe's Carla.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: As ridiculous as he is, he is shown to be quite effective in a fight.
- Functional Magic
- Whatevermancy: He's a master of Cheesemancy.
Alternate Caleb/Über Caleb
- Badass: He could handle Carla in a fight.
- Hard Light: His primary power. He refers to it as "Quatzar Wave".
- The Mentor: To his universe's Cindy.
- Screaming Warrior
Alternate Cindy Trueman
- Action Girl
- The Chick
- Girls with Guns
- Rose-Haired Girl: Though they probably are dyed.
- Mind Over Matter: Her power is mentionned to be Telekinesis, though she appears to only use it to redirect her bullets.
Alternate Carla Brunelle
- Too Kinky to Torture: To the point she was able to dominate Sadoman.
Gauthier Trueman
- Gender Bender: He is the male version of Gladys.
- The Smart Guy
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