Dragon Quest VI/Characters
The Main Character
- Anime Hair
- Can't Drop the Hero
- Combat Medic
- Hello, Insert Name Here
- Heroic Mime
- The Hero
- Jack of All Stats: Although his early acces to the Hero class makes him become a Lightning Bruiser towards the end of the game.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: Is able to wield boomerangs at the beginning of the game.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Bare-Fisted Monk: Seems to be geared towards the Fighter class initially, though the player can mess around with this somewhat.
- The Big Guy
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Book Dumb: Tends to have a somewhat blue collar take on higher learning.
- Dub Name Change: Hassan became Carver.
- Dumb Muscle: He is not stupid, but he can be slow to catch on some times.
- Family Business: Ran away from being a carpenter to be a wandering martial artist. Retires in the end to take up his father's trade.
- Gentle Giant
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Initially kind of a dick to the Hero; once they join forces, he becomes his best friend and an all around nice guy to be around.
- Mighty Glacier: Excellent HP and strength but rather slow.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: It's pink actually.
- Action Girl
- An Ice Person: She learns ice spells naturally.
- Badass Long Hair
- The Chick
- Deadpan Snarker: She has plenty of this if you pay attention to her party chats.
- Dub Name Change: Mireyu became Milly. She was Milayou in Dragon Warrior Monsters.
- Fortune Teller
- Green Eyes
- Guest Star Party Member: At first. She soon joins the party for good.
- Hair of Gold
- The Medic: She joins the party already knowing healing and buffing spells.
- Parental Abandonment
- Spell My Name with an "S": Mireyu/Mireille/Muriel/etc... The localization went for 'Milly'.
- Squishy Wizard: Subject to change as she gains levels depending on how you develop her.
- You Can See Me?: She is able to see the hero and Carver when they arrive in the dark realm.
- Action Girl
- But Now I Must Go
- Can't Drop the Hero: Strangely, this applies to Ashlynn as well as the Hero, despite the fact that all events involving her are optional, and, like even the Hero, it is optional to have her in the main party of four.
- Dub Name Change: "Barbara" in the Japanese version.
- Fiery Redhead
- Genki Girl
- Gray Eyes: At least in her artwork.
- Hair Color Dissonance: Her hair sometimes looks more blonde than red.
- Hair of Gold
- The Lancer
- Magikarp Power: Ashlynn is extremely weak at first, especially if you make her first vocation a Mage, but with enough work and patience to make her a Sage (and possibly Armamentalist), she becomes the best spellcaster in the game with devastating offensive spells and healing spells on par with (or possibly even exceeding) Nevan.
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Playing with Fire: She learns fire spells naturally.
- Purple Eyes: In game at least.
- Quest for Identity
- Squishy Wizard: At first. She can be made into a much better fighter later.
- Whip It Good: The only humanoid character who can wield all types of whip weapon in this game.
- You Can See Me?: When you first meet her.
- Blow You Away: He learns wind spells naturally, like a priest.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Initially at least. He gets better after spending some time with the party.
- Child Mage
- Child Prodigy: Apparently, he's the young prodigy of Ghent Village, but it is never explained in what sense this is in.
- Dub Name Change: From Chamoro to Nevan.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: At first, he and the Elder blow off King Somnius's request to aid the party, with more than a hint of arrogance. Then he gets a message from a higher power and immediately changes his tune, spending the rest of the game as a humble and and kind person.
- The Medic: He joins the party knowing Heal and Midheal.
- Oracular Urchin
- Parental Abandonment
- Raised by Grandparents: It's never really explained what happened to his parents.
- The Smart Guy
- Squishy Wizard: Only at first. Later that can be changed.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Old Amos likes the bunny girls and frequently laments his single status.
- Involuntary Shapeshifter: His problem when you first see him.
- Voluntary Shapeshifter: What happens after you help him out.
- Optional Party Member
- Third Person Person: Old Amos refers to himself this way a lot.
- You All Look Familiar: In a similar case as Tuppence, he looks like a generic NPC blue warrior in the original game. The remake gives him an updated, though still similar sprite.
- Deal with the Devil
- Jerkass
- Improbable Weapon User: Orihalcum Fangs.
- Ineffectual Loner: Terry subverts this, as he's actually a talented swordsman who can stand on his own. Eventually, however, he winds up playing this straight following his deal with the devil.
- Overrated and Underleveled: Terry suffers from this; while stated to have defeated several guards that you took down as a party and was shown to easily beat a very strong monster by himself, by the time he joins, he is more or less an average party member with an advanced job and strong weapon.
- Cutscene Power to the Max: He uses Dragon Slash to end his fight with the monster in Wayfarer's Pass, but later joins you as a beginning Gladiator who doesn't yet have that skill.
- The Sixth Ranger: Fits this trope perfectly, from starting as the Ineffectual Loner rival of the Hero to becoming a Rival Turned Evil to joining the party through Defeat Means Friendship.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Life was certainly not kind to him growing up.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- An Axe to Grind
- Back from the Dead: Never really explained, and it freaks out the guards.
- Breath Weapon: Learns the fire-breathing attacks by default, and starts off in the vocation that teaches these types of attacks.
- Dinosaurs Are Dragons: She's a Hackasaurus who has a default class of Dragon.
- Dumb Muscle: Implied by her Party Chat, though her Wisdom is actually fairly high.
- Heel Face Turn/I Fight for the Strongest Side: She was originally the Hackasaurus that terrorized Arkbolt, but it's implied she was impressed by Terry's skills and wanted to accompany him.
- Hulk Speak: Lizzie *spit*... talk like this often... *slobber*
- Magikarp Power: Inverted. Lizzie stats when she joins at level 5 are on par with characters 25-30 levels higher than her, but she levels up very slowly and gets paltry stat upgrades until she breaks level 46 and up.
- Mighty Glacier: The strongest and toughest party member around, even beating out Carver. Her Agility isn't even that bad, though it's still her weakest stat, and her HP and Resistance stats are the strongest in the game, with an impressive array of monster resistances and immunities on top of that.
- Secret Character: Can be recruited by taking Terry to the Arkbolt prison after he is recruited.
The Dread Fiend responsible for the monster hordes ravaging the world. In reality, he is an agent of Archfiend Mortamor, sent to extend his reign from the Dread Realm into the human and dream worlds.
- Baleful Polymorph: Turns the queen of Somnia into an amnesiac, insomniac version of the king and turns the real king of Somnia into a decoy of himself.
- Big Bad: NOT!
- Disc One Final Boss
- The Dragon
- Turns Red
One of the Dread Fiends. He is responsible for creating and spreading rumors of utopian paradise, the Isle of Smiles. In reality though, the Isle is a Lotus Eater Machine where the prisoners are tortured for eternity.
An aquatic Dread Fiend that sows chaos in the human world's oceans.
The final and most powerful of the Dread Fiends. Using the floating fortress Stormsgate Citadel, he plans to succeed where his colleagues failed subjugate the world. Despite this, he is oddly polite and courteous.
- Affably Evil: He'll even heal you before his fight.
- Deal with the Devil: Gives Terry "ultimate power" in exchange for his service.
- Evil Genius
- Graceful Loser
- Noble Demon
The warden of Gallows Moor, the Dread Realm's infamous prison. When one of the Archfiend's subjects refuses to break under his tortures, they are sent to Gallows Moor, where Blackmar and his minions subject them to horrific tortures and inhumane treatments before finally mass executing them.
Archfiend Mortamor
The master of the Dread Realm, and the true villain of the game. He is responsible for the crimes of the Four Dread Fiends, and created the 'link' between the human and dream worlds in order to conquer them both. His ultimate plan is to utterly remove hope from the hearts of everyone, transforming all three worlds into a bleak, soulless haven for despair and death.
- Big Bad
- Evil Old Folks: His first form.
- One-Winged Angel: Two of them.
A mysterious, obscenely powerful demon that resides deep within the Fungeon. He respects only the strong, and if summoned, he will perform one wish for the summoner if they pass muster. If they don't... bad things happen.
- Badass: If you beat him, he will singlehandedly taken down Mortamor for you.
- Blood Knight
- Bonus Boss: The Bonus Boss of the Dragon Quest series.
- Evil Is Not a Toy: In the backstory, a king summoned him in an attempt to stop Mortamor. The fact that, when you find that kingdom, its a blasted, ruined wasteland full of poisonous swamps should tell you how well things went.
- Wild Card