Dinokid is a comic book series created by the Spanish author David Ramirez, author of the popular comic Minimonsters. Like his predecessor, it was published monthly in the ¡Dibus! magazine from 2000 to 2015. However, they were published as comic strips.
The story is about the hilarious adventures of Dinokid, a kid who can transform into all kinds of dinosaurs thanks to the powers of a magical egg. Later, there were introduced more kids with powers similar to him, as well as some villains (so to speak) who antagonize the kids.
Tropes used in Dinokid include:
- Adorkable: All of the kids, especially The Guy Who Can Transform Into Birds Of All Kinds.
- Affectionate Parody: Of superheroes.
- All of the Other Reindeer: AnfiBoy was implied to be this before meeting the team.
- All Love Is Unrequited: The Guy Who Can Transform Into Birds Of All Kinds and Rosita suffer this.
- Alliterative Name: Invoked. Every superheroic kid has a name showing what kind of animal he transforms.
- Ambiguously Brown: Dinokid and his family have a skin tone darker than the other characters.
- Anti-Villain: While the supervillains in general are Too Funny to Be Evil, the ones who fit it most are King Acorn and CrockBot.
- Ascended Fanboy: AnfiBoy, since he was introduced, wanted to join Dinokid's team of superheroes. After receiving his superpowers, he managed it.
- Badass Crew: The Kid Heroes have the potential to become this... If this wasn't a parody of superheroes, that is. They still qualify, though.
- Betty and Veronica: T.G.W.C.T.I.B.O.A.K. (Betty) and Mamífero Boy (Veronica) for Insect Girl. She chooses the latter.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Don't piss off the main heroes. Just... don't.
- Black Comedy: Not as prominent as in Minimonsters, but still present.
- Body to Jewel: The supervillainess Mineralia Milenaria has this as her superpower.
- The Bully: One-shot character Matías.
- Butt Monkey: T.G.W.C.T.I.B.O.A.K, definitely. On the "villainous" side, we have The Animal Collector.
- Cannot Spit It Out: The Guy Who Can Transform Into Birds Of All Kinds just can't manage to tell Insect Girl how he feels towards her. It gets worse once she dates his friend Mamífero Boy.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Gore Li. In a terrifying way.
- Comedic Sociopathy
- Comically Missing the Point: The source of all the comedy in the series.
- Crap Saccharine World
- Deadpan Snarker: Dinokid, usually.
- Defector From Decadence: The villains' incompetence proves too much for CrockBot to handle, and pulls a Heel Face Turn as a result.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Both Rosita and The Guy Who Can Transform Into Birds Of All Kinds are this to Dinokid and Insect Girl respectively.
- Dumb Muscle: Mamífero Boy can transform into every mammal alive, and he's really dumb.
- Easy Amnesia: Dr. Oblivion. Played for Laughs.
- Embarrassing Nickname: "Mam-Bo", for Mamífero Boy. Do not ever call him that.
- Extreme Omnivore: AnfiBoy. He even eats his own superhero suit!
- Evil Old Folks: Dr. Oblivion.
- Fat Best Friend: AnfiBoy, even before he got his superpowers.
- Fat Idiot: AnfiBoy, though he's more of a ditz.
- Fire-Forged Friends: Every member of Dinokid's superhero team joined him and, despite initial difficulties, they bond into tight-knit friends pretty quickly.
- First Kiss: Mamífero Boy gets a kiss from Insect Girl. They're currently dating.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Dinokid
- The Lancer: Mamífero Boy
- The Smart Guy: Peza
- The Big Guy: AnfiBoy.
- The Chick: Insect Girl and T.G.W.C.T.I.B.O.A.K.
- The Sixth Ranger: Rosita and Gore Li, the token muggles of the group.
- Foil: Non-hostile example with Dinokid and his favorite hero, Saurus-H. While Dinokid is a human who can transform into a dinosaur, Saurus-H is a dinosaur who can transform into a human.
- The Friend Nobody Likes: Gore Li, due to his mindset. AnfiBoy can also fall into this. Both are downplayed examples, since it's more annoyance than true dislike.
- Friendless Background: Heavily implied with AnfiBoy. It makes his joining to the superhero team all the more heartwarming.
- Friendly Enemy: Played with CrockBot. He's very friendly to the heroes every time they meet, but then again, he's not exactly a villain. He drops the "Enemy" part later on.
- The Gadfly: Peza, usually when The Animal Collector is concerned.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: The same case as Minimonsters.
- Good Parents: DinoKid's parents genuinely try to raise their son well and teach him the token Comes Great Responsibility philosophy.
- Hair of Gold: The Guy Who Can Transform Into Birds Of All Kinds is blond, and very kind.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Dinokid's mom.
- Harmless Villain: Every villain in the comic.
- Not So Harmless Villain: Word of God has mentioned that, if not for the fact she always forgets her evil plans, Dr. Oblivion would be a great threat to the heroes.
- The Heavy: The Animal Collector is the most recurring villain in the comic. An ineffectual one, though.
- Heel Face Turn: CrockBot, though he wasn't very much of a "Heel" to begin with.
- Henpecked Husband: Dinokid's dad.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Every villain in the Rogues Gallery. In fact, "being evil" is equivalent to "being a Jerkass" and nothing else.
- Innocently Insensitive: Dinokid, especially with Rosita.
- An hilarious strip has Mamífero Boy transforming into all kinds of "fat" animals (elephant, sea cow, etc.) in front of AnfiBoy.
AnfiBoy: Are you calling me fat?
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Mamífero Boy can be pretty insensitive, but he's a good guy overall.
- The main character himself. He's often irresponsible and frequently uses his powers for selfish reasons, yet he's genuinely a nice kid and truly wants to help others.
- Kid Hero: All the super kids.
- Lighter and Softer: While the series is portrayed in a Crap Saccharine World, Dinokid has a lighter tone than its predecessor Minimonsters.
- Love Letter Lunacy: Boy howdy. T.G.W.C.T.I.B.O.A.K not only fails to confess to Insect Girl, but he mistakenly hooks her up with Mamífero Boy as a result of this.
- MacGuffin: The strange eggs that made the kids get their superpowers. Their origins are (at the moment) unknown, but David Ramirez said their origins are the same, and all the kids that found one live in the same city.
- Meaningful Name: Everyone.
- Meganekko: Peza.
- Mistaken Declaration of Love: Due to contrived coincidences, Insect Girl thought the love letter she received was from Mamífero Boy. It was actually The Guy Who Can Transform Into Birds Of All Kinds who wrote it. Ouch.
- My Beloved Smother: Dinokid's mother is a light-hearted example of this.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Gore Li is obsessed with blood, and his comics are always portrayed as Bloody Hilarious.
- Oblivious to Love: Both Dinokid and Insect Girl don't seem to realize Rosita and T.G.W.C.T.I.B.O.A.K have respective crushes on them.
- Official Couple: As of late, Insect Girl and Mamífero Boy. T.G.W.C.T.I.B.O.A.K. is not amused.
- Overly Long Name: The Guy Who Can Transform Into Birds Of All Kinds, often reduced to T.G.W.C.T.I.B.O.A.K.
- Rogues Gallery: Every superhero series has one, and this one is no exception. We have The Animal Collector, King Acorn, Dr. Oblivion, Mineralia Milenaria, and (sometimes) CrockBot.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Insect Girl.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: T.G.W.C.T.I.B.O.A.K. and AnfiBoy (sensitive) to Dinokid and Mamífero Boy (manly).
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Peza is the tomboy to Insect Girl and Rosita's girly girls.
- Triang Relations: The T.G.W.C.T.I.B.O.A.K./Insect Girl/Mamífero Boy Love Triangle, starts as a Type 5, but becomes a Type 4 once Mamífero Boy starts to reciprocate Insect Girl's feelings.
- True Companions: The main Kid Hero team, plus Rosita and Gore Li.
- Two Girls to a Team: Insect Girl and Peza are the only female members with superpowers in the team.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Dinokid and Mamífero Boy are best friends who like to pick on each other a little too much, but they get along well overall.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: All the kids who touched the magical eggs can transform into whatever animal voluntarily.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: King Acorn has a vendetta against humans... because said humans had polluted the Earth.
- You Are What You Hate: Insect Girl has the power to transform into all kinds of insects, but doesn't because she hates them.
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