< Detective Conan < Characters

Detective Conan/Characters/One Scene Wonders

Notes for characters in this page:

  1. They're by definition One Scene Wonders.
  2. Since these characters are likely to be key characters in a certain case, Spoilers Ahead.

Jinpei Matsuda

Jinpei Matsuda

Voiced by Nobutoshi Canna (JP)

The character that drives the Backstory of the 17 Million Hostages story arc. Former member of the bomb squad, he was later transferred to the criminal team because of his That One Case-- and it was him who became another painful That One Case for Sato.

  • Bi the Way: Maybe, if we take both Hagiwara and Sato in consideration.
  • One-Scene Wonder: He appeared in two adjacent story arcs as a Posthumous Character and has negligible influence to the main story. Yet, he is often listed with the recurring characters.
    • One has to take note that he and his former partner Hagiwara is an establish yaoi pairing.
  • Posthumous Character: He was already dead for 3 years when he was first mentioned.
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome
  • That One Case Hagiwara's death, to the same bomber; that's the reason he was transferred to Criminal Investigation, Team 1.
  • Famous Last Words: "I kinda like you"--his final text to Sato.

Hiroki Sawada

Hiroki Sawada/Noah's Ark

Voiced by Ai Orikasa (JP) / Maxey Whitehead (EN)

From the Non-Serial Movie Phantom of Baker Street.

  • Adorably Precocious Child: Subverted, if not Deconstructed. While he is young (10) and bears as much adult responsibility (being a master programmer) as for the norm of this trope, he is portrayed as an angsty character. That does not prevent some fans from portraying him per the norm of this trope, though.
  • Author Avatar: Often suspected to be one towards the movie's writer Hisashi Nozawa, not helped by the fact Nozawa himself committed suicide about 1.5 years the movie screened.
  • Bishounen: At 10, he's a kid edition, but he does have the looks for it.
  • Brain Uploading: He pretty much coded his entire brain as Noah's Ark before his suicide. In the entire movie nobody even questioned whether Noah's Ark is Hiroki.
  • Child Prodigy: Deconstructed. This poor kid's life sucks because he was one.
  • Deus Angst Machina: Consider all tropes surrounding him, and consider his age. Everyone would have reached their Despair Event Horizon.
  • He Knows Too Much: What is being said is the immediate reason for his death is because he found out Schneider was the direct descendant of Jack the Ripper.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: his self-destruction at the end of this movie was that an AI of that complexity is too early for this world and would easily be controled by the bad guys.
  • Ill Boy: While this has not been further expounded about, it certainly does not help with his social issues.
  • Improbable Age: Remember, he's studying grad school in MIT and written two marketable, major pieces of software at 10 years old, it's pretty Exaggerated. Of course, this is also a Deconstruction, as he has huge emotional problems because of it.
  • Intelligence Equals Isolation: A pretty tear jerking example as this was not because of his failure to connect with others. In the beginning, Japanese schools just ignored his intelligence. Under the wing of Schneider, he got accelerated at an improbable rate--and in effect became house arrested by Schneider.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends
  • Innocent Prodigy: He switches between this and Wise Beyond Their Years.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: While under foster care by Schneider, although the reason is a bit different from the the standard of that trope--Schneider put him in a highly acclerated educational program and then pretty much put him to work. Understandably, he was a bit broken for that.
  • Parental Abandonment: His parents separated over his education, and he followed his mother to the US. Not long after that, his mother died.
  • One-Scene Wonder
  • One Steve Limit: Averted and then played straight. Hiroki is a very common male name in Japan, and there has been at least two one-timer that has the same name before him. Although, referring to "Hiroki" without any quantification usually refers to him
  • Starts with a Suicide

Natsuki Koshimizu

Natsuki Koshimizu

Voiced by Risa Hayamizu (JP)

The "Detective of the South" in the Detectives' Koshien arc. She's from Fukuoka, a big town in the southern island of Kyushu.

  • Amateur Sleuth
  • Bifauxnen and Bokukko. The second is subverted since, as soon as she's uncovered as Tokitsu's killer, she switches to the more gender-neutral watashi, apparently feeling that she's too bloodstained to use boku anymore as it was a symbol of her youthful innocence.
  • Broken Bird
  • Dead Little Sister: Her best friend worked as a handmaid for a rich yet mentally unbalanced socialite who hanged herself in her own manor. The poor girl was wrongfully accused for her boss's murder, and threw herself off a sea cliff due to the pressure from the police. Hence why Natsuki arranged the reunion among highschool detectives: since "a highschool detective with a weird accent" sold the maid out, she wanted to discover which one was to blame, corner him, and take revenge.
  • Dropped a Bridget On Him: Hakuba, Heiji and Conan didn't know that the very tomboyish Natsuki was a girl, and they only found out when they saw her in a seifuku uniform.

Heiji: T-that guy's a girl?!

  • Headphones Equal Isolation: Invoked. Natsuki wore huge earphones in the beginning, which confused the others and made them think she didn't want to speak too much to them. She actually used them to hide her pierced ears, which would let others know she wasn't a highschooler anymore (Japanese schools are very strict about dress codes and often prohibit the use of earrings). She later hid them with her hair when she couldn't use the 'phones anymore.
  • Fear of Thunder: Subverted, she was faking it.
  • Older Than They Look: Is already 20 but looks young for her age. She exploits it to try fitting in the group better and not raise any eyebrows.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Leaning on Jinpei Matsuda's status.
  • Sympathetic Murderer: Killed fellow Amateur Sleuth Tokitsu, as he insisted that the dead socialite was killed (He had been fooled by a "closed room trick" performed by a thief some time after the murder, believing it to have been performed by the murderer.) This led to the suicide of the only suspect, Natsuki's friend.

Junya Tokitsu

Junya Tokitsu

Voiced by Shinichiro Miki (JP)

The "Detective of the North" in the Detectives' Koshien arc. He's born in Tokyo and raised in Hokkaido, a huge island in northern Japan.

Dr. Narumi Asai

Dr. Narumi Asai alias of Seiji Asai, born Seiji Asou.

Voiced by Ai Orikasa (JP)

Appeared in the Moonlight Sonata arc. She is the beautiful doctor of the fishing island of Tsukukage. She is actually Seiji Asou, the son of the late local pianist who died under strange circumstances, crossdressed.

Mandatory Naming Note: His surname by birth, Asou is also that of one of Aoyama's assistants.

Asami Uchida

Asami Uchida

Shinichi, Ran and Sonoko's old sempai, and apparently Shinichi's first love. She invites them to a karaoke party to celebrate her birthday, but then the encounter goes sour as a fire breaks in and Asami, who's taking a nap since she doesn't feel well, almost dies...

Sayuri Matsumoto

Sayuri Matsumoto

Voiced by Maya Okamoto (JP)

Shinichi and Ran's former music teacher, as well as the much-loved daughter of Kiyonaga Matsumoto. Who is poisoned to almost death in her wedding day...

Yusuke Sakata

Yusuke Sakata born Yusuke Inaba.

A policeman working under Chief Touyama, who appears in the Naniwa Murder Case arc. As well as the Sympathetic Murderer of said arc.

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