FHBG (Forehead Block Guy) is a 2013 video game written in Python, a remake of a 2011 homebrew game for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
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Tropes used in FHBG include:
- Airborne Mook: Spinner and Burger.
- Angry Guard Dog: While the good guys were away, the Sneakers got bored. They acted on their built-in Big Brother Instinct and became protective of the vermin.
- Armless Biped: Plodder and Sneaker.
- Ascended Glitch: Hanging onto walls and jumping. The NES version allowed it all the time due to a collision bug; the Python version makes the edge grab hitbox explicit.
- Back Stab: Attacking a Sneaker from behind causes it not to crouch into its shell.
- Collision Damage: Both the player and the enemy take a hit.
- Context Sensitive Button: Up on the Control Pad will climb a ladder if possible or jump if not. (A always jumps.)
- Critical Existence Failure: After the player takes five hits, the game is over.
- Depth Perplexion: Spinner, Burger, and the chips fly in front of the walls.
- Excuse Plot: While the good guys were away, the facility became infested by vermin. Knock them out.
- Face Heel Turn: Sneakers got bored.
- The Goomba: Plodder, a common enemy in early levels. Plodder looked far more like a Super Mario Bros. Goomba in the NES version, and it was redesigned in part because Let's Play videos showed people getting confused that they couldn't Goomba Stomp an enemy that had not been stunned.
- Goomba Springboard: Touching a stunned enemy propels the player up.
- Heavily Armored Mook: Sneakers often crouch into their shells when threatened.
- Hub Level: Levels are grouped into sets of four behind doors. After all four are completed, the player can enter an elevator to the next set of four.
- Jump Physics: Can change direction in mid-air. Arms are not useless; if not holding a block, the player can hang on a ledge and hop up.
- Level Editor: Enemy sequence only in the NES version, both map and enemy sequence in the Python version.
- Level Goal: The door through which the player entered opens after each level is rid of vermin or after all chips are collected.
- Life Meter: Drawn as hearts in the upper left corner, as in Super Mario Bros. 2: Mario Madness.
- Lightning Bruiser: Sneaker and Burger are faster than the player.
- Magnet Hands: Ledge grabbing in the NES version. The Python remake, on the other hand, averts this: it doesn't allow the player to grab ledges with his hands full, forcing the player to choose between agility and attacking.
- Mecha-Mooks: Sneaker and Spinner
- Mercy Invincibility: For one second after entering a room and after getting hit. The source code calls the timer associated with this "
". - Multi Mook Melee: Most rooms have the objective of defeating all enemies.
- No Body Left Behind: Destroyed enemies disappear into four little clouds of smoke.
- Platform Game
- Rat Stomp: The player controls an exterminator called in to purge the vermin from the facility.
- Respawning Enemies: In "collect the chips" levels, the enemies respawn in a set order. This can be exploited to keep easier enemies on the screen.
- Shout-Out:
- Toasters and cheeseburgers allude to YouTube Poop memes such as "Dinner Blaster".
- Sneakers are based on an enemy from Fast Eddie (video game) for Atari 2600.
- Peckers are vaguely inspired by The Great Giana Sisters.
- Subsystem Damage: Sneakers that have absorbed one hit can no longer crouch.
- Suicide Attack/Spiteful AI: Sneakers dash at the player after absorbing a hit. If on level ground, this catches players off guard.
- Surveillance Drone: The Sneakers started out as these.
- Video Game Remake: This is an expanded remake of a game made for an NES game development contest that had itself been remade for Robert Pelloni's aborted "nD" handheld.
- Waddling Head: Plodder.
- Wrap Around: Vertically, like in Bubble Bobble.
- X Meets Y: Mr. Gimmick (or Super Mario Bros. 2 or Little Nemo the Dream Master) meets Fast Eddie (video game) meets Mission: Impossible.
- Zerg Rush: In the (currently practice-only) level "dinner blaster", just as the player has started to take care of two Sneakers, a load of Burgers fly in from the sides.
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