Collar 6/Characters
The character sheet for the webcomic Collar 6. This page shows the various characters and the tropes related to them.
Sixx, aka Michelle O'Carroll
Sixx is a hotel tycoon and Dominatrix, and the former slave of the now-enslaved Mistress Trina. She has slaves all over the world, but has a primary household in which the other main characters serve her. Sixx is actually a title, her real name is Michelle. As part of her plan to win the spanking contest with Butterfly Sixx temporarily gave up her title, which was assumed by Laura.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Compressed Hair
- Green Eyed Red Head
- Fiery Redhead
- King Incognito: She keeps her great wealth a secret to prevent people from assuming that she is a Rich Bitch.
- Locked Out of the Loop: In regards to her mother and father, who are and were respectively "Phantoms", or covert operatives above even the Judiciatrices.
- Loophole Abuse: How she planned to win the bet with Butterfly.
- Lost Him in a Card Game: Sixx bet herself on a spanking contest.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Realized she had been delving into the realm of the non-consensual, and decided she, Laura, and Ginger needed a long talk.
- Parental Abandonment: She hasn't seen her mother in a decade, and her father died under mysterious circumstances mainly being killed by an anti-Atlantean faction.
- The Plan
- Take a Third Option: Making herself a slave to Laura.
- Tenchi Solution: She starts out with a huge harem.
Laura de Silva
Sixx’s personal slave. Was initially surprised to find out the extent of the Association, but eventually settled into her new life, insisting that Ginger be made a personal slave alongside her. She temporarily assumed the mantel of Mistress Sixx before giving it back to Michelle following the contest. Was being held hostage by Evita Kappel until she was rescued.
- Barrier Warrior
- Break the Cutie: To a degree, although she certainly isn't scarred for life or anything. But not if Butterfly has her way
- The Chew Toy: And she likes it that way!
- Determinator
- Dumb Blonde: To a degree she’s played as this, although far from a complete Ditz.
- Happiness in Slavery
- Runaway Fiancee
- Training from Hell: She went through this.
The maid in Sixx’s primary household, she is in love with Sixx. She is initially very hostile towards Laura, but eventually comes to accept her when Laura insists that they share the position of “personal slave.”
- Curtains Match the Window: Amazingly, she is the ONLY instance of this in the comic.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy
- Foe Yay: With Laura. They’re no longer foes, so this is now just Les Yay
- Happiness in Slavery: Well, duh.
- Meido/French Maid
- The Rival: She’s not anymore.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Well, green.
Stella and Claire
Ginger's cousins and Sixx's new maids. They are brought in after Ginger becomes a personal slave. For the reference: Stella is the one with blue hair, while Claire's are dark pink/purple.
- God Mode Sue: In-Universe, they are able to dress Sixx without her noticing that they've even moved. They admit this isn't humanly possible.
- Happiness in Slavery: Their owner has to earn their respect, but yeah.
- Meido / French Maid
- Mother Russia Makes You Strong: They were former bodyguards for a Russian Czar.
- Ninja Maid: At least Stella is—refer to strip #318.
- Super Speed
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Pink and blue.
Butterfly aka Evita Kappel, née Fedele
A rival Mistress who was somehow able to collar Mistress Trina. Hated by Sixx.
- Bad Powers, Bad People: It's implied that her husband's "black book" has had this effect on her.
- The Baroness: Fits the sadistic parts of this trope, and later revealed to be a literal baroness of Eastern Italy
- Big Bad
- Blondes Are Evil: Subverted, it turns out she's not a natural blond
- Blue Eyes: She actually has a similar color scheme to Laura granted, the blond hair is fake but unlike Laura's "innocent" variety of blue eyes, hers are definitely intended to come off as "icy" instead.
- Cleavage Window: Her outfit during the spank off has one.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: To Trina, and later Laura after capturing her.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: A mild example, since she has noticeably darker skin than Laura, who's also blond. Subverted since she's not a natural blond.
- Depraved Bisexual: Possibly. We now know that she has a husband but she also has no problem abusing women. It may be more about power and control than the gender of the victim, however.
- Dye Hard: she's evidently been hiding her real hair color to disguise her identity, and if it was a blond wig she was using than she likely also has Compressed Hair since her natural hair is very long and wavy
- Even Evil Has Standards: Declares that she doesn't "indulge in pointless barbaric mutilations", which contains a bit of Fridge Brilliance considering what she rescued Alice and Anya from. She's perfectly willing to exploit Trina's fear of sharp objects, commit Mind Rape and torture Laura but she still has standards.
- Jerkass
- Mind Rape: It's eventually revealed that she was able to form such a strong bond with Trina this way. It's described as tearing a hole into that person's spirit and taking root there.
- Pet the Dog: The story of how she obtained her slaves comes off as this.
- Playing with Fire
- Psychotic Smirk: Is prone to them, but the one in strip #275 tops all else thus far.
- The Rival
A former mistress, now Butterfly's slave. She was formerly Sixx's mistress. Very little else is known about her.
- Brown Eyes
- Deal with the Devil: She essentially describes her deal with Butterfly as such.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Towards Laura, though she admits that Laura had no way of knowing that she was "taking" the position Trina wanted.
- Hot for Student: Apparently fell in love with Michelle while training her to be a Judiciatrix.
- If I Can't Have You: Eventually adopts this attitude towards Michelle, though it's more "If I can't be had by you" since she wanted to be collared by Michelle
- Happiness in Slavery
- Hime Cut: Her ethnicity hasn't been specified, but this along with her Brown Eyes mean that some readers speculate that she's supposed to be Asian.
- Love Makes You Evil
- Unrequited Love: For Michelle, which resulted in the above tropes.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Sharp things.
- You Are Too Late: She found out that Sixx had taken a second personal slave in Ginger, but by then she was already broken by Butterfly.
Linda Knight
A spy hired by Butterfly, she's caught while infiltrating Sixx Manor.
- Action Girl
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Heel Face Turn
- Ninja
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Ultimately subverted
Alice, Anya and Gunther
Butterfly and Michael Kappel's three slaves.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Gunther's existence is alluded to before he appears, and Nora explains that the fact that Sixx only encountered Alice and Anya when Laura is abducted is a cause for concern.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Alice and Anya. Whether this also applies to Gunther isn't certain at this point.
- Kick the Morality Pet: When Butterfly lashes out at Gunther, who was merely expressing concern for her and worries that the "black books" have been messing with her mind. Butterfly immediately regrets it and apologizes.
- Morality Pet: To Butterfly, and they insist that she's not evil.
- Parental Betrayal: Alice's father handed her over to the Order of Denial to "have the sissy bitch beaten out of you."
- Perky Female Minion: Alice.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The respective hair colors on the girls.
- Super Strength: Gunther.
- Transsexualism: Alice
- Undying Loyalty: All three of them.
- Wild Card: Gunther, since the Association knows next to nothing about him besides the fact that he exists. Lampshaded by Crimson Whip after he effortlessly punches through a reinforced door with his bare hands, something she couldn't prepare for.
Nora O'Carroll
The former Mistress Sixx and Michelle's mother. Is actually an Agency Phantom.
- Action Mom
- Daddy Had a Good Reason For Abandoning You: After finding out the truth about her husband William, she couldn't bear to continue with her role as Mistress Sixx
- Despair Event Horizon: the death of her husband was one for her, knowing what he had to do to keep them safe, to the point that she gave up the title to Michelle.
- Determined Widow: Became this after the death of her husband William including becoming an agent like he was
- Green Eyed Red Head
- Hot Chick in a Badass Suit
- Hot Mom: She's probably at least in her forties or fifties, but she looks very good for her age.
- The Men in Black
- Parental Abandonment: By the start of the story, she hasn't seen Michelle in nearly a decade.
- Strong Family Resemblance: She and Michelle look very similar, though she's drawn in a way that shows her age.
Michael Kappel
Butterfly's husband, a mysterious figure who's mentioned early on by Butterfly. He's an insanely powerful dom who uses "black books" and was captured by The Association prior to the story.
- Badass Family: Himself, his wife, and his slaves, or as Sixx describes them "A whole family of super powered assholes."
- Chekhov's Gunman: First mentioned by Butterfly in strip 170. And his first physical appearance is in Laura's flashback to Sybion, as "Mr. Black".
- Dude in Distress: The fact that he's been imprisoned by the Association for two and a half years, and Butterfly's efforts to get him back kick off the main story arc.
- Hypno Ray: And is referred to as a Hypnomancer, the most powerful one in the world.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Person of Mass Destruction