Elle, and all the others

Elle, and all the others is a NSFW, embellished webcomic on Comic Genesis, following the story of Thomas, an assistant librarian and Elle, a pointy-eared, red-headed, magic-using nonhuman, drawn by a Canadian artist with the webhandle of Samholy and written by someone known as Kata. Thomas starts out as a nerdy virgin, with a crush on the girl he works with, which he's far too shy to do anything about. He heads home one rainy evening after work to find a coat he doesn't recognise on the sofa, the back door open and a scantily dressed, pointy-eared redhead he's never seen before enjoying the rain on his back porch. The redhead pushes him back into the house and proceeds to magically paralyze him so she can check out the size of his penis. Oral sex ensues.
Elle declares to Thomas after this that he is "...mine! ALL MINE!", he is her soulmate, and that she needs to take care of his lack of sexual experience. The "mine, all mine!" part, she enforces with a magically sealed collar placed around Thomas' neck whilst he's asleep. The collar is part of Elle's plan to deal with Thomas' lack of experience, and it causes women to become extremely sexually attracted to him, merely by being in his presence, and lose all interest for him (including the part that wasn't due to the collar) immediately after sex. Consequently, he'll end up having lots of "adventures" and gain the sexual experience Elle demands of her new husband/mate; he's also furious at her because the collar made him lose all progress on his crush.
This certainly happens, as Elle, etc.'s, plotlines oscillate between Thomas blundering into a woman who finds him irresistible due to the collar, having sex with them and him being mad at Elle and trying to work out a way of convincing her to have sex with him in order to get the collar off. Along the way he bumps into Goth/Neo-Pagan girl Elena who becomes a rare recurring female character, discover he has a brother, meet his parents (who're airline pilots) and even get a chapter devoted to revelations about Elle's Mysterious Past.
And then, in 2009, updates ceased abruptly without the storyline coming to any resolution. There was no announcement to the effect that the comic was going on hiatus and only a small comment in the sites chatbox gives an indication that Samholy got a job which prevented him from spending time drawing for webcomics and the writer, Kata, had personal issues. Sam appears to have continued producing art on the internet sporadically, but nothing seems to have been heard from the comic's writer, leaving Elle, and all the others effectively on permanent hiatus.
Did we mention that this comic was NSFW? (However, as of this writing, all links on this page are to SFW content. Please delete any direct NSFW links you find.)
- Art Evolution: The artwork improves quite a bit over the run and moves into all-colour from Black and White with occasional colour pages in Chapter 8. Compare 2009 art with the first page from 2006.
- And Now You Must Marry Me: Inverted, since it's the female Elle who demands lifelong commitment from Thomas.
- Bare Your Midriff: Elle usually, and various random female characters.
- Calling Your Orgasms:
- Expressive Ears: Elle.
- Expressive Hair: Elle and Thomas both exhibit this one. Mostly Thomas. Usually the spikey=surprised/angry variant.
- Fan Service: Pretty much the whole work. It's rare for Elle to wear a top she isn't poking through or bursting out of. Most female characters are introduced via having sex with Thomas.
- Fiery Redhead: Elle, of course.
- Functional Magic: Elle uses magic to paralyze Thomas, make him sit down and the collar is a magical creation.
- Goth: Elena and her boyfriend.
- Green Eyed Red Head: Elle, again.
- Fundamentally Female Cast: Thomas was the only named male character until a year into the comic, and even then, his friend Francis got a name before his father did.
- Lingerie Scene: Many. Killy, the librarian Thomas crushes on, spends several panels choosing her bra and panties for her date with him.
- Nerds Are Virgins: Thomas.
- Not Quite Human: Elle, by her own statement.
- Not Safe for Work:
- Orphaned Series: Elle seems to have been abandoned by its creators as it last updated in 2009. Samholy's deviantart page indicates a heavy Real Life workload may be to blame for this.
- Panty Shot: Frequently.
- The Pornomancer: Thomas, thanks to the powers of Elle's collar.
- Rape Is Ok When It Is Female On Male: Elle's first encounter with Thomas. He himself calls her out on this and refers to the near-misses he has on the first day of wearing his collar out of the house as "nearly [being] raped." Despite this, he soon feels pretty good about their initial encounter and Elle barely even handwaves his objections.
- When Thomas' boss comes under the effects of his collar, he ends up forced to hide under her desk for definitely non-work related reasons.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers: After a while, Thomas decides he can actually use the collar to his advantage, deliberately seeking out job ads which are placed by women so as to use it's powers to ensure he gets the job.
- Shameless Fanservice Girl: Elle.
- Shirtless Scene: Thomas spends most of his time on-page with his shirt off. He's surprisingly buff for a librarian.
- Shout-Out: The Chapter page art for Chapter Seven.
- A close look at this set of doorbells shows a couple of interesting occupants. Jack Bauer and Annie Brocoli among them.
- Sick and Wrong: Pretty much Thomas' reaction to the revelation that the collar's powers of attraction work on very old women and even his mother.
- Slave Collar: Without any brainwashing or actual Mind Control, but still an involuntary one.
- A Threesome Is Hot
- Unusual Ears: Elle's are of the pointy sub-type.
- Virginity Flag: Elle can *ahem* taste that Thomas is a virgin after performing oral sex on him.
- We Were Rehearsing a Play: Played with in a series involving Thomas and a married couple in a car who stop to ask for directions. Inevitably, he ends up having sex with the wife in the backseat. Caught by her husband, she tries to explain this away as "showing him how to do his seatbelt up."
Wife: "Is he buying it?"
'Thomas: "I don't think so. The panties on the seat aren't really helping..."
- What Happened to the Mouse?: The subplot with Thomas and his co-worker Kiley, whom he has a crush on gets sort-of resolved in that she succumbs to the effects of the collar and they have sex, but she's never seen again after that. Even allowing for the whole comic becoming orphaned without resolution, three years of updates go past without the Kiley character being shown or referred to.
- The collar made her leave him after the sex part. Thomas is not pleased.