< Corpse Party

Corpse Party/Characters

The First Five

Satoshi Mochida

An Ordinary High School Student at Kisaragi Academy, Satoshi serves as the main protagonist (though the others get their time in the spotlight, especially from Blood Covered on). Generally a Nice Guy, he tends to get picked on a bit by his classmates due to his fear of ghost stories.

Naomi Nakashima

Naomi's known Satoshi ever since they were kids, and loves exploiting the fact that she knows all his weaknesses. However, she does this to try and hide her feelings for him, in typical Tsundere fashion.

  • Alliterative Name
  • All Love Is Unrequited: And it's HER GODDAMNED FAULT. Satoshi is as much in love with her as she is with him, but he doesn't dare show his feelings because he's afraid of being ridiculed by Naomi because of her extreme Tsundere attitude.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: She gets possessed by the darkness in Heavenly Host Elementary and ends up killing Seiko while under its influence. This can trigger a Despair Event Horizon in one of the Wrong Ends.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Not only her feelings for Satoshi, but also the guilt she feels immediately after lashing out at Seiko. If she tries to apologize, she's hardly even able to get the words out, and neither she nor Seiko feel any better. In Book of Shadows, she actually has a coughing fit.
  • Disappeared Dad
  • Driven to Suicide: Eventually, the horrors of the school push her past the breaking point and she threatens to hang herself just like Seiko was. Talking her down is necessary for that chapter's True End.
  • Fatal Flaw: Not only is she unable to bring herself to confess her feelings, she tends to take out her frustration verbally on everyone around her. Even when she knows it won't help anything, she can't stop herself...
  • My Greatest Failure: She feels that if she hadn't taken out all her frustrations on Seiko, they wouldn't have separated and Seiko wouldn't have died. She tries to rectify this after given the chance to do so in Book of Shadows. She succeeds, but Seiko freaks out (as it turns out, Naomi was Brainwashed and Crazy and tried to kill her) and runs away from her, headlong into a death trap. At this point, Naomi is forced to accept that saving Seiko at all is impossible.
  • Names to Know in Anime: Rina Satou
  • Never Got to Say Goodbye: Naomi splits up with Seiko shortly after the two get into an argument. The next time she sees Seiko, she's hanging by the neck in a bathroom stall. Considering it was Naomi's fault they split up in the first place, she feels pretty bad about it. She later finds out that she was the one who did that to her, albeit whilst possessed.
  • Patient Childhood Love Interest: Sorta. She's known Satoshi since seventh grade.
  • Screw Destiny: Her attitude in Book of Shadows, both in the "World Loop" chapters and the chapter following Blood Covered's True Ending. By the end of "Engraved Seal", this becomes You Can't Fight Fate.
  • Tsundere: A typical tsun-tsun; this is Deconstructed, as it feeds into her Fatal Flaw.
  • Twisted Ankle: Suffers from one after a bad landing, making it hard for her to get around at first.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: Her Fatal Flaw is a heavy driving force here, because Satoshi is in love with her too, but her downright abusive Tsundere attitude towards him pushes him away.

Ayumi Shinozaki

The Class Rep for 2-9, Ayumi is bright, cheerful, and absolutely loves scary stuff. Creepy stories, strange rituals... she loves them all, and can't resist taking advantage of her position to draw her classmates into her games. Especially Satoshi, since he's so funny when he's freaked out...!

Yoshiki Kishinuma

Despite having the Face of a Thug, Yoshiki is actually a pretty nice guy. Likes teasing Satoshi, but that's the norm among his classmates, anyway. After they're pulled into Tenjin, he vows to protect Ayumi at any cost.

Yuka Mochida

Satoshi's sweet and polite little sister, who's currently in middle school. Came to pick up her brother and wound up getting sucked into the middle of things.

First entered in Corpse Party: Blood Covered

Seiko Shinohara

Naomi's best friend, a cheery and irrepressible Genki Girl with a bit of a perverted streak. Or maybe it's just that she loves teasing Naomi...? Either way, she has a way of keeping her head up and looking on the bright side, even in the darkest of situations...

Mayu Suzumoto

Energetic and popular with most of the guys, Mayu is particularly close to Sakutarou, with whom she shares a Like Brother and Sister rapport. With her family moving away, she's about to transfer out of Kisaragi, with the Culture Festival being her last day...

  • Cruel and Unusual Death: It doesn't get much crueler than ramming her repeatedly into a wall until she becomes a pile of mush and organs. She is probably the most innocent character in the game(along with Yuka), and she gets the most brutal death by far.
  • Hair Decorations: Catches up part of her hair in a small side ponytail.
  • Kill the Cutie
  • Like Brother and Sister
  • Living Emotional Crutch: She is this to Sakutarou.
  • Names to Know in Anime: Yuka Nanri
  • New Transfer Student: Inverted; she was transferring out of Kisaragi, and the story starts on what was meant to be her last day there...
  • Ret-Gone: As a result of dying in Tenjin, everyone outside of Satoshi, Naomi, Yuka, Yoshiki, and Ayumi has forgotten about her existence.
  • Retirony: If only she'd transferred out sooner...
    • To be fair, they performed the ritual in the first place because she was leaving, as the Sachiko Ever After Charm is said to be a friendship ritual

Sakutarou Morishige

Another classmate from 2-9. He's quite close to Mayu.

  • Big Brother Instinct: Referenced in his spotlight chapter in Book of Shadows, where he muses darkly about how, while he's not particularly attracted to Yuka, seeing her scared and helpless was really exciting for him.
  • Blind Without'Em: As revealed in Extra Chapter 9.
  • Despair Event Horizon: When he finds out that the corpse he was most admiring throughout the course of the game was Mayu, he snaps. HARD.
  • Dramatic Irony: A key facet of his character is that he's completely unaware that the corpse picture he's most enthralled with and is using as an emotional crutch until he finds Mayu is Mayu.
  • Driven to Suicide: Shown in the manga; overheard in the game.
  • The Generic Guy: While the others are having their Establishing Character Moments in the classroom, he seems to be just... sort of there to establish that he exists and is Mayu's friend. His comes later.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: When he learns the corpse whose picture he's most obsessed with belongs to Mayu, he does not take it well.
  • Last-Name Basis: He doesn't like people calling him by his first name, so everyone calls him by his last name, save Mayu, who calls him "Shige-nii".
  • Like Brother and Sister
  • Megane
  • Names to Know in Anime: Tetsuya Kakihara
  • Nightmare Fetishist: He manages to(barely) maintain his sanity by taking snapshots of all the corpses he finds and admiring the handiwork He doesn't KILL anyone, but it's still pretty reprehensible. In Book of Shadows, he even begins to finger a corpse's wound.
  • Ret-Gone: As a result of dying in Tenjin, everyone outside of Satoshi, Naomi, Yuka, Yoshiki, and Ayumi has forgotten about his existence.

Yui Shishido

Class 2-9's teacher, who has a knack for connecting with her students. As a result, she's pretty well liked and respected by them.

  • Cool Teacher
  • Determinator: Let's see... She gets a cabinet dropped on her back, her entire back is pierced with knives, and she's being baited by a sadistic ghost who tries to get her to beg for her own life over that of her students'. What does she do? Plead for him to leave her students alone. After she manages to get the cabinet off of her, she starts to wander around, bloody and injured, all while trying to hold her shattered right arm in place. We finally see her again in chapter 5, when she meets up with Ayumi... But the reunion is short lived; the floor ends up being a trapdoor, and Yui ends up holding onto the edge (with both arms no less) so Ayumi can climb up and be saved. As we learn in the Extra End of chapter 4, this is what finally leads to her Heroic Sacrifice. Yui-sensei is awesome.
  • Heroic Sacrifice
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover
  • Names to Know in Anime: Miyuki Sawashiro
  • Ret-Gone: As a result of dying in Tenjin, everyone outside of Satoshi, Naomi, Yuka, Yoshiki, and Ayumi has forgotten about her existence.

Others appearing in Blood Covered

Yuuya Kizami

A young man from another high school (Byakudan High School) who Yuka runs into, mistaking him for Satoshi.

Kensuke Kurosaki

A young man from the same high school as Kizami, and his friend since childhood.

  • Alliterative Name
  • Names to Know in Anime: Tsubasa Yonaga
  • Not Quite Dead: Kizami stabs him and kicks him into a pit. Later, when Yuka realizes that Kizami is dangerous, she runs away to the room Kurosaki fell into. When Kizami catches up to her, Kurosaki punches him. Unfortunately, he's still too injured to do much else, so Kizami kills him. We don't see or hear it, but we see the results: It's rather messy.

Kou Kibiki

A writer of mystery novels researching what really happened in the 1973 kidnapping and murder case.

Shougo Taguchi

A cameraman helping Kibiki with his case.

  • Camera Fiend: A video camera at least.
  • Eyes Always Shut
  • Freak-Out: Has one when Naomi tries to give him back something he dropped in Chapter 5. Turns out, he watched Naomi kill Seiko, which led him to believe that Naomi would kill him too.
  • Nice Hat

Masato Fukuroi

The chairman of the student council at Byakudan High School.

Mitsuki Yamamoto

The secretary of the student council at Byakudan High School. Recently dumped her boyfriend after she discovered he was cheating on her with three other women.

Emi Urabe

A student who attends Byakudan High School, and Mitsuki's friend since their first year.

Touko Kirisaki

A student who attends Byakudan High School. She likes fortune telling, and was the one who suggested the friendship ritual to the others there.

Nana Ogasawara

A seventh grader at Musashigawa Girls' Junior High. Her story is told in the Extra Chapter 1, where she agrees to help a ghost find the items that were taken from him. In chapter 5, Satoshi, Naomi, and Yuka find her skeletal remains in the Dissection Room.

Chihaya Yamase

A seventh grader and classmate at the same school as Nana. In chapter 5, Satoshi, Naomi, and Yuka find her remains in a bucket in the Dissection Room.

Nari Amatoya

A seventh grader at the same school as Nana. Although she and Nana are in different classes, they are old friends. In chapter 5, Satoshi, Naomi, and Yuka find her name tag (but not her body) in a bucket in the Dissection Room. Book of Shadows reveals that she was cooked alive in burning hot oil.

Naho Saenoki

A high school student with great psychic potential. She blogs about curses, and is lodging with Kibiki due to circumstances at home.

The new victims of Corpse Party: Book of Shadows

Sayaka Ooue

A student at the same high school as Naho who does work in the talent industry. She's good friends with Naho due to them both being involved with the media.

Tsukasa Mikuni

A young man who attended Kisaragi Academy six years ago with Yui. They apparently dated, but never even kissed.

Kai Shimada

A student who attends Byakudan High School, and who has a one-sided rivalry with Kizami.

Ryousuke Katayama

A student who attends Byakudan High School. He enjoys video games and is good friends with Ohkawa. We first meet him in Extra Chapter 4 of Blood Covered, but it isn't until Book of Shadows that we see him in the main game.

  • Doomed by Canon
  • Of Corpse He's Alive: Even after he bleeds to death, Ohkawa insists that he's alive. Of course, it has less to do with deceit and more to do with the fact that Ohkawa is losing it.
  • Those Two Guys: With Ohkawa.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: He loses his leg in a trap and bleeds to death. His death causes Ohkawa to go nuts. After Kizami pushes his body down the stairs, Ohkawa panics even more, calling Kizami a murderer. This causes Kizami to have his "epiphany": It doesn't matter whether the school kills you or he does.

Tomohiro Ohkawa

A student who attends Byakudan High School. He likes cute things and video games. We first meet him in Extra Chapter 4 of Blood Covered, but it isn't until Book of Shadows that we see him in the main game.

  • Freak-Out: He doesn't take Katayama's death very well. He insists that he's still alive and needs to get to the hospital. Kizami attempts to "help" him see the truth by pushing Katayama's body down the stairs to prove he's dead. This only freaks Ohkawa out more.
  • Those Two Guys: With Katayama.

Other (spoilers)

Yuki Kanno

A victim of the 1973 Tenjin Elementary kidnapping and murder case, she appears as a ghost with her left eye missing.

  • Creepy Child
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: In the manga, she is literally incapable of understanding Yui's love for her students. This...doesn't end well for Yui.
  • Exposition Beam: Once Ayumi and Yoshiki give her and the other two their respective body parts back, she sends them back the classroom. Once there, she shows Ayumi the truth about how she and the others were murdered. Unfortunately for Ayumi, it's through Yuki's eyes.
  • Eye Scream
  • Girlish Pigtails
  • Face Heel Turn: She ends up becoming Sachiko's successor as the primary malevolent spirit haunting Tenjin in one of the Bad Ends, presumably against her will. This likely happens in the other endings where Sachiko is appeased.
  • The Unintelligible: Because her tongue is missing. Once she gets her tongue back, you can understand her.

Tokiko Tsuji

A victim of the 1973 Tenjin Elementary kidnapping and murder case, she appears as a ghost with the top of her head missing.

Ryou Yoshizawa

A victim of the 1973 Tenjin Elementary kidnapping and murder case, he appears as a ghost with his tongue missing.

The girl in red/ Sachiko Shinozaki

The supposed only survivor of the 1973 Tenjin Elementary kidnapping and murder case, she provided the testimony that got the killer arrested. After the incident, her family apparently moved away, and her whereabouts are currently unknown.

In actuality she is a malevolent spirit, and the one behind the 1973 incident. After possessing the supposed killer and making him kidnap the other children, she killed them herself and laid the blame on him.

She herself was the victim of an incident in 1953, where she was killed after witnessing the headmaster of the school kill her mother, who then went on to hide her remains in the basement. Her hatred towards the headmaster and envy towards those still alive ended up twisting her personality into what it is in the game.

Yoshikazu Yanagihori

A teacher at Tenjin Elementary, and the son of the headmaster. He was arrested for the kidnapping and murder of the three victims in 1973 but was actually being manipulated by Sachiko.

  • Alliterative Name
  • Cool Teacher: Used to be one until his mental illness struck. An entry in Yoshie Shinozaki's diary suggests that she might have had something to do with the mental illness.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Being controlled by Sachiko into kidnapping the three children and then witnessing her kill them in cold blood completely breaks him and leads to him being...
  • Driven to Suicide
  • Drop the Hammer: His zombie occasionally appears with a giant mallet. God help you if he catches you.
  • Insanity Defense: How he avoided going to jail. He actually was pretty insane at that point, so a mental hospital was probably the best place for him. However, he ended up escaping, broke into the school and hung himself in the basement.
  • Man Child: At the time of the incident, a disease had apparently caused him to regress to a childlike mental state, to the point where he couldn't even convey his thoughts. People noted that he was still a rather kind person even when he reached that point, so it was almost hard to believe that he'd commit such horrific murders. Which makes sense, seeing as he didn't commit the murders.
  • Sins of Our Fathers: Yoshikazu's mental illness and regression are heavily implied to be caused by being cursed by Yoshie, Sachiko's mother. When you find her diary in-game, Yoshie mentions her hatred for Principal Yanagihori is so great, she cursed him and everyone in his bloodline. This basically means he's the very first innocent victim of Yoshie's and Sachiko's rage: even before the murder of the three children, Yoshikazu was already a powerless puppet under Sachiko's thrall.
  • The Woobie: Seriously. He might be a shambling, murderous horror now, but in life he was a kind teacher who loved children right up to the moment he died. Being cursed into regressing to a child-like state and being under the control of a murderous rage-spirit who forces you to obtain victims for her is a fate he most definitely did not deserve.

Yoshie Shinozaki

Sachiko's mother, she was a doctor and a health official for Tenjin Elementary. She died after falling from a stairway landing in the school. She was the other victim of the incident in 1953. After she rejected the headmaster's advances, he accidentally caused her death whilst chasing after her in an attempt to keep her quiet. Her death was subsequently covered up as an accident.

She appears in-game as the ghost in the infirmary.

Hinoe Shinozaki

Ayumi's older sister. She's obviously the one Ayumi inherited her love of the occult from.

  • Big Damn Heroes: Saves Ayumi and Naomi from dying when their paper dolls are burning in Book of Shadows. Unfortunately, following this is...
  • Off With Her Head: She dies this way in Book of Shadows. Right in front of Ayumi, no less.
  • Onee-Sama: Very soft-spoken and ladylike, and very encouraging of Ayumi.

Natsumi Nakashima

Naomi's mother.

Haruna Kizami

Kizami's older sister.

Yukie Suzumoto

Mayu's mother. She is sad about her daughter having to transfer and resents her workaholic husband for not protesting against his job transfer.

Yuu Shinohara

One of Seiko's younger brothers.

Kokuhaku Akaboshi

A girl from Misato Municipal Brotherhood High that Satoshi and Yuka encounter in Chapter 3. Despite their attempts to communicate with her, she doesn't really respond. Her Name Tag is found in Chapter 5 indicating that she either died shortly after Satoshi and Yuka left or was already dead.

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