Digimon V-Tamer 01/Characters
Heroes and allies
Taichi Yagami
The hero, a V-Pet owner drawn into the Digimon World after being unable to participate in a V-Pet tournament. Once in the Digimon World, he meets V-dramon, his partner Digimon from that V-Pet.
- Action Survivor: He's not afraid to get his hands dirty, but there isn't much he can do against a Digimon that isn't a baby.
- Ascended Fanboy
- Badass Cape: Taichi wears one often. And it is indeed badass.
- Badass Normal
- Determinator
- Dragon Rider
- Fountain of Expies: Taichi is the template for almost every Digimon lead hero since, possibly by proxy of his identical Expy, Taichi Yagami of Digimon Adventure.
- Genre Savvy
- Goggles Do Nothing: Initially played straight, but then subverted by Taichi, who uses the goggles when riding on Zero's back in flight like a pilot would. He also discusses their personal meaning for him.
- The Hero: Like it needed to be said.
- Hot-Blooded
- Let's Get Dangerous: Much to the surprise of many of his opponents, and even his allies when they learn just how Badass this goofy human can be.
- Magnetic Hero: He inspires many who would have otherwise been too scared to fight Demon's army.
- The Medic: Mostly basic cleaning and bandaging but he also knows his salves.
- Merchandise-Driven: The Digimon of choice of every tamer in this manga was available in the first two waves of Digimon virtual pets. Taichi's V-Pet of choice was the original Digital Monster Ver. 1. The thing is that it didn't act like a normal copy of said pet since his Botamon ended up as a V-dramon.
- Showy Invincible Hero: Parodied and subverted
- The Messiah: You can't deny it.
- The Strategist
Taichi's partner Digimon, a V-dramon, often called just "Zero". Born from Taichi's Digital Monster Ver.1 virtual pet, he was an anomalous Digimon who wasn't supposed to exist in the devices (this didn't remain the case for long though) and so caused Taichi to be disqualified from the competition. He met Taichi shortly after he was drawn into the Digimon World, taking physical form there.
His evolved forms are as follows[1]:
- Botamon, Koromon and Agumon, his Baby, Baby II and Child forms; [2]
- V-dramon, his Adult form and his form at the beginning. A large blue dragon with three horns.
- AeroV-dramon, his Perfect form. A larger, more powerful V-Dramon, but his biggest development is growing two great wings.
- UlforceV-dramon, his Ultimate form. A holy dragon knight dressed in Blue Digizoid armor, with a Laser Sword equipped to his right gauntlet.
- UlforceV-dramon Future Mode, his Super Ultimate form. Drawing on the power of the Digimental, an immensely powerful warrior.
- Badass
- Blow You Away: Not the literally intended purpose of the Wind Guardian but he does almost do this to someone on accident
- Boisterous Bruiser: Zero does enjoy a good fight.
- Breath Weapon: V-BREATH ARROW!
- Determinator: Zero is willing to be bloodied and broken until the opponent is defeated.
- Deflector Shields: The Wind Guardian and Tensegrity shield.
- Dumb Muscle: Thankfully his Tamer, Taichi, is pretty smart and knowledgeable.
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower: Future Mode.
- Merchandise and Story Segregation: Everyone points out that V-dramon is a species that doesn't exist in normal virtual pets at the beginning, but at one point Taichi mentions the newly-released Digimon Pendulum virtual pets, the ones presumably used by Hideto, Sigma and Mari. The Pendulum was the virtual pet in which V-dramon and AeroV-dramon legitimately debuted as potential partner Digimon; Mari probably owns the specific version in which the two appeared! Of course, that doesn't mean they suddenly exist in the Digital Monster Ver.1, the Ver.4 Veedramon has to come from a different path than Zero did and there was no Ulforce V-dramon at all, keeping in line with the story.
- Genre Blind: At times Zero seems to think he's in a different kind of fighting series. Part of it is retroactive though, since Digimon's tropes were still being cemented during this comic's run.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: HAMMER ATTACK!
- Hot-Blooded
- I Am Not Weasel: It seems like it would be hard to get his species so wrong, but given the way digimon work in this series, he may not look much like dragon to everyone who doesn't see him as one. Eventually he gives up on correcting people.
- Mighty Glacier, though a little quicker than some expect
- Lightning Bruiser: becomes one of the fast moving bruiser variety, much to the surprise of many of his foes.
- Limit Break: DRAGON IMPULSE!
- Mythology Gag: Much about Zero calls back to C'mon Digimon.
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Power Gives You Wings: His evolution to AeroV-dramon was pretty much all about this.
- Scary Teeth: AeroV-dramon
- Shout-Out: Try not to shout "Breast Burn!!!" when UlforceV-dramon uses Shining V Force.
- Undying Loyalty: But not initially
- Unstoppable Rage:Subverted
A Gabumon residing at Holy Angel Castle, he was the first to find Taichi and was subsequently tasked to serve as his guide and advisor.
- Cowardly Lion: Not immediately apparent, but he has stood up to higher level Digimon when the occasion calls for it (and when it doesn't).
- Deadpan Snarker
- Improvised Weapon:As seen in the picture
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Playing with Fire: PETIT FIRE!
- You Fool!
A Leomon who serves as the commander of Lord HolyAngemon's army. He is a hard taskmaster, but is wholly devoted to the protection of Holy Angel Castle and is kinder than he would like to let on.
His evolved forms are as follows:
- Leomon, his Adult and the form he takes initially.
- Panjyamon, his Perfect form. A white, ice-themed Palette Swap of Leomon.
- Regulumon, his Ultimate form. An enormous muscular lion warrior.
- An Ice Person: As Panjyamon.
- Determinator: He will not let you end the light that illuminates the future.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty
- Elemental Punch: ICE BEAST FIST!
- Four-Star Badass
- Good Scars, Evil Scars:One scar over his eye
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: No shirt variety
- Hand Blast: Among the moves Neo guesses he came up with to defeat him.
- King of Beasts:Becomes more apparent as Regulumon
- Large and In Charge: Regulumon. Dear god, Regulumon.
- Mega Neko
- Panthera Awesome
- Sacrificial Lion: For the only time in the franchise's history, Averted!
- Sword Beam: Another thing he develops one later on.
A TonosamaGekomon who worked for Lord HolyAngemon, and inadvertently tested Taichi and Zeromaru in combat for him.
- Acrofatic: Or so he thinks.
- Frogs and Toads
- Jerkass: Even Leo seems to think so.
- Musical Assassin: SAMURAI TONE!
- Non-Indicative Name: He's a frog, not a gecko.
- Puny Earthlings: Gekovitch's opinion of humans.
Lord HolyAngemon
The ruler of the Holy Angel Castle, the force responsible for fending off Demon's assault on the Digimon World, and the one responsible for drawing Taichi into the Digimon World to help out.
His evolved forms are as follows:
- HolyAngemon, his Perfect form and his default form. There are two variations on this form: he spends most of his time in the white-robed Priest Mode, but can transform into the armoured Battle Mode.
- Seraphimon, his first Ultimate form. An immensely powerful ten-winged angel dressed in ornate blue armour.
- Dominimon, his second Ultimate form. Accessed after his loss to Arkadimon and the subsequent drop of his Win Ratio, a six-winged blue angel of lesser power than Seraphimon.
- Big Good
- Call to Adventure: A variant, in that he takes the hero away from home to see if he can handle it before asking.
- Holy Hand Grenade: His ranged attacks
- Laser Blade Below the Shoulder: Present in all forms for close combat
- Light'Em Up: both of the above
- Man in White
- Power Gives You Wings: Metaphorically speaking. Note that Dominimon, who is less powerful than Seraphimon, has fewer wings than Seraphimon does.
- Our Angels Are Different
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Yes, he does fight. And it was awesome.
- Willfully Weak: He had the power to become Seraphimon all along, but opted not to use it because its power unsettled his people.
- Winged Humanoid
- The Worf Effect: As with the Digimon tradition, Seraphimon.
Lord Whamon
The guardian of the Net Ocean, and the one who gave Taichi his Digivice 01.
- Big Good: With Lord HolyAngemon, at first.
- Eyeless Face
- Holding Out for a Hero: What he's been doing.
- Passing the Torch
- Swallowed Whole: And then we learn of the Bizarre Alien Biology of Digimon.
A Gomamon living in the Net Ocean, who regularly braves the dangers of the Ocean to keep Lord Whamon informed of the events of the wider world.
His evolved forms are as follows:
- Ikkakumon, his Adult form and the form he takes as the new guardian of the Net Ocean. A giant furred walrus with a single horn.
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal
- The Cavalry: Twice.
- Fearless Fool: That's how his neighbors viewed him.
- Green Is Blue: His eyes are colored both ways.
- Redheaded Hero
- Sobriquet: The Deep Saver.
Rei Saiba
The younger sister of Neo Saiba, who was found by Taichi wandering the Digimon World alone and subsequently joined him. She was paralyzed from the waist down some time before entering the Digimon World, and the accident weighs heavily on both Neo and Hideto.
- Expy: Sora Takenouchi resembles her, but that's really where the similarities end.
- For Your Own Good: She is never told outright but her accident and injury is the primary motivation for everything Neo and Hideto do in serving Demon.
- Guilt Complex: It's masked by her sunny disposition, but it's there.
- I Can't Feel My Legs: In the Digimon World, her ability to walk is restored temporarily, but otherwise this is her situation.
- Plucky Girl
- The Pollyana: How she was viewed by Hideto and kind of was until he and Neo went crazy(see guilt complex)
- Voice of Reason:She thought she acted as this to Neo but didn't get through
A ninja Digimon in the service of Lord HolyAngemon, assigned to observe Demon's castle. He departed to warn Taichi of the birth and evolution of Arkadimon, and later joined Taichi's group for the rest of his journey.
- Dude in Distress: Captured by Mari and Rosemon while traveling to notify Lord HolyAngemon of the impending assault by Neo.
- Failure Hero: During and after the encounter with Mari, he spends quite a while fretting about this.
- Flaming Sword: he sticks it in a fire to get the effect, it is not a special ability
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: To Zero, despite being at a lower level it works.
- Ninja
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Waddling Head
Pal and Pul
A brother-and-sister duo of PetitMamon. They initially "served" Demon, but eventually became disillusioned with him and started following Rei around.
- All There in the Manual: Their species' name wasn't identified in the manga, only years later in the Digimon Reference Book.
- Broken Pedestal: Pul starts off as a big fan of both Neo and Demon. It doesn't last.
- Carry a Big Stick: Pal's stick is pretty small but only because she's small
- Cheerful Child:Pul
- Horned Humanoid
- Mean Is Not Evil: Pal is mischievous and condescending, but does not want to hurt anybody besides Pul
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristic: Pal has eyelashes
- Those Two Siblings
- Winged Humanoid
Lord Demon and his forces
Lord Demon
The antagonist, a power-hungry Demon Lord Digimon who seeks to conquer the world.
His evolved forms are as follows:
- Daemon, his Ultimate form and his default form.
- Daemon Super Ultimate, his Super Ultimate form, attained by killing and absorbing Arkadimon Super Ultimate from within. A more humanoid take on Daemon, wielding immense power.
- Big Bad: The opposing force to Lords Whamon and HolyAngemon
- Dystopia Justifies the Means: He truly believes the Digimon World will be better off under him, regardless of how miserable it would make anyone who lives in it.
- Emotion Control: How he's swayed his more unlikely followers
- Evil Counterpart: In the broader Digimon canon, Daemon is treated as a Fallen Angel counterpart to Seraphimon, the evolved form of HolyAngemon. This puts the relationship between Lord Demon and Lord HolyAngemon in quite a new light.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings:Note he's the only one on this page with tattered wings
- Mutants: He, and several other antagonists are described as such. (Outside of this comic, very few of them actually are, even many mutant monsters created in this series tend to get different labels)
- Olympus Mons / Demon Lords and Archdevils: In the broader canon, he's a member of the Seven Great Demon Lords, representing the sin of Wrath.
- Our Demons Are Different
- Just for Pun, a meta-example. This incarnation of Daemon is lacking the Black Cloak sported by his multiversal brethren. To make-up for it, he's the only one who gets to kick it up a notch.
- Spikes of Villainy
- Straw Hypocrite: He explains to Etemonkey that monsters fight better when tamed by humans. He actually believed the opposite but needed to convince Neo to work for him.
- The Strong Should Dominate the Weak: The reason he made war in the relatively peaceful Digimon World
- The Virus: His manipulations are referred to as the "dark virus" in a metaphorical way
An Etemon serving as a subordinate of Demon, tasked with obstructing Taichi's quest for the V-Tamer Tags.
- Affably Evil and Laughably Evil: He's genuine in his praise for Zero and Neo's accomplishments.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: How he justifies his position
- The Dragon
- Energy Ball: his dark spirits manifest as one
- Evil Counterpart:To Leo
- Evil Gloating: When Demon talks of punishing him Etemonkey tells Demon the threats are empty
- Evolutionary Levels: Our first demonstration of their importance
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: No pants variety
- Improvised Armour: A cord for a shield!
- Maniac Monkeys: Averted, in that he actually likes and admires humans.
Neo Saiba
An arrogant tamer who first encountered Taichi in the V-Pet tournament at the beginning. He too was drawn into the Digimon World, this time by Demon, and serves him as the tamer of the "super ultimate" Digimon, Arkadimon. Before Arkadimon was born, Neo was the tamer of multiple Digimon, discarding those who lost in combat.
- Action Survivor
- Ascended Fanboy
- Complexity Addiction: His early setbacks can be blamed on this, but he eventually gets over it.
- The Dragon: At least, until Demon is usurped. Demon's army gets noticeably stronger under him.
- Dragon with an Agenda
- Dragon Ascendant: Or so it seems.
- Anti-Hero: A Type V by the end.
- Egopolis: He wants one
- Emotions Versus Stoicism: Neo prefers his monsters silent and emotionless.
- I Reject Your Reality
- Irony: Nicer people just assume Zero is a glitch, but Shinichiro Josaki accuses Taichi of cheating by making a new monster. Not only because Shinichiro did that himself but also because it's Neo's modus operandi.
- Kick the Dog: Neo does this constantly, partly to remind us that he's gone off the deep end, morally speaking.
- Manipulative Bastard: Or at least he thinks he is. Demon is the real manipulator here.
- Scarf of Asskicking: In a visual contrast to Taichi's cape.
- Token Evil Teammate: By the end of the manga.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Those who say this are possibly looking back through nostalgia goggles, as he was always something of an ass, but he unarguably got worse.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The world Neo wants to create wouldn't be so bad to live in and his reasons are respectable enough. His way of getting to that goal is the problem; that, and the fact Lord Demon is the one who's benefiting.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- You Have Failed Me...: This is how he got a 100% win record: by deleting every Digimon he ever had that lost even once. One survived, though.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: It starts with his old Greymon and just gets worse from there.
Neo's (current) partner Digimon. The immensely powerful "super ultimate" Digimon which Demon selected Neo to raise. All of Arkadimon's evolved forms are named "Arkadimon", each appended with the level to indicate the difference. It's evolutions will ultimately end with an Eldritch Abomination, or so it is said, Neo has other plans.
- Big Eater
- Giant Flyer: Where it is going toward
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Its best known scene involves this.
- Implacable Man
- Irony: Neo named it after Arcadia but the Digimon Dictionary suggests the species real name may be Arcadaemon. So close, yet so far.
- Olympus Mons
- Mutants: Like Demon, no other source refers to it as such, despite having been identified as one when it debuted here.
- Non-Indicative Name: All of its named attacks make sense, except for Dot Matrix, though that's the only confirmed to be named by Neo.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse:until later
- The Unintelligible: Neo claims to understand him but that doesn't change that all his text boxes are filled with gibberish no one else can.
- Tyke Bomb
The guardian of the Metal Empire Tamer Tag. Formerly a Greymon belonging to Neo, he was discarded and deleted after a lost battle, but pulled himself together, mechanised his body and evolved to MetalGreymon out of sheer determination to survive and prove his true worth to Neo. Neo, for his part, wasn't interested.
- Cyborg
- Determinator
- Gradual Grinder: Played with: Neo had him simply stand there and take Zeromaru's attacks head-on, even though he was perfectly capable of overwhelming Zeromaru with his offensive capabilities. Neo's motivations for this were actually less than kind - he was using MetalGreymon as a way of having Zeromaru show off the full extent of his offensive capabilities so as to record data on him, and he could not care less about what happens to MetalGreymon.
- Right Hand of Doom
- Tail Slap
- Tyrannosaurus Rex:looks a little like a ceratosaurus too
- Undying Loyalty: Which makes Neo's despicable treatment of him all the more sad.
- You Have Failed Me... / You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Neo's attitude toward him, twice no less.
One of the first artificial Digimon created by Neo, born by merging a Grizzmon with a sample of the power data of Arkadimon. It was dispatched to apprehend Rei during her escape from Demon's castle, but was stopped by the arrival of Taichi and Zero.
- Badass Boast: Its constant boasts that it is a "new Digimon for a new age", well beyond the average sort of Digimon previously faced by Taichi and Zero.
- Everything's Worse with Bears
- Hand Cannon: RODEO BULLET!
- Improbable Use of a Weapon:he uses his gun as a shield
- Lego Genetics: Sort of justified, because it's all data.
- Natural Weapon: DEEP FOREST!
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: Was supposed to be part of one but the other three were scrapped to meet the deadline. You can still see them in two panels if you look close enough.
- Sadly Mythtaken: In universe, Neo named him after a female figure
- Scary Teeth:Brown bears usually have a dental structure similar to human's but Callismon's mouth is full of fangs, fangs just like Zero's. Likey an intentional design choice by Neo.
- Shockwave Stomp: Or rather he punches the ground. Not a special attack, more like an act of frustration
- This Cannot Be!:when things really go south for him
- "Wake-Up Call" Boss: The first non-Alias III Digimon to really put up much of a fight to Zeromaru as AeroV-dramon.
The Alias III
The "Alias I", a highly introverted masked boy who communicates solely through a vocalisation program on his computer, feeling this is the only way he can express himself. His partner Digimon is Piemon.
- Ascended Fanboy
- Beneath the Mask: By putting on a mask
- Blinding Bangs: In the epilogue, without his mask.
- Cool Mask: It's similar to that of Piemon, but covers his entire face.
- Dead Sidekick
- Merchandise-Driven: Based on Piemon's existence, Sigma probably originally owned a Pendulum 3.0 Nightmare Soldiers virtual pet.
- No One Will Ever Know: Played with. He wants to be himself, but after he learned what his "real" friends were really like, chat rooms were the only place he was comfortable enough to do so, symbolically demonstrated by constantly wearing his mask.
- Synthetic Voice Actor
- The Evil Genius: Of the Alias III.
- The Smart Guy: After his Heel Face Turn, he starts playing this to Taichi.
Sigma's partner.
- Captain Ersatz: Of Paimon, a demon from medieval folklore who could be controlled if you had noble intentions.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice / Hoist by His Own Petard
- Killed Off for Real
- Monster Clown: Subverted, unlike his Digimon Adventure counterpart. He's a Punch Clock Villain.
- Signature Move: Masks Square was a technique devised by him and Sigma.
- Throwing Your Sword Always Works: TRUMP SWORD!
Mari Gotokuji
The "Alias II", a cold and sadistic girl who plays up a flighty bimboish facade to confuse her opponents. Her partner Digimon is Rosemon.
- Alpha Bitch
- Cam Whore: She implies that she regularly did a toned-down version of this on the internet before being recruited by Neo.
- Confusion Fu: Her task in confronting Taichi. She does a damn good job of it.
- Dead Sidekick
- The Dark Chick: Of the Alias III.
- The Chick: After her Heel Face Turn, she starts playing this to Taichi and the rest of the Alias III.
- The Ditz
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: As part of her Confusion Fu, she seems to attempt to invoke this in-universe by having her top be blown off by Zeromaru's wind attacks.
- Kick Them While They Are Down
- Merchandise-Driven: Based on Rosemon's existence, Mari probably originally owned a Pendulum 4.5 Wind Guardians virtual pet.
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Teen Idol: The best way to describe her previous aspirations before settling on "queen of the new world".
- Took a Level In Kindness
- Troll
Mari's partner.
- The Ditz
- Hypocrisy Nod: Provides one for Mari.
- Killed Off for Real
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Plant Person
- Shock and Awe
- Whip It Good: THORN WHIP!
Hideto Fujimoto
The "Alias III" of the Alias III, a trio of tamers convened by Neo to serve him. Hideto was a friend of Neo and Rei long before the events of the manga, and never quite got over Rei's accident. His two partner Digimon are Warg and Melga.
- Ascended Fanboy
- Despair Event Horizon
- The Dragon / The Brute: Of the Alias III.
- The Lancer: After his Heel Face Turn, he starts playing this to Taichi.
- Guilt Complex: Accuses Rei of having one, even though he's the same way about her.
- Heel Face Turn: The first of the Alias III to do so.
- It's All My Fault: Despite that it was not and that no one blamed him
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: He tends to hide under his monster's shield while he rides it
- Merchandise-Driven: Based on Warg and Melga, it can be deduced that Hideto probably originally owned two copies of the Pendulum ZERO Virus Busters virtual pet, as it was the pet at the time which featured WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon and the ability to Jogress them into Omegamon.
- Punch Clock Villain: At first, he later becomes pretty fanatic.
- Right Makes Might: A vocal believer
- Stylistic Suck: Possibly subverted, if Neo was telling the truth about his pictures.
- The Rival: He was the best tamer around, until Neo showed up. He finally got a Digimon that could beat Neo's but Neo got a new monster himself.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He is like this at first, mostly out of sheer guilt over the accident that cost Rei's legs.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Jumps from one side of the issue to the other.
- Zipperiffic: Not a single one is placed practically
Warg and Melga
Hideto's dual partner Digimon, a WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon respectively. They spend most of their time jogressed together into Omegamon, an immensely powerful holy knight Digimon.
- Arm Cannon
- Badass
- Badass Cape: Omegamon.
- Big Badass Wolf: Melga.
- Cyborg: Melga
- Fusion Dance: Omegamon, obviously. Fusion Dancing and reverting from it forms the backbone of Hideto's combat strategies.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: He can freeze Digimon champion level and below in their tracks with just a gaze
- I Let You Win: Omegamon took Zero's Dragon Impulse on purpose and didn't let Hideto jogress Warg and Melga because he realised that Taichi and Zero really were good guys.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: Warg, though technically a dinosaur...
- Knight Templar: Or not but Omegamon is a Royal Knight, after all, with an appearance to match.
- Non-Mammalian Hair: Warg
- Not So Stoic: Most of the silence was really suppression
- Retractable Weapon
- Self-Sacrifice Scheme: Twice
- The Musketeer
- The Paladin: in reputation but the personality is not too far off either
- Sole Survivor: Of the Alias III's partner Digimon.
- ↑ Note that as Zeromaru evolves, as with almost all Digimon in this manga, he stays in his new form permanently
- ↑ only Botamon is shown in the comic but Taichi says Zero used to be like the Agumon training at the castle, so Agumon and Koromon are the most likely forms. The two after Botamon could be anything though since V-dramon couldn't be gotten from the established Botamon paths at that time.