Dangerous Detour/Characters
Main Characters
Tropes appliable to both Main Characters
- Adventure Duo: Bonus Points for them actually being on an adventure.
- Badass
- Badass and Child Duo
- Bash Brothers: It's shown that, in combat, they're a pretty efficient duo, since Jin would whittle down an enemy with his flamebreath-attacks, so that Jaryl could slice them with his sword.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Most, if not all people on the human/werewolf/vampire-world refer to Jaryl and Jin as "Wolf" and "Dragon" respectively. Jaryl goes with it, seeing it as some sort of codename, and since it doesn't matter if they are known with their real names or not, everybody would recognize the two as the prophesied saviours of the goddess of the humans anyway.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Jaryl is the blue oni (despite what his red eyecolor might tell you), while Jin is the red oni. Though both tend to switch a little bit in different kind of situations, as Jaryl, for example, tends to get a little bit more emotional if things aren't exactly going as he might have intended.
- The Chosen One: According to Bennet, who has foreseen that those two random travelers will rescue the goddess of the humans. Jaryl is understandably irked by this. Though this is deconstructed here, since it's not like he and Jin have a choice, as their reward would be a way back to their own homeworld, which they probably won't even find without help.
Jaryl Garen
"Excellent ..."
Main Character, anthropomorphic wolf and Narrator of the story. With him being 20 years old, he may just look like a typical hero, but Jaryl himself only wants to live a quiet life. He's a quite calm and reserved person, though innerly, he often comments on things that happen to him with sarcasm. May have a terrible secret, because of his two scars, which are on his chest and snout, and because he never looses a single word about them or his past. Is not treated very well by other people because of his red eye color.
- And That Would Be Wrong: A Variation:
"And that would be very inefficient."
- Badass Anthropomorphic Animal: When those two scars aren't enough, he sure shows us that he knows how to fight.
- Badass Normal: He doesn't have any special powers like Jin, who can breathe flames. The only thing he has is his trusty sword, and he killed a werewolf with it. With a single stab to its heart, no less.
- Bare Your Midriff: It's justified, as he has never chosen the way of the Warrior and has not much money anyways in order to buy adequate armor. But damn, this interpretation of him is really good-looking.
- Carpet of Virility: He's got a pretty nice one, like here and especially here. Other than that, it's subject to Depending on the Artist.
- Catch Phrase: Seems to be "Excellent ..." ("Ausgezeichnet ..." in german). Maybe he was once an apprentice of Mr. Burns?
- "Anyway" ("Sei's drum" and many other variations of it in german) is also used pretty often by him.
- Dark and Troubled Past: It's implied, although he never looses a word about how exactly he got his scars, or what he generally has done.
- As the author has completely rewritten the prologue, we now see Jaryls departure from his (currently unnamed) original hometown. Guess his time there was not very pleasant. Guess why. His father, mother and baby-brother have always supported him, though, and they were really sad when he left town to live on his own, and to shut up the townspeople.
- Deadpan Snarker: Has a certain fondness of this.
- Depending on the Artist: He could be on the next trope-picture, he's nearly as bad as Ken. His general physique and proportions vary between artists, and concerning the first and last picture, even the same artist draws him in two different versions! Him being an anthropomorphic wolf and his clothes (though in newer artworks, they're almost always being red and black) generally stay the same.
- Female Gaze: He's half the way to a Walking Shirtless Scene, so his pretty welltoned chest can get pretty... distracting. Specifically in those artworks.
- First-Person Smartass: He's even more fond of this than stating his sarcasm up front.
- Good Colors, Evil Colors: After the revision of the Prologue, he now wears his shirt and trousers in bloodred and black, respectively.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has one on the bridge of his snout, and one on his chest.
- Handwraps of Awesome: Sorta.
- Hellish Pupils: Ahem, well... though, this could just be attributed to the drawing-style of those two artists.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Justified in that he's living in medieval times.
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Jerkass Facade: Considering the resentment against him from his own kind, it's no wonder that he's gotten one up, even against Bennet. But then again, he's a fairly Nice Guy to Jin.
- Limited Wardrobe: He's always seen with a bloodred shirt and black trousers. He justifies this after telling the reader what he looks like and what he wears:
I can't afford more.
- Manly Man: Dips into this, to Jins Sensitive Guy.
- Narrator: While at the same time being the Main Character.
- Overprotective Dad: Believe it or not, Jaryl has a very firm opposition of letting Jin fight against anything out for their blood, mainly because Jin's five years old. Has to accept the idea of letting the dragon fight when absolutely necessary, due to a very freaky meeting with some kind of Ghost, but is still against that. While the trope itself isn't about this kind of overprotective-ness, it's name seems quite fitting.
- The new prologue might even show the roots of why Jaryl has this particular attitude to Jin. As he says in the new prologue to his Mother:
"who knows whether those guys are doing something to you and Andy, just to get rid of me. I think those assholes are very capable of doing that."
- Not to mention Chapter 8, where he nearly flips out when Jin tells him that he was wandering around town:
"What?! Did anything happen, did someone attack you??? Why are you wandering through such a place full with idiots alone while I'm sleeping?!"
- Papa Wolf: Incredibly Lame Puns aside, he's revealed being this to Jin in Chapter 6. As the little Dragon was cornered by a hostile Werewolf, Jaryl got him out of that situation by killing their monstrous foe with a stab in his heart. This also leads to an Overprotective Dad-like situation, where Jaryl absolutely refuses to let Jin participate in battles anymore, despite having seen that Jin knows how to fend for his own life and having access to pretty powerfull flamebreath-attacks. While, due to a latter occurence in this chapter, this decision is changed again, he's still against the idea of getting Jin into senseless danger.
- Parental Substitute: Is this to Jin.
- Perpetual Frowner: This seems his standard expression in the story. The only moments where he smiles are when he's in a kinda "Father Mode" to Jin.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Has those as his natural eyecolor.
- Self-Deprecation: He seems to have no high opinion on himself.
- Shonen Hair: Usually Depending on the Artist. Though it's a very mild example and has nothing to do with his personality, as he is usually a quite calm and reserved person.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps: Of the 'ripped off'-variety.
- The Alcoholic: Is shown to like beer, as he's drinking it in Chapter 2, although it's (intentionally?) unknown how much he drinks normally. And, in the later chapters, imposes a 'No Alcohol'-rule on himself, as he doesn't want to get ambushed by anyone opposing him while drunk.
- The Coats Are Off: In the rewritten Chapter 1, because the coat had too many holes for it to be efficient anymore, so he had to ditch it.
- Why Did It Have To Be Spiders And Heights?
J-0618-I-10-N-1909, Jin Garen
"No big deal, Jaryl! I want to help you with this!"
A five year old dragon. He's like a typical child, optimistic and a happy fellow. His past is even more nebulous than Jaryl's, as he was found sleeping in a capsule, loaded into a meteor, by the wolfman, having no memories of the years before. Despite that, he has declared that he wants to help Jaryl with their unexpected quest.
- And I Must Scream: Thanks to the new Prologue, the last thing Jin has seen before succumbing to sleeping gas is the nice lady who he could call 'Mama', but apparently killed by gunshot and seeing her face twisted with pain as she fell against his capsule. Let that sink in for a while. It may be possible that this exact image was haunting him in his sleep.
- Angst? What Angst?: May lead to this trope. It's unknown if he can remember the details of this incident, but if he can, then he does a very good job on not getting all gloomy and depressive because of it.
- The End of Chapter 9 seems to be a turning point for him. After what has happened, his demeanor seems to have taken quite a hit. Maybe the new picture of him is a case of Foreshadowing in how bad this has become.
- Bare Your Midriff: Does so here, showing that he has a bellybutton. Though, considering his implied origins, this could be plausible...
- Black Eyes: Well, Jaryl describes them as being a brighter black, almost passing over to grey.
- Cute Bruiser: Shows shades of this. He apparently likes to fight, and in Chapter 6, it's shown that he can take on a Fenrier (bipedal, wolf-like monsters, which are small, somewhat Jin's height, but very deadly if you're not being cautious) singlehandedly. While his fight was happening "offscreen" (Jaryl had to focus on three of those things) , he makes clear that you should not underestimate him.
- Cute Little Fangs: According to this artwork [dead link] (not drawn by the autor, it's commissioned by him), he has those.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: Naturally.
- Kid Hero: A quite extreme example. The boy is FIVE, for Pete's sake ... though, it's implied that he is wise beyond his years, because he apparently has a grasp of Life and Death, which is rare for Kids in his age. And because he knows how to fight and not getting himself maimed.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Jin apparently has no idea where or what his origins are. It's probably not helping that he was found in a weird capsule, which was loaded into a meteor, by Jaryl ...
- Literal-Minded: Whenever Jaryl uses some sort of metaphor:
"Whew, you shouldn't ask me something like that, concerning this, I'm completely in the dark", I answer.
"But we aren't in the dark, there's light at the walls", Jin reckons somewhat confused.
- Sensitive Guy: To Jaryls Manly Man. He is a sweet boy.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps: His shirt is also sleeveless, though compared to Jaryls, where they were torn off, his shirt simply does not have them.
- Oblivious Adoption: Get's adopted by Jaryl, but it's unclear if Jin is aware of their race-differences
- Precision F-Strike: In Chapter 9, and simultaneously with Jaryl, no less, after hearing a particularily bloodcurling scream. May also double as an Out-of-Character Moment, because when even the little kid swears, you know something's just going wrong.
- Wings Do Nothing: It's justified, since he's way too young for them to be of any use. Or not.
Supporting Characters
Mister Bennet
An old human, fortuneteller AND mayor of a little town, he's the one who assigns Jaryl and Jin their objective of destroying five seals holding the goddess of the humans. Concerning the little dialogue at the very end of Chapter 5, he seems to have a role in a conspiracy against our wandering duo...
- Badass Grandpa: Hey, he's a fortuneteller (whose tellings were told to be always right) and the mayor of a little town, so this has to say something about him.
- Mister Exposition
- Stop Helping Me!: At least Jaryl, who's a little bit too paranoid to really appreciate the few things Bennet has done for them, feels this way about him, who did provide them a place to sleep for one night, breakfast included. Though as written above, it's clear that Bennet has something else in mind.