Cory in the House
"You know how I do."—Cory Baxter
The live-action TV series Cory in the House (2007-2008) is a spin-off of That's So Raven, featuring teenager Cory Baxter and his dad living in the White House after his father is hired to work there as a chef. Cory gains two new friends called Meena and Newt, a foreigner as well as a daughter to an ambassador and a guitar player with varying intelligence. It was chronologically the fourth series in the Disney Channel Universe.
Tropes used in Cory in the House include:
- Alpha Bitch: Tanisha to Sophie
- Lovable Alpha Bitch: Tanisha is Sophie's friend.
- And Starring: Rondell Sheridan
- Asian Airhead: Haley (Sophie's friend) (Type Two)
- Ass in Ambassador: Meena's father Raum Paroom, the Bahavian ambassador to the United States, smugly asserts the superiority of his own culture. He also forces his daughter to stand out like a sore thumb and restricts her relationships in the name of maintaining her cultural identity and not getting too assimilated in American culture. He mellows out somewhat, but still has his moments.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Newt
- Crossover: The Juicer (Cory's old bully), and Raven make appearances.
- The President and his daughter also appeared in Hannah Montana.
- Cut Short: The show would've gone further if not for the Writer's Strike. At 2 seasons and 34 episodes, it had the shortest run of any Disney Channel Original Series until 2010, when Jonas tied its record.
- The Ditz: Newt
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: In one episode, Newt falls in love with Cory in drag.
- Expy: A lot of recycled characters from TSR. Newt's an expy to Chelsea. Meena's an expy to Eddie. Hell, even Cory gets his own expy named Sophie.
- The Fool: Everyone. Except for characters even dumber than that, of course.
- Four Man Band: In a few episodes.
- The Hero: Cory
- The Lancer/The Smart Guy: Stickler
- The Big Guy: Newt
- The Chick: Meena
- Fifth Ranger: Candy
- Tagalong Kid: Sophie
- Freudian Trio: Cory (Id), Newt (Ego), and Meena (Superego).
- Funny Foreigner: Subverted with Meena. She seems well-assimilated in American culture, and her foreignness is only occasionally played for laughs.
- Her father seems to be more of a straight example, and forced Meena into most (if not all) of her Funny Foreigner situations with his insistence on tradition.
- Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: One scene, in which Candy Smiles straps Cory to a gurney and uses her knowledge of pressure points to exact from him whether he had manipulated her into dating him to make Meena jealous.
- Karma Houdini: Sophie sometimes falls under this category.
- Kid Com
- No Party Given: Not only is President Martinez's party affiliation never mentioned, but he rarely does anything vaguely political from which one could hazard a guess.
- Our Presidents Are Different: The President Buffoon to be exact.
- Also qualifies as President Minority, as he's a Latino.
- Replacement Flat Character: Sophie to Corey
- Ruritania: Meena apparently comes from a country named Bahavia. Bahavia seems to be a mixture of India and Russia.
- Special Effects Failure: About as often as could be expected from a low-budget Disney Channel Sitcom with zany situations, but Super-Speed DDR stood out well above the rest. There were also absolutely silly costumes, though some of them were intentionally unimpressive.
- Spin-Off
- Spontaneous Reverb: Parodied in one episode, where it happens whenever somebody yells.
- Stalker with a Crush: Jason Stickler, who (mis)uses high-tech gagdets provided by his CIA Director father to spy on Meena.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: Cory finds himself lusting after a pair of chiseled legs in a pair of Daisy Dukes, only to find, to his eternal Squick, that they belong to one Jason Stickler.
- The Theme Park Version: The White House and the President
- Three Amigos: Meena, Cory, and Newt.
- Totally Radical: The show's title. Cory's excessive usage of the word "dang", but that's not the only factor...
- Woman Scorned: Candy's reason for the aforementioned Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique.
- Young Entrepreneur: Cory plays this trope straight. He is always coming up with some scheme to earn some extra bucks, which often get him in a lot of trouble.
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