Degrassi/Characters/Grade 9 Class
Maya Matlin
Maya Matlin (Season 11- )
Played by Olivia Scriven
"I don't have a million activities like Katie...Music is everything to me."
Maya Matlin is Katie's younger sister and couldn't be more different. While popular Katie can be cold and is a superb athlete, Maya is artistic, outspoken and doesn't care about high school cliques. Maya loves music and is an award winning musician and had her heart set out on an arts school, but she attends Degrassi and will settle with being in band.
- Intelligence Equals Isolation: She's a musical prodigy still stuck in basic 9th grade band class, so she's pretty alone in that area.
- Little Miss Snarker: As she showed Ms. Oh.
- Name's the Same: Has the same name as a friend Caitlin had back on Degrassi Junior High.
- Only Sane Man: She's the voice of reason where Katie has none.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to Tori's Red.
- Sibling Yin-Yang
- Star-Crossed Lovers: Appears to be headed in that direction with Campbell. If the promos are an indication, Tori won't approve.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Tori.
Tori Santamaria
Tori Santamaria (Season 11- )
Played by Alex Steele
"I swear on my East Regional Miss Pre-teen Runner-up sash."
Tori is new to Degrassi, and she wants to leave her mark. Her parents have entered her in beauty pageants, put her in commercials, and have indulged her ego for most of her life. She's never heard the word "no" in her entire life and she gets a huge wake up call from the student body about her ego when she tries to join the Power Squad. Nevertheless, she has an infectious positive energy that radiates from her.
- Actor Allusion: In Need You Now, the school's resident Alpha Bitch makes her the mascot, just like Paige did to Manny (played by Alex Steele's Real Life older sister Cassie) in season 4.
- The Cheerleader
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- The Cutie: For the most part. She's a little conceited but she's very sweet and caring.
- Genki Girl: Sometimes she can slip into this.
- Fag Hag: To Tristan.
- The Fashionista.
- It's All About Me
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red to Maya's Blue.
- Spoiled Brat: Averted; she actually tries to work hard to earn her due, despite being spoiled.
- Spoiled Sweet
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Maya.
- What Could Have Been: Her last name was originally Hilson, but was changed to Santamaria, due to the actress's Spanish/Filipino ethnicity.
- You Look Familiar: She is played by Alex Steele, who played Craig's little half-sister Angela. When it was announced that she would be playing a different character, the cries of Ruined FOREVER rang out through the fandom.
Tristan Milligan
Tristan Milligan (Season 11- )
Played by Lyle O'Donohoe
"I'm not changing. Not for you, not for anyone."
Tristan is big, brash and and in-your-face. He doesn't back down and will voice his opinion loudly. He also aspires to be on top of the Degrassi social ladder, by getting onto Power Squad and directing plays. Despite his attitude, he is fiercely loyal to his friends. He is the younger brother of Owen.
- A Friend in Need
- Camp Gay: Lampshaded by Zig in Can't Tell Me Nothing.
- Chekhov's Gunman: He briefly appears in Dead and Gone in Bianca and Drew's group during the Freshman Orientation.
- Coming Out Story: Averted! He's already out when starts freshman year, and so far has not experience any Gayngst at least within himself.
- Establishing Character Moment: In his aforementioned first appearance, he rudely interrupts Drew and Bianca and demands to know why he can't get on to YouTube, demonstrating his brash nature.
- Relationship Sabotage (He was considering it with Maya and Zig.)
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The Sensitive Guy to Zig and Owen; loves musicals and drama.
- Sibling Yin-Yang
Zig Novak
Zig Novak (Season 11- )
Played by Ricardo Hoyos
"He's a jerk who uses girls and breaks their hearts. If you're smart, you'll stay away."
Zig is the new Degrassi desirable hot boy. Even with his first appearance, he has Maya and Tori fighting over him. Zig is basically a normal kid; he likes to date, skateboard, and hang with his guy friends. He has shown to be inconsiderate with his girlfriend Tori, but he has a sweet nature that keeps her coming back. He's also hinted to have a bad home life.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Both Tori and Maya have feelings for him.
- Dawson Casting: Hoyos is three years older than Zig.
- Informed Attribute: Namely, the fact he's a "bad boy." Season 11's promo site described him as such. However, in between becoming the new mascot and tweeting that he likes his school uniform, we've seen him do exactly none of that stuff in the show. Jay looks like James freaking Dean by comparison.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The Manly Man to Tristan; likes skateboarding and girls.