Death Note Abridged (Dogface 701)
Light: Ryuk, I don't get it. I didn't even write her name down yet.
Ryuk: That was the most f__ed up thing I've ever seen... and I'm a Death God!
Is another Abridged Series (7 episodes) based upon Death Note. It was created by Dogface701
Ryuk: Whatever happened to that Yuri chick you were dating?
Post-traumatic flashback effect
Yuri: Flowers... and [++ NO CHOCOLATE!!!!++ ]
end post-traumatic flashback
Ryuk: Did you just piss yourself?
Light: Shut up Ryuk! At least I like women!
- Abusive Parents - "Oh crap, she's drinking again!"
- Angry Black Man – Aizawa
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking
- Bad Liar - both Light and L.
- Butt Monkey - Light
- Cluster F-Bomb - everyone, but especially Ryuk and the receptionist
- Comedic Sociopathy
- Comically Missing the Point:
Chief Yagami: I'm Chief Yagami and this is my band of idiots.
Matsuda: Ha ha Mogi, he just called you an idiot.
- Deadpan Snarker - Ryuk
- Democracy Is Bad -
Mr. Yagami: Anytime Matsuda says over three words we slap him, all in favor?
Matsuda: Wait, that's not fair! *Slap*
- Department of Redundancy Department - "I'm going to be following you around until you die... or give away my notebook... or die."
- Does This Remind You of Anything? - "We thrust this hard pen upwards into this hole."
- Domestic Abuse
- Driven to Suicide / Suicide as Comedy - see page quote.
- Eagle Land - AMERICA!!!
- Epic Fail - "Dude with that much ammo you could have robbed a freakin' mall! You're a sorry excuse for a criminal, you know that!"
- Even Evil Has Standards - "Litter? I should pistol-whip you for that!"
- Even the Guys Want Him -
Light (to Ryuk): At least men don't think I'm sexy.
Aizawa: I'm not gay but that Light Yagami is one fine piece of ass.
- Everything Is Racist
- Expository Theme Tune – "I Want To Conquer the World" by Bad Religion
- Freudian Excuse - Light
- Gambit Roulette
- Genki Shinigami - Hey Light, Light! What ya' doin? How ya' doin? You know what I think, I think we should really go buy some apples...
- Green Aesop -
Ryuk: Oh, great idea, waste a whole sheet of paper on one name. Way to save the environment! Do you know how much paper costs in the Shinigami Realm... A LOT because there are no f_ing trees!
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today? - Light, quite often.
- Hypocritical Humor / I Resemble That Remark:
Ryuk: Hey Light, there's this big, ugly, scary lookin' guy following you.
Light: Ryuk, for the last time I know you're there!
Ryuk: No, not me!
- Interrupting Meme - the "WTF boom."
- Intoxication Ensues – L
- Is This Thing Still On?
- Lady Drunk - Sachiko Yagami
- Linkin Park -the opening is "Breaking the Habit"
- Logic Bomb - "The doctor said it's physically impossible for me to ever have a heart attack."
- Love Martyr - Light.
- Mind Rape
- Mood Dissonance
- Mushroom Samba -
L: I'm so high right now, I'm having YOUR hallucinations.
- National Stereotyping Tropes – Everyone here who is not Japanese is retarded.
- No Fourth Wall -
Light: You see how long I have?
Ryuk: Yep!
- Shinigami vision* Light Yagami- 37 episodes
Raye Penber: I'm dying! Somebody help me!
Random Pedestrian 1: Shut up Emo!
Random Pedestrian 2: We have problems too, you know.
Mogi: We have determined that Kira is your son, Light, and he's killing with a magical notebook.
Souichiro: Not now, Mogi. The adults are talking.
- Later when introducing themselves:
Mogi: Hi my name is Mogi and Kira is Light Yagami.
L: That's not a fun fact Mogi.
- Only Sane Man - Mogi
- Other Stock Phrases:
Ryuk: ...told you s-
- Predatory Business – restock on Death Note Death Paper at Walmart at low low prices!
- Real Men Wear Pink - Ryuk "Ladies love hearts"
- Revenge by Proxy - You got a dog? It's dead. A bird? It's dead...
- Shout-Out - Ryuk is introduced to the music from Nightmare Before Christmas, Light and Ryuk watch Beavis and Butthead... and "Why so serious?", L is introduced to "One Winged Angel" and apparently Ukita is Slim Shady.
- Sidekick -
Light: ...and that, Sayu, is how I kill people.
Sayu: Awesome! Can I have a Death Note too?
Light: No, you ignorant child. And if you ever get kidnapped by a gay blonde man, I will kill you.
- Sound Effect Bleep - Putting The Osbornes to shame.
- The Stoner - L.
- Sayu bribes Light with Vicoden.
- Surrounded by Idiots
- Suspiciously Specific Denial
- Take That -to 4Kids! Entertainment...
Crack addict: You're right! I won't steal anymore because stealing is morally wrong. Do you want to be my friend because friendship is teh best...
Light: ...the only way this day could get any worse is if an evil notebook fell from the sky!
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill - "If anyone attempts to force the drawer open it ignites the C-4 under the desk which sets off the atom bomb under the house killing everyone within a 50 mile radius."
- Time for Plan B
- Took a Level In Dumbass - everyone.
- Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth
L: There are too many people here. Everyone that's ever been abducted by aliens... leave...
Soichiro: I thought for sure the aliens would have taken you, Matsuda.
Matsuda: * Sniff* They didn't want me.
- Transparent Closet - Ryuk.
- Unusual Euphemism - "I have to go smoke some actors."
- We Could Have Avoided All This
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome? - a Killing Montage to Metallica "Seek and Destroy"! Rock on!
- "Shit, I forgot how to open a door" * cue Duel of the Fates*
- With Catlike Tread - [+ "DON'T WORRY I HAVE A PLAN!!!"+ ]
- "But hey, be sure to stand there and gloat while he's dying, because surely there are no surveillance cameras IN A PUBLIC SUBWAY!"
- Yandere - Yuri, the girl Light takes to Spaceland.