Fang Vice Addiction
"Fang Vice Addiction" is a Negima epic by Traingham. The tale picks up some time before the Festival Arc in the manga and focuses on the resulting consequences of Negi being turned into a vampire by Evangeline McDowell. While the story seems to remain faithful to the events of the manga early on, the author throws in twists in later chapters that really manage to screw up the flow of things. It eventually culminates into its own sequel called "By Your Enrapture".
The writing in the early chapters manage to carry the story, but it isn't until the Mahora festival comes in that the writing actually begins to take on its own art. The narrative is pretty unique too.
There appear to be influences from "Vampire: The Masquerade" if you squint really hard.
Add tropes as you see them.
- Arch Enemy- Dorothy Summers is this to Evangeline.
- Battle Butler- The maids at Lucinda's manor.
- Big Fancy House- The 'Moonlight Manor' in the sequel.
- Body Horror- Whatever the hell Dorothy turns to whenever she decides to get serious.
- Berserk Button- You don't want to call Evangeline a monster.
- Don't make a pass at Negi in front of Chachazero. Just don't.
- Blood Knight- Camilla.
- Character Development- Reina Trepes gets her own chapter for this purpose.
- Chick Magnet- Negi, of course. So much that its implied in one chapter that in the future mistresses wage wars for his hand in marriage.
- Cliff Hanger- To the point of annoyance due to long delays between each chapter.
- Corrupt the Cutie- Basically the premise of the fic.
- Dark Action Girl
- Dead Fic-Currently inactive.
- Deadpan Snarker- Chachazero and Negi on occasion.
- Demonic Possession- Chao gets possessed by Dorothy after attempting to take her down with a kamikaze attack.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Evil Is Sexy- Dark Mistresses.
- Fangs Are Evil
- First Episode Spoiler- Happens a LOT in 'FVA'. Some segments turn out to be scenes from the sequel with no explanation why.
- Flash Back- 'Dark Evangel Segment'
- Foe Yay
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampires- Negi, but that's to be expected.As for all the others, it's hard to tell...
- Healing Factor
- Hilarious in Hindsight- In this story, Negi's turned into a vampire by Evangeline's bite. It takes dying then Magia Erebea resurrecting him as a monster for Negi to become a High Daylight Walker in the manga, though.
- Hilarity Ensues- Chachazero becomes Negi's familiar in place of Chamo. (It turns out that she has a thing for him.)
- I Am Not Left-Handed
- Lady of War- Dark Mistresses and Camilla.
- Little Miss Badass- Evangeline, naturally.
- Les Yay
- Love Hurts
- Loads and Loads of Characters- In addition to the official cast, loads of OCs in the sequel.
- Mad Scientist- Chao Xue Mother to Chao Lingshen
- Man Behind the Man- Dorothy to Chao...sort of.
- Mercy Kill- Negi killing Dorothy.
- Mind Probe- Its been shown that Evangeline is capable of doing this to Negi.
- Mind Rape- What happens to Takane sometime after she gets bitten by Negi.
- My Name Is Inigo Montoya- Subverted in Chao's fight with Dorothy.
- Nightmare Fuel- Lucinda trying to force herself on Negi was a bit much.
- Narm- Some parts end up like this.
- Not So Different
- Obi-Wan Moment
- Our Werewolves Are Different
- Psychotic Smirk- Lucinda Mcvicar does this a lot.
- Rousing Speech
- Split Personality- If you become a vampire you end up developing this and both personalities are fully aware of each other.
- Super-Powered Evil Side- Negi shows shades of this. AlsoTakane and the girls Evangeline bit in volume 3.
- Tear Jerker-The death of Dorothy Summers, Negi leaving the girls behind in the sequel.
- The Sweat Drop- Author actually writes this in for effect.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension- Negi and Evangeline. It even gets played with in the Valentine chapter.
- Vampire Hunter- Catherine Rosenthal
- Villainous Breakdown
- When She Smiles- Evangeline