< Elsword


General Character Tropes

  • Plot-Relevant Age-Up Everyone, but most apparent with Elsword and Raven. Less so, but still apparent with Aisha. It's hard to tell with Rena and Eve due to them being an immortal elf and a Nasod respectively.
  • Took a Level In Badass You can clearly see the above trope in play as characters grow into their class advancements.

Playable Characters


Voiced by: Jeong Yu-Mi (Korean) and Kenichi Suzumura (Japanese)

  • Idiot Hero: Definitely has shades of this, including his distaste for Aisha's long-winded lectures.
  • Informed Ability: A lot of people in Elios says he has hidden untapped potential, but is yet to be revealed.
  • Jerkass: Loves taunting fallen enemies so badly, it borderlines smugness. One of the reason why Aisha isn't happy with him.
  • Magic Knight: Verbatim with his "Magic Knight" subclass.
  • Playing with Fire: His elemental specialty, used for his "Magic Knight" upgrade.


Voiced by: Jeong Mi-Suk (Korean) and Yui Horie (Japanese)


Voiced by: I Ji-Yeong (Korean) and Rie Kugimiya (Japanese)


Voiced by: Bak Seong-Tae (Korean) and Mamoru Miyano (Japanese)

  • Aloof Ally
  • Aloof Big Brother: Seen as this by Elsword.
  • Arm Cannon: Raven can shoot fireballs from his Nasod arm. As the "Weapon Taker" he can go Gatling Good as one of his special skills.
  • Bare Your Midriff: As the "Over Taker".
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: The first time you meet him, he is controlled by Nasod.
  • The Berserker: As the "Reckless Fist".
  • Cyborg: Raven is made into half Nasod half human to survive.
  • Dark and Troubled Past/Freudian Excuse: Raven is betrayed by his kingdom, almost executed, rescued by his fiancee and friends only to see them die before his eyes, losing his arm in the process and left to die. Then a group of Nasods find him and replace his arm with a robotic one fitted with a control device which soon drives him into a killing spree and then terrorizing a race of furry underground beings in the name of the Nasods with an airship. The only thing that saves him from all these is getting the crap kicked out of him by Elsword, Rena and Aisha, and even then he still has to live with it all in his memory.
  • The Dark Side: His Nasod arm constantly tried to turn him into a mindless killing machine. In his "Over Taker" subclass he continues using it, accepting his dark fate. As the "Sword Taker", he shuts down his arm, relying much less on it to prevent its rampage. Come the "Weapon Taker" subclass, however, the arm does not pose any problem other than overheating.
  • Driven to Suicide: The only thing keeping Raven from this point until he met Elsword and co. was the fact that the Nasods were using him.
  • Expy: To Lass
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: He struggles to keep his Nasod arm in control, yet he can still be played just fine, even as "Reckless Fist". As "Blade Master", he still uses his arm freely but much less often than his other classes.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars
  • Heel Face Turn: After Elsword and co. saves him from the control device.
  • The Lancer
  • Magic From Technology: His Nasod arm can use magic.
  • Master Swordsman: As the "Blade Master".
  • Mirror Morality Machine: Closer to the point of what the Nasod device in Raven's robotic arm does to him at times.
  • More Dakka: As the "Weapon Taker".
  • Mr. Fanservice: Very noticeable in his second jobs and "Weapon Taker". "Blade Master" looks sophisticated and handsome. "Reckless Fist" and "Weapon Taker" gives him a bad-boy look. Suitable for different type of fans of any gender.
  • Playing with Fire: "Weapon Taker", "Over Taker" and "Reckless Fist" spams lots of explosions and fires, but the former is the most prevalent—it can overheat him which damages him.
  • Overheating: As the "Weapon Taker" Raven risks overheating himself should he abuse his Nasod arm, which can be used tactically but does damage on himself and burns him.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: His "Over Taker" and "Weapon Taker" subclasses onwards relies on lots and lots of explosions. The former can even summon a frickin' Nuclear ICBM.
  • Super Speed: Definitely capable of this as the "Blade Master". "Sword Taker" takes it Up to Eleven by cutting everything up with one slash (depending on the number of enemies within range).
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome


Voiced by: U Jeong-Sin (Korean) and Mamiko Noto (Japanese)

  • Armor-Piercing Slap: The first thing she does upon being reactivated is slap Elsword in the face. It's also used as a move in one of her combos.
  • Battle Butler: Oberon and Ophelia, for Eve's "Code: Architecture" and "Code: Empress" classes.
  • The Big Android Girl: Not in size, but her sheer power.
  • Broken Bird
  • Dark and Troubled Past
  • Death of a Thousand Cuts: "Code: Electra", Eve's newest job change, has "Thousand Stars", which, when used with the El Crystal 01, creates a barrage of orbs, each dealing minimal damage but also a barrage of fifty of them.
  • Deflector Shields: One of her skills as the "Code: Nemesis".
  • Frickin' Laser Beams: A lot of "Code: Electra's" attacks involve laser beams, making Aisha's "Dark Mage's" Plasma Cutter pale in comparison.
  • Last of Her Kind: She was the only Nasod alive after Elsword and co. destroys the Nasod King and the rest of her kin.
  • Lost Technology: She is a Nasod after all.
  • Ojou: As "Code: Empress".
  • Person of Mass Destruction: "Code: Nemesis" is arguably one of the more devastating classes out there, able to singlehandedly wipe the floor with most late-game dungeons, and is stylish to boot. It is not far fetched for them to consistently get SS ranks while their party barely manages A rank.
    • Really, the only reason they party is because of necessity.
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: In a sense. Eve had to shut herself down and use her own energy to power the Nasod King and his subjects. She was only rebooted when the Nasod King was destroyed.
  • Power Source: Eve to the Nasod King, as stated above. Also, the latter turns to the El Stone stolen from Ruben and installs it into his Powertrain.
  • Ridiculously Human Robot: The only way to tell her she is a Nasod is her glowing golden eyes.
  • Robot Girl
  • Sugar and Ice Girl
  • Super Speed: Oberon is capable of doing this in one of its active skills.
  • Token Mini-Moe: She has the flattest chest among all the girls.
  • Super Mode: "Queen's Throne"


Voiced by: Yang Jeong-Hwa (Korean) and Miyuki Sawashiro (Japanese)

  • Adorably Precocious Child: He has the smallest body among the main characters, and looks ridiculously feminine. As he grows up he becomes shorter only to Raven.
  • BFG/BFS: Chung's cannon, the Destroyer, is as big as himself. He can also use it as a melee weapon.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Made even more glaring as the "Fury Guardian", more so with a further upgrade into "Iron Paladin". Subverted as the "Shooting Guard", where he starts looking more masculine, and as the "Deadly Chaser", he loses all his female traits.
  • Guns Akimbo: The "Deadly Chaser" class, though he still uses his Destroyer.
  • Instant Armor: Gains this in berserk mode, followed with a full-faced helmet. As the "Shelling Guardian", besides a full-faced helmet, he also adds a chest plate and Shoulders of Doom
  • Immune to Flinching: The "Heavy Stance" skill allows him to block 90% of all incoming damage, while allowing him to counterattack later. One of the reasons why he is feared in PVP.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: "Shooting Guardian's" Shooting Star skill.
  • Mighty Glacier: He has a lot of defense, he can use super armor frequently, and he hits very hard. Even more so as "Fury Guardian".
  • More Dakka: As the "Shooting Guardian", more so with "Deadly Chaser", which wields a pair of guns.
  • The Sixth Ranger
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