Collar 6

Collar 6 is an Animesque webcomic based around the exploits of a (voluntary) slavegirl named Laura; her "owner", Mistress Sixx; Sixx's rival, Mistress Butterfly, and Sixx's maid, Ginger. With Ginger's recent promotion from maid to a "personal slave", two new maids, named Stella and Claire, have been introduced. Schedule Slip has been far better than with many other webcomics, and most strips try to both advance the story and provide at least one laugh.
While it originated as a technically worksafe, if Fetish Fuel-filled, series, a few pages in the middle (and the page ads) have contained nudity and, so it is now best considered Not Safe for Work.
Also contains a side story, Owned, about a fairly inexperienced male submissive and the fairly inexperienced domme he wakes up to discover he has signed a slave contract, which explores other aspects of the world.
- Absurdly High Stakes Game: If Sixx loses her bet with Butterfly, all of her titles and assets (which are ... significant) are transferred to Butterfly and she becomes Butterfly's slave.
- Accidental Marriage: The side-story "Owned" revolves around this -- a man agreed to a slave contract but doesn't remember it due to head trauma. The Mistress (who apparently knows him / lives near him) is holding him to it. Complicating matters is that he admits, begrudgingly, that he was always too afraid to explore his submissive side and the fact that the he is the Mistress's first ever slave. They reconcile and decide to give their future together a chance.
- Achievements in Ignorance: Trina flat out states that Laura shouldn't be able to enter subspace to help Sixx, as she's not a high enough level slave. Laura then calls the idea of a "slave level" absurd and said she she just did it, and had no idea doing so was impossible.
- And again as Laura fights Butterfly, halting her apparently effortlessly while declaring that none of it makes sense but it doesn't matter, because Butterfly isn't going to hurt anyone else. Just awesome.
- All Men Are Perverts: And pretty much all the women are too.
- All There in the Manual: The "about" section of the Web site explains where the story is taking place.
- Word of God, though, is that that's no longer the setting, and he'll change it when he gets the time.
- Alternate Continuity: Crimson Latex.
- Alternate History: C6's history split off from our when the Roman Empire discovered Atlantis -- and, more importantly, a hidden repository of sexual magic research therein..
- Art Evolution/Art Shift: From Black and White to color. Furthermore, there has definitely been a gradual improvement in style, as the art became far more detailed.
- Ass Shove: Done in a guest strip.
- Author Appeal
- Author Avatar: Wolf has said that Gary is his Expy.
- Author's Saving Throw: Two months of dialogue as the characters realized that their behavior had been unacceptable.
- Brought up again recently -- it turns out the unacceptable behavior by Sixx (giving Laura an aphrodisiac without permission or warning, forcing Ginger into an uncomfortable situation, etc) was all an attempt to test Laura's superhuman abilities.
- Awesome but Impractical: People in this world apparently live their entire lives in bondage/fetish gear like corsets, latex bodysuits, and ballet boots.
- Bare Your Midriff: Amazingly, almost completely averted.
- Barrier Warrior: Laura
- Batman Gambit: While it wasn't set up intentionally, Trina realizes that Michelle would never let Butterfly take Laura alone.
- Beach Episode: Not in the story yet, but Wolf did make a voting incentive of Sixx on the beach.
- Big Bad: Mistress Butterfly.
- Big Damn Heroes/The Cavalry: Laura showing up to save Sixx in the middle of Subspace, something that should have been impossible.
- Then, when Trina tries to stop Laura, Ginger decks her out of the blue.
- Blondes Are Evil: Mistress Butterfly again. Averted outright with Laura.
- Blood From the Mouth: The Judiciatrix and Ginger after their defeat by Butterfly.
- Blue and Orange Morality: The Atlantean philosophies seem to have left the people in this world with a very different system of morality than we have in this world, specifically giving much greater autonomy in terms of what people can and can't consent to. For instance, slave contracts (purely symbolic in real-world BDSM) seem to give actual legal authority over the "slave" to the "owner," even to the point of allowing the owner to bet the slave (although this is clearly seen as something of an abuse of power). Furthermore, there seems to be less reliance on rule of law as opposed to retribution (for example, the voyeur in the park is punched out by Sixx, and Linda Knight is enslaved rather than turned over to the authorities).
- Don't forget that Sixx is the authority. As one of the Nine Head Mistresses of the Association that controls the North America, she admittedly makes the laws there.
- Bound and Gagged: Well, duh.
- Brains and Bondage: The aforementioned two months where the characters ponder their relations and implications.
- Break the Cutie: Sort of done with Laura, although she volunteered for a BDSM relationship, and the experience leaves her far more mature.
- A more serious, and VERY, disturbing example is Trina in this strip.
- Brick Joke: Gary, a guy who hit on Laura in the 6th strip, shows up again 176 STRIPS LATER!!!
- Broken Faceplate: Judiciatrix
- Bondage Is Bad: Subverted and played straight, since pretty much everyone is into it.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Sixx is the owner of an incredibly successful chain of hotels, and people seem quite willing to overlook her gigantic harem of lesbian slaves (although, in the Collar Sixx universe, its not clear whether or not this is unusual).
- Call Back: In case you are wondering what Sixx meant in strip 146, it refers to that one time when she thought Laura used her misguided anger at Ginger to shield herself from the pain of the spanking Sixx gave to her: apparently, it wasn't just anger that protected her.
- Calling the Old Woman Out: Sixx would like to have a word with her mother.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Halo!
- Casual Kink: Well, it's that kind of world.
- Cerebus Syndrome: Sort of. The series started out with gags, then had everyone sit down and spend two months of real time talking about their relationship problems, but now they appear to be going comical again rather than maintaining the serious tone.
- Chained by Fashion: Not many actual chains, but several characters wear clothing which is padlocked on.
- Character Level/Role Playing Game Verse: Apparently the Association does this, but Laura just says "What is this, a videogame?"
- The Chew Toy: Laura ... and she wants it that way.
- Also Gary, who thinks being hit in the face by a hot chick with an iron paddle is the best thing ever.
- Cleavage Window: Part of Butterfly's outfit.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: All the women wear latex, but the colors are mostly unique.
- Compressed Hair: See Sixx's hair in the page image? When down in a ponytail, it reaches at least to the back of her knees.
- Conveniently-Common Kink: The whole
citycountryplanet is run by BDSM organizations. - Cooking Duel: A spanking contest.
- Cooldown Hug: Well, kinda. Laura administers a hug to Sixx to help her overcome the Butterfly's Mind Breaker effects. Since it takes place in Subspace, it may also count as a Mind Hug.
- Crazy Prepared: Butterfly arrives at the spanking contest with a Dangerous Forbidden Technique designed to break Sixx (even though she didn't know she'd be facing Sixx in the spanking contest) and a smoke bomb for a quick escape.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Laura. Oh, so very much Laura.
- Culture Equals Costume: In Sixx's Exposition of world history to Laura, the (North American) Global Dominance Association is represented by a blond girl in jeans, the Mesoamerican Union by a girl in a flouncy flamenco dress, the (European) Enlightenment Alliance by a girl in Hellenistic-revival getup, the (Russian) People's Republic of Restriction by a girl in a Soviet-style uniform, and China by a girl in a Qipao.
- Did someone say "Fetish Fuel"?
- Curtains Match the Window: Ginger. Averted with Sixx, Laura, Butterfly, Trina, Stella, and Claire.
- Daddy Had a Good Reason For Abandoning You: Michelle's parents, at least as far as her mother seems to think. Her father was killed by an anti-Atlantean faction, and her mother became a government phantom to protect the world she wanted her daughter to grow up in.
- Dear Negative Reader, You're Absolutely Right.
- Interestingly, he's now changed his mind about that, feeling that he betrayed his original vision by conceding this point, and how now said that he's going back to just making the world pure fantasy.
- Decompressed Comic: Generally uses about three or four widescreen panels to a strip, so entire weeks can be focused on establishing setting.
- Determinator: Laura, at least while Ginger is watching.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Whatever Sixx has done to Butterfly, it can't possibly merit everything the woman has done so far in her attempt to destroy Sixx's life.
- Dressed All in Rubber. And latex. And PVC. And leather. And fishnet. And...
- Don't Try This At Home: The comic has warnings that this is a fantasy world, not a guide on BDSM safety.
- Dumb Blonde: Laura, to a degree. Justified and Explained as being due to her running away from her world's version of the Iraq boonies to live in the US.
- Elemental Powers: In the latest update Butterfly has employed them ( ), and Word of God has confirmed that it is NOT the crop making the flames, making it very likely that this is a case of Ki Attacks.
- Now confirmed as a manifestation of the Dominant Spirit ( ).
- Elemental Powers in the Collar6Verse take the form of Dominant or Submissive energy, based on sexuality as a measurable force.
- Now confirmed as a manifestation of the Dominant Spirit ( ).
- Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: Laura's personal slave collar has a band of real gold. Ginger's looks similar but is green.
- The Faceless: The Judiciatrix seen in the comic wears a face shield with only a single red eye visible until it breaks.
- Fantasy Gun Control: Due to the world having achieved Mega Man everlasting peace]], all guns have been banned since the 1900s.
- Fiery Redhead: Sixx.
- Filler Strips: For Wolf's 1-week hiatus, done by Pride-kun.
- Flat What
- Free-Love Future: The setting of the comic, with the exception of some "Puritan" Territories. The Atlantean philosophies directly influenced sexuality during the renaissance, resulting in sexuality losing almost all taboo in the setting.
- For varying definitions of "Puritan" -- Laura's colony, for example, was "male centric." Which means her father had 70 wives, was implied to be at the very least somewhat emotionally distant (and possibly abusive, given how he looks like a fairly stereotypical Shonen manga villain), and she had at least 30 full sisters. Given this data, along with the silhouette of her father with all the women chained to him, alongside the defeated look on her mother's face, it's not a stretch to suggest they weren't submissive because that's where they got their dominant and submissive energy from, but because women on her island didn't have equal rights. "Puritan" is more of a derogatory term for anyone rejecting the the Atlantean philosophies.
- Fundamentally Female Cast: It was November 2010 before a named male character appeared in the comic. When five of them finally appeared, they turned out to be the members of a Voyeur Club who amuse themselves by ogling Mistresses and slaves.
- While the main web comic itself still has not shown any male main characters, "Owned" revolves around an unnamed male waking up to discover that he accidentally got "married" to a domme. Further playing with the formula, she's just as inexperienced as he is.
- Genius Bruiser: Sixx. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of several obscure topics, manages a hotel chain, and can knock grown men off their feet.
- Get A Hold Of Yourself, Mistress
- Good Colors, Evil Colors: Done to a degree with different colors of latex. Notably, yellow seems to be evil (although we've only seen one "evil" character so far).
- Gonna Fly Now Montage: Timeskipping to the spanking contest.
- Go Through Me: Both Ginger and Laura for Sixx.
- Green Eyed Red Head: Mistress Sixx.
- Hair Colors: We've had blonde, black, red, blue, purple and green.
- Hair of Gold: Laura may be naive, but she has a pure heart.
- Happiness in Slavery: Basically every slave other than Trina. Actually, it turns out Trina too.
- Heir Club for Men: The island of Sybion, with the expected blaming of the women who fail to produce a male child.
- Hidden Eyes: Several characters, particularly Trina.
- I Have Your Wife: How Butterfly is blackmailing Sixx into telling her about Michael Kappel, using Laura as a hostage.
- And it seems Butterfly herself, aka Evita Kappel, is doing all of this [ to get her husband back.]
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Ginger's feelings towards Sixx, though she turns out to be Not So Stoic.
- Brutally subverted by Trina, who has apparently convinced herself that Sixx would be happiest as Butterfly's slave.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Subspace, a term commonly used in BDSM circles.
- Info Dump: Starting at strip 186 and still ongoing. We discover that there's a mystical power to make submissive energy take physical form which Sixx just confirmed that Laura has, that Sixx intentionally kept Laura as a Wide-Eyed Idealist by hiding the full extent of BDSM relationships and the world they live in to her, that Sixx absolutely freaked when she saw Butterfly and Trina, oh, and the Paixao Riaz aphrodisiac that started the Cerebus Syndrome? It also apparently creates a "perfect link" between masters and slaves, which hints of something far worse than just a bit of aphrodisiac in one's morning coffee.
- "It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It": A somewhat debatable case. Laura was already in a submissive role where she'd been given consent for sex, however she didn't know about the drugs, and so this was more a case of a lack of communication between dom and sub than a true rape. (Also of note, there was no sex involved, only intimate touching.)
- Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: Used by Michelle on a captive to gain an advantage in the spank-off.
- Jerkass: Butterfly
- Ki Attacks: Dominant Spirits (possibly Submissive Spirit too, but it hasn't been confirmed that that can attack).
- Specifically, dominant and submissive spirits can only protect against other Ki Attacks. Except for Laura, whose Submissive Spirit manifests as a physical shield when she's upset.
- King Incognito: Sixx hasn't told many people about her wealth so as not to come across as a spoiled rich woman.
Laura: But... I thought you said you worked in a hotel? How can you afford this?!
Sixx: I said I worked in the hotel business. By which I meant I own a few...hundred.
- Legacy Character: Apparently, the title of Mistress Sixx, which was previously held by Michelle's mother.
- Loophole Abuse: How Sixx plans to win the bet. Sixx, aka Michelle, surrendered her title as Mistress Sixx to Laura, then became Laura's slave so that she will face the spanking. All of her debts and agreements transferred to Laura. Mistress Butterfly, who had never realized this was a possibility, was stunned.
- Subverted in the same event, since Sixx had taken Ginger as a second personal slave. Both Butterfly and the audience expected Sixx to exploit that loophole -- the audience because we've seen it; Butterfly because she had bugged Sixx's house.
- Lost Him in a Card Game: Sixx and Butterfly's wager. If Sixx wins, Butterfly surrenders Trina; if Butterfly wins, Sixx surrenders herself to Butterfly.
- Love Makes You Evil: Appears to have happened with Trina.
- Meido/French Maid: First Ginger, now Stella and Claire.
- Mother Russia Makes You Strong: Strip 160 reveals that Michelle's superhuman Ninja Maids served a Russian tsar before. Obviously.
- My God, What Have I Done?: When Sixx realized that she'd been pitting Laura and Ginger against each other, and was wrong to have done so much to Laura without getting her informed consent first.
- Retconned... sorta. It was an intentional (and admittedly poorly thought out) attempt at Sixx to test Laura for a mythological super-submissive power. When Laura appeared to not have it, Sixx regretted having done it. Turns out Laura did have it after all, but it's a shield, not Super Strength, and the test failed due to Laura not getting
physically attackedspanked at the time. She does it later by forcing Laura into a bout of BDSM-meets-Exhibitionism in front of a gaggle of perverted losers in the park... the same ones from the first few pages of the comic.
- Retconned... sorta. It was an intentional (and admittedly poorly thought out) attempt at Sixx to test Laura for a mythological super-submissive power. When Laura appeared to not have it, Sixx regretted having done it. Turns out Laura did have it after all, but it's a shield, not Super Strength, and the test failed due to Laura not getting
- Mysterious Past: All the characters to an extent (the author milked the fact that we didn't know that much about their past to create suspicion that there might be a traitor), now being fully played up with Butterfly, who as it turns out has only been in the association for a year, Michelle has no idea who she is, and for some reason wants revenge against Michelle.
- Laura has this too. Only it's even more so than before -- Laura has nearly no official history, and is openly unable to explain where she grew up, even what country she lived in before moving to the BDSM dominated area.
- The latter has been covered, and an explanation started. Laura lived in a "Puritan Territory" called Sybion north of the Azores (literally the middle of nowhere). {{spoiler|Sybion of the Puritan Territories, which among other things has the [[Marital Rape License}}
- Laura has this too. Only it's even more so than before -- Laura has nearly no official history, and is openly unable to explain where she grew up, even what country she lived in before moving to the BDSM dominated area.
- Nakama: Laura, Ginger, and Sixx, after an initial period of suspicion.
- Ninja Maid: Sixx's new maids are perfectly capable of apprehending a trained intelligence agent. Ginger knows how to throw a punch, too.
- Not Brainwashed: Trina claims she took Butterfly's collar willingly.
- Not in the Face: Word for word. One of the rare cases where the character ends up NOT getting hit in the face.
- Not So Fast Bucko: Here.
- Not So Harmless: Butterfly in spades! Compare her early appearances where she seemed simply bitchy to the sheer High Octane Nightmare Fuel that is this.
- Not Safe for Work
- No Woman's Land: Sybion of the Puritan Territories, which among other things has the Marital Rape License as the norm.
- Off-Model: The unnamed female protagonist of Owned, who looked like a Dragonball Z villain the first page or two, but has since smoothed out to a fairly cute look. It helps that the main male protagonist isn't putting his foot in his mouth anymore, and thus she doesn't have reason to go off on him.
- Oh Crap: Trina after Sixx pulls a switcheroo at the spanking context, and pretty much everyone (except Laura) who is unfortunate to go up against Butterfly afterward.
- Paralyzing Fear of Sexuality: The unnamed male character in Owned, who always wanted to enter a submissive relationship but was always too scared of the implications to do so. He opened up to a dominant woman[1], who enters into a slave contract with him. Unfortunately, immediately afterwards he walks into a metal bar, causing him to forget the entire evening.
- It's show in page 4 that she's Not So Different -- he's her first submissive, too.
- Playing with Fire: Butterfly. Surprisingly a villain example who is not a Pyromaniac.
- Potty Emergency: Conversed in Strip 84.
Butterfly: How long have you been immobilized now, slut?
Trina: Twelve hours, mistress.
Butterfly: Oh my, I bet you're just dying to have a stretch. [...] I hope you didn't have a lot of water beforehand, either.
- Prehensile Hair: The Judiciatrix's metal ponytail.
- Property of Love: ...virtually all tropes related to BDSM at any level apply to this comic, let's just leave it at that.
- Psychoactive Powers: Laura's shield technique seems to work only when she's angry.
- Rank Inflation: According to strip 157, the Association ranks the Mistresses by their power. Butterfly was originally believed to be grade D, but recent strips revealed her being well over S.
- The Rival: Laura/Ginger, Sixx/Butterfly.
- Rule of Drama/Rule of Funny
- Safe Word: "Halo" for Laura and "ginger ale" for Ginger. Sixx, aka Michelle, has one, but we don't know it yet. In a Guest Strip "Red" was used by a girl who may or may not be Trina, but ignored by Butterfly (who was clearly identified by her insignia).
- Schedule Slip: Not a huge amount, but a bit.
- Seme / Uke: Discussed in terms of dominant and submissive spirits, but it's also acknowledged that no one is completely one or the other, and the real life concept of switches is discussed.
- Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains: Subverted.
- Series Hiatus: The author took a week off after completing his 100th strip.
- Serious Business: The Association is apparently just a BDSM society, but it employs masked Judiciatrices, enforcers described as "very lethal to trouble-makers" with no sense of hyperbole -- and with super powers.
- Justified since the enforcers aren't the only ones with powers: there are people who have powers based on whether they are masochists or sadists (or both). Let me repeat: MASOCHISTS AND SADISTS WITH SUPERPOWERS. Without regulation, that's a recipe for super-villainy. Even with regulation, there are certain individuals who end up going that way anyways.
- Strip #204 revealed that "the Association" is the North American government.
- Shout-Out: Judiciatricies look a lot like Elite Combine.
- There are Pokemon Centers with a BDSM logo instead of a Pokeball.
- And the America is now the Global Dominance Association. Take the initials. Then, read them loud. Doesn't it sounds surprisingly close to another fictional organisation, which starts by the exact same word as the GDA? (Explanation needed)
- There are Pokemon Centers with a BDSM logo instead of a Pokeball.
- Slasher Smile: Butterfly throws some very scary ones after showing her true colours.
- Slave Collar: Nearly everyone wears collars, whether for fetish or fashion. The collar of a personal slave is considered the mark of a permanent commitment, like a wedding ring.
- Smoke Out: Lampshaded
- Stealth Pun: North America is home to the "Global Dominance Association". Think about it for a second.
- Spank the Cutie: It's a webcomic about S&M, what exactly did you expect?
- Spirit Bomb: This strip.
- Spiritual Successor: To Wolf's previous orphaned comic, Crimson Latex. The two share some characters, but continuity was completely rebooted, and the style is very different. Furthermore, the personalities were far different, with Stella (called "Stellvia") showing a personality much more like Ginger's (Ginger not yet existing), Claire (called Eclair) seeming to hate Stella, and Laura not being nearly as freaked out by the extremes of her new life.
- Stockholm Syndrome: Trina. Or is it?
- Strip Buffer: Wolfe was working without one, but has recently gotten ahead.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Michelle and her mother.
- Super-Deformed: Frequent, sometimes giving hints at characterization -- for example, the mistress in Owned looks downright evil... until you see her Chibi form, which is fairly attractive.
- Take a Third Option: Instead of sending Laura or Ginger into the spanking contest, Sixx sent HERSELF!!!
- Time Skip: It was more or less a necessity. The first year worth of strips took up a single day, and the contest was three weeks off. So, we got a Gonna Fly Now Montage.
- Training from Hell: Well, being trained in pain tolerance is pretty much always going to fall under this category.
- Unobtainium: Paixao riaz, a fictional and strangely powerful drug which may be plot critical and is incredibly rare.
- Unreliable Narrator: Trina and Butterfly have given mutually exclusive versions of events leading up to the spanking contest. Word of God has confirmed that that both stories were correct: Trina did take Butterfly's collar willingly, but Butterfly broke her with torture nonetheless, just because she is a bitch like that.
- Vague Age: The entire cast.
- Villains Out Shopping: Well, Mistress out taking her slave for a walk.
- Webcomic Time: The five minutes of the spanking contest took several months of real time. The forum goers humorously compared the timespan to that of the destruction of Planet Namek. Even the author joked about having Frieza cameo as a form of Lampshade Hanging.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Spanking Contest!!!!
- Wide Eyes and Shrunken Irises: Often, usually to indicate surprise, fear, or as part of your run-of-the-mill Face Fault. When paired with glowing eyes, these indicate a character going into Subspace or otherwise manifesting the Submissive Spirit.
- The "abject horror" version appears in #210, when Sixx realizes just what kind of home life Laura experienced in the "Puritan territory" she grew up in.
- The Wiki Rule: Check.
- Worf Effect: Judicatrix seems to have been introduced as an implacable enforcer for the Association exclusively for the purpose of being beaten by Butterfly, showing off the latter's strength.
- Worthy Opponent: Laura and Ginger early on. They since seem to have melded together with Sixx into a Nakama.
- Wrecked Weapon: If a crop is a weapon.
- Happens again when Butterfly attempts to hit Sixx while she is channeling Laura's submissive aura.
- Writing for the Trade: The strips are very short, and even with the fairly regular schedule, it can get a bit frustrating waiting (the author has a dayjob). Reading them marathon-style, though, is a lot of fun.
- The author posted in October 2010 that the length of the "spanking contest" arc had made him realize he needed to work on his pacing.
- X Meets Y: Word of God says it's meant to be "Shonen Manga" (Bleach, Naruto, Dragon Ball, etc) meets BDSM fetishdom.
- You Fail Biology Forever: Set up in-world -- on Sybion, it is assumed to be the woman's fault if she does not produce a male child, even though only the man can contribute the Y-chromosome necessary to make this happen. This is deliberate, since on Sybion men are held to be above reproach.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Blonde, Red, Black, Blue, Purple, and Green.
- ↑ who it is implied he knows or lives in the same building as