< Diamanda Hagan

Diamanda Hagan/Trivia

/wiki/Diamanda Hagancreator
  • Adored by the Network: Defied. Her videos on That Guy With The Glasses are released at a constant, steady rate, starting with The Black Gestapo, as it was the first episode to feature any sort of continuity. She also does not release commentaries of her own work on TGWTG because she considers them supplemental material for hardcore fans.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Hagan is shocked and disturbed to find that the music for Turkey Shoot was composed by Brian May.
  • Mean Character, Nice Actor: Out of character, Hagan is very friendly and humble, frequently thanking her fanbase for their support.
    • In her review for Battle for the Bone, she even breaks character to say that the reason she does these reviews is to try to get more visibility for these obscure features and at least gen up some level of interest, and that while the film in question is shit, it serves as a unique example among the usual product of Northern Irish films and the creators could possibly do better with some money and support.
  • Promoted Fangirl
  • Real Life Relative: In an interview she said her brother plays the main minion (presumably Teddy/Tiberius).
  • Rule 34 Creator Reactions:

"someone asked for hagan/ nostalgia chick/ marzgurl slash THIS AMUSES ME"

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