Fairly English Story

"Scooby Doo flashback!"
Minato in chapter 83
"My name is Minato Arisato, I'm a Fool Arcana so I got a bajillion Personae, but my first one was Orpheus. I use whatever weapon I can get my hands on but I always did like Shortswords, and my favourite fictional character is Simon the Digger."
Minato in chapter 91, introducing himself to the previous generations of Persona users.
"That thing came from you Yosuke. You have to admit it or it'll go bearzerk again." Next person that says that has this bottle shoved where the sun don't shine.
Teddie, followed by Souji's monologue in Face Every Shadow, Chapter 7.

Persona 3: Fairly English Story started as an AU Fic of what the author thinks Persona 3: FES would have been like if Minato Arisato had been raised in England after his parents' death. Then things started to deviate from the original source material, and Stuff Happened.

It's told in first person from Minato's perspective, giving him more of a personality while still keeping the sleepy, expressionless teen that Fanon has made him out to be, while taking a few levels in badass along the way. Towards the later chapters, things start to get a little out of hand, yet it still somehow manages not to break canon most of the time, even the canon for its somewhat direct sequel, Persona 4.

It also serves as a deconstruction of the concept of the Mary Sue/Black Hole Sue. Basically, Minato reaches Sue status, then the world refuses to play by the Sue's rules.

The author has posted the first chapter of the sequel (titled For Every Soul, because get it? FES?) and there's an omake series called FESxtras, formerly called "Investigation Team Yo!". Then he goes on a two-year mission. Casey W has also begun work on an official sequel from the viewpoint of Seta Souji as he goes through the events of the altered Persona 4 canon. It's called Face Every Shadow. All tropes related should go below.

The Author recently did a prequel called Stay Awake With Me, which covers the events between Minato's parents dying and him moving to England. It's already a Tear Jerker just on its own, but if you've already read Fairly English Story, then it's just absolutely heartbreaking. A rewrite is also currently in the works, titled Rebuild of Fairly English Story. If you considered reading Fairly English Story but was put off by the poor writing quality, then check these out.

Tropes contained in Persona 3: Fairly English Story that were not included in the original game.

"Will you say Candle Jack?" Very well; Candle Jack, happy?

If anyone asks, I'll say Junpei did it.

  • Intimate Psychotherapy - Empress social link. He didn't even want to at first.
    • Turns out, part of him did.
  • In the Blood - Raidou's his granddad
  • Indy Ploy - Gods, demons, terrorists, schoolteachers, and Magnificent Bastards are all plotting against Minato. He just goes with it.
    • Author's kinda doing this too, just not so much lately.
  • Infant Immortality - Cruelly subverted.
  • Immune to Bullets - So long as they hit him in the head.
  • It Got Worse - Chapter 79 onward is made of this trope.
    • From chapter 94: "Take control over Gekkoukan High School, secure the surrender of Minato Arisoto through use of hostages. Kill hostages if target fails to comply. Do not engage the target directly, nor attempt to subdue him or take him by force, he is a lethal and ruthless leader of the terrorist organisation known as Strega, going by the handle of 'Jin'."
  • It's Up to You - At first, Minato is chosen to lead as Akihiko was injured and he was the most competent fighter out of him, Yukari and Junpei. However, once people start realising just how powerful he is, he ends up doing most of the fighting in many of the fights.
    • Then again, it's from his point of view, so he'd only really talk about the others if he can see them, and since he's almost always leading the attack, he just doesn't notice what they're doing, so they level up behind the scenes.
  • Jesus Was Way Cool - Louis Cypher agrees with Minato on this one. Turns out the reason he left heaven was because SMT's God wasn't like Jesus.
  • Karma Houdini - Justified. Adachi's one too, for the same reason.
  • Katanas Are Just Better - Averted in an epic Oh Crap moment.
  • Kill Steal - Happens in Tartarus many times.
  • Kill It with Fire - Usually works.
  • Kill It with Ice
  • Kill It with Water
  • Kinda Busy Here
  • Knife Nut - Minato has rules to stop himself from overusing them.
  • Knight of Cerebus - Ikutsuki. In more ways than one.
  • Large Ham - One of Minato's back-up plans to defeat Nyx is to shout as hard as he can.
  • Laser-Guided Karma - Minato gets this often in the first half of the story.
  • Lampshade Hanging - Minato often gets irritated at the spooky voices in his head reminding him that he's farming friends for demonic powers at the most inappropriate times.
  • Lawyer-Friendly Cameo - Dante appeared in Nocturne, so it's okay for him to appear in this fic apparently. Even though other characters have actually played Devil May Cry.
  • Leeroy Jenkins - Minato for a while until the Senpai call him out on it.
  • The Legions of Hell - They act as Big Damn Heroes for Minato. At least, they wanted to. They retreated because they were scared Minato would slaughter them too.
  • Let's Get Dangerous - Even Minato does this. As does the Demi-Fiend.
  • Level Grinding - They call it "Training".
  • Life or Limb Decision - Minato often has to do this. He usually winds up picking the other guy's limb.
  • Line in the Sand - Done after the November Full Moon.
    • Not quite what the trope means, but the following quote was just too good to pass up on.

Minato in Chapter 59: "This is the line in the sand... To cross this line is to cross me. And to cross me is to end."

  • Last Second Chance - If his enemy is human, he will usually give them a couple of warnings to back down before slaughtering them. Usually.
  • Ley Line - Suggested as a reason for why Japan gets all the Persona problems.
  • Lotus Eater Machine - Ryoji gets much more persuasive.
    • Nyx Avatar in her Moon Arcana.
  • Louis Cypher - The man himself.
  • Magnetic Weapons - One of Ken's heavier-hitting tactics is to turn his spear into a railgun.
  • Major Injury Underreaction - Minato of course.
  • Male Gaze - From the first chapter on.
  • Man On Fire - Junpei.
  • Meaningful Name - MINATOS
  • Meido - Remember when Yukari tried on that Maid outfit once? Everyone joins in.
  • Messiah Creep - Explored very well through Minato's character development.
  • Mind Screw - Minato's Shadow.
  • Mood Whiplash - Minato loves doing this.
  • More Dakka - Often invoked by name.
  • Multi Melee Master - Once he gets the combat practice, Minato often swaps weapons regularly during the course of a single battle.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution - Why Minato stabs Ikutsuki in cold blood and kicks his body out of Tartarus. He doesn't stop there.
  • My Name Is Inigo Montoya - Chapter 73. Just… Chapter 73.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood - Kenjamin, but then he grows to like it.
  • Narnia Time - Time in the Velvet Room passes either hyper-fast or not at all. A more prominent example, however, would be the passage of time in the demon world
  • Never Bring a Knife to A Fist Fight - One of the first things we learn from this Minato's backstory.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown - This story loves this trope. Minato gives them, Minato gets them, we assume other people do too, but whenever Minato sees a fight he likes to join in.
    • Minato gave a truly gut-wrenching one chapter 88, and his opponent was still winning the fight.
  • Not So Different - Minato's conversations with Arcana Shadows often go this way.
  • Not So Harmless - Remember Ikutsuki? Shoots Minato in the head, his Persona is Nyarlathotep, and dammit, he can fight.
    • Strega qualifies too.
      • And let's not forget Adachi, the Arcana Shadows, normal Shadows, The Greek Pantheon, Nyxists, the Police, even Nyx herself does this.
  • Noodle Incident - Unreliable narrating often skips important things and just mentions them offhand.
  • Nonuniform Uniform - The head of the Student Council is allowed to take this further.
  • 108 - The number of chapters in total.
  • Oh Crap
  • One of Us - The author is a troper, and it shows in the story. In fact, he himself apparently put the story into the Fan Fic Recommendation page of Persona 3.
  • One-Winged Angel - Chariot and Justice, which starts as a Space Marine Predator, transforms into a Space Marine Dreadnought and a Gundam respectively after splitting apart. Minato specifically has an Oh Crap moment at this.
  • Organ Autonomy - Minato's best friend is sleep.
    • He dies because his heart tries to kill the Shadow possessing his body by tearing itself from the Circulatory System.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise - Usually works, unless someone who talks to him on a day-to-day basis is in the room.
  • Parental Abandonment - Minato's Granddad faked his and Minato's sister's deaths in order to stop her from being dragged into the insane world that Death would inevitably drag Minato into.
  • Pass the Popcorn
  • Patrick Stewart Speech - In order to counter Takaya's "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
  • Phlebotinum Rebel - At one point, all the Justice Arcana Personae except Mechizedek rebel and go on strike. The reason was because of that little war on Heaven that was being waged at the time.
  • Person of Mass Destruction - All of S.E.E.S., really. Especially Minato.
  • Powered Armor
  • Power Born of Madness - Personae.
    • Minato can get away with a lot of things because he honestly doesn't believe he can get in trouble for it. When he does think he's going to get a comeuppance, he usually does. Same goes for other Fools.
    • The Hollow Arcana is described as the power to make your insanity override reality.
  • All Psychology Is Freudian - Averted. While Minato does prefer the psychodynamic approach, as do the universe in general and the author, other branches of psychology, notably biological psychology and the behavioral approach, have large influences as well.
  • President Evil - Takaya, then Jin.
  • Rage Against the Heavens
  • Rain of Blood - Done without any gore when it rains during the Dark Hour.
  • Rage Against the Mentor - While he's still getting his act together, Minato takes this more than Mitsuru does.
    • Minato sends that rage towards Ikutsuki.


      • Rage was due to Aigis's problems on her first day at school.



Well, I'd recommend calming down and getting to the front of the car and killing that Shadow. Oh, you were swearing. I was gonna say, I'm not that awesome.

  1. To the surprise of everyone, Minato's shadow WAS the narrator of the entire story! So this leaves the real Minato being different to the shadow Minato, in other words, the snide remarks, insults and sarcastic comments were all of Minato's Shadow. What The Hell?!
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